In our chapters, dealing with, the history of the Microscope, we attempted to trace the gradual development of the compound instrument from the simple lens; we stated that the latter, in a crude form, had been known and used from very early times and that the former developed side by side with the telescope. We have also said a few words in Chapter III. concerning light for the reason that the microscope can be better understood and used more efficiently when we are acquainted with the phenomena due to light. The simple lens, sold under the name of pocket magnifier, in its cheapest form consists of a double convex lens, that is to say, a lens with two outwardly curved surfaces. Better quality pocket magnifiers consist of two or more lenses, which may be either double convex; plano-convex, i.e., with one surface perfectly flat and the other outwardly curved, or they may be constructed of a combination of double convex and plano-concave lenses, such as were described on p. . The object of both the simple and compound Now we wish to show how a compound microscope works and, having done so, to explain the uses of its various parts. We shall consider the lenses of the instrument to be double convex; we do this for the sake of simplicity. Even in the cheapest compound microscopes of to-day simple convex lenses are never used, for the reason we explained in our last chapter. To understand the course of the light rays passing through our microscope, however, we may look upon the lenses as being merely double convex. Let us try a simple experiment first of all. For the purpose we require two double convex lenses, Having fixed our sheet of paper in position, we take our second lens, focus it sharply upon the back of the sheet of paper, being careful to keep the centres of the two lenses as far as possible in a straight line with one another. Having obtained a sharp image we remove the paper and gradually advance our second lens towards the first. We soon reach a point where we have a very much larger image of the candle than the first lens gave us; we One or two diagrams will help to explain our experiment and, instead of the lighted candle, we will suppose that our object is an arrow—it is easier to draw and serves just as well. The magnification of the object by our first lens may be represented by the diagram below, where AA is the lens, CD the object and D'C' its image. The arrow C'D' shows the point at which we placed our screen, and as our diagram shows, the image is magnified and inverted. Our second lens, we remember, was focussed on the back of the paper, placed at C'D'; for practical purposes we may ignore the thickness of the paper and say that it was focussed on the image C'D'. Had we left it at that, the further course of the We may well ask, why did the lens AA, our first lens, form a real image whilst the second lens BB, which is precisely similar to AA, except that its magnifying power is not so great, form a virtual image? The formation of a real or a virtual image is nothing to do with magnification, so we repeat—why do two similar lenses form different kinds of images? Let us refresh our memories with the remarks concerning the principal focus of lenses in the last chapter, then we may try another experiment. The principle focus of a double convex lens, we remember, is the point to which parallel rays After this digression, we will see what happens when we combine the diagram showing the real, inverted image, formed by the lens AA with the virtual erect image, formed by the lens BB. In reality we will draw a diagram showing the path of the light rays through our compound microscope. We have used the same lettering as in our previous diagrams and we see that, also as before, a real, inverted image C'D' of the object CD is formed by the lens AA and a virtual, erect image CD of the image C'D' is formed by the lens BB, the object CD being further from the lens AA than its principal focus and the image C'D' being nearer to the lens BB than its principal focus. One very important By the courtesy of Messrs. F. Davidson & Co. The Head of a Dog Flea No wonder the flea is an annoying creature. As the plate shows, it is armed with knives, lances and saws, all designed to injure the skin of its victim. The stand must claim our attention first. The base of the instrument, called the foot, is usually either three-legged or horse-shoe shaped; whatever its form it should be heavy, for only thus can the microscope be steady, and steadiness is essential in Affixed to the lower end of the bent arm of brass, mentioned above, is a flat metal plate, known as the stage; at its centre, there is a circular hole through which rays of light pass to illuminate objects placed upon it. Below the stage, at the edge nearest to the foot, there is a metal peg, over which fits a tube to which a mirror is attached by a moveable joint. The mirror reflects light rays through the opening in the stage. The tube, holding it, can be slipped up and down the peg under the stage, thereby bringing it nearer to or further from the object and so altering the intensity of the reflected light, as we shall explain in a moment. Owing to its moveable joint, it is possible to swing the mirror The cheapest forms of compound microscopes have all the parts we have mentioned, and focussing is carried out by sliding the tube, with its objective and eyepiece, up and down within its holder, in order to bring the objective further from or nearer to the object. In more expensive instruments there are further refinements, in fact, on some of the very costly present-day instruments, there are so many appendages and appurtenances that it is doubtful whether some of them