
The almost universal adoption at the present time of biological methods of sewage purification by means of artificial filters, is due entirely to the original experimental work of Mr. W. J. Dibdin, at the Barking Outfall Works of the London County Council. These experiments were carried out with a contact bed, and during the subsequent ten years an enormous number of works were constructed upon this principle. At the present time, however, it is a somewhat rare occurrence to find contact beds proposed for sewage disposal schemes of any size. It has been stated that the principle upon which they are operated is unscientific, that they rapidly become clogged and useless, and that, in any case, they are not capable of dealing with sewage at the same rate as percolating filters, or of producing such a high degree of purification. With regard to the first point it would be futile to endeavour to explain what is and what is not scientific. This must be left to the scientists. That contact beds have in many cases become clogged and useless cannot be denied, but there is also very little doubt that this unsatisfactory result has been due to one or more of the following causes: (a) overwork, (b) improper methods of operation, (c) the use of unsuitable material for filling the beds, (d) insufficient sub-drainage. It was most unfortunate that for some years the general idea of a contact bed was that it consisted of a simple excavation in the ground, filled with coke or similar material, into which the sewage was discharged, held up for two hours, and then drawn off; a very simple but crude affair altogether. It is now known that contact beds, like other systems, can only deal with limited volumes of sewage, the actual amount depending upon the character of the sewage and other factors; that there is a proper method of operating the beds, and that it must be strictly adhered to if the best results are to be produced; that unsatisfactory material is worse than useless, and that very ample means of sub-drainage are absolutely essential to the continued efficiency of the beds. It is probable that if these essential factors had been properly understood and acted upon from the outset, there would have been very few failures to record.

It has been stated that contact beds are obsolete, but there are engineers who even now recommend this system, and consider it satisfactory under some, if not under all conditions. In the opinion of the author contact beds are not obsolete, and there are cases where the conditions preclude the adoption of any other method of purification. Under these circumstances, it is considered desirable to describe in the following pages the details of design and construction which have been found by experience to be necessary to ensure satisfactory results.

General Principles of Design.—The first point to be decided before commencing the design of a scheme of contact beds is whether single, double, or triple contact is necessary to produce the desired degree of purification, and this will depend upon the strength of the sewage and the destination of the final effluent. Single contact alone will not be sufficient, except in a very few cases where the sewage is weak (highly diluted), and even then it will necessitate the use of fine-grade material for filling the beds, and consequently a tank effluent of exceptional quality as regards the matters in suspension in order that the fine material may not be rapidly choked. Where a sufficient area of land of a suitable character can be procured at a convenient level for treating the effluent from the beds, single contact may be adopted with material of medium-grade, but even in this case special attention must be devoted to the preliminary process in tanks, so as to reduce the amount of solids in suspension in the tank effluent to the minimum. As a rule it will be found safer to adopt double contact, as the primary beds may then be filled with coarse grade material, which will be less liable to choke, and it will not be necessary to rely so much upon the land or any other final process that may have been provided. In special cases, and particularly where the sewage is strong, or an exceptionally high degree of purification is essential, triple contact should be adopted, but the tertiary beds may consist of a set of sand filters similar in construction to those described on pages 185 to 188. In some quarters the question of the grading of the material is considered of slight importance, and very little difference has been made in the size of the material for the primary and secondary beds, but in the author’s opinion it is absolutely essential that each series of beds should be filled with finer material than the preceding series, and the material in the final stage of treatment should be as fine as possible, so long as it does not contain any dust. In making these statements, it is assumed that the question of sub-drainage will be dealt with on the lines recommended later under that heading.

