A. - Aitutaki Island,
- Ale brewed at Namuka, 73
- Anti-scorbutics, 100
- Apia, 50 note
- Astrolabe,
- Australia, Northern,
- sighted, 76;
- landing on, 149
B. - Banks, Sir Joseph, 2, 112
- Baring, carries letters to England, 84
- Bark cloth, 115
- Batavia, arrival at, 81
- Beads found in Samoa, 56
- Becke, Louis,
- The Mutineers, 1;
- First Fleet Family, 24
- Bentham, Mr., Purser, 79, 118, 119
- Blacks attack boats, 66, 149
- Blenheim, wreck of, 3
- Bligh, Captain, 1;
- his character, 2;
- boat voyage of, 2;
- public sympathy with, 3;
- supposed to be in Aitutaki, 102
- Boat lost at Palmerston Island, 86, 126
- Boat voyage
- Bolabola visited, 39, 122
- Bougainville,
- warning, 20;
- discovery of Samoa, 51, 56
- Bounty,
- fitting out, 2;
- mutiny of, 2;
- driver yard found, 9, 124;
- anchor found, 34
- Boussole,
- Bread fruit,
- plan to acclimatize, 1;
- its uses, 112
- Brewing ale at Namuka, 143
- Broad, Mary, 23
- Brown, John, 31;
- his character, 105;
- identifies mutineers, 105
- Bryant, William, 23, 82
- Bull taken by Mutineers, 36
- Burkitt,
- trial of, 25;
- arrest of, 34;
- executed, 37
- Burn, Michael, acquitted, 37
- Butcher, Convict, 24
- Byron, The Island, 1
- Byron, Captain, 40
C. - Canoes,
- Capetown, description of, 170
- Carteret visits Vanikoro, 68 note
- Carysfort Island, discovered, 30, 102
- Cattle, 118
- Cherry's Island, sighted, 67
- Christian, Fletcher, 2, 102, 127;
- his plan of forming settlement, 38
- Churchill, murder of, 30, 70, 110
- Cloudy Bay, 69 note
- Coal found in Australia, 162
- Cockle, gigantic, 125, 146
- Cocoa, as anti-scorbutic, 100
- Coleman, Joseph,
- Consumption, 117
- Convict jumps overboard, 169
- Convicts,
- escaped, at Timor, 23, 80, 161;
- list of, 85;
- find coal in Australia, 162
- Cook, portrait of, 118
- Coral Islands, how formed, 126
- Corner, Lieut.,
- character of, 5;
- blames Edwards, 22;
- pursues mutineers, 31, 103;
- examines sand key, 72;
- voyage home, 83;
- ships plants, 99;
- eats food from native temple, 104;
- robbed by natives, 60, 134
- Coupang,
- arrival at, 79, 159;
- funeral of king, 163
- Court martial on mutineers, 24
- Cox, Captain, 31
- Cox, James, escaped convict, 82
D. - Dances at Tahiti, 108
- d'Entrecasteaux,
- de Langle, massacre of, 51 note, 56 note
- Diet
- for long voyages, 6;
- in the Pandora, 7
- Dillon, Peter, discovers relics of La PÉrouse, 68 note
- Dingoes seen, 77, 151
- Distilling spirits, 111
- Drums, 116
- Ducie Island, 7, 29;
- Duke of Clarence Island, 40, 128
- Duke of Portland, taken by natives, 13
- Duke of York Island, 48, 128
- D'Urville explores Vanikoro, 68 note
E. - East Bay, 70 note
- Easter Island, sighted, 30 note, 101
- Edea, Queen of Tahiti, 118
- Edwards, Captain,
- selected, 3;
- orders to, 4;
- character of, 4;
- charged with inhumanity, 21;
- touches at N. Australia, 22, 149;
- recklessness in sailing at night, 142;
- reproves mutineer for praying, 155
- Eimeo, 121
- Ellison,
- trial of, 25;
- arrest of, 33;
- execution, 37
- Endeavour Straits, 20
- Eua visited, 17, 138
F. - Fatafehi
- Fataka, or Mitre Island, 67 note
- Female infanticide, 114
- Fiji,
- visited by Kau Moala, 65 note;
- discovery of, 81
- Finau, Chief of Vavau, 49 note; 13, 57 note
- Fire-arms
- Flinders' Passage, 22, 77
- Fruy, Mr., Lieut.-Governor of Timor, 79
- Fulanga Inland, lack of water, 14
- Futuna Island, visited by Kau Moala, 64, 65 note
G. - Geese, left in Tahiti, 118
- Geographical position of islands, 88, 89
- Gordon, Colonel, 170
- Gorgon, H.M.S., 23, 24, 83
- Governor of Timor, 79, 159, 161
H. - Haapai, visited, 51, 131
- HÆva dance, 108
- Hamilton, Dr.,
- his character, 5;
- account of voyage, 6, 91;
- on health of seamen, 100
- Hayward, Lieut.,
- his character, 5;
- recognizes natives of Tofoa, 13, 54 note;
- pursues mutineers, 31;
- lands at Aitutaki, 41;
- ships plants, 99;
- recognized at Aitutaki, 123;
- at Tofoa, 135
- Health of seamen, 99, 100
- Hector, H.M.S., 24
- Hervey Islands, 42
- Heywood's
- account of "Pandora's Box," 9;
- trial of, 25;
- pardoned, 37
- Hillbrandt, Henry,
- Hood, Cape, 19, 69 note
- Hood, Lord, Island, 29, 101
- Hoornwey, voyage home, 83
- Horn Island, visited, 22, 77
- Horssen, voyage of, 83, 88
- Houses, Tahitian, 116
- Howe, Lord, 91
- Huahaine visited, 39, 121
- Human sacrifices, 114
I. - Indispensable Reef, 19, 69 note
- Infanticide, 114
- Innes, Mr., Surgeon's mate, 92, 157
- Islands, list of, 88, 171
J. K. - Kao Island, 53, 60
- Kandavu Island, why not visited, 15
- Kau Moala, his voyage, 17, 65 note
- Kava-drinking, 116
- Kroutcheff, Captain, visited Mitre Island, 67 note
L. - Larkin, Lieut., 5;
- Lila sickness, 11, 117
- Look-out Shoal, 70 note
- Louisiades, 20;
M. - Mackintosh,
- Maikasa River, 70 note
- Malt, as anti-scorbutic, 100
- Mangaia Island, 42
- Manua visited, 16, 136
- Mariner, William,
- Mata-atua Harbour, 49 note
- Matavai Bay, 102
- Matuku Island,
- visited by tender, 14, 16;
- native traditions, 15
- Maurelle discovers Vavau, 16
- Maurua Island, 39, 122
- Megapodius at Niuafoou, 62
- MendaÑa visits Vanikoro, 68 note
- Millward,
- trial of, 25;
- arrest of, 34;
- executed, 37
- Milk, dislike of, 118
- Mitre Island, visited, 66
- Moemoe ceremony, 135
- Morrison,
- character of, 9;
- trial of, 25;
- arrest of, 33;
- his journal, 33;
- pardoned, 37;
- plan of escape, 37 note
- Mourning
- in Tonga, 49;
- in Wallis Island, 64
- Moulter, William, tries to save mutineers, 74 note
- Mountainous Island, 152
- Murray Islands, 71, 141
- Musical Instruments, 116
- Muspratt,
- trial of, 25;
- arrest of, 34;
- executed, 37
- Mutineers,
- fate of, 3;
- retire to mountains, 7;
- their diet, 8;
- build schooner, 9;
- adventures at Tubuai, 35, 36;
- take Tahitian women in Bounty, 38;
- neglected at Timor, 30;
- list of, 86, 89;
- capture of, 105;
- let out of irons, 144
N. - Namuka,
- a rendezvous for tender, 12;
- visited, 17, 52, 131, 138;
- native shot, 60;
- cannon fired, 61;
- thefts by natives, 62
- Nanga Cult, 128 note
- Neiafu Harbour, Vavau, 57
- New Year's Island, sighted, 99
- Niuafoou
- visited, 17, 62, 138;
- large cocoanuts, 62;
- Megapodius, 62
- Norman,
- North-West Reef, 77
- Norton, his murderers recognized, 13, 54 note
- Nukunono Island, visit to, 10, 46 note
O. - Oatafu Island, 40 note, 45
- Odiddee (Titi) native of Bolabola, 31, 39
- Oliver
- commands tender, 12, 120;
- discovers Fiji, 12, 166;
- his log lost, 15;
- encounters Dutch vessel, 16, 167
- Omai, fate of, 39, 121
- Ongea Island, lack of water, 14
- Orangerie Bay, 69 note
- Orissia, Tahitian chief, 33
- Otaka Island, 39
- Otoo, king of Tahiti, 31, 102, 107, 119
- Overstratin, Governor of Java, 81, 168
P. - Palmerston Island,
- list of crew lost at, 86;
- visited, 42, 123;
- Bounty's yard found at, 44
- Pandora,
- fitted out, 3;
- her ill luck, 6;
- wrecked, 21, 142;
- state of crew, 87;
- disease on board, 91, 94;
- patent ventilator, 95
- Pandora's Bank, 66
- Pandora's box,
- excuse for, 7, 8;
- cruelty of, 9, 34;
- men drowned in, 74 note
- Pan-pipes, 116
- Papara district, 31, 33
- Parrots, 130, 137
- Passmore, Lieut., 5;
- at Timor, 79;
- surveys harbour, 119;
- explores wreck, 145
- Pearl shell ornaments, 123
- "Peggy" Otoo, 110
- PÉrouse, de la, of, 18, 68
- Pitcairn Island, 1;
- arrival at, 3;
- why chosen by mutineers, 10
- Plot to take Pandora, 7, 106
- Point Venus, water bad, 34
