in The Herald and Examiner, Chicago Permission to reproduce in this book BOY in khaki, boy in blue, I am watching over you, Going forth amid the rattle Of the drums that call to battle. Oft have men waged fight for me, Fought to make their brothers free; God protect and succor you, Boy in khaki, boy in blue. God go with you on your mission, And in His all-wise decision Turn this tide of war to you, Boy in khaki, boy in blue. With the Stars and Stripes high o’er you, Snatch the vic’try just before you, Heaven keep, encompass you, Boy in khaki, boy in blue. When the foe is rent asunder, And the world looks on in wonder, Paying tribute rare to you, Boy in khaki, boy in blue, God return you safe to me; To Columbia—Liberty; ’Tis my prayer, my hope for you, Boy in khaki, boy in blue. |