Another factor which has an important bearing upon the general design of a scheme of contact beds, is the method of operation which is to be adopted. It is generally assumed that all contact beds are worked in what is known as eight-hour cycles: viz. 1 hour filling, 2 hours standing full, 1 hour emptying, and 4 hours standing empty for rest and aeration. There has, however, been a tendency in the past to overlook the fact that the periods of standing full, and of emptying the beds, are the only sections of the cycle which are, as a rule, under absolute control. Unless special provision is made for the purpose, the time taken to fill each bed depends entirely upon the rate of flow of the sewage to the works, and the period of rest empty also depends upon the frequency with which the beds are filled, and thus indirectly upon the rate of flow of the sewage. For example, a set of four beds designed to receive each three fillings per day in wet weather, should not receive more than one filling per day in dry weather. Assuming that one-half the total flow comes down in six hours, it will be found that it takes six hours to fill two beds in the middle of the day, or three hours to fill one bed. During the remaining eighteen hours the other two beds are filled, one of them in say six hours and the other in twelve hours. The times taken to fill the four beds in this scheme would therefore be—No. 1, three hours; No. 2, three hours; No. 3, six hours; and No. 4, 12 hours. In each case the period of filling is thus much in excess of the one hour prescribed under the eight hours cycle. The obvious remedy is to subdivide the total area into a larger number of smaller beds, but if this is carried to its logical conclusion it will be seen that there must be 24 beds if the time taken to fill any one bed is not to exceed one hour. While it is very desirable to arrange this subdivision in order to secure the proper cycle of operations, the number of schemes where it is economically practicable are few, and recourse must be had to some other method of reaching the same end. This has already been recognised by most engineers, and provision is now usually made for a tank known under various names, such as dosing tank, collecting tank, equalising tank or holding-up tank, in which the tank effluent is stored until the volume accumulated is equal to the capacity of one contact bed, and the latter is then filled within the regulation time of one hour. If the necessity for making provision on these lines to ensure the proper working cycle had been recognised in the early days of contact beds, it would doubtless have prevented the troubles which have arisen in many places.

From the preceding observations, it will be seen that it is very necessary to come to a decision as to the method of operation to be adopted, before designing any scheme of contact beds. If the method of subdivision into a large number of small beds is preferred, the planning of the separate series, and the probable cost of the additional work involved, must be taken into consideration. On the other hand, if a smaller number of larger beds with a suitable dosing tank are preferred, the extra fall required for the latter must be provided for, even if it involves the reduction of the depth which would otherwise be available for the beds themselves.

Contact Beds in Profile

Fig. 136.

There is still another matter which has a considerable influence upon the general design of a scheme of contact beds, viz. the slope of the ground upon which they are to be constructed. If it has a fairly rapid and even slope, the tanks and beds may be arranged close together, as shown in Fig. 136. The only part that needs special care in this case is the cross-wall between the primary and secondary beds, which will need strengthening, especially in its lower half, in order to resist the extra pressure it is required to take.

Contact Beds in Profile

Fig. 137.

Where the slope is not so great, a saving in the cost of excavation may be effected by arranging the separate tiers of beds at some distance apart, as indicated in Fig. 137, and connecting one with the other by pipes. The aim to be attained in arranging the beds under these conditions is to have the entire area of the floors on solid soil, with the walls half in and half out of the ground.

Another set of conditions occasionally met with, is where the site of the works is perfectly flat and the position of the outlet for the final effluent involves the construction of the secondary beds either wholly or partly below the surface. In such cases the primary beds will come above ground, and it will then be found economical to arrange each set of beds in two rows end to end, with a central combined supply channel and effluent carrier, the latter being formed in the space between the walls which support the former, as shown, Fig. 138. If there is not sufficient head to allow of the supply channel being made deep enough to serve as the dosing tank, the latter may be constructed across the ends of the settling tanks, as suggested in Fig. 139, or in any other convenient position. A dosing tank in this position lends itself to the method of feeding the beds by means of closed pipes instead of by open channels, whether in sets of four, with a central chamber for the inlets and outlets illustrated in Fig. 139, or in series as Figs. 136 and 137.

Contact Beds in Profile
Contact Beds in Profile

Fig. 138.

