
Application I



If you have been taught by a loyal student who has taken a degree at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, or by one who has passed an examination by the Board of Education, fill this blank.


The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is designed to be built on the rock of Christ—Truth and Life—and to reflect the Church Triumphant.

One who is not a member of any church, excepting a branch church of Christ, Scientist, who loves Christian Science, and reads understandingly the Bible, and SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, and other works by this author, and who is Christianly qualified and can enter into full fellowship with the Tenets and Rules of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is eligible to membership.

To The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

Gordon V. Comer Clerk.

I hereby make application for membership, and subscribe to the
Tenets and the By-Laws of the Church.

My teacher in Christian Science is
……………James B. Brown, C.S.D. ………………

I am not a member of any church.

FORM 1—(Continued)

I was formerly a member of the ………………………..
………… denomination, but have definitely severed my
connection therewith.

Name ………….. Mrs. Jennie W. Field, C.S. ……….
Street and Number ……. 18 Forest St., …………….
Town or City ……………. Chicago, ………………
State ………………………. Ill ………………
Date …………….. Jan. 2nd, 1901 ……………….

I cordially approve the applicant.

(a) …………… James B. Brown, C.S.D. ……………

Countersigned by ……………………………………


To the applicant: Name …… Mrs. Jennie W. Field, C.S. …… Please fill out the Street and Number … 18 Forest St., …….. following for the use Town or City ………… Chicago, ………. of the Treasurer of State ………………………. Ill …… the Church:

Application I



If you have been taught by a loyal student who has taken a degree at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, or by one who has passed an examination by the Board of Education, fill this blank.


The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is designed to be built on the rock of Christ—Truth and Life—and to reflect the Church Triumphant.

One who is not a member of any church, excepting a branch church of Christ, Scientist, who loves Christian Science, and reads understandingly the Bible, and SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, and other works by this author, and who is Christianly qualified and can enter into full fellowship with the Tenets and Rules of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is eligible to membership.

To The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

Gordon V. Comer Clerk.

I hereby make application for membership, and subscribe to the
Tenets and the By-Laws of the Church.

My teacher in Christian Science is
……………James B. Brown, C.S.D. ………………

I am not a member of any church, excepting Church of Christ,
Scientist, at ……………………

FORM 1—(Continued)

I was formerly a member of the ………………………..
………… denomination, but have definitely severed my
connection therewith.

Name ………….. Mrs. Jennie W. Field, C.S. ……….
Street and Number ……. 18 Forest St., …………….
Town or City ……………. Chicago, ………………
State ………………………. Ill ………………
Date …………….. Jan. 2nd, 1901 ……………….

I cordially approve the applicant.

(a) …………… James B. Brown, C.S.D. ……………

Countersigned by ……………………………………


To the applicant: Name …… Mrs. Jennie W. Field, C.S. …… Please fill out the Street and Number … 18 Forest St., …….. following for the use Town or City ………… Chicago, ………. of the Treasurer of State ………………………. Ill …… the Church:

Application II



If you have not been taught by a loyal student who has taken a degree at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, or by one who has passed an examination by the Board of Education, fill this blank.


One who is not a member of any church, excepting a branch church of Christ, Scientist, who loves Christian Science, and reads understandingly the Bible, and SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, and other works by this author, and who is Christianly qualified and can enter into full fellowship with the Tenets and Rules of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is eligible to membership.

To The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

Gordon V. Comer Clerk.

I hereby make application for membership, and subscribe to the
Tenets and the By-Laws of the Church. I have not studied Christian
Science with a teacher, and am not a member of any church excepting
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, at New York, N.Y.

I was formerly a member of the ………………………..
………… denomination, but have definitely severed my
connection therewith.

FORM 2—(Continued)

Name ………….. Miss Emma L. French ……………..
Street and Number …… 293 Emerson St., ……………
Town or City ……………. New York ………………
State ………………………. N.Y. ……………..
Date …………….. Jan. 2nd, 1901 ……………….

I cordially approve the applicant.

(a) …………. Miss Mary E. Grant, C.S. ……………

Countersigned by …. James B. Brown, C.S.D. ………….


