

Abbotsford grate, 66
Abernethy biscuits, 210
Absinthe, 181
Accidents, 780
—— with boilers, 838
Accumulators, electric, 94
Acetate of soda stove, 82
Acetic acid poisoning, 793
Acid stains, removing, 553
Acne, 822
Aconite poisoning, 792
Addressing persons, 648
Administering medicine, 776
Aerated drinks, 171
Agnew pudding, 387
Agro dolce sauce, 460
Aim of exercise, 870
Air, cooling, 59
—— from hot-air furnaces, 76
—— of rooms, freshening, 56
—— pressure experiments, 673
—— pump ventilators, 58
——, purifying, 57
—— space necessary in rooms, 55
——, testing, 55, 518
——, warming fresh, 77
Airing infants, 748
—— rooms, 55
Ajo blanco, 509
Alabaster, cleaning, 536
Albanian dress, 735
Albert pudding, 387
Albo-carbon gas light, 92
Alcohol in feeding, 601
Alcoholic poisoning, 792
Ale, see Beer.
Alexandra cream, 771
—— ice pudding, 387
Alkaline poisons, 793
Alkermes cordial, 182
Almond bread, 210
—— cakes, 210
—— flavour, 478
—— GÉnoise pastry, 387
—— hardbake, 437
—— jumbles, 388
—— milk, 775
—— pastry, 388
—— pudding, 388
—— rice pudding, 388
—— savarin, 388
—— Savoy cake, 210
Almonds, 582
Aloes, 777
Alum, 778
Amateur theatricals, 654
Amazon bitters, 180
Amber pudding, 388
Ambrosia syrup, 176
American biscuits, 210
American dishes, 481
—— outfit, 727
—— stoves, 70
Ammonia poisoning, 793
Ammonio-citrate of iron, 778
Amnastich, 504
Anchovy butter, 271, 460
——, fried, 272
—— sandwiches, 272
—— toast, 272
—— with eggs and endive, 272
—— with olives, 272
Angelica cordial, 182
—— ratafia, 182
Angels’ food, 388
Angels on horseback, 288
Angostura bitters, 180
Animal charcoal as a filter, 24
—— foods, 591
Anise liqueur, 182
Anise-seed cordial, 182
Anisette cordial, 182
Answering invitations, 650
Antidotes to poisons, 792
Anti-fat diet, 595
Antimonial wine, 778
Antimony poisoning, 793
Ants, destroying, 557
Appert’s translucent glass, 56
Apple and currant soup, 247
—— —— quince tart, 389
—— brandy, 182
—— bread, 210
—— cake, 389
—— Charlotte, 389
—— chips, 565
—— chutney, 132
—— compote, 389
—— cordial, 189
—— cream cakes, 389
—— custard, 390
—— devil, 390
—— dumplings, 390
—— flavour, 478
—— fool, 390
—— ginger, 138, 391
—— jam, 139
—— jelly, 139
—— marmalade, 139
—— pudding, 391
—— rings, 391
—— roly-poly, 392
—— sauce, 460
—— snow, 392
—— soup, 247
—— syrup, 176
—— tart, 392
—— wine, 191
Apples, 565, 566, 568, 569, 574, 576, 577, 579, 582
—— and tapioca, 389
——, baked, 389
——, keeping, 114, 115, 116
——, stewed, 392
Apricot cake, 393
—— chartreuse, 393
—— cream, 393
—— flavour, 478
—— omelet, 393, 454
—— sauce, 460
—— toast, 393
—— wine, 191
Apricots, 569, 572, 574
——, keeping, 121
April gardening, 932
—— markets, 569
Argand gas burners, 87
Armchair, 98
Arnotto for colouring cheese, 159
Arnott’s stove, 70
—— ventilator for ranges, 226
Aromatic bitters, 180
—— chalk, 778
—— wine-bitters, 182
Arrowroot, 772
—— blancmange, 393
—— pudding, 394
—— shape, 394
Arsenic poisoning, 793
Artichoke salad, 383
—— soup, 247
Artichokes, 568, 573, 576, 579, 582
—— and eggs, 450
——, boiled, 371
——, fried, 372
——, Jerusalem, 376
——, keeping, 117
——, stewed, 372
——, stuffed, 372
Artificial feeding, 598
Asbestos, incandescent, 77
Ashpits, disinfecting, 50
Asparagus, 484, 568, 569, 570, 572
——, boiled, 372
——, keeping, 117
—— salad, 383
—— soup, 247
Aspect compass, 3