There are doubtless other alternatives, or combinations of methods, which may be adapted to meet the exigencies of peculiar conditions of site and fall, but the foregoing details will probably suffice to suggest ideas to those in need of them in designing schemes of contact beds.

General Construction.—The most important point to be borne in mind in constructing contact beds is, that they must be absolutely watertight. Should they leak in any way, the sewage may pass away untreated; or it may find its way into adjacent beds, and thus prevent these from being properly aerated during the periods of rest when empty. It is therefore evident that they should be constructed in a substantial manner. The floors are usually of concrete, and the thickness of the floor will depend upon the nature of the subsoil. If for any reason the floors have to be laid upon made-up ground, provision should be made by means of piers or cross-walls, carried down to the solid subsoil to support the floor, independent of the made-up ground which is, in all cases, absolutely untrustworthy. The walls of the beds may be constructed either of concrete throughout or of brickwork in cement, and they should be of such a thickness that they will withstand the pressure of the head of water which would result if the beds were filled to the top of the walls.

It will not be found satisfactory to place reliance either upon brickwork or upon concrete alone to form a watertight bed, and in both cases the whole of the floors, as well as the walls, should be rendered with cement mortar in the proportion of 2 parts of sharp clean sand to 1 part of Portland cement. No rendering should be done during frosty weather or during excessive heat, as in both cases it will usually be found defective, and it is better to stop the work altogether for a time than have to patch it up afterwards.

Contact Beds Showing Inlets and Outlets.

Fig. 139.

One safeguard which can be adopted to prevent difficulties later on, is to insist upon testing all such beds with water to the full height before any of the filtering material is placed in position. Any slight defects which may appear can be made good then at very little expense. If the defects are not discovered until after the beds are filled with the filtering material, they can only be properly rectified by removing the material, and this involves a considerable outlay. In order that these tests may be carried out without friction, it is necessary to stipulate clearly in the specification for the work that each bed is to be tested with water to the full depth before any material is placed in the bed, and that the contractor must take full responsibility for making the beds absolutely watertight. It is, of course, understood that the method of construction adopted by the engineer is such that, if properly executed, the beds will be absolutely watertight; and, in order to prevent any misunderstanding, an item should be included in the quantities for the contractor to provide whatever sum he may consider necessary to allow for making these tests. It may be thought sufficient to state simply that the contractor should make all absolutely watertight, and to leave it to him to provide the means for doing so. It will, however, be found more satisfactory to all concerned to provide all means both in specification and in the quantities for attaining the desired results. It is not sufficient even to use the word “watertight” alone in this connection, as the interpretation of this word may be subject to differences of opinion which are obviated by the addition of the word “absolutely.”

The foregoing observations refer not only to contact beds but to the tanks and other portions of the work which are required to hold water.

Methods of Distribution.—Much diversity of opinion exists with reference to the question of distribution in filling contact beds. The many methods which have been tried in various places, may be arranged under four headings, viz. (a) above the surface of the material; (b) at the surface level; (c) just below the surface; (d) at the bottom of the bed. Some engineers hold the opinion that distribution over a large area of the material has no value, and that it matters little how the bed is filled so long as the liquid finds its way into the interstices of the material with as little disturbance as possible. The simplest method which fulfils these requirements is to allow the sewage to flow over the surface at the inlet end of the bed, but this soon causes the surface at this point to become clogged, and unless it is cleaned at frequent intervals the solids very quickly become washed down into the bed, and in the end this portion of the material will have to be removed and washed before it can be used again. The efforts to avoid this trouble have resulted in the numerous methods of distribution referred, to above.

Taking them in the order given, the idea of discharging the sewage above the surface level (a) by means of elevated troughs or pipes, has been to imitate to some extent the method found necessary in the case of percolating filters, and thus aerate the sewage before it enters the bed. The difficulties which arise in this case are that some extra fall is needed, and the provision of the troughs or pipes with suitable supports is costly. It is also extremely difficult to arrange the distribution by these means so that it shall be uniform over the whole area, and unless this is done it cannot be of much advantage.

