The sum total of Love reflected is exemplified, and [21] includes the whole duty of man: Truth perverted, in belief, becomes the creator of the claim of error. To affirm mentally and audibly that God is All and there is no sickness and no sin, makes mortals either saints or [25] sinners. Truth talked and not lived, rolls on the human heart a stone; consigns sensibility to the charnel-house of sen- suality, ease, self-love, self-justification, there to moulder and rot. [30] The noblest work of God is man in the image of his [1] Maker; the last infirmity of evil is so-called man, swayed by the maËlstrom of human passions, elbowing the con- cepts of his own creating, making place for himself and displacing his fellows. [5] A real Christian Scientist is a marvel, a miracle in the universe of mortal mind. With selfless love, he inscribes on the heart of humanity and transcribes on the page of reality the living, palpable presence—the might and majesty!—of goodness. He lives for all mankind, and [10] honors his creator. The vice versa of this man is sometimes called a man, but he is a small animal: a hived bee, with sting ready for each kind touch, he makes honey out of the flowers of human hearts and hides it in his cell of [15] ingratitude. O friendly hand! keep back thy offerings from asps and apes, from wolves in sheep's clothing and all raven- ing beasts. Love such specimens of mortality just enough to reform and transform them,—if it be possible,— [20] and then, look out for their stings, and jaws, and claws; but thank God and take courage,—that you desire to help even such as these. |