Spirit And Law

We are accustomed to think and to speak of gravitation
as a law of matter; while every quality of matter,
in and of itself, is inert, inanimate, and non-intelligent.
The assertion that matter is a law, or a lawgiver, is [25]
anomalous. Wherever law is, Mind is; and the notion
[pg 257]
that Mind can be in matter is rank infidelity, which either [1]
excludes God from the universe, or includes Him in every
mode and form of evil. Pantheism presupposes that
God sleeps in the mineral, dreams in the animal, and
wakes in a wicked man. [5]
The distinction between that which is and that which
is not law, must be made by Mind and as Mind. Law is
either a moral or an immoral force. The law of God is
the law of Spirit, a moral and spiritual force of immor-
tal and divine Mind. The so-called law of matter is an [10]
immoral force of erring mortal mind, alias the minds of
mortals. This so-called force, or law, at work in nature
as a power, prohibition, or license, is cruel and merciless.
It punishes the innocent, and repays our best deeds
with sacrifice and suffering. It is a code whose modes [15]
trifle with joy, and lead to immediate or ultimate death.
It fosters suspicion where confidence is due, fear where
courage is requisite, reliance where there should be
avoidance, a belief in safety where there is most
danger. Our Master called it “a murderer from the [20]
Electricity, governed by this so-called law, sparkles
on the cloud, and strikes down the hoary saint. Floods
swallow up homes and households; and childhood, age,
and manhood go down in the death-dealing wave. Earth- [25]
quakes engulf cities, churches, schools, and mortals.
Cyclones kill and destroy, desolating the green earth.
This pitiless power smites with disease the good Samari-
tan ministering to his neighbor's need. Even the chamber
where the good man surrenders to death is not exempt [30]
from this law. Smoothing the pillow of pain may infect
you with smallpox, according to this lawless law which
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dooms man to die for loving his neighbor as himself,— [1]
when Christ has said that love is the fulfilling of the
Our great Ensample, Jesus of Nazareth, met and abol-
ished this unrelenting false claim of matter with the [5]
righteous scorn and power of Spirit. When, through
Mind, he restored sight to the blind, he figuratively and
literally spat upon matter; and, anointing the wounded
spirit with the great truth that God is All, he demon-
strated the healing power and supremacy of the law of [10]
Life and Love.
In the spiritual Genesis of creation, all law was vested
in the Lawgiver, who was a law to Himself. In divine
Science, God is One and All; and, governing Himself,
He governs the universe. This is the law of creation: [15]
“My defense is of God, which saveth the upright in
heart.” And that infinite Mind governs all things. On
this infinite Principle of freedom, God named Him-
self, i am. Error, or Adam, might give names to itself,
and call Mind by the name of matter, but error could [20]
neither name nor demonstrate Spirit. The name, i
am, indicated no personality that could be paralleled
with it; but it did declare a mighty individuality,
even the everlasting Father, as infinite consciousness,
ever-presence, omnipotence; as all law, Life, Truth, and [25]
God's interpretation of Himself furnishes man with
the only suitable or true idea of Him; and the divine
definition of Deity differs essentially from the human.
It interprets the law of Spirit, not of matter. It explains [30]
the eternal dynamics of being, and shows that nature
and man are as harmonious to-day as in the beginning,
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