Hesperoherpeton garnettense Peabody (1958), based on a scapulocoracoid and part of a vertebra, was originally placed in the order Anthracosauria, suborder Embolomeri, family Cricotidae. A new skeleton from the type locality near Garnett, Kansas (Rock Lake shale, Stanton formation, Upper Pennsylvanian), shows that the animal has the following rhipidistian characters: Large notochordal canal below foramen magnum, otico-occipital block separate from ethmosphenoid, postaxial processes on three axial bones of forelimb, pectoral girdle (probably) articulated with tabular. Nevertheless, Hesperoherpeton has short digits, an anthracosaurian type of pectoral girdle, an otic rather than spiracular notch, nostrils separate from the mouth, and vertebrae in which the intercentrum is U-shaped and the pleurocentra large but paired. The stapes reaches the quadrate. Hesperoherpeton is placed in a new order, PLESIOPODA, on the basis of the characters stated above, and a new family, HESPEROHERPETONIDAE. Specialized characters of the family include: Reduction of circumorbital bones, bringing the squamosal to the edge of the orbit, loss of certain bones of the temporal region, and relative enlargement of the orbits and foramen magnum, in correlation with the diminutive size of the animal. The structural characters of Hesperoherpeton suggest to us that it lived in the shallow, weedy margins of lagoons, rested with its head partly out of water, and normally did not walk on land. |