—— for dwellings, 2
Asphalte tennis courts, 881
Aspic jelly, 367
Asuree, 511
Atkins’s filters, 27
Aubergines, 579
August gardening, 934
—— markets, 574
Aunt Eleanor’s tartlets, 394
Australian outfit, 722
Austrian dress, 728
Autumn milk, 156

Baba, 394
Babies’ clothing, 746
Bacalao, 510
Backboard for electric bell, 106
Back-to-back houses, 7
Bacon, boiled, 331
——, broiled, 332
——, buying, 575
—— fat, 332
——, fried, 332
——, salting, 125
——, spiced, 125
—— with cabbage, 331
—— —— potatoes, 331
—— —— spinach, 332
Bacon’s high-pressure heating system, 81
Bacteria in water, 23
Baden-Baden pudding, 394
Badminton (drink), 191
—— (game), 872
Bailey-Denton’s cistern filter, 33
Bailey’s oven pyrometer, 207
Bain marie, 242
Bakers’ ovens, 207
—— pyrometer, 207
Bakewell pudding, 394
Baking bread, 207
—— fish, 268
—— ovens in ranges, 222
Balcony pipes, 49
Baldness, 707, 809
Balm wine, 191
Banana syrup, 176
Banbury cake, 210
Bandaging, 783
Barbel, 580
——, broiled, 272
——, roast, 272
Barberries, preserved, 139
Barley gruel, 410
—— milk, 776
—— soup, 247
—— sugar, 437
—— water, 191, 775
Barm, 207
Barrel stand, 168
Barreling wine, 190
Barrels, cleaning, 169
Barszcz soup, 261, 506
Basement sinks, 50
—— walls, 96
Basting, 241
Bath buns, 211
—— cake, 211
—— chaps, 125
Bath, water apertures in, 49
Bathing, 828
—— dresses, 718
—— rules, 830
Bathroom, 49, 828
——, situation, 49
—— waste, 49
Batter-cream soup, 247
——, frying, 407
—— pudding, 395
Battery for electric bell, 102
Bean soup, 256
Beans, 582
——, broad, boiled, 372
——, French, 375
——, haricot, 375
——, keeping, 114, 118
Becaficos, 571
BÉchamel sauce, 460
Bedclothes, 702
Bedding, disinfecting, 818
Bedfellows, 703
Bed of sickroom, 758
Bed rests, 213
——, lemon, 214
——, macaroons, 214
——, Naples, 214
——, Queen’s, 217
——, rout, 217
——, Savoy, 218
——, sweetmeat nuts, 219
——, tops and bottoms, 220
——, wine, 220
——, York, 220
Bishop (drink), 192
Bishop pudding, 395
Bites, 780
Bitter-almonds flavour, 478
Bitters, 180
Blackbeetles, destroying, 557
Blackberries, 579
Blackberry brandy, 182
—— cordial, 183
—— jam, 137, 139
—— jelly, 140
—— mould, 395
—— pudding, 395
—— syrup, 176
—— tart, 395
—— wine, 192
Black butter, 461
Blackcock, carving, 632
Black currant cordial, 189
—— —— jam, 137
—— —— jelly, 140
—— currants, bottled, 140
Blackened ceilings, 85
Black Forest dress, 731
Black Ghost, 682
Black puddings, 511
Blanched turkey, 366
Blancmange, 395, 601, 770
Blankets, 702
Bleeding, 781
Blind area walls, 5
Blinds of nursery, 746
Blistering fluid poisoning, 793
Blisters, 763
Bloater À la Sefton, 272
—— on toast, 272
Bloaters, pickled, 487

——, potted, 126
Block, 688
Blowers, 80
Blowing out candles, 83
Blue gum for colds, 801
Blue pill, 778
Bluestone poisoning, 793
Blue vinney cheese, 164
Blueing machine, 855
Boar’s head, 126, 332
Bobbins for bells, 106
Bobotie, 487
Boiled potatoes, keeping, 113
Boiler explosions, 838
Boilers, 832
——, steam, 940
Boiling, 241
—— fish, 268
Boker’s bitters, 180
Bola d’amor, 504
Bolding’s gas regulator burner, 89
Bolsters, 702
Bombay ducks, 272
—— pudding, 395
Bondon cheese, 166
Bone, cleaning, 533
—— soup, 247
Boned ham, 334
—— shoulder of mutton, 330
Bones, broken, 783
—— for soup, keeping, 112
Boning fowl, 349, 350
—— turkey, 367
Bonne femme soup, 248, 267
Books, care of, 903
