My Beloved Brethren:—Lips nor pen can ever ex- press the joy you give me in parting so promptly with your beloved pastor, Rev. Mr. Norcross, to send him to [20] aid me. It is a refreshing demonstration of Christianity, brotherly love, and all the rich graces of the Spirit. May this sacrifice bring to your beloved church a vision of the new church, that cometh down from heaven, whose altar is a loving heart, whose communion is fellowship with [25] saints and angels. This example of yours is a light that cannot be hid. Guided by the pillar and the cloud, this little church that built the first temple for Christian Science worship shall abide steadfastly in the faith of Jesus' words: “Fear [30] not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to [1] give you the kingdom.” May He soon give you a pastor; already you have the great Shepherd of Israel watch- ing over you. Give my forever-love to your dear church. Yours in bonds of Christ, Mary Baker G. Eddy [5] Boston, Mass., 1889 |