To the applicant: Name ……. Miss Emma L. French ……. Please fill out the Street and Number .. 293 Emerson St. … following for the use Town or City ………… New York ….. of the Treasurer of State ……………………. N.Y. … the Church:

Present Order of Services in The Mother Church and Branch Churches

Republished from the Sentinel


1. Hymn.

2. Reading a Scriptural Selection.

3. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation.

4. Hymn.

5. Announcing necessary notices.

6. Solo.

7. Reading the explanatory note on first leaf of Quarterly.

8. Announcing the subject of the Lesson Sermon, and reading the Golden Text.

9. Reading the Scriptural selection, entitled "Responsive Reading," alternately by the First Reader and the congregation.

10. Reading the Lesson-Sermon. (After the Second Reader reads the BIBLE references of the first Section of the Lesson, the First Reader makes the following announcement: "As announced in the explanatory note, I shall now read correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook, SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy.")

11. Collection.

12. Hymn.

13. Reading the scientific statement of being, and the correlative SCRIPTURE according to I John 3:1-3.

14. Pronouncing Benediction.

The services should be preceded and followed by organ or piano music of an appropriate character in all cases where this is possible.

On the first Sunday of each month Article VIII, SECT. 1, A Rule for
Motives and Acts
, is to be read.


1. Hymn.

2. Reading from the BIBLE, and correlative passages from SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES.

3. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer, its spiritual interpretation being omitted.

4. Hymn.

5. Announcing necessary notices.

6. Experiences, testimonies, and remarks on Christian Science.

7. Closing Hymn.

The services should be preceded and followed by organ or piano music of an appropriate character in all cases where this is possible.

Thanksgiving Day.

Order of Service for The Mother Church and Branch Churches.

1. Hymn.

2. Reading the Thanksgiving Proclamation of the President of the United States, or the Governor of the state, or both.

3. Reading a Scriptural Selection.

4. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation.

5. Hymn.

6. Reading the Explanatory Note on the first leaf of the Quarterly.

7. Announcing the subject of the Lesson Sermon, and reading the Golden Text.

8. Responsive Reading by the First Reader and the congregation.

9. Reading the Lesson-Sermon prepared by the Bible Lesson Committee.

10. Solo.

11. Testimonies by Christian Scientists, appropriate for the occasion.

12. Hymn.

13. Reading the Scientific Statement of Being, and the correlative SCRIPTURE according to I John 3:1-3.

14. Pronouncing Benediction.

No collection is to be taken at this service.

The services should be preceded and followed by organ or piano music of an appropriate character in all cases where this is possible.

Present Order of Communion Services in Branch Churches

1. Hymn.

2. Reading a Scriptural Selection.

3. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation.

4. Hymn.

5. Announcing necessary notices.

6. Reading Tenets of The Mother Church.

7. Collection and Solo.

8. Reading the explanatory note on first leaf of Quarterly.

9. Announcing the subject of the Lesson Sermon, and reading the Golden Text.

10. Reading the scriptural selection entitled "Responsive Reading" alternately by the First Reader and the congregation.

11. Reading the Lesson-Sermon. (After the Second Reader reads the BIBLE references of the first Section of the Lesson, the First Reader makes the following announcement: "As announced in the explanatory note, I shall now read correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook, SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy.")

12. The First Reader briefly invites the congregation to kneel in silent Communion. This is concluded by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer (spiritual interpretation omitted).

13. Singing the Doxology:

"Be Thou, O God, exalted high;
And as Thy glory fills the sky,
So let it be on earth displayed,
Till Thou art here and now obeyed."

14. Reading the scientific statement of being and the correlative SCRIPTURE according to I John 3:1-3.

15. Pronouncing Benediction.

The Church Tenets shall be read at this service.

The services should be preceded and followed by organ or piano music of an appropriate character in all cases where this is possible.

