
Who that has tried to follow the divine precept, “All
things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto
you, do ye even so to them,” has not suffered from the
[pg 236]
situation?—has not found that human passions in their [1]
reaction have misjudged motives?
Throughout our experience since undertaking the
labor of uplifting the race, we have been made the re-
pository of little else than the troubles, indiscretions, [5]
and errors of others; until thought has shrunk from
contact with family difficulties, and become weary with
study to counsel wisely whenever giving advice on per-
sonal topics.
To the child complaining of his parents we have said, [10]
“Love and honor thy parents, and yield obedience to
them in all that is right; but you have the rights of con-
science, as we all have, and must follow God in all your
When yielding to constant solicitations of husband or [15]
wife to give, to one or the other, advice concerning diffi-
culties and the best way to overcome them, we have done
this to the best of our ability,—and always with the pur-
pose to restore harmony and prevent dishonor. In such
cases we have said, “Take no counsel of a mortal, even [20]
though it be your best friend; but be guided by God
alone;” meaning by this, Be not estranged from each
other by anything that is said to you, but seek in divine
Love the remedy for all human discord.
Yet, notwithstanding one's good intentions, in some [25]
way or at some step in one's efforts to help another, as
a general rule, one will be blamed for all that is not right:
but this must not deter us from doing our duty, whatever
else may appear, and at whatever cost.
[pg 237]

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