Mister Moffit is a very good man, He came to the door with a hat in his hand, He pulled up his cloak and showed me the ring; To-morrow, to-morrow the wedding begins. First he bought a frying pan, then he bought the cradle, And then one day the baby was born. Rock, rock the cradle. (No. 32.) A whistling woman and a crowing hen Are neither fit for God or man. (1892, p. 506.) Also: Une femme qui siffle et une poule qui crie Porte malheur dans la maison. TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Obvious typos and printer errors have been corrected without comment. Other than obvious errors, the author's spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation are retained as in the original publication. The index item "Mister Moffit is a very good man" incorrectly refers to the note on page 172. This should refer to the note on page 72 and the hyperlink will direct the reader to the correct footnote.In addition to obvious errors, the following changes have been made: