Aaron, 67 Abbas Pasha, 186 Abd-el-Melek, 135 Abraham of Ostracine, 109, 149 Abraham of Sinai, 154 Abu Saleh, writer, 146 Actisanes, 91 Ademarus, writer, 144 Adornes, writer, 167 Adze, settlement, 108 Aekatherina. See Katherine. Aerts, writer, 167 Agatharcides, writer, 83 Aila, city, 48, 80, 81, 94, 99, 110, 134 Ain en NuÊbeh, 5 Ain Hudhera, 78 Akhen-aten. See Amen-hotep IV. Albert of Aix, writer, 147 Alfonso da Paiva, 168 Al Lat, divinity, 24 Alphius of Rhinocorura, 109 Alvarez, Francesco, 168 Amen-em-hat III, 16, 25, 37 ff., 57, 59 Amen-hotep I, 54 Amen-hotep III, 58 ff. Ammonius, writer, 100 ff., 119, 125 Ananias of Sinai, 179 Andrew, monk, 111 Ankhab, 35 Antoninus Martyr, writer, 98, 99, 125, 127 Antoninus of Cremona, writer, 155, 157 Antoninus of Sinai, 179 Aretas I and III, 86 Arselao, settlement, 113 Arsinius of Sinai, 153 Athanasius I of Sinai, 154 Athanasius II of Sinai, 180 Athanasius, patriarch, 100 Athos, 10 Atika, 63 Aud, divinity, 47-8 Aulon, 78 Avaris, 48 Ayayme, tribe, 192 Ayun Musa, 70, 71, 84, 115, 172 Baboons, 11 Baldensel, writer, 155, 157, 163 Baldwin, king, 147 Barbosa, writer, 147 Barton, writer, 10 Basil, Vaivode, 178 Basileus of Seleucia, writer, 114 Belon, writer, 175 Benedict III, Pope, 136 Benjamin of Tudela, writer, 146 Besant, writer, 191 Beryllus of Aila, 110 Bethrambe. See Thrambe. Bianchi, writer, 170 Bibars, Sultan, 153 Birch, S., writer, 8, etc. Bir Hassana, 171 Bir Shaweis, 78 Bishops and Archbishops of Sinai, vii Bishops of Pharan, vii Blemmyes, people, 102 Bliss and Macalister, writers, 28 Bonajuto del Pan, 168 Bonaparte, 183 Bononius, 144 Boutin, traveller, 185 Brancovan, Vaivode, 180 Breasted, Records, ix, 25, 32, etc. Breydenbach, writer, 167 ff. Briggs, writer, 156 Brugsch, Dict. Geog., 93 Brugsch, Religion, 26 Burckhardt, Notes, 189 Burckhardt, Travels, 44, 99, 111, etc. Bursbai, Sultan, 165 Bush, settlement, 98, 100, 106, 119, 123, 128, 136 Calixtus III, Pope, 166 Callistratus of Sinai, 188 Capgrave, writer, 161 Castale, writer, 177 Castro, Don John de, 174 Chabot, writer, 149 Charles VIII of France, 166 Cheikho, writer, vii, 124, 150 Choreb, settlement. See Horeb. Clayton, Bishop, 180 Codar or Kedar, settlement, 101 Constantine of Sinai, 137 Constantius I of Sinai, 181 Constantius II of Sinai, 181 Convent, building of, 121 ff. Convent, property of, 148-50 Cosmas Indicopleustes, 88, 115, 120 Cosmas of Sinai, 180 Crusades, 143 ff. Cyrillus I of Sinai, 154 Cyrillus II of Sinai, 181 Cyrillus III of Sinai, 188 Dating of Egyptian Dynasties, v Dating of the Exodus, 64 Delitzuch, writer, 51 Demetrius, writer, 65 Desher, 46 Diodorus Siculus, writer, 51, 83, etc. Dionysius of Alexandria, 95 Dizahab, 78 Djundu, king, 50 DobschÜtz, writer, 177 Dorotheus of Petra, 147 