ite>Christian Pilgrim, 255. Chuck farthing, 347. Chuckstones, 375. Clap, Roger, names of children, 16. Clare, quoted, 387. Clarissa, or The Grateful Orphan, 295. Clinches, 375. Clocks, dandelion, 380. Coarseness of children's books, 291. Coasting, 350. Coats, worn by boys, 41. Coat-of-arms, 323 et seq. Cobnuts, 391. Cobwebs to Catch Flies, 284, 290. Cocker's Arithmetic, 140, 142. Cock-fighting, 352. Cock-throwing, 351. Codrington, Richard, quoted, 264, 265. Coffin, Thomas A., portrait of, 52. Coleman, Jane, education of, 91 et seq. Coleman, Lydia, letters of, 87-88, 102; guardianship of, 87 et seq., 101 et seq. Coleman, President, letter of, 92. Colet, 91. College, old use of word, 277. Columbian Orator, 144. Columbine, wreaths of, 394; playthings of, 398. Comets, notions about, 148, 240. Comfits, 87. Commonplace books, 172 et seq.; of children, 173. Concord, N. H., funeral at, 242-243. Connecticut, schools of, 68; early laws of, 68. Conservatism of children, 378. Contagious diseases, 5. Cookies, 32. Cookey-moulds, 124. Cooper, Rebecca, wooing of, 188 et seq. Copley, portraits by, 37, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55. Copley family, 55. Copybooks, home-made, 79. Cordes, Ellinor, portrait, 48. Cornstalk, witches of, 393; fiddles of, 390. Corsets. See Stays. Cotton, dress of, 60. Cotton, John, 130. Country Rhimes for Children, 255. Cowper, William, quoted, 375. Cradle, of Peregrine White, foot-ball of, 357-358. Ink, home-made, 154-155; from flowers, 398. Ink-powder, 154. Irving, Washington, quoted, 270, 287. Italian Relation of England, 82. Jack, signification of word, 369. Jack-in-pulpit, 388. Jack-knife, power of, 254; use of, 308; derivation of, 370; of old times, 370. Jack-o'-lanterns, 396. Jackstones, 375. Jack the Giant Killer, 267. Janeway, James, books of, 249, 251. Jest-books, 275. Jewel weed, as playthings, 397. "Job's Trouble," 389. Joe Miller's Guess-Book, 275. Johnson, Samuel, school-life of, 193-194; on discipline, 194; manners of, 215. Johnson, Governor, infant's dress of, 35. Joseph, the name, 15. Josselyn, John, quoted, 397. Juvenile Pastimes, 346. Keats, quoted, 387, 402. Keeler, Sarah, sum-book of, 139. Kingsley, Charles, quoted, 311. Knitting, 339. Knotwork, described, 152. Lace, pillow, 339; darned, 341. Lady-bug, rhyme to, 399. Ladies' delights, folk names of, 383. Lamb, Charles, quoted, on children's books, 298 et seq. Lancasterian System, punishments of, 200-201. Land, allotment of, 13. Larkspur, wreaths of, 393-394. Latin, study of, 133 et seq.; 184 et seq. Laurens, Henry, letter of, 78. Laurens, Martha, precocity of, 183. Leather, worn by children, 77. Lester, Master, 202. Letter, defined in rhyme, 136. Letter dice, 182. Letters, sentiment of, 155 et seq.; of Puritan women, 156; mode of addressing, 156, 157; formality of, 161. Letter-writing, taught by Samuel Dock, 205. Lewis, John, wards of, 55. Lilacs, wreaths of, 394. Lilly's Grammar, 342. Sailors, interest in, 319 et seq. Salem, laws in, 68; curious custom in, 69; schools in, 68; punishments in, 199; seating boys in, 246. Salem Gibraltars, 32. Saltonstall, Elizabeth, letter of, 100-101. Sampler, derivation of, 327; description, 328; verses of, 328 et seq.; age of, 329. Sanford and Merton, 295, 297. Sanitation, unknown, 4-5. Sarah, the name, 16. Sargent, L. M., quoted, 242. Satten, 397. Schole of Vertue, 215, 222, 352. Schools, grammar, old-field, 65; attended by Washington, 65-66; free, 65; fires in, 69-70; furniture of, 78 et seq.; for boarders, 113 et seq.; treats in, 77; fare in, 83; mode of study in, 134. School feasts, 77. School fields, 68. Schoolhouse, building of, 75; descriptions of, 75, 76; furnishings of, 75-76; discomforts of, 76; windows of, 76; in Raritan, 77. School-meadows, 68. School-teachers, character of, 72; Scotch, 73; contract with, 74-75; Dutch, 73-74; women, 97; pay of, 68, 96-97, 103; English, 192; cruelty of, 204. School-treats, 77. School wood, 69-70. School of Manners, 219, 222. Scotch-hoppers. See Hop-scotch. Scottow, Joshua, quoted, 2; his daughter, 86. Scribbling in books, 161 et seq. Seaborn, the name, 15. Seating the meeting, 223, |