——, cleaning, 541
—— on bedroom, 705
—— on dairy, 167
—— on dining room, 647
—— on drawing room, 698
—— on dressing room, 745
—— on dwelling, 111
—— on farmyard. 929
—— on garden, 935
—— on housewife’s room, 582
—— on kitchen, 517
—— on playground, 888
—— on schoolroom, 869
—— on sickroom, 826
—— on workroom, 902
Boots, 711
——, buying, 712
——, preserving, 713
Borax, 778
Bordeaux cake, 211
Bordelaise sauce, 461
Borshch, 507
Boston brown bread, 481
—— pudding, 396
Bottles, cleaning, 170, 531
——, corking, 170
——, drying, 170
——, tying down, 170
Bottling beer, 179
—— black currants, 140
—— cherries, 140
—— cider, 194
—— currants, 138
—— damsons, 142
—— fruit, 138
—— gooseberries 138, 142
—— plums, 138, 148
—— raspberries, 138
—— rhubarb, 138, 151
—— strawberries, 138
—— wine, 190
Bottling-wax, 138
Boudin of fish, 269
Boudoir furniture, 98
Bouillabaisse, 269, 505
Bouilli, 242
Bouillon, 242
Bournes, 13
Bowle, 489
Box gutters, 18
—— mangle, 857
Boyle’s air cooler, 59
—— —— warmer, 77
—— ventilator, 58
Bracciolette, 503
Braces, 711
Brain worries, 794
Brains, 569
Braising, 242
Bramah closets, 47, 48
Bran bread, 593
Brandied peaches, 147
—— plums, 149
—— quinces, 150
Brandy bitters, 180
—— butter, 461
—— flavour, 478
—— sauce, 461
—— shrub, 183
—— snaps, 211
Brass, cleaning, 536
Brawn, 126, 333
——, mock, 312
Bread, 207, 592
——, almond, 210
——, baking, 207
——, Colchester, 212
——, curing sour dough, 208
——, diet, 213
——, fancy, 210
——, flour for, 208
—— for invalids, 772
——, gas ovens, 208
—— in tins, 209
——, Italian, 214
——, keeping, 113
——, kneading, 209
——, milk for, 208
—— mould, 492
—— ovens, 207
—— potatoes for, 208
——, short-, 218
——, steam ovens, 208
——, testing, 520
——, Vienna, 220
—— with barm, 207
—— —— German yeast, 208
—— —— seconds flour, 209
Breadcrumbs, baked, 461
——, fried, 354, 461
——, plain, 461
Bread-making in hot weather, 209
Bread poultice, 762
—— puddings, 396
—— sauce, 461
Breadstuffs, buying, 566
Breakages, law of, 961
Breakfast cake, 211
—— cloth, laying, 607
Breakfasts, 641
——, wedding, 646
Bream, 272
——, broiled, 273
——, buying, 565
——, roast, 273
——, soused, 273
——, stewed, 273
Breast of mutton, 317
—— veal, 343
Breathing in smoke, 110
Bretzeln, 489
Brewers’ yeast, 207
Brewing, 179
Brianees, 496
Brick drains, evils of, 52
—— ——, objections to, 53
—— —— ;, signs of perishing, 53
Brick-flue ranges, 221
Bride cake, 211, 216
Brie cheese, 166
Brightening cloudy beer, 179
Brighton biscuits, 212
Brill, 273, 565, 566, 568, 570, 576, 580
Brioche, 397
Briquettes, 581
British cheeses, 164
Brittany dress, 739, 742
Broad beans, 573
—— ——, boiled, 372
Broccoli, 372, 565, 582
—— with white sauce, 373
Brochan, 509
Broiling fish, 268
Broken bones, 783
Bronze, cleaning, 537
Broth, mutton, 259, 318
——, Scotch, 265
——, tea-kettle, 266
Broths as food, 599
Brown and Green’s kitchener, 228
Brown bread, 593
—— —— ice, 442
—— butter sauce, 462
—— pudding, 397
—— sauce, 462
—— sharp sauce, 473
Browned crab, 277
Brunoise soup, 248, 267
Brushing the hair, 810
Brussels carpet, 96
—— sprouts, 579, 582
—— ——, boiled, 373
—— —— omelet, 454
Bubble and squeak, 310
Bucellas (drink), 193
Buckskin gloves, cleaning, 532
Buckwheat cakes, 481
Bugs, destroying, 558
Bulgarian dress, 728, 731
Bullaces, 579
Bullock’s heart, 310
Bumaloes, 272
Bunions, 806
