CHAPTER I | PAGE | Early Days of the Microscope | 17 | CHAPTER II | Some Early Microscopists | 29 | CHAPTER III | The Action of Light | 40 | CHAPTER IV | The Compound Microscope | 50 | CHAPTER V | Animal Life in Ponds and Streams | 66 | CHAPTER VI | Plant Life in Ponds and Streams | 83 | CHAPTER VII | The Microscope and Plant Life | 97 | CHAPTER VIII | Animal Life and the Microscope | 112 | CHAPTER IX | The Study of the Rocks | 125 | CHAPTER X | The Microscope as Detective | 137 | CHAPTER XI | Bacteria | 152 | CHAPTER XII | Medical Work with the Microscope | 167 | CHAPTER XIII | The Microscope and Agriculture | 178 | CHAPTER XIV | The Microscope and Insect Life | 192 | CHAPTER XV | The Microscope by the Seaside—Animal Life | 208 | CHAPTER XVI | The Microscope by the Seaside—Plant Life | 225 | CHAPTER XVII | Micro-Telescope and Super Microscope | 239 | CHAPTER XVIII | Chemistry and the Microscope | 248 | CHAPTER XIX | Use of the Microscope in Manufactures | 260 | CHAPTER XX | The Microscope and Camera allied | 274 | CHAPTER XXI | How the Glass used in Microscopes is made | 282 | CHAPTER XXII | The Choice and Use of Apparatus | 291 |