are not more of a hindrance than a help, at any rate they increase the possibility of trouble by their liability to get out of order. Such microscopes are only of use to very expert workers; there are, however, a good many additional features to be found on quite moderate-priced instruments, features which are a great help to the microscopist. It is obvious that we cannot attain any degree of accuracy in focussing, especially with high magnifications, when we must perforce raise or lower the tube by hand. To obviate this difficulty, most microscopes are provided with mechanism known as a coarse adjustment; it consists of milled screws at either end of a metal rod; in the centre of the rod there is a little cog-wheel which engages with a row of notches on the tube. By turning the milled screws slightly in either direction, we can impart A few words may be devoted to the mirror, for on its intelligent use much depends. Usually we shall find that it is plano-concave, that is to say, flat on one side and hollowed out on the other. The use of the mirror, as we have mentioned already, is to reflect rays of light through the opening of the stage on to the object we desire to examine. Both We have mentioned that, to obtain full advantage from the mirror it should be capable of movement to and from the stage. When we desire strong illumination we arrange the mirror so that its reflected rays meet at a point coinciding with our object. Should less intense illumination be required, we slide the mirror nearer to the stage, and of course nearer to our object, so that the reflected rays meet at a point above the object. The two diagrams, given below, show the path of the rays of light, where O is the object, and a trial with our microscope will soon show which position gives the more powerful illumination. For high-power work, such as bacteriology or even the examination of sections of plants, etc., even the best concave mirror will not give a sufficiently powerful illumination; accordingly an instrument, Sometimes, for special forms of illumination, it is necessary to cut off some of the rays of light passing through the condenser. It may be that we desire to dispense with the outer rays of the cone of light or, when delicate details are being studied, we may wish to impede the central rays. In either case diaphragms, popularly called “stops” are used. Our diagrams show A the outer rays of a cone of light cut off and B the central rays similarly treated. In old pattern microscopes and in many instruments not provided with condensers, the diaphragm used for the purpose of cutting off the outer rays of the cone of light, consists of a blackened circular metal plate, perforated with a number of different sized circular holes. This plate is fixed below the When it is necessary to cut off some of the central rays of the light cone, either a circle of glass with an opaque centre is dropped into a metal holder below the stage, or a circular metal plate, held in the centre of a metal ring by three arms, is used in the same manner. The effect of cutting off the central rays of the light cone is, of course, to reduce the illumination and to show up delicate detail to advantage. No We have already mentioned that the optical parts of the compound microscope are of greater importance than what may be termed the mechanical portions and the objectives are more important than the eyepieces. Better results can always be obtained with a good, high-power objective and a low-power eyepiece, than with an inferior objective and a good quality eyepiece. The merits of the eyepiece, however great, will not be adequate compensation for the failings of the objective. Modern objectives are composed of several lenses and of a combination of flint and crown glass, as we explained in our last chapter. They are so designed that they can be screwed into the lower part of the microscope tube. The focal length of each objective is, or should be, marked upon it; as a general rule, however, it may be taken that the smaller the lower lens, the shorter its focal length and therefore the greater its magnifying power. The form of eyepiece most usually met with is known as Huyghen’s. It consists of two plano-convex lenses, with their flat or plane surfaces directed away from the objective. The smaller of the two lenses is situated nearer to the eye of the observer and is known as the eyeglass; its function is to magnify the image formed by the objective. The larger, lower lens is known as the field or collecting glass; it renders the image clearer though, in so For the examination of practically all our microscopic objects we require a number of slides, little glass slips of good, thin, clear glass. They may be used over and over again unless we make permanent preparations, but we are hardly likely to do so in our early days. The slides are held in place on the microscope stage, either by a pair of clips attached thereto or by resting against a bar running across the stage. We may here remark that it is essential always to keep one’s microscope slides absolutely clean. Dirty slides denote the careless worker; moreover, dirt when magnified is misleading. Objects which are being examined in water or any We have not mentioned any refinements such as the mechanical stage, by means of which slides on the stage may be rotated, moved to the front and to the back of the stage or from side to side. We have omitted these because they are not essential even for the very best work; they lend additional comfort to the use of the microscope but, again, they are not essential. The microscopist who requires such luxuries may learn about them in the larger text-books on the microscope. |