Buns, Bath, 211
——, Chelsea, 212
——, cinnamon, 337
—— feet, 337
—— —— fritters, 337
—— —— jelly, 338
—— —— pie, 338
—— —— pudding, 338
—— head, 338
—— ——, boiled, 338
Calf’s head, carving, 626
—— —— fritters, 339
—— ——, hashed, 339
—— —— pie, 339
—— —— soup, 248
—— liver, 339
—— sweetbread, 343
Californian Gamblers, 679
Calisthenics, 867
Calls, 102
Calomel, 778
Caloric engine, 951
Calorigen stove, 78
Cambridge pudding, 398
Camembert cheese, 165
Camphor liniment, 778
Canadian dishes, 486
Canary pudding, 398
Candied chestnuts, 437
—— lemon peel, 144
Candles, 83
——, blowing out, 83
——, silver torch, 83
Candying syrups, 175
Canvas-back duck, 565
Canvas joining, 893
Cape dishes, 487
Caper sauce, 462
Capercailzie, 565, 581
——, carving, 633
Capillaire syrup, 176
Capsicum flavour, 478
Captain’s biscuits, 212
Caramel custards, 398
—— pudding, 399
Caraway cordial, 183
Carbide of iron filter, 29
Carbocalcis filters, 29
Carbolic acid poisoning, 793
Carbonate magnesia, 778
Carcel lamp, 83
Card sleights, 667
Cardinal (drink), 193
Cardoons, 579, 582
——, boiled, 374
Carnival krapfen, 489
Carp, 273, 580
—— au bleu, 273
——, broiled, 273
—— en matelote, 273
—— in brown sauce, 273
—— pie, 274
——, roast, 274
——, soused, 274
——, stewed, 274
—— with Polish sauce, 274
Carpet joining, 894
—— lining, 96
—— made into oilcloth, 524
——, sweeping, 525
Carpets, 96
——, bedroom, 101
——, cleaning, 524
——, sickroom, 756
Carriage, care of, 913
Carrot jam, 140
—— pudding, 399
—— salad, 383
—— soup, 248
Carrots, 568, 569, 570, 573, 579, 582
—— À la Flamande, 374
—— À la maÎtre d’hÔtel, 374
—— À la Nivernaise, 374
Carrying infants, 749
—— injured persons, 787
Carving, 620
—— beef, 622
—— blackcock, 632
—— calf’s head, 626
—— capercailzie, 633
—— cod, 620
Carving duck, 629
—— fish, 620
—— flounders, 621
—— fowl, 628
—— game, 630
—— goose, 630
—— grouse, 632
—— guinea fowl, 630
—— gurnet, 621
—— haddock, 621
—— ham, 627
—— hare, 631
—— herring, 621
—— John Dory, 621
—— lamb, 625
—— landrail, 631
—— loin of mutton, 625
—— mackerel, 621
—— meat, 622
—— mullet, 621
—— mutton, 624
—— odd dishes, 627
—— partridge, 632
—— pheasant, 632
—— pigeon, 630
—— plover, 631
—— pork, 627
—— poultry, 628
—— ptarmigan, 633
—— rabbit, 630
—— salmon, 621
—— sheep’s head, 627
—— shell-fish, 622
—— snipe, 631
—— sole, 622
—— sucking pig, 627
—— turbot, 622
—— turkey, 629
—— veal, 626
—— venison, 625
—— whiting, 622
—— wild fowl, 631
—— woodcock, 630
Carving-knife, wielding, 627
Cask stand, 168
Casks, cleaning, 169
Cast-iron cisterns, 19
—— drains, 54
—— ——, joining, 54
Castle pudding, 399
Castor oil, 778
—— —— as an aperient, 805
Catching complaints, 813
Catsup, 134
Caucasian dress, 742
Caudles, 773
Cauliflower, 372, 570, 573, 576, 579
——, dressed, 373
—— salad, 383
—— soup, 249
Causes of fires, 108
Caustic poisoning, 793
Cavalier’s broil, 331
Cavershed fish, 514
Caviar and eggs, 450
Cavies, 356
Cavity walls, 5
Cedrat cordial, 183
—— essence, 178
Ceilings, 7, 99
—— blackened by gas, 85
——, dairy, 155
——, nursery, 746
Celeriac, boiled, 374
Celery, 565, 582
——, boiled, 374
—— cordial, 183
—— flavour, 478
—— on toast, 374
—— salad, 383
—— sauce, 462

Celery soup, 249
——, stewed, 375
Cellars, 168
——, curing damp in, 9
——, disinfecting after floods, 55
——, ventilating, 168
Cement, fireproof, 232
