
[“Blyth Secondary School.—The Governors of the above School invite applications for the post of Senior Mistress. Candidates must be Graduates in Honours of a British University and must be well qualified in Mathematics, Latin, and English. Ability to teach Art will be a recommendation.”—Advertisement in The Spectator.]

It is told of the painter Da Vinci, Being once unemployed for a span, At the menace of poverty’s pinch he Sought work at the Court of Milan. Having shown himself willing and able To perform on the curious lyre, He presented the Duke with a table Of the talents he proffered for hire.
“I can raze you a fortress,” it ran on, “Quell castles, drain ditches and moats, Make shapely and competent cannon, Build aqueducts, bridges and boats; In peace I can mould for your Courts a Few models in marble or clay And paint the illustrious Sforza With anyone living to-day.”
Leonardo is dead, they asseverate, He has left no successor behind, For the days of the specialist never rate At its value the versatile mind. Is Lord Brougham, then, our latest example? No, Time, the old churl with his scythe, Shall spare us a notable sample In the Senior Mistress of Blyth.
She shall guide Standard Three through Progressions, Study Statics and Surds with the Fourth, She shall dwell on De Quincey’s Confessions, Donne, Caedmon and Christopher North; And no class-room shall boast of a quicker row When her classical pupils rehearse Their prose, which is modelled on Cicero, And their more than Horatian verse.
She shall lead them to love Cimabue, To distinguish with scholarship ripe ’Twixt the texture of Clausen and Clouet, And the values of Collier and Cuyp. Nay, all Blyth shall reflect her ability As its brushes acquire by her aid Or South Kensington’s pretty facility Or the terrible strength of the Slade.
Yes, her duties are diverse, and this’ll Suggest to each candidate why They should read Leonardo’s epistle Before they sit down to apply; For his style is itself a credential Though truly he has not a tithe Of the qualifications essential To the Senior Mistress of Blyth.


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