PAGE - “Acme” spray nozzle, 151
- “Adams-Cutler” distributor, 135
- “Aerat” distributor, 145
- Apparatus for contact beds, 205
- ” for dosing tanks, 167
- ” for measuring flow, 232
- ” for percolating filters, 106
- ” for sludge removal, 40
- ” for sterilisation, 242
- Auto-mechanical syphons, 168, 169, 180
- Birmingham fixed spray, 155
- Candy-Whittaker bacterial tank,60
- ” ” distributors, 106
- Capacity of contact beds, 222
- ” of detritus tanks, 23
- ” of effluent settling tanks, 182
- ” of percolating filters, 222
- ” of sedimentation tanks, 29
- ” of storm-water tanks, 227
- “Capillary trough” distributor, 146
- “Carlton” adjustable fixed spray, 152
- “Carlton” distributor, 123
- “Carlton rotor” distributor, 121
- Chemical mixers, 72
- Cleaning gear for spray holes, 119, 122, 125
- “Coleman” dosing valve, 168
- Columbus fixed spray, 155
- Contact beds, 189
- ” ” apparatus for, 205
- ” ” capacity of, 222
- ” ” filling material for, 203
- ” ” general design of, 190
- ” ” methods of construction of, 196
- ” ” ” of distribution on, 199
- ” ” method of operation of, 191
- ” ” necessity for testing, 198
- ” ” sub-drainage of, 201
- “Cresset” distributor, 110
- Decanting valve, 49
- Detritus tanks, 23
- ” ” capacity of, 23
- ” ” Dortmund type of, 25
- ” ” sludge scraper for, 27
- Dibdin, W. J., 68, 189
- Digby meridioniser, 243
- Disc sprays, 155, 157
- Distribution by flooding filters, 157, 186
- ” methods of, 104
- Distributors, 106
- ” cleaning gear for spray holes of, 119, 122, 125
- ” fixed, 143
- ” power-driven, 129, 140
- ” revolving, 106
- ” travelling, 138
- Dortmund tanks, 25, 51, 52
- Dosing apparatus, 166
- ” tanks, 162
- ” ” disadvantages of, 160
- ” ” necessity for, 159
- Drainage of filters and beds, 90, 201
- Ducat filter, 144
- Effluent settling tanks, 182
- Elliott and Brown, 59
- “Facile” distributor, 119
- Feed channels, 163
- “Fiddian” distributor, 127, 138
- Fieldhouse tank, 65
- Filtering material, 101
- ” ” grading of, 103, 204
- Fine-grain filters, 185
- Fixed distributors, 143
- ” sprays, 147
- Floating arm, 48
- Floor-tiles, 91
- Gauge weir penstocks, 233
- Grading of material, 103, 204
- Gravity disc sprays, 155, 157
- Grit chambers (see also Detritus Tanks), 23
- Haller and Machell, 145
- “Hanley” distributor, 140
- “Hartley” distributor, 130
- “Hodgson” distributor, 127
- Humus pits, 182
- Hydro-extractor for sludge, 81
- Hydrolytic tank, 52
- Hypochlorite solutions, 242—247
- Imhof tank, 57
- Intermitting valves (see Dosing Apparatus)
- “Kessel” tank, 63
- Lowcock, S. R., 51
- Low-draught syphon, 167
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 155
- Material for filters and beds, 101, 185, 203
- Measuring apparatus, 232
- Non-septic cylinder, 61
- Percolating filters, 85
- ” ” aeration of, 86
- ” ” capacity of, 222
- ” ” distributors for, 106
- ” ” floor-tiles for, 91
- ” ” floors for, 88
- ” ” general design of, 85
- ” ” material for, 101
- ” ” methods of distribution on, 104
- ” ” ” of feeding, 159
- ” ” planning of, 98
- ” ” sprinklers for, 106
- ” ” sub-drainage of, 90
- ” ” types of construction of, 87
- ” ” walls for, 95
- Ponding valve, 178
- Power-driven distributors, 129, 140
- Precipitation tanks, 47
- Preliminary processes (see Tanks, also Slate Beds)
- Recording apparatus, 234—239
- Revolving distributors, 106
- Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal, recommendations, 3, 16, 23, 29, 32, 182, 224, 226, 227
- Ryder, E. E., 93
- Salford fixed spray, 155
- Sand-filters, 185
- “Scott-Moncrieff” distributor, 130
- Screens, 3
- ” bars for, 4
- ” for deep sewers, 7
- ” mechanical, 7
- ”” rake, cleaning gear for, 12, 14
- ” rotary, 5
- ” simple, 3
- “Separator” tank, 65
- Sewage mixers, 73
- Shone and Ault, 53
- “Simplex” distributor, 125
- Skegness tank, 59
- Slate beds, 67
- ” slabs and blocks, 68, 92
- Sludge disposal, 71
- ” draining beds, 83
- ” drying apparatus, 81
- ” presses, 75
- ” pressing plant, complete installation, 77
- ” removal, 25, 28, 35, 71
- ”” apparatus for, 27
- ”” elevators for, 40, 41, 42
- ”” well for, 38
- Spray jets, 147
- Sprinklers, 106
- Stand-by tanks for storm water, 229
- Sterilisation of sewage effluents, 240
- Sterilising solutions, 242
- ”” apparatus for the manufacture of, 242—247
- ”” ” for the injection of, 247—250
- “Stoddart” distributor, 142
- Storm-water overflow, diverting plate for, 17
- ” ” fixed weirs, 17
- ” ” floating weir, 21
- ” ” movable weirs, 21
- ” ” swinging syphon for, 21
- ” ” weirs, 16
- ” tanks, capacity of, 227
- ” treatment, 227
- Strength of sewage, 226
- Supply pipes, 163
- “Sypho-jet” distributor, 110
- Tanks, 29
- ” Candy-Whittaker, 60
- ” capacity of, 29
- ” circular, 25, 51—59, 60, 61, 66
- ” continuous-flow settlement without chemicals, 29, 32
- ” ” ” ” with chem
icals, 29, 32, 47
- ”?decanting valve for, 49
- ”?detritus, 23
- ”?Dortmund type, 25, 51, 52
- ”?Fieldhouse, 65
- ”?floating outlet for, 48
- ”?hydrolytic, 52
- ”?Imhof, 57
- ”?inlets and outlets for, 40—47
- ”?”Kessel” type, 63
- ”?non-septic, 61
- ”?precipitation, 47
- ”?quiescent settlement without chemicals, 29, 32
- ”??” ”??with chemicals, 29, 32
- ”?rate of flow through, 34
- ”?rectangular, 33, 36, 37, 43—50
- ”?roofs for, 39
- ”?”separator”, 65
- ”?septic, 29, 32
- ”?Skegness, 59
- ”?storm-water, 229
- Taylor, W. Gavin, 105
- Travelling distributors, 138
- Travis, W. O., 52
- Trays and troughs, 143
- “Triple tank” system, 145
- “Venturi” meter, 237
- Walls of filters, 95
- Waterbury fixed sprays, 155
- Watson, J. D., 93, 130
- Weirs, fixed volume, 21
- “Whirl” spray jet, 149
- Willcox and Raikes, 49, 96, 135