Laus Deo!

Written on laying the corner-stone of The Mother Church
Laus Deo, it is done!
Rolled away from loving heart
Is a stone. [20]
Lifted higher, we depart,
Having one.
Laus Deo,—on this rock
(Heaven chiselled squarely good)
Stands His church,— [25]
God is Love, and understood
By His flock.
[pg 400]
Laus Deo, night star-lit [1]
Slumbers not in God's embrace;
Be awake;
Like this stone, be in thy place:
Stand, not sit. [5]
Grave, silent, steadfast stone,
Dirge and song and shoutings low
In thy heart
Dwell serene,—and sorrow? No,
It has none, [10]
Laus Deo!

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