Order of Exercises for the Sunday School of the Mother Church.[4]

1. Call to order by the Superintendent.

2. Hymn.

3. Subject of the lesson announced; Golden Text repeated by the children; Responsive Reading.

4. Silent prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer in unison.

5. Instruction in classes, in accordance with Sections 2 and 3 of Article XX of the Manual of The Mother Church.

6. Entire school reassembles.

7. Hymn.

8. Scientific Statement of Being read by the Superintendent.

9. School dismissed.

[4] If a collection is taken, it should be taken in the classes before they reassemble.

Deed of Trust

The following is a Copy of the Deed of Trust Conveying Land for Church Edifice


That I Mary Baker G. Eddy of Concord in the County of Merrimack and State of New Hampshire in consideration of one dollar to me paid by Ira O. Knapp of Boston, Massachusetts, William B. Johnson of Boston, Massachusetts, Joseph S. Eastaman of Chelsea, Massachusetts, and Stephen A. Chase of Fall River, Massachusetts, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and, also in consideration of the trusts and uses hereinafter mentioned and established, do hereby give, bargain, sell, and convey to the said Ira O. Knapp, William B. Johnson, Joseph S. Eastaman, and Stephen A. Chase as trustees as hereinafter provided and to their legitimate successors in office forever, a certain parcel of land situate on Falmouth street in said Boston, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the junction of Falmouth street, and a forty-foot street now called Caledonia street; thence running Southwest on said Falmouth street one hundred and sixteen and eighty-eight hundredths feet; thence Northwest at a right angle to a point where a line drawn at right angles to said forty-foot street at a point thereon one hundred and sixteen and fifty-five hundredths feet Northwest from the point of beginning meets the said boundary at right angles to Falmouth street, sixty-six and seventy-eight hundredths feet; thence at an obtuse angle on said line at right angles to said forty-foot street sixty-seven and thirty-five hundredths feet to said forty-foot street; thence Southeasterly on said forty-foot street one hundred and sixteen and fifty-five hundredths feet to the point of beginning; containing seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight square feet more or less, and subject to the agreements and restrictions mentioned in a deed recorded in Suffolk Registry of Deeds Lib. 1719, Fol 83 so far as the same are now legally operative.

This deed of conveyance is made upon the following express trusts and conditions which the said grantees by accepting this deed agree and covenant for themselves and their successors in office to fully perform and fulfil.

1. Said grantees shall be known as the "Christian Science Board of Directors," and shall constitute a perpetual body or corporation under and in accordance with section one, Chapter 39 of the Public Statutes of Massachusetts.[5] Whenever a vacancy occurs in said Board the remaining members shall within thirty days fill the same by election; but no one shall be eligible to that office who is not in the opinion of the remaining members of the Board a firm and consistent believer in the doctrines of Christian Science as taught in a book entitled "SCIENCE AND HEALTH," by Mary Baker G. Eddy beginning with the seventy-first edition thereof.

[5] The deacons, church wardens, or other similar officers of Churches or religious societies, and the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal churches, appointed according to the discipline and usages thereof, shall, if citizens of this commonwealth, be deemed bodies corporate for the purpose of taking and holding in succession all grants and donations, whether of real or personal estate, made either to the and their successors, or to their respective churches, or to the poor of their churches.

2. Said Board shall within five years from the date hereof build or cause to be built upon said lot of land a suitable and convenient church edifice, the cost of which shall not be less than fifty thousand dollars.

3. When said church building is completed said Board shall elect a pastor, reader or speaker to fill the pulpit who shall be a genuine Christian Scientist; they shall maintain public worship in accordance with the doctrines of Christian Science in said church, and for this purpose they are fully empowered to make any and all necessary rules and regulations.

4. Said Board of Directors shall not suffer or allow any building to be erected upon said lot except a church building or edifice, nor shall they allow said church building or any part thereof to be used for any other purpose than for the ordinary and usual uses of a church.

5. Said Board of Directors shall not allow or permit in said church building any preaching or other religious services which shall not be consonant and in strict harmony with the doctrines and practice of Christian Science as taught and explained by Mary Baker G. Eddy in the seventy-first edition of her book entitled "SCIENCE AND HEALTH," which is soon to be issued, and in any subsequent edition thereof.