Cemented cisterns, 19
Cerkestal, 511
Cesspools, 38
—— and wells, 14
Chablis cup, 193
Chachki, 496
Chaff beds, 701
Chair rail, 99
Chairs, drawing-room, 97
Chalk as fuel, 82
Chamberland filter, 32
Chamois leather, cleaning, 534
Champagne beer, 179
—— cider, 171
—— cup, 193
——, sham, 204
Chancery, 689
Changing sheets, 759
Chapatis, 497
Chapman’s entire wheat flour, 751
Chapped hands, 797
Char, 570
——, potted, 126
Character of servant, 960
Charcoal as a filter, 23
—— filters, 27
Charity Girl dress, 735
Charlotte Russe, 399
Chartreuse, 183
Chaudeau sauce, 462
Chaudfroid sauce, 462

Cheap fuel, 82
—— soups, 249
Cheddar cheese, 164
Cheese, 159
——, arnotto for colouring, 159
——, baked, 444
—— biscuits, 445, 481
——, blue vinney, 164
——, boiled, 445
——, Bondon, 166
—— boulettes, 445
——, Brie, 166
——, British, 164
—— cake, 212
——, Camembert, 165
—— canapÉs, 445
——, cheddar, 164
——, Cheshire, 164
——, colour for, 159
——, colouring, 163
——, Cottenham, 164
——, cracks in, 163
——, cream, 160
—— cream, 446
—— custard, 445
——, Daventry, 164
——, defects in, 163
——, Derbyshire, 165
—— dishes, 444
——, double Dorset, 164
——, dunlop, 165
——, Dutch, 166
——, eating, 634
——, foreign, 165
—— fritters, 446
——, Gloucester, 165
——, Gorgonzola, 166
——, GruyÈre, 166
——, heaving, 163
——, holes in, 163
——, keeping, 113
——, Leicester, 165
——, macaroni, 414
Cheese making in France, 163
——, marbling, 163
——, Marolles, 166
—— meringues, 446
——, milk for, 159
——, moulds in, 161
——, Neufchatel, 166
——, new-milk, 160
——, North Wilts, 165
—— omelets, 454
——, Parmesan, 166
——, peach, 421
——, Pont l’ÉvÊque, 166
——, Port du Salut, 167
——, potato, —— flavour, 479
—— sauce, 463
Circuit closer for electric bell, 103
Circulation system for hot water, 80
Cistern filters, 33
—— in roof, 43
—— pipes, trapping, 44
—— waste pipes, 19
Cisterns for water, 18
—— —— w.c.’s, 44
——, rain-water, 15, 16
——, water contaminated in, 39
Citrate of iron and quinine, 778
—— —— magnesia, 778
Citron cordial, 184
—— pudding, 401
Citronelle cordial, 184
Citrons, preserved, 141
Clairet cordial, 184
Clam fritters, 482
Claret cup, 194
—— jelly, 401
Clarges Street pudding, 401
Clarifying stock, 246
Clarke’s nightlights, 83

Clary wine, 195
Clay as fuel, 82
Cleaning, 521
—— alabaster, 536
—— bed ticks, 549
—— bone, 533
—— books, 541
—— bottles, 170, 531
—— brass, 536, 537
—— bronze, 537
—— carpets, 524
—— casks, 169
—— chamois leather, 534
—— chintzes, 549
—— chip goods, 522
—— coins, 538
—— coloured dresses, 549
—— copper, 537
—— copper electros, 538
—— copper vessels, 538
—— crape scarfs, 549
—— decanters, 532
—— feathers, 522
—— fenders, 523
—— firearms, 523
—— flannels, 549
—— floorcloth, 524
—— floors, 527
—— frames, 545
—— furniture, 528
—— furs, 528
—— gas chandeliers, 538
—— gilt mountings, 538
—— glass articles, 529
—— glass globes, 530
—— glass slides, 531
—— gloves, 532
—— gold, 538
—— hands, 533
—— iron, 538
—— ivory, 533
—— lace, 551
—— leather goods, 534
—— linen, 547
—— linoleum, 524
—— marble, 535
—— metal goods, 536
—— milk vessels, 154, 156, 158
—— mirrors, 529
—— morocco leather, 534
—— oilcloth, 524
—— paint, 540
—— paint brushes, 541
—— paper, 541
—— parchment, 542
—— photographic plates, 530
—— pictures, 542
—— plate, 539
—— plated goods, 539
—— plaster, 535
—— prints, 543
