
[1] Wilson and Palmer: Ordnance Survey, 1870-71; Hull, Ed.: Mount Seir, Sinai and Western Palestine, 1885, with geological map; Weill, R.: La presqu’Île de Sinai, 1908.

[2] Lepsius: Reise nach Sinai, 1846, p. 19 ff.

[3] Bartlett, W. H.: Forty Days in the Desert, 1849, p. 88.

[4] Hume, W. F.: Topography and Geology of the South-eastern Portion of Sinai, 1906.

[5] Ordnance Survey, i. 226.

[6] In this and other passages of the Bible, the word that stands as coal should be understood as charcoal.

[7] Palmer, H. S.: Sinai from the Fourth Dynasty, revised by Prof. Sayce, 1892, p. 47.

[8] Birch, S.: Records of the Past. New Series. Edit. Sayce, I. 41.

[9] Ibid., II, 75, 83.

[10] Birch, S.: Records of the Past, XI. 148.

[11] Jastrow, M.: The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, 1898, p. 76.

[12] Al Biruni (Muhammad Ibn Ahmad): Chronology of Ancient Nations, transl. Sachau, 1879, p. 187.

[13] Cited Eusebius, Evang. PrÆp., bk. ix. c. 18, c. 23.

[14] Barton, G. A.: A Sketch of Semitic Origins, 1902, p. 198.

[15] Birch, Rec. Past, N.S., I. 145.

[16] Such tablets are in view in the British Museum.

[17] Petrie, W. M. Fl.: Hierakonpolis, I. 1900, p. 129.

[18] Petrie, W. M. Fl.: Abydos, I. 1902, p. 25.

[19] On the dating of the dynasties of the Egyptian kings, see p. v.

[20] Cf. Weill, R.: La presqu’Île de Sinai, 1908, p. 302.

[21] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 72 ff.

[22] Smith, W. Robertson: The Religion of the Semites, Ed. 1901, p. 197.

[23] Ibid., p. 490.

[24] Hastings: Dictionary of the Bible, art. “High Places.”

[25] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 99.

[26] Hastings: Dictionary of the Bible, art. “Gilgal.”

[27] Gardiner, Alan: Journal of Egyptian ArchÆol., 1916, vol. 3, p. 1.

[28] Smith, W. Robertson: Lectures and Essays, 1912, p. 554.

[29] Wellhausen: Reste Arabischen Heidenthums, 1897, pp. 30, 39.

[30] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 133.

[31] Ibid., p. 134.

[32] HÆr. 79 in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., xlii, 742.

[33] Breasted, J. H.: Ancient Records of Egypt, i. 722.

[34] Petrie: Res. Sinai, fig. 98.

[35] Petrie: Egyptian Tales, I. 1895, p. 116.

[36] Brugsch, H.: Religion u. Mythologie der alten Egypter, 1888, p. 568.

[37] Wilkinson: Ancient Egypt, ed. 1878, vol. 3, 234-6.

[38] Murray: Palestine and Syria, 1903, p. 259.

[39] Birch: Rec. Past, ii, p. 111.

[40] Bliss, F. G., and Macalister, R.: Excavations in Palestine, 1902.

[41] Hughes, Th.: Dictionary of Islam, 1845, art. “Masjid.”

[42] Petrie, W. M. Flinders: Researches in Sinai, 1906.

[43] Breasted, J. H.: A History of Egypt, 1909, p. 597.

[44] Breasted: A History, fig. 26, p. 42.

[45] Petrie: Res. Sinai, fig. 49.

[46] Breasted: Rec., i. 731.

[47] Petrie: Egyptian Tales, I. p. 18.

[48] Weill, R.: Recueil des Inscriptions, 1904, 120 ff.

[49] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 52.

[50] Ibid., p. 123.

[51] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 124.

[52] Breasted: Rec., i. 713, 717-8.

[53] Breasted: Rec., i. 735-6.

[54] Ibid., pp. 725-7.

[55] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 66.

[56] Breasted: Rec., i. 728; Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 156.

[57] Breasted: Rec., i. 716.

[58] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 27.

[59] Smith, W. Robertson: Lectures, p. 471.

[60] Petrie: Hist., ii. 105.

[61] Ibid., ii. 22.

[62] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 118.

[63] Petrie: Egyptian Tales, i. 97-127.

[64] Petrie: Hist., ii. 101; iii. 3.