Distribution at the surface level (b) may be provided by means of shallow grips in the material itself, and these have the great advantage that if they become clogged to such an extent as to prevent the sewage from freely passing into the bed, it is a small matter for the manager to cut a fresh grip in another direction and leave the first one to dry up when the sludge in it can be easily removed by hand. Another method is to use rows of stoneware channels, or wooden or iron troughs, with their edges set level with the surface of the material, so that the sewage may flow over the edges or through holes or notches in the sides. This is usually satisfactory, but it is not an easy matter to maintain all the channels at the same level, and after they have been in operation for a time it will be found that the material immediately under the troughs or channels is badly clogged, and can only be cleaned or renewed by removing the channels.

Sub-surface distribution (c) is arranged by means of perforated or open-jointed pipes, laid below the surface of the material and thus out of sight. The reasons for adopting this method are: that it avoids the unsightliness caused by surface distribution; that the surface is kept free from obstructions, and thus allows free aeration when the bed is emptied; and last, but not least, it prevents any nuisance arising from the evolution of obnoxious gases in the tank effluent whenever it is over-septicised, a not infrequent occurrence in the case of old-fashioned schemes, or in new works where the volume of sewage for which the tanks were designed has not yet reached its maximum. This method has the disadvantage that when the openings in and between the pipes become choked, more labour is involved in cleaning them than in the case of open channels or troughs on the surface.

Filling from the bottom (d) is assumed to possess all the advantages and none of the disadvantages caused by the other methods. The distribution is certainly uniform, as the liquid first fills the sub-drains and then rises at the same level throughout the whole of the material, forcing out any carbonic acid gas that may have accumulated in the lower part of the bed. As the sewage does not appear on the surface at all, there is no unsightliness and no trouble from bad odours. On the other hand, it is evident that the solids in suspension in the sewage or tank effluent are retained at the bottom of the bed, especially in the under-drains, and thus they will appear in large quantities in the effluent. Unless some special provision is made, by means of an effluent settling tank or sand-filter, to arrest these solids in suspension in the final effluent, they will be liable to cause trouble in the stream, and will, in any case, seriously affect the results of any analyses that may be made. The usual manner of arranging this method of filling, is to cause the sewage to flow into an open or covered chamber at the inlet to the bed, the walls of the chamber being provided at the floor level with openings connected to the sub-drains laid on the floor of the bed.

Whatever method of distribution is adopted, it is desirable that the surface of the filter material shall be not less than 3 inches above the highest level to which the sewage will rise, so that the liquid may not be visible at the surface.

Sub-Drainage.—Reference has already been made to the fact that lack of ample under-drains has often been the cause of the failure of contact beds in the past. The general practice for a long time consisted in placing a layer of coarse material on the floor of the bed, and providing a few rows of ordinary agricultural drain-pipes laid with open joints. In some few cases special perforated pipes were used, in others the pipes were partly embedded in the concrete floor. In the opinion of the author, however, no drains in the form of pipes are satisfactory, as they do not leave a space at the floor level as a free exit for the solids in the effluent. Where pipes are used it will generally be found after a few months’ operation that these solids, in the form of black sludge, have accumulated along the sides of the pipes and among the material at the floor level, and when this once commences the accumulation continues to take place, rising gradually in the bed until the interstices are choked to such an extent that the liquid capacity of the bed is reduced to a fraction only of its original volume. The trouble was intensified by the comparatively small number of the pipe drains usually found in the beds. It was evidently assumed that the matters would travel laterally through the layer of coarse material at the floor level. Unfortunately an additional impediment to the free flow of these matters was caused in many cases by the want of sufficient fall on the floor itself. Very little consideration will show that a large area of floor requires a considerable slope in order to produce the velocity of discharge necessary to remove matters in suspension, yet it was seldom that a gradient of more than 1 in 200 was provided, and in a few cases the surface of the floor was absolutely flat. Under these conditions it is difficult to see how any other result could be expected. It may be argued that it was not properly understood in those days that the solids in suspension (converted organic matters, the products of oxidation) must be removed if the filtering material is to retain its working capacity, but this fact has long been recognised in connection with percolating filters, which have in most cases been constructed upon complete false floors, provided with perforations, and with a suitable slope on the surface of the actual floor.

