in The Stars and Stripes THE war is over, over there, And Peace has made her bow— But the Battle of Verdun is on At Jenkins’ Corners now! All’s still along the rippling Somme, Likewise at Belleau Wood— But the Jenkins’ Corners Battle now Is merely going good! Now beaten into plowshares are The swords once dripping wet With human gore—but Heinies fall At Jenkins’ Corners yet! The smoke of cannon floats away In France, a fading cloud— But the war at Jenkins’ Corners is Attracting quite a crowd! Pop Snider had a navvy there, And old Zeke Wade a son, And since the boys are home again, They’ve waded in like fun. The checker-board is moved away, A gas-mask takes its place; The floor is neatly sanded, so The campaign they may trace. Pop Snider knows what he’d have done, And Zekiel has his say On where they made the great mistake And nearly lost the day. They fight it o’er from A to Z, And slay full many a Hun— For out at Jenkins’ Corners now The war is just begun! |