[65] Breasted: Rec., iv. 28.

[66] Burckhardt: Travels in Syria, ed. 1822, p. 544.

[67] Birch: Rec. Past, vii. 26.

[68] Masudi: Prairies d’Or, c. 4, trad. SociÉtÉ Asiatique, vol. i. p. 98.

[69] Makrizi: Description de l’Egypte, 1900, ii. 27, p. 543.

[70] Ebers: Durch Gosen zum Sinai, 1872, p. 288.

[71] Lepsius: DenkmÄler, ii. 150, a. 12.

[72] Keith Johnson: General Atlas.

[73] Hastings: Dict. Bible, art. “Esau.”

[74] Masudi: Prairies, c. 3, vol. i. p. 77.

[75] Smith, W. Robertson: Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia, 1885, p. 260.

[76] Masudi: Prairies, c. 37, vol. 3, p. 78.

[77] Caussin de Perceval, A. P.: Essai sur l’historie des Arabes avant l’Islam, 1847, i. 13.

[78] Makrizi: Descrip., ii. 21, p. 523.

[79] Sprenger: Alte Geographie Arabiens, 1875, no. 207, p. 144.

[80] Makrizi: Descrip., ii. 27; De la ville d’Eilah, p. 530.

[81] Doughty: Travels, ed. 1888, i. p. 81, etc.

[82] Caussin: Essai, i. 26.

[83] Masudi: Prairies, c. 38, vol. 3, p. 90.

[84] Delitzsch: Wo lag das Paradies, 1881, p. 304.

[85] Sprenger: no. 314, p. 192.

[86] Diod. Siculus: Bibliotheca, iii. 3, trans. 1814, p. 185.

[87] Caussin: Essai, i. 27.

[88] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 127.

[89] Ibid.

[90] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 151.

[91] Breasted: Rec., iv. 404-9.

[92] Hastings: Dict. Bib., art. “Hexateuch.”

[93] Chron. Liber III. Migne: Patr. GrÆc., xix. 374.

[94] HÆr., 78 in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., xlii. 745.

[95] BarhebrÆus: Chronicon, 1789, p. 14.

[96] Cited Eusebius: Evang. PrÆp., bk. ix. 27.

[97] Chronicon Paschale in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., xcii. 200.

[98] Weil, G.: Biblical Legends of the Moslim, 1846, p. 100.

[99] Eusebius: Evang. PrÆp., bk. ix. c. 27.

[100] BarhebrÆus: Chron., p. 79.

[101] Doughty: Travels, p. 8.

[102] Petrie: Res. Sinai, p. 211.

[103] EncyclopÆdia Brit., art. “Sinai.”

[104] Hughes: Dict. of Islam, art. “Azan.”

[105] “Ramadan, the time when the heat commenced and the soil was burning hot.” Al Biruni (c. a.d. 1000), c. 19, 1879, p. 321.

[106] Nielssen, D.: Altarabische Mondreligion, 1904, p. 276.

[107] Robinson, E.: Biblical Researches in Palestine, ed. 1867, vol. i. p. 157.

[108] Comp. Hastings: Dict., art. “Dizahab.”

[109] Vita, c. 25 in Migne: Patr. Lat., xxiii. p. 39.

[110] Robinson: ii. 175.

[111] Eusebius: Onomastikon, ed. Lagarde, 1887, p. 291.

[112] Makrizi: Desc., ii. 24, p. 530, “De la ville d’Eilah.”

[113] Makrizi: Desc., ii. 25, p. 540.

[114] Burton, Sir R.: The Golden Mines of Midian, 1878.

[115] Eutychius: Annales in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., cxi. 930.

[116] Masudi: Prairies, c. 47, vol. iii. p. 305.

[117] Breasted: Rec., iv. 956.

[118] Diodorus Sic.: iii. 3, transl. 1814, I. p. 183.

[119] Strabo, xvi. 4, 18; 776.

[120] Josephus: Antiq., i. 12, 4.

[121] Birch: Rec. Past., N. S., v. 120; vi. 85.

[122] Birch: Rec. Past., N. S., v. 120; vi. 85.

[123] Birch: Rec. Past., i. 26, 93, etc.

[124] Makrizi: History of the Copts, transl. WÜstenfeld, 1845, p. 1.

[125] Diod. Sic.: xix. 6, transl. 1814, I. p. 398.

