To Students

Beloved Christian Scientists:—Please send in your
contributions as usual to our Journal. All is well at head-
quarters, and when the mist shall melt away you will see
clearly the signs of Truth and the heaven of Love within [10]
your hearts. Let the reign of peace and harmony be
supreme and forever yours.
I proposed to merge the adjourned meeting in the one
held at Chicago, because I saw no advantage, but great
disadvantage, in one student's opinions or modus oper- [15]
andi becoming the basis for others: read “Retrospection”
on this subject. Science is absolute, and best under-
stood through the study of my works and the daily Chris-
tian demonstration thereof. It is their materiality that
clogs the progress of students, and “this kind goeth not [20]
forth but by prayer and fasting.” It is materialism through
which the animal magnetizer preys, and in turn becomes
a prey. Spirituality is the basis of all true thought and
volition. Assembling themselves together, and listening
to each other amicably, or contentiously, is no aid to [25]
students in acquiring solid Christian Science. Experi-
ence and, above all, obedience, are the aids and tests of
growth and understanding in this direction.
With love,
Mary B. G. Eddy [30]
[pg 157]

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