- Port-au-Prince, taken by natives, 13
- Providential Channel, 20
- Pylstaart Island sighted, 16, 138
R. - Rarotonga, discovery of, 41 note
- Reef Indispensable, 19
- Religion of the Tahitians, 113
- Rembang, voyage of, 24, 80, 165
- Renouard, Midshipman,
- his suffering, 12;
- appointed to tender, 120
- Rio di Janeiro,
- arrival at, 28, 95;
- life at, 96, 97;
- slaves, 97;
- probabilities of revolution, 97
- Rodney Cape, 19, 69 note
- Rotte Island, 78
- Rotuma Island
- Round Head, 70 note
S. - Samarang Island, 80, 166;
- Samoa,
- Samoans
- attack tender, 12;
- use turmeric, 129;
- thefts by, 130
- Saroa district, New Guinea, 19, 70 note
- Saurkraut, as diet, 100
- Savaii, sighted, 49, 129
- Schouten,
- Scurvy, precautions against, 7
- Sea-snakes, 155
- Seringapatam, discovers Rarotonga, 41
- Shark, H.M.S., encountered, 27
- Sickness follows island discoveries, 11
- Sival, Midshipman,
- at Palmerston Island, 124;
- lost, 126
- Skinner, Richard, 30, 102;
- Slave trade in Timor, 161
- South Sea Islands, their value to England, 98
- Spices in Samoa, 130
- Staten Island sighted, 99
- Stewart, Midshipman, 8;
- Stewart, "Peggy," 8, 106
- "Strangers' Cold," 11
- Sugar, first issued to Navy, 94
- Sumner, John,
- arrest of, 34;
- drowned, 37
T. - Tahiti, arrival at, 29
- Tahitians,
- Tamarie, chief of Tahiti, 32, 105
- Tattooing, 122
- Tea and sugar, first used in Navy, 94
- Temple, native, food taken from, 104
- Teneriffe,
- arrival at, 27, 92;
- inhabitants of, 93
- Tender
- built by mutineers, 37;
- commissioned, 9, 38, 120;
- attacked by Samoans, 12, 166;
- sale of, 16;
- joins company, 80;
- her adventures, 81, 166;
- parts company, 51, 131;
- her after-history, 33 note
- Theft, punishment for, 111
- Thompson, Matthew, killed, 30, 37, 110
- Timor Island,
- Tofoa,
- Tongans
- misnamed Friendly Islanders, 132;
- remember Tasman, 133;
- their women, 133;
- mercenary character of, 134
- Tongatabu
- visited, 17;
- seeds left, 133
- Torres Straits, 20
- Tree Island, 77, 150
- Tubai, 122
- Tubuai, 34, 53
- Tubou of Tonga, 135
- Tucopia, discovery of La PÉrouse's relics, 68 note
- Tukuaho, temporal king of Tonga, 52 note
- Turmeric, used by Samoans, 50 129
- Tutuila visited, 16, 51, 55, 129, 136
U. - Ulietea Island, 39
- Ulukalala, Finau, letter left with, 52
- Union Group, visit to, 11, 40
- Upolu visited, 16, 50, 129
V. - Vanikoro sighted, 18, 68 note
- Vanion, Mynheer, Governor of Timor, 159, 161
- Vatoa, discovered by Cook, 14
- Vavau visited, 16, 55, 57, 136
- Victoria, Mount, 20
- Victualling of Navy, 94, 100
- Volcanic disturbance in Vavau, 59
- Vreedemberg, voyage of, 24, 81, 83, 88
W. - Wallis Island visited, 17, 63 note
- Wanjon, Governor of Timor, 79
- War canoes, 114
- Weapons of Tahitians, 115
- Williams, Rev. John, 41 note
- Whales, sperm, 99
- Wheat, as anti-scorbutic, 100
- White's patent ventilator, 95
- Women, status of, 116
- Wreck of Pandora, 21, 72;
Y. Z. - Zimers, Surgeon-General, of Timor, 79
- Zwan, voyage home, 83
Map of the voyage Map of the Voyage GLASGOW: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD Transcriber's Notes 1. This text contains inconsistencies in spelling, accented characters and hyphenated words. They have been left as printed unless otherwise marked. 2. On page 142, a word, 'wastward' appears as printed as either 'eastward' or 'westward' could be correct. 3. Corrections which have been made are indicated by dotted lines under the corrected text. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear. 4. Footnote anchors are labelled with the page on which they originally appeared. e.g. [58-3] is the 3rd footnote on page 53. Links are provided to the page images to assist the reader. |