Dorotheus of Sinai, 153 Dorotheus II of Sinai, 182 Doulas, Superior, 124 Dulcetius, monk, 132 Eberwein, writer, 139 Edrizi, writer, 146 Egyptians in Sinai, 30 ff., 52 ff. El Paran, 41, 45, 72, also Pharan. El Ramlah, 50 Elias, monk, 108 Elias, Superior, 137 Elim, settlement, 102, 108, also Raithou. Epiphanius, monk, 111 Epiphanius, writer, 25, 65, 100 Episteme, 98 Esau, 47 Etheria, writer, 88, 90, 114 ff. Eucherius, writer, 95 Eugenius of Sinai, 177 Euthymius of Sinai, 150 Euting, writer, 89 Eutychius, writer, 82, 122, 124, 129 Evagrius, writer, 133 Eziongeber, 80 FÉrotin, writer, 114 Franciscans in Sinai, 156, 165 Fraymansperg, writer, 155, 158 Fromont, 136 ff. Gabriel I of Sinai, 145 Gabriel II of Sinai, 154 Gala?ction, monk, 97 Gamurrini, writer, 114 Gardiner, Alan, 24 Garindeans, people, 84 Garrasheh, tribe, 189 Gebbet er Ramleh, 2 Gebel el Ejneh, 2 Gebel Emreikah, 2 Gebel er Raha, 46 Gebel Hammam Farann, 46 Gebel Hellal, 171 Gebel Mukattab, 89 Gebel Thebt, 4 Gebel Umm Iswed, 4 Gebel Umm RiglÊn, 3 Gebel Umm Shomer, 4 George, monk, 113 George of Sinai, 145 Germanus I and II of Sinai, 150 Germanus III of Sinai, 154 Gethrabbi. See Thrambe. Giustiniani, writer, 139 Glaber, writer, 137 Goshen, 10, 26, 28, 73, 83, 118 Gouda, settlement, 113 Gregor von Gaming, writer, 127-8, 167 Gregoriades of Rhinocorura, 145 Gregoriades, writer, 148-50, 166 Gregorius, Superior, 133 Gregory I, Pope, 130 Gubernatis, writer, 180 Hallil, 184 Ha-Sela. See Petra. Hardwick, writer, 141 Harff, Ritter von, 120, 162, 169 Harnakt, 36 Hathor, divinity, 22 ff., 35 ff., 56 ff., 83 Hatshepsut, queen, 26, 53, 56-7 Hazeroth, 78 Helena, empress, 99 Helfferich, writer, 177 Henri III of France, 177 Henry II of Brunswick, 153 Hermits, 94 ff. Hermogenes of Rhinocorura, 109 Heyd, writer, 156 Hobab, 78 Horeb, or Choreb, settlement, 101, 117, 125, 136 Hor-em-heb, 91 Horites, 41 Hormah, 80 Horoura, 38 Hugo of Flavigny, writer, 140 Hull, Ed., writer, 1 Hume, W. F., writer, 4 Hypatius, monk, 108 Ibn Ishak, writer, 134 Ibn Zobeir, writer, 146 Innocent VI, Pope, 154 Innocent VIII, Pope, 178 Innocent IX, Pope, 179 Irby and Mangles, writers, 92 Isabella of Spain, 166 Isaiah, monk, 101 Isaurus, monk, 130 Ishmaelites, 47, 95, also Saracens. Isidorus, writer, 109 Israelites in Sinai, 64 ff. Jacques of Vitry, writer, 147 Jastrow, writer, 10 Jeremiah of Constantinople, 180 Joannicus I of Sinai, 179, 180 Joannicus II of Sinai, 180 Joasaph of Sinai, 178 ff. John Cilix, writer, 111 John Climacus, 110, 112, 130, 172 John, monk, 107 John Moschus, 110 ff. John I of Sinai, 144 John II of Sinai, 145 John III of Sinai, 153 Joos van Ghistelle, writer, 167, 171 Jorius of Sinai, 137 Joseph, monk, 102 Josephus, writer, 41, 65, etc. Julius II, Pope, 178 Justinian, emperor, 121 