
I. Introduction 1
II. The Falcon in Gracechurch 2
III. Winning the Peacock 6
IV. At my Grandsire's Homestead 10
V. Jack Fletcher 14
VI. War with France 19
VII. Windsor Castle 25
VIII. Edward the Black Prince 29
IX. King Edward's Defiance 36
X. The Voyage 40
XI. March of the Invaders 43
XII. A Snare 45
XIII. The Broken Bridges 49
XIV. A Rush for Liberty 50
XV. Hunting a King 55
XVI. Gobin Agace 58
XVII. How we Forded the Somme 61
XVIII. The Eve of Battle 64
XIX. The Battle of Cressy 66
XX. My Adventures at Cressy 72
XXI. At La Broyes 79
XXII. The Siege of Calais 83
XXIII. My Release 87
XXIV. The Falcon Revisited 90
XXV. The Crisis 98
XXVI. The Eve of Battle 102
XXVII. Face to Face 106
XXVIII. Neville's Cross 109
XXVIX. Royalty in a Rage 113
XXX. At Calais 118
XXXI. The Luck of John Copeland 121
XXXII. Arrivals 126
XXXIII. No Road 131
XXXIV. Surrender of Calais 135
XXXV. A Runaway Bridegroom 140
XXXVI. How Calais was Repeopled 142
XXXVII. A Mysterious Visit 146
XXXVIII. Calais in Peril 150
XXXIX. The Lords De Ov 154
XL. Too Late 159
XLI. How Calais was Saved 162
XLII. A Princess in Peril 168
XLIII. The Plague of Florence 173
XLIV. John, King of France 176
XLV. Renewal of the War 180
XLVI. A Town Lost and Won 184
XLVII. "A Douglas!" 189
XLVIII. Burnt Candlemas 194
XLIX. Our Captivity 197
L. Chased by Bloodhounds 204
LI. At Bordeaux 211
LII. The Prince in Black Armour 214
LIII. The Incursion 217
LIV. The Coming Foe 221
LV. An Unwelcome Discovery 224
LVI. Poictiers 227
LVII. Sunday Morning 229
LVIII. The Peace-maker 233
LIX. Chandos and Clermont 236
LX. The Array of the English 239
LXI. Rout of the Marshals 242
LXII. The Prince in the Battle 244
LXIII. Adventures in the Field 248
LXIV. A Royal Captive 251
LXV. How I Rescued my worst Enemy 254
LXVI. The Scots at Poictiers 256
LXVII. The Victors and the Vanquished 259
LXVIII. The March to Bordeaux 261
LXIX. The Prince and his Captive 264
LXX. Death of Queen Isabel 268
LXXI. What Befell Lord De Ov 272
LXXII. Marriage of the Black Prince 274
LXXIII. The Challenge 278
LXXIV. Trial by Battle 281
LXXV. Glory and the Grave 283


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