There is very little doubt that the question of providing ample means of sub-drainage deserves special consideration; and, in the author’s opinion, the floors of all contact beds should be laid with much greater fall to the outlet than in the past, and they should, in addition, be covered entirely with a false floor of special floor-tiles of the kind described in connection with percolating filters (pages 91 to 94). If the usual bottom layer of coarse material is then laid upon the false floor, it will be found that the beds will maintain their normal working capacity for a much greater length of time than in beds constructed on the old style. Instead of arranging the slope on the floor from the inlet end to the outlet end of the bed, it is preferable to construct an effluent channel with a suitable fall down the centre of the bed to the outlet, and arrange the floor with a cross-fall from the sides to the centre channel, which may be covered by slabs of concrete or stone laid upon the top of the floor tiles where they abut upon the edges of the channel as suggested, Fig. 139a.

Contact Bed.

Fig. 139a.

Material for Filling Contact Beds.—The remarks made under the heading “Filtering Material” for percolating filters (pages 101 to 103), apply with equal force to contact beds. In none of the many cases which have come under the observation of the author has it been possible to obtain such satisfactory results from other material as from clinker, when used under the same conditions as to the strength and volume of the sewage treated. It is true that excellent effluents have been produced by beds filled with burnt clay, broken bricks or stones, but it will usually be found that in such cases the material is more or less clogged, and that the volume successfully treated per day is considerably less than that which would be dealt with by clinker. The reasons are the same as those already mentioned in pages 101 to 103, and there is no need to say more here than to recommend as strongly as possible the use of hard-burnt vitrified furnace clinker as already described for percolating filters.

The foregoing remarks apply more particularly to the material for coarse and medium-grain contact beds. Clinker of the kind described is equally suitable for fine-grain contact beds, but it is difficult to break it to the required grade except at great cost, and a considerable loss in bulk due to the production of fine dust. For fine-grain beds, requiring material specified to pass a ¼-inch square mesh, and to be retained on a ?-inch square mesh, clean coke-breeze from gas-works (not ashes) will be found to be the most efficient. The important point to be observed in preparing material for fine-grain contact beds is that, while none of the particles should exceed ¼ inch in diameter, as many as possible of the finer particles, ? inch and 3/16 inch in diameter, should be retained, but all dust should be removed even if it necessitates washing the material for that purpose. Even the finer particles down to 1/16 inch diameter might be used, but it will be found extremely difficult to arrange the sifting process to arrest these without retaining the dust as well, especially if the material is at all damp, as the fine meshes required for the purpose quickly become clogged with the dust, and the sieve or screen is rendered useless.

Among other materials which may be adopted for fine-grain contact beds, broken saggars in the pottery districts, or slag in the neighbourhood of ironworks, are probably the next best, but only if they are properly graded in the manner described above. Indeed the chief difficulty in securing this fine-grade material is the preparation and grading, particularly where large quantities are required and the situation of the beds involves much handling of the material after it has been sifted. It is, however, of such extreme importance to have it as fine as possible, without including any dust, that the stipulations in the specification with regard to this material should be made very clear and definite, so that the contractor may make sufficient provision in his prices to enable him to comply with the specification in its strictest sense.

In addition to the bottom layer of floor-tiles and coarse material prescribed in the section relating to sub-drainage, it will be necessary to provide an additional layer above this, about 3 inches in depth, of a medium grade, to support the very fine material and prevent it being washed through the interstices in the coarse bottom layer, and special attention must be devoted to the method of distribution at the surface in order to avoid disturbance of the fine material.