[126] ClÉdat, J.: Fouilles in Memoires, xii. 1913, p. 145-168, Institut franÇais d’ArchÉologie orientale.

[127] Strabo: xvi. 4, 22; 780.

[128] Birch: Rec. Past, i. 98.

[129] Cosmas Ind.: Christian Topography, transl. McCrindle, 1897, p. 159.

[130] Cf. Weill: La Presqu’Île, p. 288.

[131] Tischendorf: Voyage en terre sainte, 1868, p. 33.

[132] Euting, J.: Nabataeische Inschriften aus Arabien, 1885.

[133] Euting, J.: Sinaitische Inschriften, 1891.

[134] Diod. Sic.: I. 5, transl. 1814, I. 64.

[135] Strabo: xvi. 4, 23; 780

[136] Irby and Mangles: Travels in Egypt, etc., ed. 1844, p. 54.

[137] Brugsch: Dict. Geog., 1879, p. 52, 1105.

[138] Sprenger: Alte. Geog., nr. 326, p. 199.

[139] Eucherius: Epist., ed. Geyer, Itiner. Hier., 1908, p. 122.

[140] Sozomenus: Hist., vi. 38.

[141] Dionysius: Ep. ad Fabium. Migne: Patr. GrÆc., x. 1306.

[142] Nectarius: Epitome of Holy History, 1805, p. 75.

[143] Baedeker: Lower Egypt, 1895, p. 270.

[144] Paphnutius: Vita St. Onophrii, Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxiii. 211-22.

[145] De Vita Patrum, vi. 11, Migne: Patr. Lat., lxxiii. 1009.

[146] Severus: Dialogue, i. 17, Migne: Patr. Lat., xx. 199.

[147] Sozomenus: Hist., vi. 32.

[148] Le Nain de Tillemont: Memoires pour servir À l’histoire eccles., x. p. 448-451.

[149] Nov. 5. Migne: Patr. GrÆc., cxvii. 143.

[150] Vita S. Galactionis, Migne: Patr. GrÆc., cxvi. 94.

[151] Pococke, Bishop: A Description of the East, 1743, i. 147.

[152] Theodoret: Religiosa Historia, Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxxii. 1315.

[153] Antoninus Martyr: Itinerarium, c. 40, ed. Greyer, p. 186.

[154] Nectarius: Epit., p. 95.

[155] Burckhardt: p. 544.

[156] Lequien: Oriens Christianus, 1740, iii. 759.

[157] Epiphanius: HÆr., 73, 26. Migne: Patr. GrÆc., xlii. 454.

[158] Lequien: Or. Chr., ii. 545.

[159] Sozomenus: Hist., vi. 31.

[160] Nectarius: Epit., p. 73-93; Smith-Lewis, Agnes: The Forty Martyrs of Sinai in HorÆ Semit., no. 9, 1912.

[161] Weill located this in the Wadi Eth Themed, the upper part of the Wadi Hebran. 1908, p. 198.

[162] Socrates: Hist., iv. 36.

[163] Itinerary, transl. Pal. Pilg. Soc., vol. 3, p. 52, 1891.

[164] Acta SS. Boll., Feb. 7, ii. p. 45.

[165] Nilus: Narrationes, Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxix. pp. 590-693.

[166] Weill located Salael in the present Wadi Sigilliyeh, p. 195.

[167] Perigraphe of Holy Mount Sinai (first issued by the archimandrite Jeremiah in 1768), ed. 1817, p. 173.

[168] LabbÉ: Concilia, ed. Mansi, v. 615-17.

[169] Isidorus: Epistol. liber, v. 358, 448, etc., in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxviii.

[170] Lequien: Or. Christ., ii. 543.

[171] LabbÉ: Conc., iv. 1477.

[172] LabbÉ: Conc., vi. 567.

[173] Ibid., vii. 483.

[174] Lequien: Or. Christ., iii. 751.

[175] Joannes Moschus: Pratum Spirituale, no. 117, in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxxvii. pars. 3.

[176] Burckhardt: p. 546.

[177] Anastasius: RÉcits inÉdits, F. Nau, 1902.

[178] Joh. Climacus: Scali Paradisa, no. 7 in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxxviii. 814.

[179] Perigraphe, p. 164.

[180] FÉrotin: La veritable auteur de la Pereginatio SilviÆ, 1903.

[181] Valerius: De B. Etheria in Migne: Patr. Lat., lxxxvii. 422.