—— range flues, 224
—— rugs, 528
—— saddles, 534
—— saucepans, 237
—— scale pans, 537
—— sheepskins, 529
—— sickroom, 755
—— silk goods, 552
—— silver goods, 539
—— silver lace, 540
—— skins, 528
—— sponge, 545
—— steel, 538
—— stone, 535
—— straw goods, 522
—— stuffed specimens, 547
—— teapot, 547
—— textile goods, 547
—— tobacco pipes, 555
—— vellum, 542
Cleaning violin, 555
—— violin bow, 556
—— wall-papers, 556
—— watches, 556
—— windows, 529
—— zinc vessels, 540
Clear butter, 463
—— soup, 251
—— —— with custard, 252
—— —— —— poached eggs, 252
—— —— —— quenelles, 252
—— stock, 245
Clifton pudding, 401
Clinical thermometer, 764
Clockwork motors, 954
Close-fire ranges, 222
Close-fire stoves, 71
Closets, disinfecting, 821
——, situation, 7
Clothes, buying, 714
——, choosing, 714
—— for foreign schools, 717
—— of infectious patient, 815
—— stores, 100
Clothing, disinfecting, 818
——, intermediate, 710
—— of children, 746
——, requirements of, 709
Clotted cream, 403
Cloudy beer, brightening, 179
Clove brandy, 184
—— cordial, 184
—— pink ratafia, 184
Clown and Fairies, 682
Clustering gas lights, 86
Coach house, 913
Coalfish, 573
Coals, buying, 581
—— for kitcheners, 226
Cocido, 510
Cock-a-leekie soup, 253
Cockle stove, 71
Cockle soup, 253
Cockles, 271, 580
Cocoa as a drink, 605
—— jelly, 770
—— ratafia, 184
——, testing, 521
Coconut cakes, 514
—— candy, 438
—— ice, 442
—— matting, 97
—— pudding, 401, 497
—— soup, 253, 497
Cod, 275, 503
—— au gratin, 275
——, baked, 275
—— balls, 486
——, boiled, 275
—— brandade, 276
——, buying, 565, 566, 567, 570, 576, 578, 580, 582
——, carving, 620
——, fried, 275
—— liver oil, taking, 777
——, mashed salt, 276
—— rock, 276
—— roe, 276
—— sautÉ, 277
—— sound, 277
—— steaks, 277
——, stewed, 277
——, twice laid, 277
—— with cream, 277
Coffee, 480
—— as a drink, 605
—— cakes, 401
—— cream, 402
—— flavour, 479
—— ice cream, 443
—— —— pudding, 402
Coffee jelly, 402, 770
—— making, 481
—— pots, 481
—— pudding, 402
—— ratafia, 184
—— roasting, 480
—— testing, 521
Cognac bitters, 181
Coil pipes for heating, 81
Coils for bells, 106
Coin sleights, 665
Coins, cleaning, 538
Coke, 581
—— for kitcheners, 226
Colbert soup, 267
Colchester bread, 212
Cold, app lying to the head, 762
—— baths, 828
—— climates, windows for, 60
—— drinks and indigestion, 603
—— feet, 798
—— meat sauce, 463
—— slaugh, 374
—— water for freshening air of rooms, 56
—— weather diet, 595
—— wine caudle, 773
Colds, 799
Collar ironer, 858
Collared beef, 125
—— eels, 279
College pudding, 402
Collops of tinned meat, 307
Colonial outfits, 722
Coloured walls, 99
Colouring cheese, 159
—— gravy, 469
Coltsfoot wine, 195
Combing the hair, 810
Combustion, 61
Common complaints, 794
Concrete floors, 7
—— tennis courts, 882
CondÉ soup, 256
Condensed milk, 596
Condy’s fluid for removing taint from meat, 113
Confectionery, 437
Conger-eel soup, 253
Conger eels, 278
—— ——, broiled, 278
——, buying, 565, 566, 573
Conservative pudding, 402
Conservatory, aspect for, 3
Constantine’s convoluted stove, 74
—— “treasure” range, 229
Constipation, 803
Construction of dwellings, 4
Consumption, 805
Conti soup, 257
Convoluted stoves, 74
Convulsions, 788
Cookery, processes of, 240
Cookies, 486
Cooking by gas, 235
—— —— oil, 237
—— —— steam, 233
—— ranges, see Kitchen ranges.
