Books Received.


The Physician's Visiting List (Lindsay & Blakiston's) FOR 1891. Fortieth year of its publication. P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1012 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Descriptive Anatomy of the Human Teeth: By G. V. Black, M.D., D.D.S. Published by the Wilmington Dental Mfg. Company, 1413 Filbert street, Philadelphia.

"The Physician's All-Requisite Account Book;" being a ledger and account book for physicians' use, meeting all the requirements of the law and courts. Published by F. A. Davis, Medical Publisher and Bookseller, 1231 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. Style No. 1, 900 accounts, price $5.00, net; style No. 2, 1,800 accounts, $8.00, net.

A Treatise on the Irregularities of the Teeth and their Correction; including, with the author's practice, other current methods. Designed for practitioners and students. Illustrated with nearly 2,000 engravings (not embracing those in the third volume). Vol. I., by John Nutting Farrar, M.D., D.D.S. Herman Helfeld, General Agent, 1271 Broadway, New York. Price of Vol. I., full cloth, $6.00.

Twelve Lectures on the Structure of the Central Nervous System, for physicians and students, by Dr. Ludwig Edinger, Frankfort-on-the-Main. Second revised edition with 133 illustrations. Translated by Willis Hall Vittum, M.D., St. Paul, Minn. Edited by C. Eugene Riggs, A.M., M.D., Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases, University of Minnesota; Member of the American Neurological Association. F. A. Davis, Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.


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