Fig. 140.—Automatic Apparatus for Contact Beds.

Automatic Apparatus for Contact Beds.—Although contact beds can be operated by hand, this involves continuous and regular supervision by a man, and, unless he is under strict control, the proper cycle of operation may not be adhered to, and the result will, in that case, not be satisfactory. In the early days of contact beds, several types of apparatus were designed for the purpose of operating these beds automatically, so that the cost of manual labour would be reduced to a great extent, and in addition, the possibility of mismanagement avoided. Among these appliances, one of the most widely known is that manufactured by Messrs. Adams Hydraulics, Limited; and shown in Fig. 140. In small installations, the low draught syphons described above in connection with dosing apparatus are used to give alternate fillings to pairs of contact beds. Where more than two beds are in use the automatic air-lock feed is used. This consists of a cast-iron inverted U-pipe, both legs of which are trapped, either in self-contained castings or in separate chambers. The sewage flows through one, the others being charged with air. When the sewage in the bed has reached the proper height it overflows into a small chamber in which a dome is fixed. This dome is connected by means of an air-pipe to the cast-iron inlet feed, and as the sewage rises in the chamber round the dome, the air contained therein is forced up into the feed which it fills, thus forming an air-lock, which prevents the sewage from passing through and stops the supply to the bed. At the same time that the feed is stopped by the transfer of air in the manner described, the compression of the air in another small dome in the same pit has forced a water seal on the air-pipe leading from this dome to the feed in the next bed, and thus liberates the air-lock in the feed of that bed and allows the sewage to flow to this in rotation. The whole operation is then repeated with each bed in rotation, the last bed in the series, when full, starting the feed in the first bed again. These same feeds may be arranged to hold up sewage in a collecting or dosing tank, so as to ensure the accumulation of sufficient sewage to fill each bed at one dose within a reasonable time.

Fig. 141.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

In order to ensure that the sewage is held up in each bed for a suitable period for contact, the outlet is provided with an automatic syphon, which is arranged in such a way that the filling of the bed alone can start it. When the bed is full, the sewage flows through a pipe with an adjustable orifice into the timing pit. When this pit is full, the compression of the air in a small dome placed in the pit, and connected to the syphon by means of an air-pipe, releases the air in the syphon and allows it to start at the end of the desired period of contact. A special feature of these syphons is that they are so arranged that after they have emptied the bed they continue in action as syphons, taking the drainings from the bed, however small in volume they may be, and stopping off only when the bed commences to fill again, thus ensuring a thorough draining of the material. Another special feature of this apparatus is that there are no moving parts, the whole operation depending upon the transfer of air by means of the head of liquid. It is important to note that by this apparatus the period of contact in any bed can be arranged for any particular length of time, quite irrespective of the rate of flow of the sewage to the works, and independent of the filling and emptying of the other beds in the series.

Fig. 142.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

Fig. 143.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

Fig. 143a.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

Another apparatus which has been used largely in the past is that supplied by the Septic Tank Company, Ltd. This apparatus is made in two forms, illustrated in Figs. 141 and 142. The chief difference between the two types is that in the one case, Fig. 141, the period of contact is controlled by the filling of the next bed, and is thus dependent upon the rate of flow of the sewage, while in the other case, Fig. 142, the period of contact is “timed” for from one to two hours, and is independent of the rate of flow of the sewage. In both cases each set of gear is built up on its own bed-plate, and comprises the inlet and outlet valves and the connecting pipes to and from the same. The valves are of the simple spindle-type, and are connected by rods to rocking levers and actuated by buckets or floats, working in chambers or pits which are in communication with the different beds. By means of overflows from the beds to the buckets, and other devices, the various portions of the gear are actuated in such a manner that they automatically fill the several beds in each set in regular rotation, hold them full for contact, and eventually discharge the treated liquid to the effluent drain. Full details of the method of operation can be obtained from the manufacturers, who claim that the gear will work satisfactorily without attention other than the oiling of the bearings and joints every few weeks.

