Beyond the clouds, away
In the dim distance, lay
A bright and golden shower
At sunset's radiant hour,—
Like to the soul's glad immortality,
Making this life divine,
Making its waters wine,
Giving the glory that eye cannot see.
In God there is no night,—
Truth is eternal light,
A help forever near;
For sinless sense is here
In Truth, the Life, the Principle of man.
Away, then, mortal sense!
Then, error, get thee hence,
Thy discord ne'er in harmony began!
Immortal Truth,—since heaven rang,
The while the glad stars sang
To hail creation's glorious morn—
As when this babe was born,
A painless heraldry of Soul, not sense,—
Shine on our 'wildered way,
Give God's idea sway,
And sickness, sin, and death are banished hence.

Lynn, Mass., April, 1871.


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