Foreword iii
Approximate Dating of Egyptian Dynasties v
Rulers of Pharan and the Convent of Sinai vii
Chief Authorities ix
List of Illustrations xiii
I. Introductory 1
II. Sinai a Centre of Moon-Cult 8
III. The Sanctuary at Serabit 17
IV. The Egyptians in Sinai. I. 30
V. Early Peoples and Place Names 41
VI. The Egyptians in Sinai. II. 52
VII. The Israelites in Sinai. I. 64
VIII. The Israelites in Sinai. II. 74
IX. The Nabateans 83
X. The Hermits in Sinai 94
XI. The Writings of the Hermits 106
XII. The Building of the Convent 121
XIII. Mohammad and St. Katherine 134
XIV. Sinai during the Crusades 143
XV. The Pilgrims of the Middle Ages. I. 155
XVI. The Pilgrims of the Middle Ages. II. 165
XVII. The Convent between 1500 and 1800 173
XVIII. Sinai in the Nineteenth Century 183
Alphabetical Index 195


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