ff., 177 Kedar, settlement, 101 Keduma or Aduma, 43 Kenites, 68 Khalesa. See Elusa. Khalil Sabag, writer, 181 Khalu or Kharu, 42 Khent, queen, 35 Khenti-hotep, 36 Knust, writer, 142 KorobeÏnikoff, writer, 177 LabbÉ, writer, 109, etc. Laborde and Linant, writers, 129, 185 Lachmienses, people, 135 Lammens, writer, 166 Lampetius of Casium, 109 Laurentius of Sinai, 177 Leman, 167 Le Nain de Tillemont, 97 Lepsius, writer, 4, 46, 185, 187 Lequien, writer, 99, etc. Leukokome, 85 ff. Loewenstein, writer, 176 Longinus, Superior, 130 Louis XI of France, 166 Lua or Levi, 36 Macarius of Pharan, 110 Macarius I and II of Sinai, 150 Macdonald, Major, 186 Maderus, writer, 154 Madian. See Midian. Mafkat. See Turquoise. Magan or Maganna, 8 Maghara. See Wadi Maghara. Makrizi, writer, 45, 80, 85, 124 Malchos I, 86 Manetho, 65 Mann, writer, 149 Maraneans, 84 Marcian, emperor, 110 Marcus I of Sinai, 137 Marcus II of Sinai, 154 Martyrios, monk, 113 Massah, 72 Mavia or Mania, queen, 104, 105 Maximilian I, emperor, 166 Maximilian II, emperor, 177 Meister K., writer, 114 Melas of Rhinocorura, 100 Melik el Nasir, Sultan, 155 Mena, monk, 70 Men-kau-hor, 42 Mentu, people, 26, 33, 34, 39, 42 Mentu-hotep, 34 Meren-ptah, 62 Merytamen, 54 Meryt-aten, 66 Michael of Sinai, 154 Miriam, 78 Mohammad, prophet, 134 ff. Monconys, writer, 178 Mons Latrus, settlement, 138 Moon-cult, 8 ff. Moses of Pharan, 102, 104, 105 Moses, prophet, 41, 60, 64 ff., 98, 99, 116, 117 Mosque on Gebel Musa, 127, 160 Muralt, writer, 148 Murray, guidebook, 27 Nabat and Nabateans, 83 ff. Naghb el Racki, 171 Nakhb, 5 Nakhl, Kala at en, 2, 51, 171, 175, 185, 190 Natyr of Pharan, 105 Nawamis, 90 Nectanebo, 93 Nectarius, writer, 95, 99, 129, 178 Neitzschitz, writer, 178 Nestorius, 109 Nicephorus of Sinai, 181 Nielssen, writer, 77 Nilus, writer, 106 ff. Nitocris, queen, 82 Oil, holy, 140, 152, 153, 157, 172 Ordnance Survey, ix, 1, 6, 125, 126, 184, 189 Orontios, monk, 131 Orosius, writer, 115 Palladius, monk, 130 Pa-qahert. See Pihahiroth. Palmer, E. H., 1, 89, 125, 126, 191 Palmer, H. S., writer, 6 Paul of Petra, 102 Paul II and III, Popes, 178 Paulus a Latro, 138 Paulus II of Aila, 121 Paulus, monk, 107 Pedro da Cavillan, 168 Pepy I and II, 33 Peter of Aila, 99 Peter of Jerusalem, 132 Petrie, Prof.: Abydos, 12; Phacusa, 119, also Per-Sopd or Pa-kesem. Phillip of France, 166 Photius of Pharan, 132 Pietro della Valle, 89 Pietro Ziani, Doge, 148 Pilgrims, 155 ff. Pithom, 118 Pococke, Bishop, 98, 126, 135, 181 Polybius of Rhinocorura, 100 Pompey the Great, 93 Poncet, writer, 180 Posniakow, 176 Postumianus, 96 Proclus, monk, 108 Property of convent, 149, 150, 180 Prudhoe, Lord, 185 Psamtek I, 83 Pteleos, 111 PtolemÆus of Rhinocorura, 109, 145 Ptolemy, geographer, 44, 46, 49, 