6. The congregation which shall worship in said church shall be styled "The First Church of Christ, Scientist."

7. Said Directors shall not sell or mortgage the land hereby conveyed; but they shall see that all taxes and legal assessments on said property are promptly paid.

8. Said church building shall not be removed from said lot except for the purpose of rebuilding thereon a more expensive or a more convenient structure in which said doctrines of Christian Science only shall be preached and practised. If said church building is removed for either of the purposes above set forth, any and all tablets and inscriptions which are or shall be upon said church building at the time of removal shall be removed therefrom and placed upon the walls of the new edifice. If said building is burned, the Directors shall forthwith proceed to rebuild the church.

9. Said Directors shall maintain regular preaching, reading or speaking in said church on each Sabbath, and an omission to have and maintain such preaching, reading or speaking for one year in succession shall be deemed a breach of this condition.

10. Whenever said Directors shall determine that it is inexpedient to maintain preaching, reading or speaking in said church in accordance with the terms of this deed, they are authorized and required to reconvey forthwith said lot of land with the building thereon to Mary Baker G. Eddy, her heirs and assigns forever by a proper deed of conveyance.

11. The omission or neglect on the part of said Directors to strictly comply with any of the conditions herein contained shall constitute a breach thereof, and the title hereby conveyed shall revert to the grantor Mary Baker G. Eddy, her heirs and assigns forever, upon her entry upon said land and taking possession thereof for such breach.

To Have and to Hold the above granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereon belonging to said grantees and their successors in office to the uses and trusts above described forever.

And the said grantor for herself and her heirs, executors and administrators covenants with the said grantees and their successors in office that she is lawfully seized in fee simple of the aforesaid premises, that they are free from all incumbrances not herein mentioned or referred to, that she has good right to sell and convey the same to the said grantees and their successors in office as aforesaid, and that she will and her heirs, executors, and administrators shall, warrant and defend the same to the said grantees and their successors in office forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.

In witness whereof I the said Mary Baker G. Eddy have hereto set my hand and seal this 1st day of September, 1892.


Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of

September 1st, 1892.


Then personally appeared the above named Mary Baker G. Eddy and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed,

Before me
Notary Public.

September 2, 1892.

Deed Conveying Land for Church Purposes

METCALE to KNAPP et al. Trs.
Libro 2886, Fol. 521.


That I, Albert Metcalf, the grantor in a certain deed given to Ira O. Knapp and others dated October 23, 1896, and recorded with Suffolk Deeds, Book 2591, page 398, do hereby declare that the land conveyed by said deed was conveyed to the grantees therein, as they are the Christian Science Board of Directors, upon the trusts, but not subject to the conditions mentioned in the deed creating said Board given by Mary Baker G. Eddy to Ira O. Knapp and others, dated September 1st, 1892, and recorded with Suffolk Deeds, Book 2081, page 257. In addition to the trusts contained in said deed of September 1, 1892, from Mary Baker G. Eddy, this property is conveyed on the further trusts that no new Tenet or By-Law shall be adopted, nor any Tenet or By-Law amended or annulled by the grantees unless the written consent of said Mary Baker G. Eddy, the author of the textbook "SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES," be given therefor, or unless at the written request of Mrs. Eddy the Executive Members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, (formally called the "First Members,") by a two-thirds vote of all their number, decide so to do. And that the same inscription which is on the outside of the present church edifice shall be placed on any new church erected on said lot. And in consideration of one dollar to me paid by said Ira O. Knapp, William B. Johnson, Joseph Armstrong and Stephen A. Chase, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby confirm the deed as above mentioned, and do grant and release unto them, their heirs, successors and assigns in trust as aforesaid, the premises therein described.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of March, A. D. nineteen hundred and three.


SUFFOLK March 20th, 1903

Then said Albert Metcalf acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed.

Before me
Justice of the Peace.

March 20, 1903. at twelve o'clock and sixteen minutes P.M.
Received, Entered and Examined.
Attest: THOS. F. TEMPLE, Reg.

A true copy from the RECORDS OF DEEDS for the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, Lib. 2886, Fol. 521.

Attest: CHAS. W. KIMBALL, Asst. Reg.



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