The women here designated as saints are either included in the Acta Sanctorum Bollandorum, or else, this work waiting completion, are entered as saints in the ‘Table Hagiographique’ of GuÉrin, Les Petits Bollandistes, 1882, vol. 17. abbess, position of, 87, 152, 203, 365 ff., 388 454 CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. & C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Footnotes: [1] The literature on this subject is daily accumulating. Among older authorities are Bachofen, Das Mutterrecht, 1861; Zmigrodski, Die Mutter bei den VÖlkern des arischen Stammes, 1886; Pearson, K., Ethic of Free Thought, 1888. [2] Kriegk, G. L., Deutsches BÜrgerthum im Mittelalter, 1868, ch. 12-15. [3] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Eccles. 5, ch. 14, 16, 19. [4] Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 78. [5] Ibid. p. 881 ff. [6] Wuttke, Deutscher Volksaberglaube, 1869, p. 141; Weinhold, K., Deutsche Frauen, 1882, vol. 1, p. 73. [7] Rochholz, E. L., Drei GaugÖttinnen, 1870, p. 191. [8] Menzel, Christliche Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Haar.’ [9] A. SS. Boll., St Gunthildis, Sept. 12. [10] Bouquet, Recueil Hist., vol. 5, p. 690. Capitulare incerti anni, nr 6, ‘ut mulieres ad altare non ingrediantur.’ [11] Montalembert, Monks of the West, 1, p. 359. [12] Jameson, Legends of the Madonna, 1857, Introd. xix. [13] Rhys, J., Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom, 1888, p. 102. [14] Frantz, C., Versuch einer Geschichte des Marien und Annencultus, 1854, p. 54 ff. [15] Froissart, Chronicle, c. 162, in English translation; also Oberle, K. A., Ueberreste germ. Heidentums im Christentum, 1883, p. 153. [16] Menzel, Christ. Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Baum.’ [17] Oberle, K. A., Ueberreste germ. Heidentums im Christentum, 1883, p. 144. [18] Menzel, Christl. Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Himmelfahrt.’ [19] Ibid., article ‘Frauenberg’; also Oberle, K. A., Ueberreste germ. Heidentums im Christentum, 1883, p. 38. [20] Rochholz, Drei GaugÖttinnen, 1870, p. 81, calls it Walburg; Reinsberg-DÜringsfeld, Traditions et lÉgendes de la Belgique, 1870, p. 286, calls it Fro or Frigg. [21] Simrock, K., Handbuch der deutschen Mythologie, 1887, p. 379; also Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 257. [22] Comp. below, p. 35. [23] Bede, Ecclesiastical History, 1, ch. 30. [24] On English calendars, Piper, F., Kalendarien und Martyrologien der Angelsachsen, 1862; Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887. [25] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858-62, vol. 2, Einleitung. [26] For France, GuettÉe, Histoire de l’Église de France, 1847-55, vol. 1, p. 1; for England, Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, pp. 1 ff.; for Germany, Friedrich, Kirchengeschichte, 1867, vol. 1, pp. 86 ff. [27] Ducange, Glossarium: ‘coenobium.’ [28] Dupuy, A., Histoire de S. Martin, 1852, p. 176. [29] Gildas, Epistle, c. 66. [30] In Ireland we hear of nunneries founded by St Bridget in the fifth century, the chief of which was at Kildare; also that this saint crossed the Irish Sea and founded nunneries at Glastonbury in England and at Abernethy in Scotland. The accounts of the work of Bridget are numerous, but have not been subjected to criticism. Comp. A. SS. Boll., St Brigida, Feb. 1, and Lanigan, Eccles. History of Ireland, 1829, 1, pp. 377 ff. [31] Ambrosius, Opera (edit. Migne, Patrol. Cursus Comp. vol. 16), De virginibus, p. 187; (vol. 17) Ad virginem devotam, p. 579. [32] Hilarius, Opera (edit. Migne, vol. 10), Ad Abram, p. 547. [33] Blunt, J. J., Vestiges of Ancient Manners in Italy and Sicily, 1823, pp. 56 ff. [34] Menzel, W., Christl. Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Brust,’ makes this statement. I do not see where he takes it from. [35] A. SS. Boll., St Agatha, Feb. 5. [36] A. SS. Boll., St Agnes, Jan. 21; St Rosalia, Sept. 4. [37] A. SS. Boll., St Cunera, June 12. [38] Kist, N. C., in Kerkhistorisch Archiv, Amsterdam, 1858, vol. 2, p. 20. [39] Vita St Meinwerci, bishop of Paderborn (1009-39), written about 1155 (Potthast), c. 37. [40] Hautcoeur, Actes de Ste Pharailde, 1882, Introduction, p. xc. [41] A. SS. Boll., Gloria posthuma St Bavonis, Oct. 1, p. 261. [42] Wauters, A., Histoire des environs de Bruxelles, 1852, vol. 3, pp. 111, 123 ff. [43] A. SS. Boll., Vita St Leodgarii, Oct. 2. [44] Roth, K. L., ‘St Odilienberg’ in Alsatia, 1856, pp. 91 ff. [45] Bonnell, H. E., AnfÄnge des karolingischen Hauses, 1866, pp. 51, 149 etc. It is noticeable that another woman-saint Ida (A. SS. Boll., St Ida, June 20) figures as ancestral mother of the Liudolfings, who became kings in Saxony and emperors of Germany, comp. Waitz, JahrbÜcher des deutschen Reichs unter Heinrich I. 1863, Nachtrag I. [46] Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 207. [47] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858-82. [48] Lebensgeschichte der heil. Othilia. Freiburg, 1852. [49] Alsatia, 1858-60, p. 268, contains local stories. [50] Roth, K. L., ‘St Odilienberg’ in Alsatia, 1856, p. 95. [51] Menzel, Christliche Symbolik, article ‘Knieen.’ [52] Du Bois de Beauchesne, Madame Ste Notburg, 1888, pp. 85, 197 etc. Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, and A. SS. Boll. so far, omit her. [53] Lefebure, F. A., Ste Godeleine et son culte, 1888. A. SS. Boll., St Godelewa, July 6. [54] Wonderlyk Leven. Cortryk 1800, anon., pp. 42, 45 etc. [55] Comp. below, ch. 4, § 2. [56] Rochholz, L., Drei GaugÖttinnen, 1870, pp. 26, 80 etc. [57] Simrock, K., Handbuch der deutschen Mythologie, p. 389. [58] Clouet, Histoire de Verdun, p. 180; A. SS. Boll., St Lucie, Sept. 9. [59] A. SS. Boll., St Germana, Oct. 1; Husenbeth, F. C., Emblems of the Saints, 1882. [60] Rochholz, L., Drei GaugÖttinnen, p. 164. [61] Zacher, J., St Genovefa PfalzgrÄfin, 1860, p. 55. [62] Menzel, Christliche Symbolik, article ‘Aehre,’ refers to Notre Dame de trois Épis in Elsass. [63] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, St Nothburga, nr 2. [64] Wauters, A., Histoire des environs de Bruxelles, 1, p. 302; CorÉmans, L’annÉe de l’ancienne Belgique, 1844, p. 76. [65] A. SS. Boll., St Alena, June 19; Menzel, W., Christliche Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Arm.’ CorÉmans, L’annÉe de l’ancienne Belgique, 1844, June 19. [66] CorÉmans, L’annÉe etc., p. 77. [67] Reinsberg-DÜringsfeld, Traditions et lÉgendes de la Belgique, 1870, vol. 1, p. 99. [68] A. SS. Boll., St Gunthildis, Sept. 22. [69] Imagines SS. Augustanorum, 1601; also Stadler and Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, St Radegundis, nr 3. [70] Pharaildis has been depicted with one, A. SS. Boll., St Pharaildis, Jan. 4; also Verena, comp. below. [71] Husenbeth, F. C., Emblems of the Saints, 1870, mentions one instance. [72] Rochholz, Drei GaugÖttinnen, 1870, p. 7. [73] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon; A. SS. Boll., St Rolendis, May 13. [74] A. SS. Boll., St Edigna, Feb. 26. [75] A. SS. Boll., St Christiane, July 26. [76] Rochholz, L., Drei GaugÖttinnen, p. 37. [77] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858-82, St Radegundis, nr 3. [78] Ibid., Appendix, p. 998, footnote. [79] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, St Regina, nr 4. [80] Kist, N. C., ‘Reenensche Kuneralegende’ in Kerkhistorisch Archiv, Amsterdam, 1858, vol. 2, p. 5. [81] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, St Sura. [82] A. SS. Boll., St Germana, Oct. 1. [83] Panzer, F., Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie, 1848, pp. 5 ff., 272 ff. [84] Capgrave, Catalogus SS. Angliae, 1516. [85] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887. [86] Capgrave, Catalogus SS. Angliae, 1516. Comp. Surius, Vitae SS. 1617. [87] Hautcoeur, Actes de Ste Pharailde, 1882, Introd. cxxviiii. [88] Reinsberg-DÜringsfeld, Traditions et lÉgendes de la Belgique, 1870, vol. 1, p. 288. [89] Lefebure, Ste Godeleine et son culte, p. 209. [90] Wauters, A., Histoire des environs de Bruxelles, 1852, vol. 1, p. 304. [91] Rochholz, Drei GaugÖttinnen, 1870, p. 154. [92] Potthast, Wegweiser durch die Geschichtszwerke des europ. Mittelalters, 1862; Rochholz, loc. cit., p. 108, prints an early poetic version of the story in the vernacular. [93] Simrock, K., Handbuch der deutschen Mythologie, 1887, p. 393. [94] Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 254, footnote. [95] CorÉmans, L’annÉe de l’ancienne Belgique, pp. 61, 113, 158. [96] Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 252. [97] CorÉmans, L’annÉe de l’ancienne Belgique, p. 76; Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, and the A. SS. Boll. pass her over. [98] Wessely, J. G., Iconographie Gottes und der Heiligen, 1874. [99] A. SS. Boll., St Afra, Aug. 5. [100] Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 242. [101] Velserus, Antiqua monumenta, Chronica der Stadt Augsp. 1595; pp. 4, 14, 17, 32, 88. [102] Rettberg, F. W., Kirchengeschichte, 1846, vol. 1, p. 147. [103] Friedrich, Kirchengeschichte, 1867, vol. 1, p. 413. [104] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, St Notburg, nr 1. A. SS. Boll., St Notburga, Jan. 26. [105] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, Appendix, St Achachildis. [106] Birlinger, A., SchwÄbische Sagen, vol. 2, p. 341. [107] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, St Radegundis, nr 3. [108] Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythologie, 1875, p. 896. [109] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, St Kumernissa. [110] A. SS. Boll., St Liberata, July 20. [111] Sloet, De heilige Ontkommer of Wilgeforthis, 1884. [112] I cannot account for the presence of the beard; St Paula, venerated at Avila in Spain, is also represented with one (Stadler und Heim). Macrobius (Sal. bk 3, c. 8) tells us that the Venus Barbata was represented in Cyprus in the form of a man with a beard and wearing female clothing, which shows that goddesses of this type were venerated during heathen times. [113] Grimm, J., Deutsche Mythol. 1875, p. 896. [114] Sloet, De heilige Ontkommer of Wilgeforthis, 1884, p. 36. [115] Menzel, W., Christl. Symbolik, 1854, article ‘Bart.’ [116] Sloet, De heilige Ontkommer of Wilgeforthis, 1884, pp. 31, 33, 36, 42 etc. [117] Ibid. p. 32. [118] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, St Liberata, footnote, p. 807. [119] Sloet, De heilige Ontkommer of Wilgeforthis, 1884, pp. 5, 50 etc. Ellis, H., Original Letters, series III, vol. 3, p. 194, quotes the following sentence from Michael Woddes, Dialogues, 1554: ‘... if a wife were weary of her husband she offered Otes at Poules (St Paul’s) at London to St Uncumber,’ a proof that the veneration of Ontkommer had found its way into England. [120] Panzer, F., Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie, 1848, pp. 5 ff., 272 ff. [121] CorÉmans, L’annÉe de l’ancienne Belgique, 1844, p. 149. [122] Simrock, K., Handbuch der deutschen Myth., 1887, p. 344. [123] Panzer, F., Beitrag zur deutschen Myth., 1848, p. 23. [124] CorÉmans, L’annÉe de l’ancienne Belgique, 1844, p. 148. [125] Panzer, F., Beitrag zur deutschen Myth., 1848, pp. 69 ff. [126] Cradles are frequently kept in churches in Bavaria, and form, I am told, part of the furniture which was formerly used at the celebration of the Nativity play at Christmas (Weihnachtskrippenspiel). [127] Panzer, F., Beitrag zur deutschen Myth., 1848, p. 273. [128] Simrock, K., Handbuch der deutschen Myth., 1887, pp. 344, 349, gives lists of their names. [129] Grimm, WÖrterbuch, ‘Bett’; Mannhardt, W., Germanische Mythen, 1858, p. 644. [130] Panzer, F., Beitrag zur deutschen Mythol., 1848, p. 180. [131] A. SS. Boll., St Einbetta, Sept. 16. [132] A. SS. Boll., St Kunegundis, June 16. [133] Panzer, Beitrag zur deutschen Myth., 1848, p. 379. [134] Menck-Dittmarsch, Des Moselthals Sagen, 1840, pp. 178, 258. [135] Grimm, WÖrterbuch, ‘Marge.’ [136] Lersch, Centralmuseum rheinl. Inschriften, vol. 1, p. 23; also JahrbÜcher des Vereins von Altertumsfreunden im Rheinlande, Bonn: J. 1852, Freudenberg, ‘Darstellungen der Matres oder Matronae’; J. 1853, ‘Neue Matronensteine’; J. 1857, Eick, ‘Matronensteine’; J. 1858, Becker, ‘BeitrÄge’ etc. [137] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, St Lufthildis. [138] Ibid. St Rolendis. [139] A. SS. Boll., St Cunera, June 12. [140] Fustel de Coulanges, L’invasion germanique, 1891; GÉrard, P. A. F., Histoire des Francs d’Austrasie, 1864; Ozanam, Civilisation chrÉtienne chez les Francs, 1855. [141] A. SS. Boll., St Caesaria, Jan. 12, Regula, pp. 730-737; also A. SS. Boll., St Caesarius episcopus, Aug. 27. [142] A. SS. Boll., St Caesaria, Jan. 12, Regula, c. 66. [143] GuettÉe, Histoire de l’Église de France, 1847, vol. 2, 46; LabbÉ, Sacr. Conc. Collectio, Conc. Agathense, canon nr 19. [144] GuettÉe, Histoire de l’Église de France, 1847, vol. 2, p. 109. [145] Keller, Ch., Étude critique sur le texte de la vie de Ste GeneviÈve, 1881; also A. SS. Boll., St Genovefa, Jan. 3. [146] Darboy, Mgr, Sainte Clothilde, 1865; also A. SS. Boll., St Chrothildis, June 3. [147] Giesebrecht, W., FrÄnkische Geschichte des Gregorius, 1851, Einleitung xviii. [148] Gregorius Tur., De Gloria Confessorum, ch. 106 (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Completus, vol. 71). [149] Gregorius Tur., De Gloria Martyrum, ch. 5 (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl., vol. 71). [150] A. SS. Boll., St Radegundis, Aug. 13 (contains both these accounts). [151] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, 1887. [152] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc. bk 9, ch. 42. [153] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc. bk 3, ch. 7; Fortunatus, Vita, ch. 2-4. [154] Giesebrecht, W., FrÄnkische Geschichte des Gregorius, 1851, appendix. [155] Fortunatus, Vita, ch. 3. [156] Ibid., ch. 10. [157] Ibid., ch. 5. [158] Baudonivia, Vita, ch. 2. [159] A. SS. Boll., St Medardus, June 8. [160] Commentators are much exercised by this summary breaking of the marriage tie; some urge that Radegund’s union had not been blessed by the Church. In the A. SS. it is argued that the Gallic bishop Medardus in pronouncing her divorce acted in ignorance of certain canons of the Church. [161] Fortunatus, Vita, c. 10. [162] Ibid., ch. 11; Baudonivia, Vita, ch. 6. [163] Ibid., Vita, ch. 12. [164] Stadler und Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, Johannes, nr 52; Gregorius Tur., De Gloria Confessorum, ch. 23. [165] Fortunatus, Vita, ch. 26. [166] Lucchi, Vie de Venantius Fortunatus, ch. 85 (in Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, 1887). [167] Gregorius Tur., De Gloria Confessorum, ch. 106. [168] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, 1887, note 111, 3, p. 214. [169] GÉrard, P. A. F., Histoire des Francs d’Austrasie, 1864, vol. 1, p. 272. [170] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc. bk 9, ch. 40. [171] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, 1887, note 11, 1, p. 76. [172] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc. bk 8, ch. 40. [173] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc. bk 7, ch. 36. [174] Baudonivia, Vita, c. 11. [175] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, 1887, bk 10, nr 9. [176] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, bk 2, nr 16. [177] Ibid., bk 6, nr 1. [178] Mone, F. J., Lateinische Hymnen des Mittelalters, 1853-5, vol 1, 101; Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, note, p. 76. [179] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, Appendix, nr 2. [180] Ibid., bk 8, nr 1. [181] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, note 9, p. 213. [182] Ibid., Appendix, nr 16. [183] Ibid., nr 31. [184] Nisard, Ch., Des poesies de Radegonde attribuÉes jusqu’ici À Fortunat, 1889, p. 5. [185] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, edit. Nisard, 1887, note 111, 2, 3, etc., p. 284. [186] Ibid., ‘De Excidio Thoringiae,’ Appendix, nr 1. [187] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, Appendix, nr 3. [188] Ibid., bk 8, nr 8. [189] Ibid., bk 8, nr 6. [190] Ibid., bk 11, nr 10. [191] Ibid., bk 11, nr 9. [192] Fortunatus, Opera poetica, bk 11, nr 11. [193] Ibid., bk 11, nr 22. [194] Ibid., bk 11, nr 8. [195] Ibid., bk 11, nr 6. [196] Ibid., Appendix, nr 21. [197] Ibid., bk 11, nr 2. [198] Ibid., bk 11, nr 7. [199] Ibid., Appendix, nr 15. [200] Gregorius Tur., De Gloria Confessorum, ch. 106. [201] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc., bk 9, chs. 39-44; bk 10, chs. 15-17, 20. [202] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc., bk 9, ch. 39. [203] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc., bk 9, ch. 41. [204] Ibid., bk 10, ch. 15. [205] Gregorius Tur., Hist. Franc., bk 9, ch. 33; bk 10, ch. 12. [206] A. SS. Boll., St Vedastus, Feb. 6. [207] A. SS. Boll., St Eleutherius, Feb. 20, Vita 1, ch. 3 (Potthast, Wegweiser: ‘Vita auctore anonymo sed antiquo’). [208] GÉrard, P. A. F., Histoire des Francs d’Austrasie, 1864, vol. 1, p. 384. [209] Comp. throughout A. SS. Boll., St Wandregisilus, July 22; St Waningus, Jan. 9, etc. [210] Drapeyron, L., La reine Brunehilde, 1867. [211] Gregorius, Papa, Epistolae, liber 9, epist. 109 (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl. vol. 77). [212] St Columban who went abroad and died in 615 should be kept distinct from St Columba who died in 597, sometimes also called Columban. Both of them wrote rules for monks (cf. Dictionary of Nat. Biography). [213] Bouquet, Recueil Hist., vol. 3, p. 478. [214] A. SS. Boll., St Desiderius, May 23. [215] GuettÉe, Histoire de l’Église de France, vol. 1, p. 317. [216] Opinions differ as to the original form of the rule of St Benedict. Comp. Benedictus, Opera, pp. 204 ff. (in Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Complet., vol. 66). [217] A. SS. Boll., St Filibertus, Aug. 20. [218] Roth, P., Geschichte des Beneficialwesens, 1850, Appendix, gives the Charter. [219] Roth, P., Geschichte des Beneficialwesens, 1850, p. 249. [220] A. SS. Boll., St Bathildis, Jan. 26 (contains both accounts). [221] Roth, P., Geschichte des Beneficialwesens, 1850, p. 86. [222] A. SS. Boll., St Bathildis, Jan. 26; Vita 11., ch. 14. [223] A. SS. Boll., ibid., St Aurea, Oct. 4. [224] Ibid., St Filibertus, Aug. 20, Vita, ch. 5. [225] Ibid., St Austreberta, Feb. 10. [226] Regnault, Vie de Ste Fare, 1626. [227] A. SS. Boll., St Teclechildis, Oct. 10. [228] A. SS. Boll., St Bertilia, Jan. 3. [229] Ibid., St Salaberga, Sept. 22, Vita, ch. 8. [230] Ibid., St Austrudis, Oct. 17. [231] Bede, Hist. Eccles., bk 3, ch. 8; bk 4, ch. 23. Comp. below, ch. 3, § 1. [232] History of the Anglo-Saxons, transl. Thorpe, 1845, vol. 2, p. 247. [233] Raine, Historians of the Church of York. Rolls series, vol. 1, Preface, p. xxiii. [234] It is probable such settlements existed. Dugdale, Monasticon, vol. 3, p. 302, holds a religious foundation to have existed in Tinmouth founded 617-33, but in Bede, Life of Cuthbert, transl. Stevenson, T., 1887, ch. 3, it is referred to as a monastery formerly of men, now of ‘virgins.’ [235] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Folkestone,’ vol. 1, p. 451. [236] Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, 1862, vol. 1, p. 226: ‘the life of Eanswith cannot be traced to any earlier authority than John of Tinmouth († c. 1380) whose account Capgrave († 1484) embodied in his collection of saints’ lives.’ The work of Capgrave, Catalogus SS. Angliae, was printed in 1516; the Kalendre of the newe Legende of Englande, printed 1516 (Pynson), from which expressions are quoted in the text, is an abridged translation of it into English. [237] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Folkestone,’ vol. 1, p. 451, nr 2. [238] Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, 1880, ‘Eanswitha’; also A. SS. Boll., St Eanswida, Aug. 31. [239] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Liming,’ vol. 1, p. 452. [240] Jenkins, R. C., in Gentleman’s Magazine, 1862, August, p. 196 quotes this statement; I do not see where he takes it from. [241] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887, p. 144. [242] Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, 1862, vol. 1, p. 475. [243] Gocelinus, Vita St Wereburgae, c. 1 (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl., vol. 155). [244] Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, p. 130 footnote. [245] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Sheppey,’ vol. 2, p. 49. [246] Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, p. 123. [247] Bede, Hist. Eccles., bk 3, ch. 8, transl. Gidley, 1870. [248] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Thanet,’ vol. 1, p. 447; Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, 1862, on lives of St Mildred, vol. 1, p. 376; A. SS. Boll., St Mildreda, July 13. [249] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887, July 13. [250] Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, article ‘Mildred’ by Bishop Stubbs. [251] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Thanet,’ vol. 1, p. 447. [252] A. SS. Boll., St Milburga, Feb. 23. [253] Ibid., St Mildwida, Jan. 17. [254] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, Jan. 17. [255] ‘Lives of Women Saints’ (written about 1610) p. 64, edited by Horstman for the Early Engl. Text Soc., London, 1887. [256] Haddon and Stubbs, Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, 1869, vol. 3, p. 240. [257] ‘Upmynstre, Suthmynstre, Folcanstan, Limming, Sceppeis.’ [258] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Whitby,’ vol. 1, p. 405. [259] Bede, Eccl. Hist., bk 4, ch. 23 transl. Gidley, 1870. Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Hartlepool,’ vol. 6, p. 1618, places the foundation about the year 640. [260] Bede, Eccl. Hist. bk 3, chs. 24-25; bk 4, chs. 23-24. [261] A. SS. Boll., St Bega, Sept. 6; Tomlinson, G. C., Life and Miracles of St Bega, 1839. [262] Carthularium abbathiae de Whiteby, publ. Surtees Soc., 1879. [263] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 4, ch. 23, translat. Gidley, 1870, with additions and alterations. [264] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 5, ch. 3. [265] Bede, Life of St Cuthbert, ch. 10; Dugdale, Monasticon, vol. 1, p. 233, mentions Easington only as a manor of Durham. [266] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Hackness,’ vol. 3, p. 633. [267] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 4, ch. 23. [268] Dictionary of Nat. Biography, article ‘Caedmon’ by Henry Bradley. [269] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 4, ch. 24, transl. Gidley, 1870. [270] Haigh, D. H., ‘On the monasteries of St Heiu and St Hild,’ Yorksh. Archaeolog. Journal, vol. 3, p. 370. I do not know on what authority Haigh designates Heiu as saint. [271] Gray, de Birch, Fasti Monastici Aevi Saxonici, 1872, p. 15. [272] Comp. below, p. 106. [273] Charlton, L., History of Whitby, 1779, p. 33. [274] Raine, Historians of the Church of York, Rolls series, vol. 1, Preface p. xxvii. This volume contains reprints of several accounts of the life of Wilfrith, including the one by Eddi. [275] A. SS. Boll., St Withburga, March 17; Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘East Dereham,’ vol. 2, p. 176. [276] Haigh, D. H., ‘On the monasteries of St Heiu and St Hild,’ Yorkshire Archaeol. Journal, vol. 3, p. 352, decides in favour of Aethelric. [277] Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, p. 235. [278] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Coldingham,’ vol. 6, p. 149. The promontory of St Abb’s Head retains her name. She is believed to have founded another religious settlement at a place in Durham on the river Derwent called Ebbchester, and the village church there is dedicated to her (Dict. of Nat. Biog.). [279] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 4, ch. 19. [280] A. SS. Boll., St Etheldreda June 23, Thomas of Ely, Vita ch. 41. [281] Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, p. 252 footnote. [282] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 4, ch. 19. [283] Kalendre of the newe Legende of Englande, printed 1516 (Pynson) fol. 39 b. [284] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 4, ch. 19. [285] Dictionary of National Biography, ‘Etheldreda, Saint.’ [286] Bentham, History of Ely, 1817, p. 9. [287] Gocelinus, Vita St Wereburgae (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl. vol. 155). [288] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887, p. 49, calls it Weedon in Northamptonshire; Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wedon,’ vol. 6, p. 1051, doubts its existence. [289] Life of St Werburgh, 1521, reprinted for the Early Engl. Text Soc., 1887. [290] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887, p. 49. [291] Livien, E. ‘On early religious houses in Staffordshire,’ Journal of the British Archaeolog. Assoc., vol. 29, p. 329. (The widespread cult of St Werburg may be due to there having been several saints of this name; comp. Stanton, R., Menology.) [292] Eddi, Vita, c. 34 (in Raine, Historians of the Church of York, Rolls series). [293] Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, p. 300, casts discredit on this story, which is told by Eddi, Vita, c. 38. [294] Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, pp. 301 ff. [295] Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, 1862, vol. 1, pp. 297 ff. [296] Bede, Life of St Cuthbert, ch. 10. [297] Bede, Eccles. History, bk 4, ch. 25. [298] The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle gives 679 as the date of the fire; Eddi’s account represents Aebbe as alive in 681. Perhaps she died in 680; comp. Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, 1877, Ebba, nr 1; also Bright, W., Early English Church History, 1878, p. 300, footnote. [299] Bright, W., ibid., p. 255, footnote. [300] Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, 1862, vol. 1, p. 312. [301] Bede, Life of St Cuthbert, ch. 23. [302] Bede, Life of St Cuthbert, ch. 34. [303] Ibid., ch. 24. [304] Psalm lxxxix. 10 (The Vulgate here follows the LXX.; it would be interesting to know what sense they or indeed Bede gave to the passage). [305] Eccles. xi. 8. [306] Bede, Eccles. Hist., bk 4, ch. 26. [307] Eddi, Vita, c. 43. [308] Bright, W., Early English History, 1878, p. 448, from 686-691. [309] Haigh, D. H., ‘On the monasteries of St Heiu and St Hild,’ Yorksh. Archaeol. Journal, vol. 3, p. 375. [310] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Peterborough,’ vol. 1, p. 377, nr 2, prints the charter. [311] Gough, R., Parochial History of Castor, 1819, p. 99. [312] ‘Cum beatissimis sororibus meis Kyneburga et Kyneswida, quarum prior regina mutavit imperium in Christi ancillarum praesidens monasterio ... etc.’ [313] Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, 1862, vol. 1, p. 370. [314] A. SS. Boll., St Kineburga et St Kineswitha, virgines, March 6, argue the existence of a third sister. [315] Camden, Britannia, edit. 1789, vol. 2, pp. 219, 223. [316] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Repton,’ vol. 6, p. 429; the abbesses he mentions should stand in this order: Alfritha, Edburga. [317] Haddon and Stubbs, Councils and Eccles. Documents, 1869, vol. 3, p. 273. [318] Ibid., vol. 3, p. 274. [319] Birch, W. de Gray, Memorials of St Guthlac of Crowland, 1881. [320] A. SS. Boll., St Guthlac, April 11; Felix, Vita, c. 12. [321] Felix, Vita, c. 33. [322] Ibid., ‘Egburgh abbatissa, Aldulfi regis filia’; Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, 1877, call her ‘Eadburga (nr 3)’; two abbesses Ecgburh occur in the Durham list of abbesses, comp. Gray, W. de Birch, Fasti Monastici Aevi Saxonici, 1872, p. 70. [323] Comp. below, ch. 4, § 1. [324] Holdich, B., History of Crowland Abbey, 1816, p. 2. [325] Gray, W. de Birch, Memorials of St Guthlac of Crowland, 1881, Introd. p. l, footnote. [326] Brit. Mus. MS. Harleian Roll, Y 6, reproduced Gray, W. de Birch, Memorials of St Guthlac of Crowland, 1881, pp. 14, 16, etc. [327] Goodwin, C. W., The Anglo-Saxon version of the life of St Guthlac, 1848, p. 93. [328] A. SS. Boll., St Pega sive Pegia, Jan. 8. [329] A. SS. Boll., St Ositha, Oct. 7. [330] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Chich Priory,’ vol. 6, p. 308. [331] Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, vol. 1, pp. 524 ff. [332] A. SS. Boll., St Frideswida, Oct. 19; Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Christ Church,’ vol. 2, p. 134. [333] Dictionary of National Biography, Frideswide. [334] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887, p. 137: ‘we have no records of Osburg till 1410.’ [335] Ibid., p. 310: ‘there is much obscurity in the history of St Modwenna. It seems that she must be distinguished from one or perhaps two other Irish saints....’ Also Livien, E., ‘On early religious houses in Staffordshire’ in Journal of the British Archaeol. Association, vol. 29, p. 333; Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive Catalogue of Materials, pp. 94 ff. [336] Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, 1887, p. 328. [337] Bede, Eccles. Hist., bk 4, chs. 7-10. [338] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 436. [339] A. SS. Boll., St Ethelburga, Oct. 11; Stanton, R., Menology of England and Wales, p. 485. [340] Stanton, R., Menology, calls her Theorigitha but says, p. 36, that she has no day. [341] A. SS. Boll., St Hildelitha, March 24. [342] Bede, Eccles. Hist., bk 5, ch. 18. [343] Capgrave, T., Catalogus SS. Angliae, 1516, fol. 10, b. [344] Monumenta Moguntina, edit. JaffÉ, Epist. nr 2, written between 675 and 705; Giles (Aldhelm, Opera Omnia, 1844, p. 90) calls her Osgith, a name which occurs several times in the Durham ‘Liber Vitae.’ [345] Aldhelm, Opera, edit. Giles, 1844, p. 103. [346] Ibid., p. 115, De Basilica, etc. [347] Ibid., p. 135, De Laudibus Virginum (it is not known over which house Maxima presided); p. 203, De octo Principalibus Vitiis. [348] Ibid., p. 1, De Laudibus Virginitatis (chapter references in the text are to this edition). [349] Mediaeval exegesis interpreted in these four ways, comp. Cassian Erem., De Spiritu Sc., c. 8. [350] I take ‘crustu’ to go with ‘crusta,’ comp. Ducange. [351] Monumenta Moguntina, edit. JaffÉ, Epist. nr 70. [352] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Sherbourne,’ vol. 1, p. 331, footnote K. [353] Will. of Malmesbury, History, c. 31. [354] Dict. of Nat. Biography, ‘Aldhelm.’ [355] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wimbourne,’ vol. 2, p. 88. [356] A. SS. Boll., St Cuthberga, Aug. 31. [357] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wimbourne,’ vol. 2, p. 88. [358] Opera edit. Giles, 1844, p. 216; Dict. of Nat. Biog., ‘Aldfrith,’ he is sometimes called Alfred. [359] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wimbourne,’ vol. 2, p. 89, nr 2. [360] Brit. Mus. MSS. Lansdowne, 436 f., 38 b. [361] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Tetbury,’ vol. 6, p. 1619. [362] A. SS. Boll., St Lioba, Sept. 28, c. 2. [363] Arndt, W., Introd. to translation into German (in Pertz, Geschichtsschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit, Jahrhundert 8, Band 2), p. xix. [364] Epist. nr 12. The only edition of the letters of Boniface which attempts chronological order is that of JaffÉ, Ph., Monumenta Moguntina, 1866, the numeration of which I have followed. Additional remarks on the dates of some of the letters are contained in Hahn, H., Bonifaz und Lull, ihre angelsÄchsischen Correspondenten, 1883. [365] Willibaldus presb., Vita Bonifacii, edit. JaffÉ, Ph., Monumenta Moguntina, 1866, pp. 422-506, c. 2. [366] Whether Eadburg of Thanet is identical with St Eadburga buried at Liming (comp. p. 84), is uncertain. [367] Epist. nr 10. [368] Epist. nr 112. [369] Epist. nr 32, written 735 (JaffÉ); after 732 (Hahn). [370] Epist. nr 75. [371] Epist. nr 31. [372] Epist. nr 62. [373] Epist. nr 76. [374] Epist. nr 22, written 722 (JaffÉ). [375] Epist. nr 39. [376] Epist. nr 46. [377] Epist. nr 72, 2 Cor. vii. 5. [378] Epist. nr 73. [379] Comp. Ps. cxix. 105. [380] Epist. nr 87. [381] Epist. nr 8; written between 709 and 712 (Hahn). Boniface is known to have travelled in the district of the Mosel; there is no other reason why this letter should be included in the correspondence. [382] John xv. 12. [383] Epist. nr 59; written 745 (Hahn). [384] Epist. nr 60. [385] Epist. nr 61. [386] Epist. nr 70; written after 748 (Hahn). [387] Epist. nr 13, written 717-19 (Hahn). [388] JaffÉ, Ph., loc. cit., footnote, p. 64, quotes the lines Virg. Aen., 11. 369-70, of which this sentence seems an adaptation. [389] Comp. Psalm i. 2. [390] Romans x. 15. [391] Matth. xxv. 36. [392] Comp. Matth. xix. 28. [393] Epist. nr 14, written 719-22 (JaffÉ). Haigh, D. H., ‘On the monasteries of St Heiu and St Hild,’ in Yorkshire Archaeol. Journal, vol. 3, p. 377, speaks of her as Cangith and holds her to have been abbess of Hackness. [394] Birch, W. de Gray, Fasti Monastici Aevi Saxonici, 1872, p. 68. [395] Matth. vii. 25. [396] Comp. Luc. xiv. 31. [397] Wisdom vi. 7 (Vulgate). [398] Wisdom iv. 12 (Vulgate). [399] There are some difficulties in this passage. [400] Daniel xiv. 33 (Vulgate). [401] Acts viii. 26. [402] Ps. cxix. 103. [403] Ps. xxxvi. 6. [404] Cp. Ps. cxli. 2. [405] Cp. 2 Cor. v. 12. [406] The name Bugga occurs frequently during this period. [407] Epist. nr 16, written 720-22 (JaffÉ); I think somewhat later. [408] Epist. nr 86. [409] Epist. nr 88. [410] Epist. nrs 37, 38, 39. [411] Epist. nr 103, written shortly after 740 (Hahn). [412] Epist. nr 113. [413] Epist. nr 53. [414] Epist. nr 70. [415] Epist. nr 126. [416] Epist. nr 23; the verse runs as follows: ‘Arbiter omnipotens, solus qui cuncta creavit, [417] A. SS. Boll., St Lioba, Sept. 28, Vita, ch. 9. [418] Epist. nr 91, written between 737-41 (Hahn). [419] Vita, ch. 13. [420] Epist. nr 34. [421] Epist. nr 98, written 732-747 (Hahn). [422] Vita, ch. 14. [423] Epist. nr 93. [424] Epist. nr 126; also Epist. nr 68, written 748 (from the Pope on the consecration of abbot and abbess). [425] Vita St Sturmi in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Script., vol. 2, p. 365. [426] In JaffÉ, Ph., Monumenta Moguntina, 1866, p. 475. [427] Comp. above, p. 135. [428] A. SS. Boll., St Tecla, Oct. 15, casts discredit on Tecla’s settling at Kizzingen and argues in favour of Oxenfurt. Kizzingen existed in the 15 c.; nothing is known concerning the later history of Oxenfurt. [429] Hahn, H., Bonifaz und Lull, ihre angelsÄchsischen Correspondenten, 1883, p. 138, footnote 4, considers her identical with the Cynehild of the correspondence. [430] Two letters, nrs 148, 149, in the correspondence are written by ‘Berthgyth,’ apparently a nun in England who wished to go abroad, to her brother Baldhard, but judging by their contents (‘I have been deserted by my parents,’ etc.) it is improbable that she is identical with the nun referred to above. [431] JaffÉ, Ph., Monumenta Moguntina, 1866, p. 490. [432] Comp. above, p. 25. [433] Comp. the attempt to identify Chunihilt with St Gunthildis, A. SS. Boll., Sept. 22. [434] Edit. Canisius, H., Thesaurus, 1725, vol. 2; this anonymous nun is sometimes considered identical with the sister of Wilibald and Wunebald, and therefore with St Walburg. [435] Vita St Willibaldi (also called Hodoeporicon), edit. Canisius, H., Thesaurus, 1725, vol. 2, ch. 2. [436] Bede, Hist. Eccles., bk 5, ch. 15. [437] For erasing writing from parchment. [438] Vita St Wunebaldi, edit. Canisius, H., Thesaurus, 1725, vol. 2. [439] Widukind, Annalium libri tres, year 924. [440] Giesebrecht, W., Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, 4 ed. 1873, vol. 1. [441] Ex Vita Liutbergae in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Script., vol. 4, p. 158 (Potthast, Wegweiser, written about 870). [442] DÜmmler, E., Geschichte des ostfrÄnkischen Reichs, 1865, vol. 1, p. 348. [443] Translatio St Pusinnae in A. SS. Boll., April 23 (Potthast, Wegweiser, written probably by a monk of Corvei between 860-877). [444] DÜmmler, E., Geschichte des ostfrÄnkischen Reichs, 1865, vol. 2, p. 336. [445] Luentzel, Geschichte der DiÖcese und Stadt Hildesheim, 1858, vol. 1, p. 22. [446] Vita Mathildis Reg. (in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Script., vol. 4, p. 283 ff.), c. 26. [447] Annales Quedliburgenses, year 999. [448] Fritsch, Geschichte des Reichstifts Quedlinburg, 1826, vol. 1, p. 45. [449] Luther, An den Adel christl. Nation, 1520, edit. Knaake, vol. 6, p. 440. [450] Harenberg, Historia Ecclesiae Gandersh., 1734, vol. 1, p. 529. [451] Engelhausen, Chronicon (in Leibnitz, Scriptores rer. Brunsv. 