CHAP. | | PAGE | | Preface | 7 | | Introduction | 13 | I. | The Bee-Master of Warrilow | 17 | II. | February amongst the hives | 24 | III. | A twentieth century bee-farmer | 31 | IV. | Chloe among the bees | 37 | V. | A bee-man of the ’Forties | 44 | VI. | Heredity in the bee-garden | 52 | VII. | Night on a honey-farm | 59 | VIII. | In a bee-camp | 65 | IX. | The bee-hunters | 73 | X. | The physician in the hive | 80 | XI. | Winter work on the bee-farm | 86 | XII. | The queen bee: In romance and reality | 93 | XIII. | The song of the hives | 100 | XIV. | Concerning honey | 107 | XV. | In the Abbot’s bee-garden | 113 | XVI. | Bees and their masters | 120 | XVII. | The honey thieves | 126 | XVIII. | The story of the swarm | 132 | XIX. | The mind in the hive | 139 | XX. | The King’s bee-master | 145 | XXI. | Pollen and the bee | 152 | XXII. | The honey-flow | 158 | XXIII. | Summer life in a bee-hive | 164 | XXIV. | The yellow peril in Hiveland | 170 | XXV. | The unbusy bee | 176 | XXVI. | The long night in the hive | 182 | XXVII. | The autocrat of the bee-garden | 189 | XXVIII. | Honey-craft old and new | 196 | XXIX. | The bee-milk mystery | 202 | XXX. | The bee-burners | 209 | XXXI. | Evolution of the modern hive | 214 |