[182] Basileus: De Vita et Mir. S. TeclÆ. Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxxv. 618.

[183] Petrus Diaconus: Liber de locis sanctis, p. 115 in Geyer: Itinera Hieros., 1898.

[184] Orosius: Hist., i. 10, Migne: Patr. Lat., xxxi. p. 717.

[185] Cosmas Ind.: v. p. 193.

[186] “Moses in Phacusis.” Lequien: Or. Hist., ii. 546.

[187] Lequien: Or. Christ., iii. 759.

[188] LabbÉ: Conc., viii. pp. 884, 889.

[189] Procopius: De Ædific., v. 8, transl. Pal. Pilg. Soc., ii. 1897, 147.

[190] Eutychius: Annales, 1071.

[191] Makrizi: History of the Copts, p. 116.

[192] Cheikho: Les archÉvÈques du Sinai, in MÉlanges de la facultÉ orientale de St. Joseph, ii. 1907, p. 408, ff.

[193] Antoninus Martyr, c. 38. According to another text printed by Geyer: “Quando etiam venit tempus festivitatis ipsorum recurrente luna, antequam egrediatur luna, ad diem festum ipsorum incipit colorem mutare marmor ilia” (ed. 1898, p. 184, 213).

[194] Ord. Survey, i. 67.

[195] Cheikho: p. 411.

[196] Tischendorf: Voyage, 1868, p. 55.

[197] Ord. Survey, i. 209.

[198] Gregor von Gaming: Ephemeris peregrinationis, in Pez: Thesaurus Anecdot., ii. part 3, p. 498.

[199] Tobler: Golgotha, ed. 1849, p. 139.

[200] Nectarius: Epit., p. 159. Another reading is “Stephanos, son of Martyrios, builder and architect, from Aila.”

[201] Laborde et Linant: Voyage de l’Arabie PÉtrÉe, 1830.

[202] Nectarius: Epit., p. 159.

[203] Robinson, E.: Researches, vol. i. 99.

[204] Gregorius: Epist. Liber in Migne: Patr. Lat., lxxvii. xi. 1, p. 1118; xi. 2, p. 1119; ii. 23, p. 562.

[205] Gregorius: Epist., v. 49, p. 719.

[206] Gardthausen, Victor: Catalog. Cod. GrÆc. Sin., 1886.

[207] Smith-Lewis, Agnes: Sinaitic Studies, nr. 1, nr. 3.

[208] Moschus: Pratum, no. 123-4, 127.

[209] Evagrius: Hist. Eccles. Migne: Patr. GrÆc., lxxxvi. 2, p. 2803.

[210] Eutychius: Annales, p. 1082.

[211] LabbÉ: Conc., x. 1071.

[212] Makrizi: Desc., ii. 25, trad. 1900, De la ville d’Eilah, p. 532.

[213] Description of Syria, transl. Pal. Pilg. Soc., 1892, vol. 3, p. 64.

[214] Burckhardt: p. 546.

[215] Pococke: i. p. 258.

[216] Makrizi: Descrip., 1895, i. 25, p. 209.

[217] Eutychius: Annales, p. 1072.

[218] Renaudot, E. S.: Hist. Patriarch. Alex., 1713, p. 841.

[219] De Frotomundo, in Mabillon: Acta Ord. St. Benedicti., vol. ii, 219.

[220] Pococke: i. 146.

[221] Commemoratorium, a MS. of the 9th or 10th century, edit. Tobler: Descriptiones TerrÆ SanctÆ, 1874, p. 139.

[222] Perigraphe, p. 152.

[223] LabbÉ: Conc., vol. xvi. p. 194.

[224] Lequien: Or. Chris., iii. 754.

[225] Glaber: Hist. Lib. Quinque, in Collection pour servir À l’histoire, 1886.

[226] Vita Pauli Jun., in Analecta Boll., xi. 1892, p. 1-74, 136-182.

[227] Robinson: i. p. 132; Ord. Surv., i. 60.

[228] Nov. 25. Migne: Patr. GrÆc., cxvii. 179.

[229] Martyrium St. CatherinÆ in Migne: Patr. GrÆc., cxvi. 275-302.

[230] Hist. Eccles., viii. 34.

[231] Giustiniani, Bern.: Hist. cronol. dei ordini militari, ed. 1672, i, p. 188.

