| PAGE | The Stranger Watches the Laugh-maker and the Bears | Frontispiece | Smoky Day Telling Tales of Old Days around his Fire | 5 | Just then a Fox Crept Up Behind the Crane | 23 | The Falcon chases the old Drake | 43 | "Come down, friends!" called the Raccoon | 54 | So they ran and they ran out of the woods on to the shining white beach | 57 | "I would not trouble you," said he, "but my little folks are starving" | 67 | "Oh, that is only a bundle of old songs," replied Unktomee | 83 | Tanagela and her little brother | 91 | With his long spear he stabbed each of the monsters | 129 | He came to a little hut where lived an old Bear | 162 | "Do not shoot a white deer when you see him coming toward you" | 171 | They stood thus with their beaks touching over the stream | 200 | Star Boy attacked by Hinhan, the Owl | 215 | She took up handsful of ashes to throw into their faces | 227 | He offered up the body as a sacrifice | 235 | At the touch of his magic arrow, it fell at his feet | 240 | He was once seen with several Deer about him, petting and handling them | 247 |