Another type of automatic apparatus for contact beds is that manufactured by Messrs. J. Blakeborough and Sons, as used in the Triple Tank System of sewage treatment, Fig. 143. In this case the beds are arranged in sets of three, and the filling of each is effected by the overflow from the last bed filled, the discharge being effected by the rising of the liquid in the last bed filled. The apparatus consists broadly of a slide-valve controlling the outlet-pipe, and connected by levers to floating cylinders located in separate chambers. One chamber controls the opening and the other the closing of the valve. The outlet is provided with a rising and falling arm, which is connected by a lever to a balance float fixed in a chamber, and coupled by means of a pipe to the float-chamber of another bed. The method of operation is us follows:—The tank effluent flows by gravitation to bed A, the filtered effluent thus rising in outlet chamber A, and also in the overflow chamber which is connected by pipes to outlet chamber A. As soon as bed A becomes full, the filtered effluent overflows into closing chamber A, which is coupled by a pipe to opening chamber B, and the floating cylinders in each case are raised, with the result that the valve of bed A closes and the valve of bed B opens, the liquid thus commencing to run on to bed B. The same action as above is repeated when bed B is full, and bed C is to be filled, whilst bed C in turn is coupled to bed B, so that the triple action is repeated over and over again so long as sewage continues to flow to the beds. As bed A fills, the liquid rises in outlet chamber A, and, this being coupled to float chamber C, the liquid rises to a corresponding height in float chamber C. Some time elapses before the liquid rises to such a height in the float chamber as to sink the mouth of the outlet pipe below the surface of the liquid in the outlet chamber, this space of time (which can be regulated as desired) representing the length of time that the bed is allowed to stand full before commencing to empty. When the liquid has risen to a given height in float chamber C, the balance float is raised, this action tipping the lever and lowering the rising and falling outlet pipe in outlet chamber C, thus drawing off the effluent from the top slowly, and without disturbing the whole contents of the bed. (Note: Bed C is assumed to be full). After the liquid in the bed has been drawn off, the rising and falling outlet pipe remains stationary at the bottom of the chamber until the next action takes place, which is as follows:—When bed A becomes full, it is allowed to stand full until the liquid in bed B (now filling) has risen to a given height, when it raises the balance float in the float chamber A in a similar manner as described above, and thus empties the bed A, at the same time emptying the float chamber C, in which is fixed the balance float connected to the rising and falling outlet pipe of the bed C (now standing empty), thus raising the outlet pipe and rendering the bed again ready for use.

Fig. 144.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

Fig. 144a.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

Messrs. Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., also manufacture apparatus for operating contact beds, as shown in Fig. 144. This arrangement of the apparatus delivers the sewage to six beds. There are two valve boxes, A, internally divided into three compartments. Three sets of tube valves, B, on each valve box, control the inlets to the several compartments of the valve box and also to the beds, which are connected up to the valve boxes with suitable pipes. As the sewage collects in the measuring chambers, it raises the float C—the float chamber being in communication—which, through the rack-and-pinion shown, turns the shaft D. To a sleeve, E, over the shaft D, a hammer, F, is keyed, while a stopper catch, G, is mounted freely. Keyed to the shaft D are lifting levers H and K. The lever K lifts the hammer F to the vertical, and, being free to rotate with the sleeve E, it falls and strikes on one of the copper buffers, L, in the turning plate M, causing it to turn. In like manner the stopper catch G is thrown over by the lifter H—a little in advance of the hammer—and, resting on the stopper plate N, drops into one of the notches, O, thus stopping the gear at the proper place. The turning of plate N causes the roller lever P, keyed to the vertical shaft Q, to rotate—through the agency of the mitre gearing and horizontal shaft—thus actuating the lever R, and raising the tube valve B. Two valves are operated simultaneously, one on each valve box. The valves are held open by the levers P, until, the water being run off, the weight of the float descending puts the gear in motion again—by returning the hammer to its original side—and moves the roller levers P off the end of the levers R, thus allowing the tube valves B to close and the water to collect once again. The force of the blow of the hammer as it strikes the buffer L can be regulated within certain limits, for, on the outer end of the sleeve E carrying the hammer, a lever, S is keyed, which, as it works in unison with the hammer, and is attached to the piston of the swivel cataract adjustable oil cylinder T, has the effect of cushioning the fall of the hammer.

