HERITAGE Here in my glass is blood of kings, The life-blood of a race that lies Long dead. The jewels burning in your rings Are an Egyptian woman's eyes. Your beads are dead bones; even my breath Breathes hot words that were others' pain. Now these fair things are ours awhile, till death Brings us to quiet sleep again. Then we shall put our love aside For lovers of a later birth, And leave to them this body's fragrant pride, For jewels, in the heart of earth.
WATCHING Midnight at last! And you, I know, Are sleeping there Peaceful. Stars keep Great guard upon you. Calm, and still, and white You are. One moment all your pale swift hair Is quiet as the night. Here in this mud, this beastliness Of war, the thought Of your soft sleep Soothes a tired mind as a rare ointment may Comfort a wound, sweet-scented ointment brought From strange lands, far away.
LONELINESS I watched the moon behind the trees Float in a sea of sky. The aspen whispers in the breeze, The rest is silence now. And I Can feel my loneliness around Me fall. No human face There is. None speaks. Never a sound Save whispering leaves in this still place. I have two friends, and they are dead, Perhaps about their graves Are trees that whisper overhead, While in the grass the nettle waves.