- Acambaro, 46-87
- Acapulco, Highway to, 99
- Alamo, The, 41
- Anahuac, Valley of, 52
- Ario, 107
- Arrive at City of Mexico, 54
- Azteca Mines, 135
- Balsas, The Rio, 152
- Boys, The Little Stolen, Etc., 214
- Buena Vista, Battlefield of, 46
- Bull Fight, A, 75
- CabaÑa La, The Fortress, 236
- Cathedral, City of Mexico, 61
- Charleston-Kanawha, Leaving, 15
- Chocolate, A Cup of, 159
- Church, Roman, 61-63-178
- Churumuco, 155
- Cima, La, 52
- Comments on Municipal Methods, 172
- Copper Industry and Utensils, 102
- Cotton Lands of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, 21-40-43
- Crossing Florida Strait, 273
- Cruelty of the Spanish Blood, 118
- Cruelty, Spanish, Burying alive, 237
- Cuban, A Mansion, 232
- Cuernavaca, 188
- Cuyaco, The Hacienda La, 123
- Cuyaco, The Rancho, 159
- Descending La China Mine, 137
- El Padre, 95-187
- English, Spread of the Language in Mexico, 174
- Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadaloupe, 165-185
- Fonda Diligencia, 97
- French Market, New Orleans, 31
- French Quarter, The Vieux CarrÉ, 30
- Garcia, SeÑor Don LicÉnciado Vicente Garcia, 170
- Guadaloupe, Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadaloupe, 165
- A Guest of “SeÑora General” Wood, 228
- Gulf of Mexico, Crossing the, 212
- Habana, 220
- Havana, A Private House in, 231
- Havana, Markets of, 225
- Havana, The Opera House, 228
- Hotel Concordia, 93
- Hotel Iturbide, 55
- Hotel Jardin, Mexico City, 264
- Hotel Jardin, Morelia, 181
- Hotel MetropolitÁn, 204
- Hotel Morellos, 114
- Hotel Pasaje, 221
- Hotel St. Charles, 25
- Incidents in Land of Heat, 161
- Inguran Mines, 117
- Italians in Mississippi, Etc., 22
- Iztaccihuatl, volcano of,
Transcriber’s Note All images were retained as in the original. However, it appears that the images labeled “THE WRECK OF THE MAINE” and “THE BAY OF MARIEL” were reversed. |