51 Qasr Ghait, 86 Raamses, city, 65 Raguel. See Reuel. Raleigh, Sir W., 175 Ramessu I, 60 Ramessu IV and V, 63 Ras Fartak, 5 Ra-smenkh-ka, 66 Renaudin, Dom, writer, 183 Renaudot, writer, 136 Rewich, 168 Rhinocorura, 11, 100, 109, etc. Rieter, writer, 167 Robinson, writer, 78, 130, 185,187, 188 Roehricht, writer, 167 Ruala, tribe, 192 Rusticiana, 131 Sabbas of Sinai, 154 Sahura, 33 Said Pasha, 186 Saladdin, 147 Salael settlement, 108 Sanekht, 32 Sarbut el Khadem. See Serabit. Sawaliheh. See Saleh, Benu. Sebat, princess, 35 Sebek-her-heb, 38 Seetzen, writer, 17, 184, 185, 187 Sen-usert III, 36 Serapion of Ostracine, 83 Serbonian Bog, 92 Sergius, Abbas, 111 Sergius, monk, 103 Set-nekht, 62 Sety II, 62 Severus, writer, 96 Shaddad, king, 48 Shahin, Auled, tribe, 189 Shophet, 28 Sicard, Prefect, 180 Sidde, settlement, 112 Sigoli, writer, 156 Silvanus, monk, 96 Silvanus of Pharan, 154 Silvia of Aquitaine, 114 Simeon Metaphrastes, 97, 138, 162 Sin, moon-god, 8 Sisoeis, monk, 114 Smith, Robertson, 20, 24, 41, 42, 48 Socrates, writer, 105 Solomon of Sinai, 154 Solon, monk, 100 Sopd or Sopdu, 25, 39, 56, 59, 67 Sozomenus, writer, 95, 97, 100 Stephanos, builder, 129 Stephen Martyr, 66 Stephen, monk, 112 SyllÆus, general, 87 Tahhieh ibn Robah, 134 Tahutmes II, 54 Tahutmes III, 42, 43, 56, 57, 62 Tahutmes IV, 58 Tarfat el Gidaran, 7 Tartir ed Dhami, 3 Ta-usert, 62 Tell es Safi, 27 Tewfik Pasha, 186 Thamudites, 48-51 Theoctistes of Ostracine, 100 Theodor of Pharan, 133 Theodoret, writer, 98 Theodosius, monk, 110 Theodosius of Sinai, 150 Theonas, monk, 121 ThÉvenot, writer, 178 Thietmar, writer, 129, 142, 150-2 Tholas, settlement, 98, 108, 110, 113 Thomas of Swynburne, 161 Tischendorf, writer, 89, 126, 185 Tiyaha, tribe, 188 ff. Tobler, writer, 128 Tor. See Tur. Trajan, emperor, 90 Trumpet, 75 Tucher, writer, 167 Tur, city, 5, 95, 120, etc., 186 Tut-ankh-amen, 66 Urban VIII, Pope, 178 Uz, land of, 47 Valerius, writer, 114 Volney, writer, 181 Wadi Aleyat, 90 Wadi Bateh, 17 Wadi Beda, 3 Wadi el Arish, 2, 5, 49, 91, 170, 171 Wadi el Jain, 171 Wadi el Watiyeh, 171 Wadi eth Themed, 101 n. Wadi Feiran, 5, 6, 46, 133, 189 Wadi Gharandel, 5, 70, 84, 116, 172 Wadi Hafera, 78 Wadi Hebran, 101 Wadi Jarf, 2 Wadi Layan, 99 Wadi Malga, 111 Wadi Sheykh, 50 Wadi Sidreh, 3 Wadi Sigilliyeh, 108 Wadi Suweig, 17 Wadi Tla’ah, 98 Wadi Umm Agraf, 3, 5, 18, 67, 112, 113 Wadi Werdan, 172 Wadi Wutah, 90 Weil, writer, 66 Weill, Capt., writer, 1, 17, 33, 101, 160 Wilkinson, writer, 26 William of Tyre, writer, 147 Wilson and Palmer, ix, 1, etc. Wormbser, writer, 176 Zacharias, monk, 97 Zacharias of Sinai, 145 Zeher, Pharaoh, 93 Zeno of Rhinocorura, 109 Zeser, Pharaoh, 32 Zosimus, monk, 132 PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. |