A Great Man And His Saying

Hon. Charles Carrol Bonney, President of the World's [11]
Congress Auxiliary, in his remarks before that body,
said, “No more striking manifestation of the interposi-
tion of divine Providence in human affairs has come in
recent years, than that shown in the raising up of the [15]
body of people known as Christian Scientists, who are
called to declare the real harmony between religion and
Science, and to restore the waning faith of many in the
verities of the sacred Scriptures.”
In honest utterance of veritable history, and his own [20]
spiritual discernment, this man must have risen above
worldly schemes, human theorems or hypotheses, to
conclusions which reason too supine or misemployed
cannot fasten upon. He spake inspired; he touched a
tone of Truth that will continue to reverberate and renew [25]
its emphasis throughout the entire centuries, into the vast
[pg 313]

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