- Aviary, Outdoor—at Warrington, 68.
- Barn Owls, 82.
- Bats in Old Church, 95.
- Birds as friends, 11, 112.
- Power of recognizing one another, 40, 41.
- Blackbirds, 17, 22-25, 64, 65, 83, 84.
- Blackcaps, 31.
- Black Tern, 93.
- "Blueback" Cheshire for Fieldfare, 22.
- "Blue-cap" Cheshire for Tomtit, 38.
- "Blue rock" local name for Stockdove, 94.
- Bohemian Waxwing, 94.
- Brambling, 67-68.
- Bullfinch, 70.
- Canary, 104.
- Cat, changing its home, 106.
- Extreme old age, 103.
- Uncanny spirit, 104.
- Chiffchaffs, 33.
- Chaffinches, 64-67.
- Coal-tits, 38, 41-43.
- Contrivances for baffling sparrows on the Food-stand, 59-64.
- "Coot" Cheshire for Waterhen, 90.
- Corncrakes, 89.
- Creeper, Tree-, 56.
- Crossbills, 71.
- Crows, Carrion-, 74.
- Hooded-, 94.
- Cuckoos, 81.
- Dogs, their intelligence, their love of home, 108-110.
- Dogs and cats compared, 103.
- Earthquake and Pheasants, 89.
- Eclipse, a bat flying about while it lasted, 95.
- Fieldfares, 22.
- Figs self-sown, 6.
- Flycatchers, Spotted-, 48-51.
- Pied-, 51.
- Food for birds, 39.
- Food receptacles, 40.
- Food-stand, 59-64.
- Fox, 97.
- Frosts in spring, 3.
- Garden-warbler, 34.
- Golden-crested wrens, 32.
- Golden plover, 9
@40249@40249-h@40249-h-1.htm.html#Page_80" class="pginternal">80.
- Wood-pigeons, 87.
- Wood-wren, <
Transcriber's Notes Some bird names were changed slightly from the original to standardize the hyphenation used in the majority of the book. Minor punctuation changes were made, and the following correction: Page 84: Changed "neast" to "least." Orig: without attracting the neast notice from any bird.