Another type of syphonic apparatus for contact beds is manufactured by Messrs. Burn Bros., as shown in Fig. 145. In this case the primary filters are usually supplied with sewage from a collecting or dosing tank in which two or more discharge syphons are fixed, or they may be filled from a supply channel under certain circumstances. In the former case a syphon discharges immediately the collecting tank is full. A “Sequela” relief apparatus is attached to each syphon, and causes these to discharge alternately or in rotation. The relief apparatus is divided into three compartments, and depends for its working on the transference of oil, of a special nature, from one compartment, A, to another compartment, C, via compartment B, in stages corresponding with the number of syphons under control, each relief apparatus at the commencement being set a stage in advance of the one next to it. After a syphon has discharged, the oil which has been transferred to the compartment C in the relief apparatus is automatically returned to the compartment A, and the apparatus is then ready for another series of operations. Thus the oil, which is non-evaporative and non-freezing, is used over again and again, and as it does not come in contact with the sewage, it remains quite pure and serviceable for years. A discharge syphon is fixed to each filter, and, in order to ensure a proper period of contact of the sewage with the filtering material, each syphon is provided with a “Horometer” relief apparatus. This apparatus can be set to give a period of contact varying from twenty minutes to twenty-four hours. The “Horometer,” like the “Sequela,” depends upon the transference of oil from one compartment to another, but in this case only two compartments are necessary, A and B. As the filter fills, the oil is forced, by air pressure, to rise in a vertical pipe from compartment A above the level of a regulating tap, which is set to pass the oil into compartment B in the time determined upon for the contact of the sewage in the filter, and as soon as the necessary quantity of oil has been transferred through the tap, the syphon discharges. After the syphon has discharged, the oil is automatically returned from compartment B to compartment A, and the apparatus is again ready for use. No watertight brick chambers are required in the filter in connection with the apparatus, thus effecting considerable economy in structural work. It is only necessary to construct a screen in dry brickwork or perforated iron round the syphons to hold up the filtering material.

Fig. 145.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

Fig. 145a.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

The syphons manufactured by Messrs. George Jennings, Ltd., actuated by air-valves as described under the heading of “Dosing Apparatus,” can also be adapted for filling and emptying contact beds.

Fig. 146.—Contact Bed Apparatus.

The Enock apparatus for contact beds, Fig. 146, manufactured by Messrs. A. G. Enock and Co., Ltd., is a simple device working on the principle of the ball valve. A float, which takes the place of the ball, is raised by liquid entering a pit, which pit is outside the bed or tank which has to be emptied by the valve. The valve is attached to a vertical rod in connection with a horizontal weighted lever, at the other end of which the float is fixed. When a tank is full, it flows into the float chamber, and the rise of the liquid in this pit lifts the float and opens the valve, thereby allowing the contents of the tank to escape. The float pit then slowly empties itself by means of a small outlet pipe, and the valve closes so that the tank is ready to receive more liquid. This apparatus can be arranged so as to fill a number of beds in rotation, the inlet valve to each pit being either opened or closed as required by the overflow of liquid from each contact bed in turn. The outlet valves to the contact beds are similar to those already described and if the first beds are filled in rotation, no further connection between the apparatus in the lower beds will be required, each valve working absolutely independently of the others.

The chief advantage claimed for this type of apparatus is, that it can be adjusted so as to suit any required level of liquid in any particular bed.


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