—— smells, 243
Cooling air of room, 59
—— milk, 113
—— milk-pans, 154, 155, 156, 158
—— wine, 191
Copper, cleaning, 537
—— electros, cleaning, 574, 582
——, bottling, 138
——, keeping, 117
Currie powders, 463
Curried eggs, 452
—— fowl, 348
—— rabbits, 364
—— sardines, 296
—— veal, 339
Curries, 498
Curry, fish, 270
——, Persian, 502
Curtains, 98
——, bedroom, 101
——, nursery, 746
——, sickroom, 756
Cussy soup, 260
Custard apples, 568
—— sauce, 465
—— soup, 254
Custards, 404
Cutlets, fish, 270
Cut-outs for electric light, 95
Cuts, 788
Cyanide of potassium poisoning, 792
Cycling, 886
Cygnet, 347
D Traps, 45, 46
Dab, 278
Dace, 278, 580
——, boiled, 278
——, stewed, 278
Dachpappe roof, 6
Dairy, 154
——, aspect for, 3
——, building, 154
——, butter, 156
——, —— room, 156
——, —— yield, 156
——, ceiling, 155
——, cheese, 159
——, churning, 157
——, churns, 158
——, cooling, 154, 158
——, cream jars, 156
——, cream yield, 156
——, directions for, 158
—— door, 155
—— farming as an industry, 158
—— floor, 154
——, literature, 167
——, milk pans, 154, 155, 156, 158
——, position, 154, 158
——, proportions, 154
——, quality of milk, 156
——, shelves, 154
——, skimming milk, 156
——, temperature, 154
—— utensils, washing, 154, 156, 158
——, ventilation, 154
—— walls, 154
—— windows, 155
Dal-puri, 498
Dame Trot dress, 731
Damp cellar, curing, 9
—— course, 5
Dampers of kitchen ranges, 224
Dampness in dwellings, 4
Dam-pukht, 498
—— of duck, 498
Damson cheese, 404
—— wine, 196
Damsons, 579
——, bottled, 142
Dance refreshments, 647
Dances, old-fashioned, 652
Dancing floors, 651
Dandelion tea, 196
Dandelions, 375
Dandriff, 707, 809
Danish jelly, 405
Darned patch, 891
Darning, 895
Dash wheel, 854
Date pudding, 405
Daventry cheese, 164
Davey’s safety motor, 946
Davis’s gas cooker, 236
Dawes’s window fastener, 108
Daylight, 82
—— reflectors, 83
Dead, disinfecting, 820
Deadly nightshade poisoning, 792
Decanters, cleaning, 532
December gardening, 935
—— markets, 581
Decorating, 95
—— bedrooms, 101
—— ceilings, 99
—— kitchen walls, 96
—— walls, 99
—— windows, 100
Decorticated meal, 594
Decoudun ironer, 856
Deep-well pump, 22
Defects in cheese, 163
—— —— sanitation, detecting, 40
Defries safety lamp, 84
Derby cake, 213
Derbyshire cheese, 165
Desks, 862
Dessert, eating, 635
Destroying vermin, 556
Detecting defects in sanitation, 40
—— fire, 109
Devil sauce, 465
Devilled crab, 278
—— fowl, 349
—— kidneys, 321
—— mackerel, 286
—— oysters, 289
—— salmon, 295
—— sardines, 296
—— turkey, 367
Devonshire cream, 155
—— junket, 155
Dhall curry, 499

Dhurries, 98
Diagonal darn, 896
Diarrhoea, 806
Dicke milch, 490
Diet bread, 213
Dietetics, 583
Digestibility of foods, 589
Digestive foods, 774
Dilapidations, law of, 957
Dimity curtains, 98
Dingy pudding, 490
Dining room, 583
—— ——, aspect for, 3
—— —— furniture, 98
—— —— literature, 647
Dinner, laying, 613
—— wines, 641
Dinners, bills of fare, 635
——, Christmas, 640
——, etiquette of, 633
——, Lenten, 639
——, vegetarian, 639
Diphtheria, 814
Diplomatic pudding, 405
Dipstone trap, 52
Dip traps, 38
Dircksian phantasmagoria, 676
Direct-action closets 47, 48
Disagreeable odours, removing from hands, 533
Discharge of waste pipes, 44
—— pipes, 38
Disconnecting chambers, 51
—— —— for drains, 42
—— gullies, 18
—— traps, 51
Disinfecting ashpits, 50
—— cellars after floods, 55
Disinfection, 817
Dislocations, 808
Distress for rent, 956
Dog bites, 781
Dogs and burglars, 108
