“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The United States was not a union—for war. While Henry Clay and ex-President Jefferson were breathing out their threatenings and slaughter, New England refused to concur in the country’s wisdom in declaring war, and Boston flew its flags at half-mast. And if the United States was not whole in spirit, she was certainly not in material things. Her soldiers though many, were raw. Her treasury was empty. Canada, however, was even worse off. Prevost was of the opinion that Quebec was about the only place that could be held against the enemy. Certainly 950 regulars and marines and 550 militia had a gigantic task in the defending of seven forts, from Kingston to Fort St. Joseph, in covering a straggling and wretchedly protected frontier, and in patrolling the huge sheets of water which are our lake district. Even Brock, outwardly optimistic, fully expected that he would be able to do little at first. He had to deal with a governor-general who apparently had no perception and no sense of proportion. Brock at York had received word of war from the House of Astor in New York, earlier even than some of the United States commanders were apprised of it. He was a man of action, and he was for action, and that at once. He believed that often the best defence is attack, and he chafed under the restraint, anything but wise under these circumstances, of Sir George Prevost, who daily adjured him not to strike the first blow. This continued for three weeks after war was declared. Meanwhile General Hull was marching through Ohio and Michigan to Detroit, from thence to attack Canada! Brock saw what Prevost did not see, the significance to the Indians of an initial victory. If Canada won the first battle, the border Indians would rally to the Union Jack. They were a considerable factor and had been canvassed by American agents for many months in the endeavor to persuade them, in the event of war, to join with the United States. But Prevost fiddled while Brock burned with indignation! Almost his first act, when war was declared, was to issue instructions to Captain Charles Roberts, who commanded at Fort St. Joseph, to take Mackinaw Island. In Robert’s command were 150 French-Canadians. Though this was contrary to the orders of Sir George Prevost, Roberts did as Brock told him. The fall of Mackinaw meant the capture of much ammunition, many guns, and a rich stock of furs. It also meant a favorable impression on the Indians, which Brock knew to be of first importance, and an impression which at once made itself felt. By July 5th, General Hull with his men had reached Detroit. Seven days later he crossed the river to Sandwich, losing on his way prisoners, baggage, stores, and private war-papers to Lieutenant Roulette of the British sloop Hunter. This capture was of the utmost importance, as it was the information gained from the seized papers that decided Brock to march directly against Hull. From Sandwich, the American general issued his famous proclamation, in which he promised “peace, liberty, and security” to the people of the province he had invaded, if they made no resistance, but “war, slavery, and destruction,” if they were hostile! Some of the people at Sandwich had welcomed the United States troops with open arms, but Amherstburg, Hull’s original goal, abandoned by him because of the presence of British ships and the strength of Fort Malden nearby, was not so openly treacherous. Desertions from the British troops were, however, becoming common, and indeed the effect of Hull’s proclamation on a certain part of the population was sufficient to cause alarm. Brock at once countered by the issue of a proclamation in which he pointed out that Great Britain was ready and willing to defend her subjects, whether white or Indian, at all time and places and further urged the folly of trusting to the promises of Hull. This proclamation, couched in plain but stirring language, had the desired effect in recalling the people to their senses! All this time Hull and his troops were spending their time plundering and pillaging the surrounding country. In the meantime Brock had called the Legislature to meet in extra session at York on July 27th. In opening the House he said: “When invaded by an enemy whose avowed object is the entire conquest of the province, the voice of loyalty, as well as of interest, calls aloud to every person in the sphere in which he is placed, to defend his country. Our militia have heard the voice and have obeyed it. They have evinced by the promptitude and loyalty of their conduct that they are worthy of the King whom they serve, and of the constitution which they enjoy; and it affords me particular satisfaction, that, while I address you as legislators, I speak to men who, in the day of danger, will be ready to assist not only with their counsel, but with their arms.” He concluded his address with the ringing words: “We are engaged in an awful and eventful conflict. By unanimity and despatch in our Councils, and by vigor in our operations, we may teach the enemy this lesson, that a country defended by free men, enthusiastically devoted to the cause of their King and constitution, cannot be conquered.” But all the members were not loyal. There was in the Assembly a strong minority who was more than friendly to the United States. This faction, indeed, succeeded in preventing the passage of certain measures which Brock regarded as essential to the safety of the country. In fact, so dangerous did the opposition become, and so much comfort did it give to the enemy, that nine days after the session opened Brock, after consultation with his Council, dissolved the Assembly. But before this the loyal members had rallied to Brock, had passed the bills which he wished, and issued a ringing appeal to the loyalty of the people of Upper Canada. Before calling the extra session of the Legislature Brock had made up his mind to lead his men in person against the invaders. The loyal volunteers gathered round him. Chief among these were the United Empire Loyalists and their descendants, men who had not forgotten the treatment