1707, vol. 2), p. 978. [452] Comp. below, ch. 6, § 1. [453] Luentzel, Geschichte der DiÖcese und Stadt Hildesheim, 1858, vol. 1, p. 67, quoting ‘Reimchronik,’ ‘Dat Bog segt, dat se so vele Wisheit konde, [454] Harenberg, Historia Ecclesiae Gandersh., 1734, vol. 1, p. 626 ff. [455] Luentzel, Geschichte der DiÖcese und Stadt Hildesheim, vol. 1, p. 319. [456] ‘De fundatione Brunswilarensis’ (in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Scriptores, vol. 11, p. 394 footnote); Adelheid was abbess of Nivelles, Mathilde of Villich and Diedenkirchen, Theofanu of Essen, Hedwig of Neuss; Sophie and Ida, to whom reference has been made in the text, are said by Pertz to have presided over Gandersheim and St Maria at CÖln; Sophie certainly did not become abbess at Gandersheim, perhaps she went to Mainz; Ida probably presided over the convent of St Maria on the MÜnzenberg, a dependency of Gandersheim. [457] Waitz, G., Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte, 1868, vol. 7, p. 258. [458] Reichstage, 1548-1594. [459] Fritsch, Geschichte des Reichstifts Quedlinburg, 1828, vol. 1, p. 259. [460] Luentzel, Geschichte der DiÖcese und Stadt Hildesheim, 1858, vol. 1, p. 67. [461] Fritsch, Geschichte des Reichstifts Quedlinburg, 1828, vol. 1, p. 84. [462] Ebert, Ad., Geschichte der Litteratur des Mittelalters, 1887, vol. 3, p. 429 footnote. [463] Harenberg, Historia Ecclesiae Ganders., 1734; also Luentzel, Geschichte der DiÖcese und Stadt Hildesheim, 1858, vol. 1, pp. 33 ff., 63 ff. [464] Agius, Vita et Obitus Hathumodae (in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Scriptores, vol. 4, pp. 166-189). [465] Hrotsvith, ‘Carmen de Primordiis Coenobii Gandersh.,’ in Opera, edit. Barack, 1858, p. 339 ff. [466] Agius, Vita et Obitus Hathumodae, ch. 3. [467] Ibid. ch. 5. [468] Agius, Vita et Obitus Hathumodae, ch. 9. [469] Ibid. ch. 15. [470] ‘Carmen de Primordiis Coenobii Gandersh.,’ line 273. [471] ‘Carmen de Gestis Oddonis I,’ in Opera, edit. Barack, 1858, p. 302. [472] Agius, Vita et Obitus Hathumodae, ch. 11. [473] KÖpke, R., Deutschlands Älteste Dichterin, 1869, p. 17. [474] Harenberg, Historia Ecclesiae Gandersh., 1734, p. 589. [475] Meibom, H., Rerum German. Script., 1688, vol. 1, p. 706, quoting Selneccer. [476] Hrotsvith, Opera, edit. Barack, 1858; Ebert, Ad., Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 285 ff. [477] Opera, edit. Barack, Einleitung, p. 6. [478] Piltz, O., Die Dramen der Roswitha, no date; Magnin, ThÉÂtre de Hrotsvitha, 1845. [479] KÖpke, R., Deutschlands Älteste Dichterin, 1869, p. 28. [480] Hrotsvith, Opera, edit. Barack, Einleitung, p. 54. [481] ‘Maria,’ Opera, p. 7. [482] Opera, edit. Barack, p. 2. [483] ‘Ascensio Domini,’ Opera, p. 37. [484] Opera, edit. Barack, Einleitung, p. 48. [485] ‘Gongolf,’ Opera, p. 43. [486] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 290. [488] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 295. [489] ‘Theophilus,’ Opera, p. 79. [490] ‘Proterius,’ Opera, p. 97. [491] ‘Dionysius,’ Opera, p. 107. [492] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 300. [493] ‘Agnes,’ Opera, p. 117. [494] Opera, p. 133. [495] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 301. [496] Opera, p. 95. [497] Opera, p. 137. [498] Hudson, W. H., ‘Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim,’ English Historical Review, 1888. [499] ‘Gallicanus,’ Opera, p. 143. [500] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 316. [501] ‘Dulcetius,’ Opera, p. 174. [502] ‘Calimachus,’ Opera, p. 191. [503] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 321. [504] ‘Abraham,’ Opera, p. 213. [505] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 323. [506] ‘Paphnutius,’ Opera, p. 237. [507] Piltz, O., Dramen der Roswitha (no date), p. 178, refers to BoËthius, In Categorias Aristotelis, liber 1, ‘de substantia’; and to De musica, liber 1. [508] The ancient course of university study included the seven ‘liberal arts’ and was divided into the Trivium including grammar, dialectic and rhetoric, and the Quadrivium including arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. The Trivium was sometimes designated as logic and the Quadrivium as physic. [509] ‘Sapientia,’ Opera, p. 27. [510] Piltz, Die Dramen der Roswitha, p. 181, refers to BoËthius, De Arithmetica, liber 1, cc. 9-22. [511] ‘who favoured and improved these works before they were sent forth,’ additional words of some manuscripts; Opera, edit. Barak, p. 140 footnote. [512] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 305. [513] Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur des Abendlandes, 1887, vol. 3, p. 311. [514] KÖpke, Die Älteste deutsche Dichterin, 1869. [515] Comp. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, article ‘Roswitha.’ [516] LabbÉ, Sacror. Concil. Collectio, 1763, years 789, 804, 811; Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 5, p. 146 ff. [517] Matth. Paris, Historia Major Angliae, sub anno. [518] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 5, pp. 184 ff.; Ladewig, Poppo von Stablo und die Klosterreform unter den Saliern, 1883. [519] Wulfstan, edit. Napier, Arthur, Berlin 1883, p. 156. [520] Tanner, T., Notitia monastica, edit. Nasmith, 1787, Introduction, p. ix. [521] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 5, pp. 341 ff.; A. SS. Boll., St Stephanus abbas, April 17. [522] Janauschek, L., Origines Cisterciensium, 1877. [523] Dialogus inter Clun. et Cist. in MartÈne and Durand’s Thesaurus nov. Anecdot. Paris, 1717, vol. 5, p. 1568. [524] Jacopo di Vitriaco, Historia Occidentalis, 1597, c. 15. [525] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 5, pp. 375, 468 ff. [526] Hermannus, De Mirac. St Mariae Laudun. (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus completus, vol. 156), p. 1002. [527] Brunner, S., Ein Cisterzienserbuch, 1881, p. 612. [528] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 5, p. 376. [529] Birch, W. de Gray, On the Date of Foundation ascribed to the Cistercian Abbeys of Great Britain, 1870. [530] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Rivaulx,’ vol. 5, p. 274. [531] Ibid. ‘Fountains,’ vol. 5, p. 292, nrs I-XI. [532] A. SS. Boll., St Robertus, Feb. 25, contains two accounts of his life, the one by Baldric († 1130), the other by Andrea. Comp. also Helyot, Hist, des ordres mon., 1714, vol. 6, pp. 83 ff. [533] Differing from settlements of the Gilbertine order, in which there were lay sisters also. [534] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 2, pp. 156 ff. ‘Leben des heil. Norbert’ (written before 1155) transl. by Hertel in Pertz, Geschichtsschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit. [535] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 2, p. 175; Jacopo di Vitriaco, Historia occidentalis, 1597, ch. 15. [536] Gonzague, MonastÈre de Storrington, 1884, p. 8. [537] They were Brodholm and Irford. [538] § 3 of this chapter. [539] ‘Peregrinatio Relig. ergo.’ [540] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 2, pp. 11 ff. [541] Tanner, J., Notitia Monastica edit. Nasmith, 1787, Introd. XI. [542] Rohrbacher, Histoire universelle de l’Église catholique, 1868, vol. 6, p. 252. [543] LabbÉ, C., Sacror. Conc. Collectio, 1763, year 816, part 2. [544] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 2, p. 55. [545] Hugonin, ‘Essai sur la fondation de l’École St Victor À Paris,’ printed as an introduction to Hugo de St Victore, Opera (in Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Compl. vol. 175). [546] Comp. below, ch. 9, § 1. [547] Norgate, Kate, History of the Angevin Kings, 1887, vol. 1, p. 66. [548] Idung, De quatuor questionibus in Pez, B., Thesaurus anecdot. nov. 1721, vol. 2. [549] Helyot, Histoire des ordres monastiques, 1714, vol. 7, pp. 366, 406. Jacopo di Vitriaco, Historia Occidentalis, 1597, c. 15. [550] Giraldus Cambrensis, Speculum Ecclesiae, edit. Brewer, 1873. [551] Map, W., De Nugis Curialium (written 1182-89), 1850, p. 38. [552] John of Salisbury, Polycraticus, edit. Giles, bk. VII. chs. 21-23. [553] Wirecker, N., Brunellus, 1662, p. 83. [554] Goldsmid, Political Songs, vol. 2, p. 64. [555] Freeman, Norman Conquest, 3rd edit. 1877, vol. 2, p. 609. [556] Ibid. p. 554; Map, De Nugis Curialium, 1850, p. 201 (Freeman: Map like other Norman writers speaks very ill of Godwin). [557] Dugdale, Monasticon, vol. 6, p. 1618 (p. 1619 he says in connection with the destroyed nunnery Woodchester that the wife of Earl Godwin built it to make amends for her husband’s fraud at Berkley). [558] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Shaftesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 470. [559] Ibid. ‘Nunnaminster,’ vol. 2, p. 451. [560] Ibid. ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 436. [561] Ibid. ‘Shaftesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 472. The abbess does not even seem to have been represented (as she was at the Diet abroad). [562] Ibid. p. 472; and p. 473 footnote. [563] Dugdale, Monasticon, vol. 1, p. 472. [564] They were Godstow, Elstow, Malling. [565] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Amesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 333; Freeman, History of the Norman Conquest (3rd edit. 1877), vol. 2, p. 610; the event is dated 1177; perhaps the letters from John of Salisbury, Epist. edit. Giles, nrs 72, 74, are addressed to the abbess of Amesbury, who was deposed. [566] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Sopwell,’ vol. 3, p. 362. [567] Ibid. ‘Kilburn,’ vol. 3, p. 422. [568] Ibid. ‘St Clement’s,’ vol. 4, p. 323. [569] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Stanford,’ vol. 4, p. 257. [570] Ibid. ‘Sinningthwaite,’ vol. 5, p. 463. [571] Ibid. ‘Swine,’ vol. 5, p. 494, nr 2; ‘Nun-Cotham,’ vol. 5, p. 676, nr 2. [572] A. SS. Boll., St Margaret, June 10. [573] Dict. of Nat. Biography, Christina. [574] Brand, History of Newcastle, vol. 1, p. 204. [575] Freeman, History of William Rufus, vol. 2, pp. 596, 682. [576] Will. of Malmesbury, Gesta Reg. (Rolls Series), pp. 279, 470, 493. [577] Orderic Vitalis, Eccles. Hist., transl. by Forester, 1847, vol. 3, p. 12. [578] Eadmer, Historia (Rolls Series), p. 122. [579] Comp. below, ch. 8, § 2. [580] Anselm of Canterbury, Epistolae (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus completus, vol. 159), the numeration of which is followed in the text. [581] Hilarius, Versus et ludi, edit. Champollion-Figeac, 1838, p. 1. (Champollion prints Clinton, which he no doubt misread for Winton.) [582] Milner, J., History of Winchester, 1823, vol. 1, p. 212. [583] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wherwell,’ vol. 2, p. 634. [584] Ibid. ‘St Mary’s Abbey,’ vol. 2, p. 452. [585] Ibid. ‘Lillechurch,’ vol. 4, p. 378, charter nr 2. [586] Ibid. ‘Rumsey,’ vol. 2, p. 506. [587] Norgate, Kate, History of the Angevin Kings, 1887, vol. 1, p. 469. [588] Beket, Epistolae (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus compl., vol. 190), nr 196. [589] Petrus Blesiensis, Epistolae, edit. Giles, letters nrs 35, 36, 55, 239. [590] A. SS. Boll., St Gilbert, Feb. 4, contain two short lives; Dugdale, Monasticon, vol. 6 inserted between pp. 946, 947, contains a longer account, the ‘Institutiones,’ and various references to Gilbert; Dict. of Nat. Biography refers to a MS. account at Oxford, Digby, 36, Bodleian. [591] Helyot, Histoire des ordres mon., 1714, vol. 2, p. 190. [592] Dict. of Nat. Biography. [593] A. SS. Boll., St Gilbert, Feb. 4, Vita, nr 2, ch. 3; Dugdale, Vita, p. xi. [594] The ‘precentrix’ is strictly speaking the leader of the choir. Cf. below ch. 10 § 2. [595] Dugdale, Institutiones, p. lxxxii. [596] Dict. of Nat. Biography. [597] Ailred, Opera (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus comp., vol. 195), p. 789. ‘De sanctimoniali de Wattun.’ [598] Oliver, G., History of Beverley and Watton, 1829, p. 520 ff.; cf. above, p. 91. [599] Dugdale, Monasticon, vol. 6, p. xcviii. [600] Report in Athenaeum, Oct. 7, 1893. [601] Oliver, G., History of Beverley and Watton, 1829, p. 531. [602] Wattenbach, W., Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, 2nd edit. 1875, p. 374. [603] Bock, F., Geschichte der liturg. GewÄnder, 3 vols. 1866-71, vol. 1, p. 214. [605] Cf. above, pp. 122, 132. [608] Michel, F., Étoffes de soie au moyen Âge, 1852, vol. 2, p. 339, contains this and other references. [609] Eddi, Vita Wilfredi, c. 65 (it is unknown over which house she presided). [611] Haddon and Stubbs, Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, 1869. [612] Cf. above, pp. 103, 115, 198, and below, ch. 11, § 1. [613] Bock, F., Geschichte der liturg. GewÄnder, 1866, vol. 1, p. 142. [614] Michel, F., Étoffes de soie pendant le moyen Âge, 1852, vol. 2, p. 340. [615] Wharton, Anglia Sacra, vol. 1, p. 607. [616] Michel, F., Étoffes de soie pendant le moyen Âge, 1852, vol. 2, p. 338. [617] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Albans,’ vol. 2, p. 186 footnote. [618] Middleton, J. H., Illuminated MSS., 1892, p. 112. [619] For example in the South Kensington Museum, nr 594-1884, Italian chasuble; nr 1321-1864, panel of canvas, from Bock’s Collection (Descriptive Catalogue of Tapestry and Embroidery, 1888). [620] Bock, F., Geschichte der liturg. GewÄnder, 1866, vol. 1, p. 209, suggests that gold plaques may have been sewn into the work. [621] Cf. South Kensington Museum, nr 28-1892, a number of fragments of textile linen worked over in coloured silks and gold thread with scenes taken from the life of the Virgin. English work of the 14th century (Descriptive Catalogue of Tapestry and Embroidery, 1888). [622] Michel, F., Étoffes de soie pendant le moyen Âge, 1852, vol. 2, p. 337, points out that the expression ‘opus anglicum’ was applied also to the work of the goldsmith; comp. Ducange, Glossarium, ‘Anglicum.’ ‘Loculus ille mirificus ... argento et auro gemmisque, anglico opere subtilitater ac pulcherrime decoratus.’ [623] Historia Major Angliae, sub anno. [624] South Kensington Museum, nr 83-1864 (Descriptive Catalogue of Tapestry and Embroidery, 1888). [625] Ibid. p. 168. [626] A. SS. Boll., St Eustadiola, June 8. Vita, ch. 3. [627] A. SS. Boll., SS. Herlindis et Renild, March 22, ch. 5 (videlicet nendo et texendo, creando ac suendo, in auro quoque ac margaritis in serico componendo). [628] Ibid. ch. 12 (palliola ... multis modis variisque compositionibus diversae artis innumerabilibus ornamentis). [629] Stadler and Heim, VollstÄndiges Heiligenlexicon, 1858, ‘Harlindis.’ [630] Zeitschrift fÜr Christl. Archaeologie, edit. Schnuetgen, 1856, ‘MÜnsterkirche in Essen,’ 1860, BeitrÄge. [631] Labarte, Arts industriels au moyen Âge, 1872, vol. 1, p. 341. [632] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 84. [633] Fritsch, Geschichte des Reichstifts Quedlinburg, 1828, vol. 2, p. 326. [634] Bock, F., Geschichte der liturg. GewÄnder, 1866, vol. 1, p. 155. [635] Schultz, A., HÖfisches Leben zur Zeit der Minnesinger, 1889, cites many passages from the epics which refer to embroidery worn by heroes and heroines. A piece of work of special beauty described vol. 1, p. 326, had been made by an apostate nun. [636] Ekkehard IV., c. 10, in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Scriptores, vol. 2, p. 123. [637] Erath, Codex diplom. Quedliburg., 1764, p. 109. [638] Brunner, S., Kunstgenossen der Klosterzelle, 1863, vol. 2, p. 555. [639] Kugler, F., Kleine Schriften, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 635 ff.; part of the hanging is given by Muentz, E., Tapisseries, broderies et dentelles, 1890, plate 2. [640] Fritsch, Geschichte des Reichstifts Quedlinburg, 1828, vol. 1, p. 121. [641] Kugler, F., Kleine Schriften, 1853, vol. 1, p. 540. [642] BÜsching, F. G., Reise durch einige MÜnsterkirchen, 1819, p. 235. [643] Bock, F., Geschichte der liturg. GewÄnder, 1866, vol. 1, p. 227. [644] Bock, F., Geschichte der liturg. GewÄnder, 1866, vol. 3, pp. 201 ff. [645] Ibid. 1866, vol. 3, p. 202. [646] Hefner, Oberbair. Archiv, 1830, vol. 1, p. 355. [647] Westermayer in Allgemeine Deutsche Biog., article ‘Diemud’; Catalogus Cod. Lat. Bibliothecae Reg. Monac., vol. 7, 1881, nrs 140, 146-154. [648] Wattenbach, W., Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, 2nd edit. 1875, p. 374. [649] Ibid. p. 177. [650] Ibid. p. 304. [651] Ibid. p. 374. [652] Middleton, J. H., Illuminated MSS., 1892, p. 216. [653] Michel, F., Étoffes de soie pendant le moyen Âge, 1852, vol. 2, p. 350. [654] Reproductions par la SociÉtÉ pour la conservation des monuments de l’Alsace, Sept livraisons containing Plates 1-53 inclusive (till 1895). [655] Silbermann, J. A., Beschreibung von Hohenburg, 1781. [656] Roth, K. L., ‘Der Odilienberg’ in Alsatia, 1856, vol. 1, pp. 91 ff. [657] Comp. above, pp. 22, 24. [658] Wiegand, in Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, article ‘Relind.’ [659] It is possible but hardly probable that the miniaturist in colouring the picture gave free play to his fancy. [660] GÉrard, Ch., Les artistes de l’Alsace, 1872, p. 92. [661] Ibid.; Engelhardt, Herrad von Landsperg und ihr Werk, 1818. p. 16, footnote. [662] The monument is represented in Schoepflin, Alsatia Illustrata, 1751, vol. 1, ad pag. 797. [663] Engelhardt, Herrad von Landsperg und ihr Werk, 1818, with sheets of illustrations, which in a few copies are coloured. [664] Woltman, in Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, article ‘Herrad.’ [665] Engelhardt, Herrad von Landsperg und ihr Werk, 1818, Vorwort p. xi. [667] Engelhardt, Herrad von Landsperg und ihr Werk, 1818, p. 104. [668] Piper, F., Kalendarien und Martyrologien der Angelsachsen, 1862. [669] Apparently following the ‘Psychomachia’ of Prudentius, a Christian poet of the 5th century. [670] GÉrard, Ch., Les artistes de l’Alsace, 1872, Introd. p. xix., p. 46, footnote. [671] Probably with reference to Job xxxix., 14-15. [672] Hildegardis, Opera, 1882 (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl., vol. 197, which contains the acts of the saint reprinted from A. SS. Boll., St Hildegardis, Sept. 17; her life written by Godefrid and Theodor; the ‘Acta Inquisitionis’; the article by Dr Reuss, and the fullest collection of the saint’s works hitherto published). [673] Roth, F. W., Die Visionen der heil. Elisabeth und die Schriften von Ekbert und Emecho von SchÖnau, 1884. [674] ‘Annales Palidenses’ in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Script., vol. 16, p. 90. [675] Neander, Der heil. Bernard und seine Zeit, 1848. [676] Opera (Vita, c. 17), p. 104. [677] Opera, ‘Scivias,’ pp. 383-738. [678] Ibid. (Vita, c. 5), p. 94. [679] Giesebrecht, W., Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, vol. 4, p. 505. [680] Opera (Epist. nr 29), p. 189. [681] Opera (Responsum), p. 189. [682] Ibid. ‘Epistolae,’ pp. 1-382. [683] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877, pp. 19 ff. [684] Ibid. pp. 53 ff. [685] Schneegans, W., Kloster Disibodenberg; Schmelzeis, Das Leben und Wirken der heil. Hildegardis, 1879, pp. 45 ff. [686] Opera (Responsum to Bernard), p. 190. [687] Ibid. (Vita c. 14), p. 101. [688] Ibid. (Vita c. 19), p. 105. [689] Schmelzeis, Das Leben und Wirken der heil. Hildegardis, 1879, p. 53. [690] Opera (Vita c. 21), p. 106. [691] Ibid. [692] Ibid. (Acta Inquisitionis), p. 136. [693] Ibid. (Epist. nr 4), p. 154. [694] Opera, p. 383. [695] Opera (lib. 2, visio 7), p. 555. [696] Opera (lib. 3, visio 11), p. 709. [697] Opera (lib. 3, visio 13), p. 733. [698] Opera (Epist. nr 1), p. 145. [699] Opera (Responsum), p. 145. [700] This interpretation is given by Schmelzeis, Das Leben und Wirken der heil. Hildegardis, 1879, p. 157. [701] Jessen, ‘Ueber die medic. naturhist. Werke der heil. Hildegardis,’ in Kaiserl. Acad. der Wissenschaften, Wien, Naturwissensch. Abth. vol. 45 (1862), pp. 97 ff. [702] Opera, ‘Physica,’ pp. 1117-1352. [703] Virchow, R., ‘Zur Geschichte des Aussatzes, besonders im Mittelalter,’ in Archiv fÜr pathol. Anatomie, vol. 18, p. 286. [704] Haeser, H., Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medizin, 1875, vol. 1, p. 640. [705] Jessen, Botanik der Gegenwart und Vorzeit, 1864, pp. 120-127. [706] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877, p. 83; an example of the musical notation as an appendix in Schmelzeis, Das Leben und Wirken der heil. Hildegardis, 1879. [707] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877, p. 78, ‘Expositiones Evangeliorum.’ [708] Opera, ‘Explanatio regulae St Benedicti,’ pp. 1053-1069. [709] Ibid. ‘Explanatio symboli St Athanasii,’ pp. 1066-1093. [710] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877, p. 38. [711] Opera, ‘Solutiones triginta octo quaestionum,’ pp. 1038-1053. [712] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877, p. 79. [713] Opera (Epist. nr 12), p. 164. [714] Ibid. (Epist. nr 6), p. 157. [715] Ibid. (Epist. nr 11), p. 163. [716] Opera (Epist. nr 62), p. 281. [717] Ibid. (Epist. nr 49), p. 253. [718] Ibid. (Epist. nr 22), p. 178. [719] Ibid. (Epist. nr 5), p. 156. [720] Ibid. (Epist. nr 10), p. 161. [721] Opera (Epist. nr 100), p. 321. [722] Ibid. (Epist. nr 101), p. 322. [723] Ibid. (Epist. nr 96), p. 317. [724] Ibid. (Epist. nr 48), p. 243; cf. below, p. 281. [725] Ibid. (Vita, c. 44), p. 122; also p. 142 (Reuss here misunderstands the Acta Inquisitionis, p. 138), comp. Schmelzeis, Das Leben und Wirken der heil. Hildegardis, 1879, pp. 538 ff. [726] Opera, ‘Liber divinorum Operum,’ pp. 739-1037. [727] Ibid. (visio 4), pp. 807 ff. [728] Opera (visio 5, c. 36), p. 934. [729] Ibid. (visio 5, c. 43), p. 945. [730] Ibid. (visio 10, c. 25), p. 1026. [731] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877, pp. 95 ff. [732] Line 1401. [733] Cf. The Nunns prophesie ... concerning the rise and downfall of ... the ... Jesuits, 1680. [734] PrÉdictions sur la rÉvolution de la Belgique. Amsterdam, 1832. [735] Opera, ‘Vita St Rupertis,’ pp. 1081-1092. [736] Ibid. ‘Vita St Disibodi,’ pp. 1093-1116. [737] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877, p. 75, footnote. [738] Opera, p. 90; A. SS. Boll. St Hildegardis, Sept. 17. [739] Schmelzeis, Das Leben und Wirken der heil. Hildegardis, 1879. [740] Linde, Handschriften der kÖnigl. Bibliothek in Wiesbaden, 1877. [741] Opera, p. 140, footnote. [742] Roth, F. W. E., Die Visionen der heil. Elisabeth etc. 1884, Vorwort, p. cv. [743] Roth, Die Visionen der heil. Elisabeth etc. 1884, Vorwort, pp. cvii. ff. [744] Ibid. ‘Liber Visionum primus,’ Prologus, p. 1. [745] Ibid. ‘Liber Visionum secundus,’ c. 31, p. 53; Anlage, p. 153. [746] Ibid. ‘Liber Viarum Dei,’ pp. 88-122. [747] Ibid. Vorwort, p. cix. [748] Ibid. ‘Liber Viarum Dei,’ c. 10, p. 92. [749] Roth, Die Visionen der heil. Elisabeth etc. 1884, ‘Liber Viarum Dei,’ c. 13, p. 100. [750] Ibid. p. 104. [751] Roth, Die Visionen der heil. Elisabeth etc. 1884, ‘Liber Viarum Dei,’ c. 20, p. 122. [752] Ibid. pp. 70, 178. [753] Ibid. p. 74. [754] Ibid. ‘De Sacro Exercitu Virginum Coloniensium,’ pp. 123-153. [755] Ibid. Vorwort, pp. cxi ff. Roth discusses the history of the development of this legend. [756] Comp. above, p. 40. [757] A. SS. Boll., St Ursula, Oct. 21. [758] Roth, Die Visionen der heil. Elisabeth etc. 1884, Vorwort, p. cxxiv; Hardy, Th. D., Descriptive catalogue of MS. material, 1858, vol. 2, p. 417. [759] Roth, Die Visionen der heil. Elisabeth etc. 1884, p. 253. [760] A. SS. Boll., St Elisabetha, June 18. [761] A. SS. Boll., St Severinus, Jan. 8. [762] A. SS. Boll., St Magnericus, July 25, Vita, c. 49. [763] Creighton, C., History of Epidemics in England, vol. 1, 1891, p. 85. [764] Ibid. p. 97. [765] Muratori, Antiquitates Italiae, 1738. Pope Hadrian I to Karl the Great, vol. 3, p. 581. [766] Salles, F., Annales de l’ordre de Malte, ou des hospitaliers de St Jean de JÉrusalem, 1889. [767] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Hospital of St Gregory,’ vol. 6, p. 615, nr 1. [768] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Herbaldoun,’ vol. 6, p. 653; Creighton, C., History of Epidemics, vol. 1, 1891, p. 87. [769] Map, W., De Nugis Curialium, 1850, p. 228. [770] Ailred, Opera (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Completus, vol. 195), p. 368. [771] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Giles in the Fields,’ vol. 6, p. 635. [772] Creighton, C., History of Epidemics in England, vol. 1, 1891, p. 88. [773] Hormayr, ‘Die Grafen von Andechs und Tyrol,’ SÄmtl. Werke, vol. 3. [774] Virchow, R., ‘Zur Geschichte des Aussatzes, besonders in Deutschland,’ in Archiv fÜr pathol. Anatomie, vol. 18, article 2, p. 311. [775] Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, article ‘Hedwig.’ [776] Stenzel, G. A. H., Scriptores rerum Siles., Breslau 1835, ‘Vita St Hedwigis’ vol. 2, pp. 1-114; also A. SS. Boll., St Hedwig, Oct. 17. [777] Verein fÜr das Museum schles. AlterthÜmer, edit. Luchs, H., 1870. Also Luchs, H., Schlesische FÜrstenbilder, 1872. [778] Virchow, R., ‘Zur Geschichte des Aussatzes, besonders in Deutschland,’ in Archiv fÜr pathol. Anatomie, vol. 18, article 2, p. 275. [779] Wolfskron, Bilder der Hedwigslegende, 1846. [780] Stenzel, G. A. H., Scriptores rer. Siles., 1835, ‘Vita Annae ducissae Sil.’ vol. 2, p. 127. [781] A. SS. Boll., St Agnes de Bohemia, March 6, print two accounts, of uncertain date. [782] A. SS. Boll., Ibid., print these letters. [783] A. SS. Boll., Ibid., Vita 1, ch. 32. [784] Montalembert, C., Histoire de Ste Elisabeth de Hongrie, duchesse de Thuringe, edition de luxe 1878, with preface by Gautier, contains reproductions of some of those pictures; Potthast, A., Wegweiser, enumerates a number of accounts of the life of St Elisabeth. [785] Rieger, L., prints this ‘Leben der heil. Elisabeth’ in Literarisch. Verein, 1843, and discusses early MS. accounts of her life. [786] Justi, C. W., Elisabeth, die Heilige, 1797. [787] Montalembert, C., Histoire de Ste Elisabeth de Hongrie, 1836, 7th edit. 1855. [788] Wegele, F. X., ‘Die heil. Elisabeth von ThÜringen’ in Sybel, Historische Zeitschrift, 1861, pp. 351-397, which I have followed in the text. [789] Virchow, R., ‘Zur Geschichte des Aussatzes, besonders in Deutschland,’ in Archiv fÜr pathol. Anatomie, vol. 18, article 2, p. 313. [790] Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, article ‘Konrad von Marburg.’ [791] HaurÉau, Histoire de la philosophie scolastique, 1850, vol. 1, pp. 319 ff. [792] Dictionary of National Biography, article ‘Hales, Thomas.’ [793] ‘A luve ron,’ edit. Morris, Old English Miscellany, p. 93, for the Early Engl. Text Soc. 1872. [794] Edit. Morton for the Camden Soc. 1853. [795] ‘Die angelsÄchsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benedictinerregel,’ edit. SchrÖer, 1885 (in Grein, Bibliothek der angels. Prosa, vol. 2), p. 9. [796] SchrÖer, Winteney Version der Regula St Benedicti, 1888, p. 13. [797] ‘De vita eremetica’ (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl., vol. 32, by an oversight it is included among the works of St Augustine), p. 145. [798] Anselm, Opera (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl., vol. 158), ‘Meditationes’ (nr 15-17), pp. 786 ff. [799] Edit. Koelbing, Englische Studien, vol. 7, p. 304. [800] Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages, 1872, pp. 93-151. [801] Wilkins, D., Concilia, 1737, vol. 1, p. 693. [802] Brink, B. ten, Early English Literature, trans. Kennedy, 1883, p. 205. [803] First advanced by Morton, Ancren Riwle, Introd. pp. xii-xv; it is supported neither by tradition nor by documentary evidence. [804] Dalgairns, Introd. to Hylton, Scale of Perfection, 1870, thinks it possible that the author was a Dominican friar. [805] Comp. throughout Ancren Riwle, edit. Morton for the Camden Soc. 1853. [806] That is bands or ligatures to be used after the letting of blood. [807] Old English Homilies, First Series, edit. Morris, 1867, p. 268. [808] Hali Meidenhad, edit. Cockayne, for the Early English Text Soc., 1866. [809] Comp. Revelationes Gertrudianae ac Mechtildianae, edit. Oudin, for the Benedictines of Solesmes 1875, 2 vols., which contain the works of these three nuns; Mechthild von Magdeburg, Offenbarungen, oder Das Fliessende Licht der Gottheit, edit. Gall Morel, 1869; Preger, W., Geschichte der deutschen Mystik im Mittelalter, 1874, vol. 1, pp. 70-132. [810] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 1, Praefatio. [811] Ibid. vol. 1, pp. 497 ff. [812] Comp. Preger, ‘Dante’s Matelda,’ Acad. Vortrag, 1873; Paquelin and Scartazzini, ‘Zur Matelda-Frage’ in Jahrbuch der Dante Gesellschaft, Berlin, 1877, pp. 405, 411; Lubin, Osservazioni sulla Matilda svelata, 1878. [813] Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, article ‘Mechthild’ by Strauch, Ph. [814] Keller, L., Die Reformation und die Älteren Reformparteien, 1885, pp. 29 ff.; also Hallman, E., Geschichte des Ursprungs der Beguinen, 1843. [815] Mechthild von Magdeburg, Offenbarungen, oder Das Fliessende Licht der Gottheit, edit. Gall Morel, 1869; the abridged Latin version in Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2, pp. 423-710. [816] Heinrich not to be confounded with Heinrich who translated her work. [817] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2, pp. 298, 329, 332, etc. [818] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 542; vol. 2, pp. 325, 330. [819] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, etc. edit. Gall Morel, p. 3 ‘Wie die minne und die kuneginne zesamene sprachen.’ [820] Ibid. p. 6 ‘Von den megden der seele und von der minne schlage.’ [821] Ibid. p. 18 ‘Von der minne weg,’ etc. [822] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 43 ‘Wie die minne vraget,’ etc. [823] Ibid. p. 38 ‘Wie die bekantnisse und die sele sprechent zesamne,’ etc. [824] Ibid. p. 232 ‘Wie bekantnisse sprichet zu dem gewissede.’ [825] Ibid. p. 30 ‘Von der armen dirnen’ (I have retained the designation ‘saint’ where it is used in the allegory). [826] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 210 ‘Da Johannes Baptista der armen dirnen messe sang.’ [827] Ibid. p. 46 ‘Wie sich die minnende sele gesellet gotte,’ etc. [828] Ibid. p. 82 ‘Von der helle,’ etc. [829] Ibid. p. 270 ‘Ein wenig von dem paradyso.’ [830] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 52 ‘Von diseme buche,’ etc. [831] Ibid. p. 90 ‘Dis buch ist von gotte komen,’ etc. [832] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 110 ‘Von einer vrowe, etc.’ [833] Ibid. p. 68 ‘Von siben dingen die alle priester sollent haben.’ [834] Ibid. p. 171 ‘Wie ein prior, etc.’; p. 177 ‘Von der regele eines kanoniken, etc.’; p. 178 ‘Got gebet herschaft.’ [835] Ibid. p. 198 ‘Wie bÖse pfafheit sol genidert werden.’ [836] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2, p. 524. [837] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 115 ‘Von sehs tugenden St Domenicus’; p. 116 ‘Dur sehszehen ding hat got predierorden liep’; ibid. ‘Von vierhande crone bruder Heinrichs’; p. 154 ‘Von sehsleie kleider, etc.’ [838] Ibid. p. 166 ‘Von funfleie nuwe heligen.’ [839] A. SS. Boll., St Peter of the Dominican Order, April 29. [840] Ibid., St Jutta vidua, May 5, appendix. [841] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 256 ‘Wie ein predierbruder wart gesehen.’ [842] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 243 ‘Von der not eines urluges.’ [843] Ibid. p. 249 ‘Von einem geistlichen closter.’ [844] Comp. below, ch. 11, § 1. [845] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 68 ‘Von dem angenge aller dinge’; p. 107 ‘Von der heligen drivaltekeit, etc.’; p. 147 ‘Von sante marien gebet, etc.’ [846] Ibid. p. 14 ‘In disen weg zuhet die sele, etc.’ [847] Ibid. p. 16 ‘Von der pfrunde trost und minne.’ [848] Mechthild, Offenbarungen, p. 98 ‘Von zwein ungeleichen dingen, etc.’ [849] Ibid. p. 214 ‘Bekorunge, die welt und ein gut ende prÜfent uns.’ [850] ‘Liber Specialis Gratiae,’ in Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2, pp. 1-421. [851] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2, p. 727. [852] Preger, W., Geschichte der deutschen Mystik im Mittelalter, 1874, vol. 1, p. 87. [853] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2 (‘Liber Specialis Gratiae,’ bk 1, ch. 30, De angelis), p. 102. [854] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2 (‘Liber Specialis Gratiae,’ bk 2, ch. 2, De vinea domini), p. 137. [855] Cf. Gal. v. 22-3, to which Mechthild adds. [856] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2 (‘Liber Specialis Gratiae,’ bk 1, ch. 10, De veneratione imaginis Christi), p. 31. [857] Ibid. vol. 2 (‘Liber Specialis Gratiae,’ bk 2, ch. 23, De coquina domini), p. 165. [858] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 2 (bk 2, ch. 43, De nomine et utilitate hujus libri), p. 192. [859] Ibid. vol. 1, pp. 46, 269. [860] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 218. [861] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 1, pp. 1 ff. on her life. [862] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 14. [863] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 23. [864] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 227. [865] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 27. [866] Ibid. vol. 1, p. 39. [867] ‘Legatus Divinae Pietatis’ in Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 1, pp. 1 ff. [868] ‘Legatus Divinae Pietatis’ in Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 1, p. 61. [869] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 1, p. 113. [870] Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 1, p. 351. [871] Preger, W., Geschichte der deutschen Mystik im Mittelalter, 1874, vol. 1, p. 78. [872] ‘Exercitia Spiritualia,’ in Revelationes, etc. edit. Oudin, vol. 1, pp. 617-720. [873] Ibid. pp. 701 ff. [874] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Rumsey,’ vol. 2, p. 507 footnote. [875] Ibid. ‘Davington,’ vol. 4, p. 288. [876] Ibid. ‘Sopwell,’ vol. 3, p. 365, charter nr 7. [877] Jusserand, J., Histoire littÉraire du Peuple Anglais, 1894, pp. 121 ff., 235 ff. [878] Romania, edit. Meyer et Paris, vol. 13, p. 400. [879] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Ankerwyke,’ vol. 4, p. 229, charter nr 4. [880] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Shaftesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 471, charter nr 21. [881] Ibid. ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 441. [882] Ibid. ‘Legh,’ vol. 6, p. 333, footnote t. MS. Harleian 3660. [883] Bateson, M., ‘Register of Crabhouse Nunnery’ (no date), Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆol. Society. [884] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Littlemore,’ vol. 4, p. 490, charter nr 14. [885] Koelbing, Englische Studien, vol. 2, pp. 60 ff. [886] This supposition is based on certain peculiarities in the language of the rule for men. Cf. ‘Die angelsÄchsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benedictinerregel,’ edit. SchrÖer, 1885 (in Grein, Bibliotek der angels. Prosa, vol. 2) Einleitung, p. xviii. [887] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Godstow,’ vol. 4, p. 357, charter nr 23. [888] Lansdowne MS. 436. [889] Early English Text Soc., nr 100. Arundel MS. 396. [890] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Kilburn,’ vol. 3, p. 424. [891] Blaauw, W. H., ‘Episcopal visitations of the Benedictine nunnery of Easebourne’ in Sussex Arch. Collections, vol. 9, p. 12. According to Bradshaw, H., ‘Note on service books’ (printed as an appendix in Middleton, J. H., Illuminated Manuscripts, 1892) the missal was used for celebration of the mass; while the breviary contained the services for the hours, including the antiphony (anthems to the psalms)—the legenda (long lessons used at matins),—the psalter (psalms arranged for use at hours),—and the collects (short lessons used at all the hours except matins). In the list above, these are enumerated as separate books. He further says that the ordinale contained general rules for the right understanding and use of the service books. It is noteworthy that this is in French in the list of books at Easebourne. [892] Maskell, W., Monumenta Ritualia, 1882, vol. 3, p. 357 footnotes. [893] Placita de Quo Warranto published by Command. [894] Placita de Quo Warranto, pp. 11, 97, 232, 233. [895] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Malling,’ vol. 3, p. 381, charter nr 5. [896] Ibid. ‘Stratford,’ vol. 4, p. 119, charter nr 3. [897] Ibid. ‘Wroxhall,’ vol. 4, p. 88. [898] Ibid. ‘Redlingfield,’ vol. 4, p. 25, charter nr 2. [899] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, 1888, appendices to vols. 1 and 2. [900] The word ‘mynchyn’ was I believe never applied to them. [901] Holstenius, Codex regularum, 1759, vol. 3, p. 34. [903] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Shaftesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 473. [904] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Mary PrÉe,’ vol. 3, p. 353, charter nr 9. [905] Ibid. ‘Shaftesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 474. [906] Blaauw, W. H., ‘Episcopal Visitations of the Benedictine Nunnery of Easebourne,’ Sussex ArchÆol. Collections, vol. 9, p. 7. [907] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Mary Winchester,’ vol. 2, p. 452, footnote. [908] Ibid. ‘Shaftesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 473. [909] Ibid. ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 441, charter nr 8. [910] SchrÖer, Winteney Version der regula St Benedicti, 1888, p. 16. [911] Edit. Koelbing, Englische Studien, vol. 2, pp. 60 ff. (line references in the text throughout this section are to this version). [912] Shermann, A. J., Hist. Coll. Jesus Cantab., edit. Halliwell, 1840, p. 16. [913] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Langley,’ vol. 4, p. 220. [914] Maskell, W., Monumenta Ritualia, 1882, vol. 3, p. 358 footnote. [916] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Catesby,’ vol. 4, p. 635. [917] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Bromhall,’ vol. 4, p. 506. [918] Jessopp, A., Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich (1492-1532), pp. 185, 190, 318. [919] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wilton,’ vol. 2, p. 317. [920] Benedictus, Regula, c. 65 (in Migne, Patrol. Cursus Compl. vol. 66). [921] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 437, footnote k. [922] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 445 Computus. [923] Dugdale, Monasticon, charter nr 15. [924] I am unable to ascertain the quantity indicated by the ‘piece.’ [925] I am unable to ascertain the difference between ‘stubbe’ and ‘shafte.’ [926] Rogers, Th., Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 1884, p. 101. [927] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Mary’s, Winchester,’ vol. 2, p. 451, charter nr 4. [928] Jessopp, A., Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich (1492-1532), p. 290. [929] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Shaftesbury,’ vol. 2, p. 472. [930] Ibid. ‘St Mary, Winchester,’ vol. 2, p. 451, charter nr 4. [931] Ibid. ‘Kilburn,’ vol. 3, p. 424. [932] Blaauw, W. A., ‘Episcopal Visitations of the Benedictine Nunnery of Easebourne,’ Sussex Arch. Collections, vol. 9, p. 15. [933] Jessopp, A., Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich (1492-1532), p. 138. [934] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Elstow,’ vol. 3, p. 411, charter nr 8. [935] Ibid. ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 438, footnote b. [936] ‘Here begynneth a matere’ etc. (by John Alcock (?)), printed by Wynkyn de Worde (1500), last page but one. [937] Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 1884, p. 166. [938] Rye, W., Carrow Abbey, 1889, p. 48 ff. [939] Skelton, Poetical Works, 1843, vol. 1, p. 51, ‘Phyllyp Sparowe.’ [940] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Rumsey,’ vol. 2, p. 507, footnote p. [941] Jessopp, A., Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich (1492-1532), p. 140. [942] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Helen’s,’ vol. 4, p. 551, charter nr 3. [943] Ibid. ‘Barking,’ vol. 1, p. 437, footnote m. [944] Fosbroke, British Monachism, 1843, p. 176. [945] Way, A., ‘Notices of the Benedictine Priory of St Mary Magdalen, at Rusper,’ Sussex Arch. Collections, vol. 5, p. 256. [946] Bateson, M., ‘Visitations of Archbishop Warham in 1511,’ in English Hist. Review, vol. 6, 1891, p. 28. [947] Maskell, W., Monumenta Rit., 1882, vol. 3, p. 331, ‘The order of consecration of Nuns,’ from Cambridge Fol. Mm. 3. 13, and Lansdown MS., 388; p. 360 ‘The manner to make a Nun,’ from Cotton MS., Vespasian A. 25, fol. 12. [948] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Chatteris,’ vol. 2, p. 614. [949] Way, A., ‘Notices of the Benedictine Priory of St Mary Magdalen at Rusper,’ Sussex Arch. Collections, vol. 5, p. 256. [950] Comp. Smith and Cheetham, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 1875, article ‘Hours of Prayer.’ [951] Aungier, G. J., History and Antiquities of Syon, 1840; Myroure of Oure Ladye, Early English Text Soc., 1873, Introduction by Blunt, J. H. [952] Hammerich, Den hellige Birgitta, 1863. [953] A. SS. Boll., St Birgitta vidua, Oct. 8. [954] Myroure of Oure Ladye, Introd. p. xiv. [955] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, 1888, vol. 1, p. 42. [956] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Amesbury,’ vol. 1, p. 333. [957] Ibid. ‘Westwood,’ vol. 6, p. 1004. [958] Ibid. ‘Levenestre,’ vol. 6, p. 1032. [959] Aungier, G. J., History and Antiquities of Syon, 1840, p. 249 ff., from Arundel MS. nr 146 (chapter references throughout the text in this chapter are to this reprint). [960] Myroure of Oure Ladye, Introd. p. xxxv. [961] Aungier, G. J., History and Antiquities of Syon, 1840, pp. 312 ff., from Additional MS. nr 5208. [962] Aungier, G. J., History and Antiquities of Syon, 1840, pp. 405 ff. ‘A table of signs.’ [963] Myroure of Oure Ladye, Introd. p. xxvi. [964] Myroure of Oure Ladye, Introd. p. xxix. [965] Aungier, G. J., History and Antiquities of Syon, 1840, p. 421, ‘Indulgentia monasterii de Syon,’ MS. Ashmol. nr 750; p. 422, ‘The Pardon of the monastery of Shene which is Syon,’ MS. Harleian 4012, art. 9. [966] Ibid. p. 426, footnotes. [967] Myroure of Oure Ladye, Introd. p. xlv. B. M. Addit. MS., nr 22285. [968] Printed by Wynkyn de Worde (?), 1526; reprinted for the Bradshaw Society, 1893. [969] Aungier, G. J., History and Antiquities of Syon, 1840, p. 529. MS. Harleian 2321, fol. 17 ff. [970] Ibid. p. 527. [971] Ibid. p. 527. [972] Ibid. p. 526. [973] Myroure of Oure Ladye, Introd. p. ix. [974] Ibid. p. 2. [975] Myroure of Oure Ladye, pp. 65 ff. [976] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Godstow,’ vol. 4, p. 357, Charter nr 16. [977] Ibid. ‘St Radegund’s,’ vol. 4, p. 215, Charter nr 3. [978] Ducange, ‘burnetum, pannus ex lana tincta confectus.’ [979] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Rumsey,’ vol. 2, p. 507, footnote p. [980] Ibid. ‘Swine,’ vol. 5, p. 493. [981] Ibid. ‘Sopwell,’ vol. 3, p. 362, charter nr 7. [982] Ibid. ‘Chatteris,’ vol. 2, p. 614, charter nr 11. [983] Ibid. ‘Nun-Monkton,’ vol. 4, p. 192, charter nr 2. [984] Gasquet, A., The Great Pestilence, 1893, Introd. p. xvi. [985] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Thetford,’ vol. 4, p. 475. [986] Jessopp, A., Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich, 1492-1532, pp. 90, 155. [987] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Malling,’ vol. 3, p. 382; Gasquet, A., The Great Pestilence, 1893, pp. 104, 106. [988] Gasquet, p. 137. [989] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wyrthorp,’ vol. 4, p. 266. [990] Ibid. ‘Seton,’ vol. 4, p. 226, charter nr 2. [991] Ibid. ‘St Sepulchre’s,’ vol. 4, p. 413, footnote l. [992] Way, A., ‘Notices of the Benedictine Priory of St Mary Magdalen at Rusper,’ Sussex ArchÆol. Collections, vol. 5, p. 244; Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Rusper,’ vol. 4, p. 586. [993] Blaauw, W. H., ‘Episcopal Visitations of the Priory of Easebourne,’ Sussex ArchÆol. Collections, vol. 9, pp. 1-32; Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Easebourn,’ vol. 4, p. 423. [994] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Sele,’ vol. 4, p. 668. [995] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St John’s,’ vol. 6, p. 678. [996] Ibid. ‘Selbourne,’ vol. 6, p. 510. [997] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries, 1888, vol. 1, p. 52. [998] Wilkins, D., Concilia, 1737, vol. 3, pp. 413, 419, 462. [999] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Albans,’ vol. 2, p. 205. [1000] Wilkins, D., Concilia, 1737, vol. 3, p. 390. [1001] Ibid. 1737, vol. 3, p. 630. [1002] Ibid. Year 1490, vol. 3, p. 632. Froude without taking into consideration the circumstances under which this letter was penned takes its contents as conclusive evidence of the abuses of the monastic system at the time of the Reformation. Comp. History of England, 1893, vol. 2, p. 304; Life and Letters of Erasmus, 1894, p. 18. [1003] Newcome, P., History of the Abbacy of St Albans, 1793, p. 399. [1004] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Albans,’ vol. 2, p. 206, footnote c; ‘the Book of Ramryge,’ MS. Cotton. Nero D. VII. [1005] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Mary de PrÉe,’ vol. 3, p. 353, charter nr 9. [1006] Ibid. ‘Sopwell,’ vol. 3, p. 363. [1007] ‘Land of Cockayne,’ in Early English Lives of Saints, etc., Philological Society, 1858, p. 156. [1008] ‘Why I cannot be a nun,’ in Early English Lives of Saints, etc., Philological Society, 1858, p. 138. [1009] Comp. above, pp. 339, 377. [1010] MÖhler, J. A., Kirchengeschichte, edit. 1867, vol. 2, pp. 612 ff. [1011] Comp. Leuckfeld, Antiquitates Bursfeldenses, 1713; Pez, Bibliotheca ascetica, vol. 8, nrs 6 ff. [1012] Discussed in Klemm, G. F., Die Frauen, vol. 4, p. 181, using Ordinarius preserved at Dresden (MS. L. 92). [1013] Busch, J., Liber de reformatione monasteriorum (written between 1470-1475), edit. Grube, 1887. [1014] Deutsche Allgemeine Biographie, article ‘Busch, Joh.’ [1015] Busch, Liber de reformatione monasteriorum, ‘Derneburg,’ p. 588. [1016] Ibid. ‘Wennigsen,’ ‘Mariensee,’ ‘Werder’ pp. 555 ff. [1017] Busch, Liber de reformatione monasteriorum, ‘Wienhausen,’ p. 629. [1018] Ibid. ‘St Georg in Halle,’ p. 568. [1019] Ibid. ‘Heiningen,’ p. 600. [1020] Ibid. ‘Frankenberg,’ p. 607. [1021] Ibid. ‘Dorstad,’ p. 644. [1022] Ibid. ‘Neuwerk,’ p. 609. [1023] Ibid. ‘Fischbeck,’ p. 640. [1024] Ibid. ‘Marienberg,’ p. 618. [1025] Busch, Liber de reformatione monasteriorum, ‘Marienborn,’ ‘Stendal,’ p. 622. [1026] Ibid. pp. 664 ff. [1027] Ibid. pp. 659 ff. [1028] Remling, F. X., Urkundl. Geschichte der Abteien und KlÖster in Rheinbayern, 1836, ‘SchÖnfeld,’ vol. 1, p. 165; ‘Ramsen,’ vol. 1, p. 263; ‘Kleinfrankenthal,’ vol. 2, p. 79. [1029] Marx, J., Geschichte des Erzstifts Trier, 1860, vol. 3, p. 466 (Benedictine nunneries, pp. 457-511, Cistercian nunneries, pp. 579-593). [1030] Brusch, C., Chronol. Mon. Germ., 1682, p. 508. [1031] Fabri, F., De Civitate Ulmensi, edit. Veesenmeyer, Liter. Verein, Stuttgart, 1889, pp. 180 ff. [1032] Fabri, F., De Civitate Ulmensi, pp. 202 ff. [1033] JÄger, A., Der Streit des Cardinals N. von Cusa mit dem Herzoge Sigmund von Oesterreich, 1861, 2 vols, (the struggle over Sonnenburg is in vol. 1). [1034] Ibid. vol. 1 (page references in the text throughout this section are to the above account). [1035] JÄger, A., Der Streit des Cardinals N. von Cusa etc., 1861, Vorwort, p. x. [1036] Tritheim, Opera pia et spiritualia, edit. Busaeus, 1604, ‘Orationes,’ pp. 840-916. [1037] Tritheim, Opera, etc., Epist. nr 3, p. 921 (written 1485). [1038] Geiler, Predigten Teutsch, 1508; Seelen-Paradies, 1510, etc. [1039] Information on those works of Butzbach which are not published is given in the second supplementary volume, pp. 439 ff. of Hutten, U. v., Opera, edit. BÖcking, 1857. [1040] Wimpheling, Germania, transl. Martin, E., 1885, ch. 77. [1041] Erasmus, Colloquies, transl. Bailey, edit. Johnson, 1878, ‘The Virgin averse to Matrimony,’ vol. 1, p. 225. [1042] Erasmus, Colloquies, ‘The Penitent Virgin,’ vol. 1, p. 237. [1043] Ibid. ‘The Uneasy