[232] Vita St. Symeon is in Acta SS. Boll. June 1, pp. 89-95.

[233] Translatio et Miracula St. Kath. in Analecta Bolland., 1902, vol. 22, pp. 423-39.

[234] Chronicon, ii. 26 in Migne: Patr. Lat., cliv. 25.

[235] Canisius, H.: Thesaurus Mon. Eccles., iv. 1725, p. 345.

[236] Translatio, p. 423, footnote.

[237] Hardwick: Historical Enquiry, etc., 1849.

[238] Knust: Geschichte der Legenden der heil. Katharina von Alex., 1890.

[239] Mukaddisi: 3, 65.

[240] Ademarus: Chronicle, 3, 47, ed. 1897, p. 170.

[241] Makrizi: Descrip., ii. 24.

[242] Vita in Acta SS. Boll., Aug. 30, p. 627.

[243] Nectarius: Epitome, p. 211; Perigraphe, p. 153.

[244] Abu Saleh: Churches, etc., trans. Butler, 1895, p. 167.

[245] Benjamin of Tudela: Itinerary, trans. Adler, 1907, p. 77.

[246] Fretellus: Jerusalem, etc., Pal. Pilg. Soc., 1892, vol. 5, p. 16.

[247] Albert of Aix: Hist., xii. 21 in Migne: Patr. Lat., clxvi. p. 707.

[248] William of Tyre, Hist., xxi. 3 in Migne: Patr. Lat., cci. p. 781.

[249] Lequien: iii. 727, mentioned that “Dorotheos, bishop of Petra,” was present at the Council of Bethlehem in 1672.

[250] Jacques of Vitry: Histoire des Croisades, transl. Guizot, iii. 197.

[251] Tafur, P.: (1435-39): Andances et Viajes, ed. 1874, p. 94.

[252] Muralt: Essai de Chron. Byz., p. 312.

[253] Gregoriades: Holy Mount Sina, p. 98.

[254] Mann, H. K.: Lives of the Popes, vol. 2, p. 293.

[255] Assemanni: Bibl. Orientalis, ii, p. 511.

[256] Honorius, Pope: Regesta, 1888, i. 123; ii, 178, 391, 394, 396.

[257] Chabot: A propos du convent in Revue de l’Orient. ChrÉtien., vol. v., 1900, p. 495.

[258] Nectarius: Epit., p. 211; Cheikho: p. 418.

[259] Thietmar, Magister: Peregrinatio, ed. Laurent, 1857.

[260] Gardthausen: nos. 94, 657, 662, 670.

[261] Nectarius: Epit., p. 212.

[262] Maderus: Antiquitates Brunvicenses, 1661, p. 267.

[263] Bulls in Archives de l’Orient Latin, 1881, i. 274, 283.

[264] Antoninus of Cremona (c. 1331): Itinerarium in Zeitschrift des deutsch. Palestin. Vereins, vol. xiii. year 1890; Jacopo of Verona (c. 1335): Liber Peregrinationis, ed. 1895, in Revue de l’Orient Latin, iii. p. 163-302; Wilhelm de Baldensel (c. 1336): Hodoeporicon, ed. 1725, in Canisius: Thesaurus, vol. iv.; Ludolf of Sudheim or Rudolf de Suchen (c. 1336-41): Reise, ed. 1609, in Feyerabend: Reissbuch, 1610, p. 803, ff.; Sir John Maundeville (c. 1340): Travels, ed. Halliwell, 1866; Rudolf von Fraymansperg (c. 1346), ed. 1725 in Canisius: Thesaurus, vol. iv. pp. 358-60.

[265] Sigoli, Simone (1384): Viaggio al Monte Sinai, ed. Piroti, 1831; Frescobaldo, Lionardo (1384): Viaggio, ed. 1818; (Gucci: Viaggio in Gargiolli: Viaggi in terra santa, 1862;) Martone, Nic. (1393): Liber Pereg. ad loca sancta in Revue de l’Orient Latin, iii. 1895; Briggs (1392) in Archives de l’Orient Latin, 1884; Anglure, Ogier d’ (c. 1395): Le saint voyage, ed. Bonardot et Legnon: Soc. des anciens textes franÇais, 1878.

[266] Heyd, W. von: Gesch. des Levanthandels, 1879, vol. 2, 466.

[267] Weill: Presqu’Île, p. 93.

[268] Ed. 1893, p. 247.

