Overflowing Thoughts

In this receding year of religious jubilee, 1894, I as [26]
an individual would cordially invite all persons who
have left our fold, together with those who never have
[pg 311]
been in it,—all who love God and keep His command- [1]
ments,—to come and unite with The Mother Church in
Boston. The true Christian Scientists will be welcomed,
greeted as brethren endeavoring to walk with us hand
in hand, as we journey to the celestial city. [5]
Also, I would extend a tender invitation to Christian
Scientists' students, those who are ready for the table of
our Lord: so, should we follow Christ's teachings; so,
bury the dead past; so, loving one another, go forth to
the full vintage-time, exemplifying what we profess. But [10]
some of the older members are not quite ready to take
this advanced step in the full spirit of that charity which
thinketh no evil; and if it be not taken thus, it is impracti-
cal, unfruitful, Soul-less.
My deepest desires and daily labors go to prove that [15]
I love my enemies and would help all to gain the abiding
consciousness of health, happiness, and heaven.
I hate no one; and love others more than they can
love me. As I now understand Christian Science, I would
as soon harm myself as another; since by breaking [20]
Christ's command, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
thyself,” I should lose my hope of heaven.
The works I have written on Christian Science con-
tain absolute Truth, and my necessity was to tell it;
therefore I did this even as a surgeon who wounds [25]
to heal. I was a scribe under orders; and who can
refrain from transcribing what God indites, and ought
not that one to take the cup, drink all of it, and give
Being often reported as saying what never escaped [30]
from my lips, when rehearsing facts concerning others
who were reporting false charges, I have been sorry that
[pg 312]
I spoke at all, and wished I were wise enough to guard [1]
against that temptation. Oh, may the love that is talked,
be felt! and so lived, that when weighed in the scale of
God we be not found wanting. Love is consistent, uni-
form, sympathetic, self-sacrificing, unutterably kind; even [5]
that which lays all upon the altar, and, speechless and
alone, bears all burdens, suffers all inflictions, endures
all piercing for the sake of others, and for the kingdom
of heaven's sake.

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