Wife,’ vol. 1, p. 241. [1044] Ibid. ‘The Young Man and Harlot,’ vol. 1, p. 291. [1045] Ibid. ‘The Lying-in Woman,’ vol. 1, p. 441. [1046] Erasmus, Colloquies, ‘The Assembly or Parliament of Women,’ vol. 2, p. 203. [1047] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Radegund’s,’ vol. 4, p. 215, charter nr 3. [1048] Gasquet, F. A., Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, 1888, vol. 1, p. 62. [1049] At a meeting of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society (reported in the Academy, Feb. 23, 1895), Mr T. D. Atkinson read a paper on ‘The Conventual Buildings of the priory of St Radegund,’ illustrated by a plan showing such of the college buildings as were probably monastic, and also the position of some foundations discovered in the previous summer. According to this paper the present cloister occupies the same position as that of the nuns, and the conventual church was converted into a college chapel by Alcock. The college hall which is upstairs is the old refectory, the rooms below being very likely used as butteries, as they still are. The present kitchen is probably on the site of the old monastic kitchen, and very likely the rooms originally assigned to the Master are those which had been occupied by the prioress. Further details of arrangement were given about the dormitory, the chapter house, the calefactory and common-room, etc., from which we gather that the men who occupied the nunnery buildings, put these to much the same uses as they had served before. [1050] Fiddes, ‘Life of Card. Wolsey,’ 1726, Collect., p. 100. [1051] Ibid. p. 99. [1052] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Bromhall,’ vol. 4, p. 506. [1053] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Lillechurch,’ vol. 4, p. 379, footnote e. [1054] Gairdner, J., Letters and papers of the reign of Henry VIII, Rolls Series, vol. 10, Preface, p. 43, footnote, and nr 890. [1055] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Frideswith’s,’ vol. 2, p. 138. Fiddes, ‘Life of Card. Wolsey,’ 1726, Collect., p. 95. [1056] Wilkins, D., Concilia, 1737, ‘Bull’ (Sept. 1524), vol. 3, p. 703; ‘Breve regium,’ ibid. p. 705. [1057] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Frideswith’s,’ vol. 2, p. 138, footnote x. [1058] Ibid. ‘Wykes,’ vol. 4, p. 513; ‘Littlemore,’ vol. 4, p. 490, nr 12. [1059] Rymer, Foedera, ‘Bulla pro monasteriis supprimendis,’ vol. 6, p. 116; ‘Bulla pro uniendis monasteriis,’ p. 137. [1060] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, 1888, vol. 1, pp. 101 ff. [1061] Blunt, The Reformation of the Church of England, 1882, vol. 1, p. 92, footnote, says that the lady in question was ‘Eleanor the daughter of Cary who had lately married (Anne’s) sister Margaret.’ [1062] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wilton,’ vol. 2, p. 317, gives the correspondence. The abbess who succeeded to Isabel Jordan was probably Cecil Bodman or Bodenham, of whom more p. 441. [1063] Fish, S., ‘A Supplicacyon for the Beggers,’ republished Early Engl. Text Soc., 1871. [1064] More, Th., ‘The Supplycacyon of Soulys,’ 1529 (?). [1065] Wright, Th., Three chapters of letters on the Suppression (Camden Soc., 1843), nrs 6-11. [1066] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, vol. 1, pp. 110-150. [1067] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 8, Preface, pp. 33 ff. [1068] Wilkins, D., Concilia, 1737, vol. 3, p. 755. [1069] Dict. of Nat. Biography, article ‘Legh, Sir Thomas.’ [1070] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 56. [1071] Gairdner, J., Letters etc., vol. 9, nr 139. [1072] Ibid. Preface, p. 20. [1073] Ibid. vol. 9, nr 280. [1074] Gasquet, Henry VIII etc., vol. 1, p. 273. [1075] Wright, Three chapters of letters, p. 55. [1076] Gasquet, Henry VIII etc., vol. 1, p. 276; Ellis, H., Original Letters, Series 3, vol. 3, p. 11, says that after resigning at Little Marlow she became abbess at Malling. [1077] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Little Marlow,’ vol. 4, p. 419; ‘Ankerwyke,’ vol. 4, p. 229. [1078] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 9, nr 1075 (her house is unknown). [1079] Ellis, H., Original Letters, Series 1, vol. 2, p. 91. [1080] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 74. [1081] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 9, nr 357. [1082] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 9, nr 732. [1083] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 1, p. 293. [1084] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 107. [1085] Ibid. p. 114; Gasquet, Henry VIII etc., vol. 1, p. 303. [1086] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 10, nr 364. [1087] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 91. [1088] Ellis, H., Original Letters, Series 3, vol. 3, p. 38. [1089] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Harwold,’ vol. 6, p. 330. [1090] Ellis, H., Original Letters, speaks of the image of Our Lady of Caversham which was plated all over with silver, Series 1, vol. 2, p. 79; of that of St Modwen of Burton on Trent with her red cowl and staff, Series 3, vol. 3, p. 104; of the ‘huge and great image’ of Darvellgathern held in great veneration in Wales, Series 1, vol. 2, p. 82; and of others, which were brought to London and burnt. [1091] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 116. [1092] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 47. [1093] Ibid. Appendix 1. [1094] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 9, nr 1094. [1095] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, App. 1. [1096] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 139. [1097] Ellis, H., Orig. Letters, Series 3, vol. 3, p. 37. [1098] Ibid. p. 116. [1099] Ibid. p. 39. [1100] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 129. [1101] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 10, nr 383 (1536). [1102] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 136. [1103] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, App. 1. [1104] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Mary’s,’ vol. 2, p. 451, charter nr 4. [1105] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, App. 1. [1106] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc. vol. 11, nr 385 (20). [1107] Ibid. (22, 23, 35). [1108] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Chatteris,’ vol. 2, p. 614, calls her ‘Anne Gayton.’ [1109] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers, vol. 11, nr 519 (11); nr 1217 (26). [1110] Ibid. vol. 10, nr 364. [1111] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 206; Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 10, Preface, p. 46. [1112] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Dennis,’ vol. 6, p. 1549. [1113] Ellis, H., Orig. Letters, Series 3, vol. 3, p. 117. [1114] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 203. [1115] Ibid. vol. 2, pp. 449 ff. [1116] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 11, nr 42. [1117] Ibid. vol. 11, Preface, p. 12. [1118] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, pp. 84 ff. [1119] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vols. 11, 12. [1120] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Seton,’ vol. 4, p. 226. [1121] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 340. [1122] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 12, pt 2, nr 27. [1123] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 279. [1124] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 13, pt 1, nr 1115 (19), nr 1519 (44). [1125] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 222. [1126] Gairdner, J., Letters and Papers etc., vol. 10, nr 364. [1127] Ibid. vol. 13, pt 1, nr 235. [1128] Ellis, H., Orig. Letters, Series 3, vol. 3. [1129] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 229. [1130] Wright, Three chapters etc., p. 227. [1131] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 225. [1132] Ibid. 456. [1133] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘St Mary’s,’ vol. 2, p. 451; Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 476. [1134] Dugdale, Monasticon, ‘Wherwell,’ vol. 2, p. 634. [1135] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 481. [1136] Ibid. p. 479. [1137] Ellis, H., Orig. Letters, Series 3, vol. 3, p. 34, gives an interesting account. [1138] Lindesay, Ane Satyre of the thrie Estaits, edit, by Hall for the Early Engl. Text Soc., 1869, pp. 420 ff. [1139] Gasquet, A., Henry VIII etc., vol. 2, p. 221. [1140] Fuller, Th., Church History, edit. Brewer, 1845, vol. 3, p. 336. [1141] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, 1878, pp. 14 ff. [1142] Ibid. pp. 67 ff. [1143] Nider, Jos., Formicarius, bk. 1, ch. 4 (p. 8, edit. 1517). [1144] Muench, E., Charitas Pirkheimer, ihre Schwestern und Nichten, 1826, contains some of Clara’s letters. [1145] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 67. [1146] ‘Briefe der Aebtissin Sabina,’ edit. Lochner in Zeitschrift fÜr hist. Theologie, vol. 36, 1866. [1147] Pirckheimer, B., Opera, edit. Goldast, 1610, p. 345; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 52. [1148] Pirckheimer, Opera, edit. Goldast, 1610, p. 341; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 81. [1149] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 343; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 84. [1150] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 342; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 85. [1151] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 344; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 87. [1152] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 88. [1153] Ibid. p. 220, note 26. [1154] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 340; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 89. [1155] Born in Venice in 1465, was acquainted both with Latin and Greek, and studied history, philosophy and theology. She disputed at Padua in public, wrote several learned treatises, and was much admired and esteemed. [1156] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 96. [1157] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 230; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 55. [1158] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 344; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 58. [1159] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 65, footnote. [1160] Ibid. p. 66. [1161] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 247; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 61. [1162] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 62 [1163] Ibid. p. 35. [1164] Thausing, M., DÜrer’s Briefe etc., 1872, p. 167. [1165] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 105. [1166] Eyn Missyve oder Sendbrief etc., 1523. [1167] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 375. [1168] ‘Pirkheimer, Charitas’: DenkwÜrdigkeiten aus dem Reformationszeitalter, herausg. HÖfler, C., Quellensammlung fÜr frÄnk. Geschichte, vol. 4, 1852 (page references in the text to this edition). [1169] Muench, E., Charitas Pirckheimer etc., 1826, p. 104. [1170] Binder, F., Charitas Pirckheimer, p. 125, from an unpublished letter. [1171] Muench, E., Charitas Pirckheimer etc., p. 110. [1172] Ibid., p. 118 (on a letter written to NÜtzel). [1173] Muench, E., Charitas Pirckheimer etc., p. 106. [1174] Ibid. p. 109. [1175] Pirckheimer, Opera, p. 374. [1176] Muench, E., Charitas Pirckheimer etc., p. 108. [1177] Binder, F., Charitas Pirckheimer, p. 118. [1178] Ibid. p. 150, from an unpublished letter. [1179] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 153. [1180] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 161. [1181] ‘Briefe der Aebtissin Sabina,’ edit. Lochner in Zeitschrift fÜr hist. Theologie, vol. 36, 1866, pp. 542, 545. [1182] Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, pp. 183 ff. [1183] Pirckheimer, Opera, ‘Oratio apologetica,’ pp. 375-385; Binder, F., Charitas Pirkheimer, p. 198. Transcriber’s Note: Footnote 487 appears on page 164 of the text, but there is no corresponding marker on the page. |