LOUIS ONZE Who is this I see? A King! Leaden saints all in a ring Round his hat! His gait is slow! And his back is bending low! This a King? His quivering frame Shakes! Pray tell me now his name. Louis Onze, it is you say, Greatest King of all his day! BILLING AND SONS, LTD., PRINTERS, GUILDFORD, ENGLAND Transcriber's Notes Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected, other variations in spelling, accents and punctuation are as in the original. Several poems do not have titles, but are referenced by first line. These have been left as printed. The erratum on page 7 has not been corrected to avoid changing the structure of the book. In the original, the poems each started with a dropped capital initial letter. This has been replaced with a raised capital for consistency of rendering. |