| PAGE | St Francis by della Robbia (La Verna) | frontispiece | Chiesa Maggiore, La Verna | 3 | Bibbiena Marketplace | 14 | Situation of La Verna | 34 | Vine Cultivation (Casentino) | 36 | Entrance to La Verna | 43 | Camaldoli (Casentino) | 53 | Courtyard of Camaldoli | 73 | Landmark of Camaldoli | 76 | Castle of Poppi (Casentino) | 91 | Courtyard of Castle, Poppi | 99 | Statue of Count Guido, Castle of Poppi | 109 | Arms of the Guidi | 112 | Church of Romena (Casentino) | 114 | Castel San Niccolo | 123 | Map | at the end of the Volume |
THROUGH THE CASENTINO “col cavallo di San Francesco”