[269] Piloti: Tractatus, in Monuments pour servir À l’histoire; Brussels, vol. iv. p. 357.

[270] Harff, A. von: Pilgerfahrt, ed. 1860, p. 133.

[271] The meaning of this word may be Lenten pardons.

[272] In Purchas: His Pilgrims, reprint, vii. 566.

[273] Lammens: MÉlanges in Revue de l’Orient ChrÉtien, vii., 1902, p. 503, ff.

[274] Lequien: Or. Chr., iii. 515.

[275] Gregoriades: p. 95.

[276] Ibid., pp. 101-107.

[277] RÖhricht: Deutsche Pilgerreisen, 1880, p. 104.

[278] Adornes, Anselme (1470): Voyage au Mt. Sinai, 1893, in Annales de la SociÉtÉ d’Emulation, Ser. v. tom. 4; Tucher, Hans (1479): Beschreibung der Reise in Feyerabend: Reissbuch, 1609, p. 652-99; Rieter: Reissbuch, 1884; Bernhard v. Breydenbach (1483): Pilgerfahrt in Feyerabend: Reissbuch, pp. 91-229. ed. with Rewich’s woodcuts, 1486; Felix Fabri (1483): Wanderings, i., ii., transl. Pal. Pilg. Soc., vols. 7-10; Jan van Aerts (1484), cf. Neefs: Revue Catholique, vol. ix. 1873, p. 566; Joos van Ghistelle: Tvoyage, ed. 1572; Joannes de Hese (1489): Reise in appendix to Oppert: Presbyter Johannes, 1864; Ritter von Harff (1496-99): Pilgerfahrt, ed. 1860; Martin Baumgarten (1507): Peregrinatio, 1594; Gregor von Gaming (1507): Ephemeris Peregrinationis, in Pez: Thesaurus, 1721, ii.

[279] Francesco Alvarez: Voyage in Ramusio: Primo volume delle Navigazioni, 1588, p. 236.

[280] Ed. 1824, Roxburgh Club.

[281] RÖhricht: p. 311

[282] Baedeker: 1895, p. 276.

[283] Barbosa: Letter in Ramusio: Delle Nav., 1888, p. 291.

[284] Heyd: Levanthandel, ii. 540.

[285] Ed. Purchas: His Pilgrims, reprint 1905, vii. 236-310.

[286] Belon: Observations de certaines singularitÉs, 1554, p. 126.

[287] Nectarius: Epit., p. 212.

[288] Perigraphe, p. 153.

[289] Voyage, ed. 1889 in Khitowo: ItinÉraires russes en Orient, p. 288.

[290] Perigraphe, pp. 156-160.

[291] Lammens: MÉlanges, p. 503.

[292] Lequien: Or. Chr., iii. 517.

[293] Cf. DobschÜtz: Sammelhandschrift in Byz. Zeitschrift, vol. 15, 1906, pp. 247-51.

[294] Le saint voyage, 1619, p. 564.

[295] Neitzschitz: Siebenjahr Wanderung, ed. 1674, p. 544.

[296] Monconys: Journal de Voyage, ed. 1665, p. 164.

[297] ThÉvenot, Jean de: Voyages, 1689, vol. v. p. 532.

[298] Monconys: Journal, p. 203.

[299] Lacroix: Le Turchie ChrÉtienne, 1695.

[300] Gubernatis (Dom. de) Orbis Seraphicus: Historia de Tribus Ordin., 1888, ii. 293, 310.

[301] Poncet, C. J.: Journey in Pinkerton: Voyages, vol. 15, 1814, p. 105.

[302] Robinson: i. p. 130.

[303] Renaudin, Dom: Le monastÈre de Ste. Catherine in Revue de l’Orient ChrÉtien, 1900, p. 319-21.

[304] Ord. Survey, i. 200.

[305] Seetzen: Reisen, 1807, vol. 3, on Sinai.

[306] Gregoriades: pp. 88-117.

[307] Cited Weill: Presqu’Île, pp. 250, footnote.

[308] Palmer, Prof. in Ord. Survey, I, p. 456, ff.; Burton: Pilgrimage (1855), ed. 1879, p. 100, ff.; Burckhardt: Notes on the Bedouin, 1830.

[309] Besant, W.: Edward Henry Palmer, 1883.

[310] Times History of the War, parts 48, 128.


—Obvious print and punctuation errors were corrected.


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