Manuel, Marquis de Champcey, | Mr. Lester Wallack. | Doctor Desmarets,—formerly of the French Army, | Mr. Brougham. | M. de Bevannes—a man of the world, | Mr. Walcot. | Gaspar Laroque—an aged man, formerly Captain of a Privateer, | Mr. Dyott. | Alain—a confidential domestic, | Mr. Young. | M. Nouret—a Notary, | Mr. Levere. | Yvonnet—a Breton Shepherd, | Mr. Baker. | Henri, | Mr. Oliver. | Louis, | Mr. Coburn. | Madame Laroque—Daughter-in-Law to Gaspar, | Mrs. Vernon. | Marguerite—her daughter, | Mrs. Hoey. | Mlle Helouin—a Governess, | Madame Aubrey—a relative of the Laroque family, | Miss Mary Gannon. | Louise Vauberger—formerly nurse to Manuel, now keeper of a lodging house, | Mrs. Walcot. | Christine—a Breton peasant girl, | Miss Fanny Reeves. | Guests, Servants, Peasantry, &c., &c. The events of the Drama take place (during the 1st Act) in Paris, afterward in the Province of Britanny. Costumes of the present day. The Overture, incidental Music, and Choruses composed and arranged by Mr. Robert Stoepel.