they or their fathers had received from the nation that was now again threatening their lives and their liberty. But even with this loyal support Brock had his troubles. It meant sacrifice for the farmers to drop their scythes and enlist, for harvest time was at hand, and they could not afford to lose their crops. Many, having enrolled, begged for permission to return and harvest the wheat, which permission Brock felt he had unwillingly to give. His great fear was of desertions which would certainly multiply unless he could forestall complaints by action. He wrote impatiently, but justifiably so, to Prevost, pointing out that he had wretchedly poor supplies of ammunition and even clothing. On August 5th, his volunteer army reinforced by the handful of regulars set out for Detroit. They went by Burlington Bay and Lake Erie, and so passed the Mohawk settlement. This gave him an opportunity to ascertain the attitude of the Indians. What he found did not cheer him. The work of the United States agents had had its effect. The Indians were distrustful and sulky. Sixty of them gave a sort of promise to follow him, but Brock now knew beyond peradventure, that unless he had the initial success, he would have to fight the Indians as well as the Americans. Long Point was reached on August 8th, and here Brock, with a force of three hundred, embarked. After a stormy voyage lasting five days they reached Amherstburg. It was lucky that Brock was a seabred man as well as a soldier. That voyage would have disheartened many a brave man. News of Brock’s expedition had reached General Hull who had turned tail and recrossed the river with his men. Captain Dixon, who entered Sandwich in pursuit of the departing Hull, took the opportunity of strengthening the defences of the town and placed five guns in position covering Fort Detroit. There now comes into the story of how Brock saved Canada, a romantic figure, Tecumseh. Tecumseh was a Shawanese chief and a brave man. When the choice had to be made as to whom he and his should serve, he decided that his loyalty should be to Britain. “I have more confidence” he said to his tribesmen, “in the word of a Briton than in the word of a Big Knife!” Tecumseh’s decision was a very important factor in the War of 1812. Having set his hand to the plough he lost no time. He and all the Indians had been greatly impressed with Brock’s occupation of Sandwich and Hull’s fear and retreat. This was as Brock had surmised. By a clever trap Tecumseh ambushed a force under an American officer, Major Van Horne, which was bringing supplies from the Raisin River to Detroit. He had not yet met Brock. Arrived at Fort Malden, Brock received from Colonel Proctor there a number of papers captured by Tecumseh in his brief engagement with Van Horne. They turned out to be General Hull’s further instructions from his government and Hull’s replies. These latter revealed the fact that the braggart quality of Hull had gone. He was very much down in the mouth. Sickness was prevalent in his camp. His constant maraudings were his only source of food and supplies, it appeared, and as his communications had been cut off, starvation faced him and his men. Brock, like the great commander he was, saw that the real significance of the captured correspondence was its demonstration of the lowered morale of Hull’s men even more than their dwindling supplies. He decided to act. He knew that it would not be easy to conquer a force of 2,500, but he remembered Nelson’s threat at Copenhagen and that it was successful. The old Greeks had a saying which might very well have been running through Brock’s mind at this time, “They did it because they thought they could do it.” He was not overwhelmingly confident, but he knew he could not afford to be unsure of himself. He sent his aide-de-camp, Lieutenant-Colonel John Macdonell, and Captain Glegg, under a flag of truce, to General Hull with this message: “The force at my disposal authorizes me to require of you the surrender of Fort Detroit. It is far from my inclination to join in a war of extermination, but you must be aware that the numerous body of Indians, who have attached themselves to my troops, will be beyond my control the moment the contest commences.” Hull was caught between the devil of his own self-contempt and the deep sea of this supposed force of Indians. He longed to hand Brock his sword, but he dared not give in without some attempt at resistance. He had boasted so much that he was compelled to make some sort of showing. He said he was ready to meet the British forces. The rest of the day was occupied in planning the attack, while the guns at Sandwich were pouring forth a desultory fire to which Fort Detroit replied. Brock wanted to lead his army across the river. Nearly all his staff opposed him, but he had two brave men who agreed with him. One was his quartermaster-general, Colonel Nichol, and the other was Tecumseh. Brock had confidence in Tecumseh and he in Brock. On the occasion of their meeting, Brock, though it was past midnight, was busy at his table with his plans and despatches. In the dimly lighted room these two warriors looked at each other. Brock saw an Indian brave. Tecumseh saw a brave Briton. He turned to his followers, and almost in the words of Brutus describing Antony long ago, he said: “This is a man.” Brock reciprocated this high regard. Of the Indian warrior he wrote: “A more sagacious or a more gallant warrior does not, I believe, exist. He was the admiration of every one who conversed with him.” Brock discussed his plans of attack with Tecumseh and asked the chief if he could give him definite information. Tecumseh, who had an intimate knowledge of the district which Brock planned to make the scene of his first engagement, took a piece of birch bark and, laying it on the ground, made a military map, showing all the natural features of the district. Brock and Colonel Nichol examined the map, and the former advised with his staff no more. His decision was made and needed no further deliberating. He would cross the Detroit River in the morning, though Prevost and the War Office had said him “Nay!” |