In Bethlehem Town by lantern light InstallÈd is our King to-night Who for us men shall come to weep Our sins alone while very deep In shade of leaves His comrades sleep. To-night we rise with Thee to pray, O parve Jesu Domine. In Bethlehem Town the shepherds spread Their fairest fleeces for Thy head Which for us men with buffets broke Shall stain the mockery of Thy cloak For the rude scorn of sinful folk. No scorn know we who sing and say, O parve Jesu Domine. In Bethlehem Town soft linens wrap Thy limbs upon Thy Mother’s lap Which for us men shall soon be bound Fast to the pillar whilst around The plying scourges fall and wound. Alas, our sins be sharp as they, O parve Jesu Domine. In Bethlehem Town Thou scarce couldst hold The three Kings’ gift of myrrh and gold In Bethlehem Town Thy Mother’s knee Bore Bliss Itself in bearing Thee Who for us men with arms outspanned The Cross shall bear while she doth stand With pardon at Thy piercÈd hand. So may we stand with her alway, O parve Jesu Domine. |