Dolma Hindi, 511
Dolmas, 512
Domestic motors, 936
—— remedies, 717
—— safety lamps, 84
—— system of electric light, 93
Dominoes, 690
Doopiazeh curry, 500
Door, dairy, 155
DorÉe cordial, 185
Dorset, double, cheese, 164
Dotterel, 580
Double Dorset cheese, 164
—— filter cistern, 34
—— Gloucester cheese, 165
—— square darn, 896
—— windows, 60, 83
Doubtful Visitor, 683
Dough, curing sour, 208
Dover’s powder, 778
Down draughts from chimneys, 43
Dow’s range, 230
Draining walls, 5
Drains, 51
—— admitting sewer gas, 39
——, bad joints in, 40
——, brick, 51
——, cast-iron, 54
——, course of, 52
——, dipstone trap for, 52
——, disconnecting, 42
——, dry laid, 52
——, faults in, 54
——, flap trap in, 54
——, foul air from, 52
——, house, 35
——, inspection by vestry, 54
——, —— chambers in, 54
——, joints in, 52
——, main, 51
——, manholes in, 52
——, pipe, 52
——, rats in, 51, 53
——, removing grease from, 50
——, slope for, 38
——, stoneware, 52
——, stopped, 38, 50
——, testing, 40, 52
——, ventilation of, 38
Draught, sluggish, 80
——, want of, in ranges, 225
Draughts, avoiding, 55
——, excluding, 56
Drawing room, 648
—— ——, aspect for, 3
—— —— chairs, 97
—— —— etiquette, 648
—— —— tables, 97
Draw-off pipes, 44
Draw sheet, 759
Dresdener torte, 490
Dress, 709
——, fancy, 728
—— for the moors, 722
—— —— walking tour, 722
—— —— yacht, 722
——, lawn tennis, 722
——, taste in, 714
——, travelling, 721
Dressed cauliflower, 373
—— crab, 277
—— sardines, 296
—— whiting, 306
Dresses, coloured, cleaning, 549
Dressing fish, 268
Dressing-gowns, 708
—— -jackets, 708
—— -room, 706
Dried cherries, 140
—— haddock, 280
—— turtle soup, 267
Drinking in hot weather, 603
—— liqueurs, 635
—— -water, 519
—— - —— cisterns, 45
—— - —— taps, 45
—— - ——, test for, 24
—— wine, 635
Drinks, 602
——, aerated, 171
—— for invalids, 774
—— summer, 205
Dripping paste, 421
——, turned, 112
Driving, 911
Drop biscuits, 213
Dropped stitch, 900
Drops, 384
—— sauce, 466
—— snow, 458
—— —— pudding, 405
Egg-plant fruit, 375
Eggs À la bonne femme, 450
—— À la maÎtre d’hÔtel, 450
—— À la Tartuffe, 450
—— and artichokes, 450
—— —— caviar, 450
—— —— mushrooms, 451
—— —— olives, 451
—— —— sorrel, 451
—— —— tomatoes, 451
—— as food, 600
—— au gratin, 451
——, baked, 452
——, buttered, 452
——, choosing, 572
——, curried, 452
——, devilled, 453
—— en matelote, 453
——, forced, 453
——, formation of, 920
——, fried, 453
—— in cases, 454
——, keeping, 113, 118
——, laying, 921
——, omelets, 454
——, packing, 924
——, poached, 457
——, savoury, 458
——, scalloped, 458
——, Scotch, 458
——, scrambled, 458
——, setting, 921
——, stewed, 459
——, stuffed, 459
—— sur plat, 459
——, Swiss, 459
——, testing, 922
Egyptian pudding, 405
Eingemacht melonen, 120
Elder chutney, 133
—— ketchup, 134
Elderberry wine, 197
Elder-flower wine, 197
Electric bell, circuit closer, 103
—— —— making, 106
—— —— wire, 102
—— bells, 102
—— coil, 765
—— lighting, 93
—— ——, accumulators, 94
—— ——, arrangement, 93
—— ——, bichromate pile, 93
—— ——, cut-outs, 95
—— ——, globes, 95
—— ——, lamps, 94
—— ——, switches, 95
—— motors, 953
Electro-magnet for bell, 106
Elixir vitÆ cordial, 185
Ellis’s cabinet Turkish bath, 832
Elva, 512
Emerald green poisoning, 793
Emergencies, 780
Empress rice, 429
Enamelled saucepans, 238
Endive, 565, 570, 572, 582
—— salad, 384
Enemas, 764
Enemata, 764
English butter inferior, 157
—— rarebit, 449
EntrÉes, eating, 633
Epicurean sauce, 467
Epsom salts, 778
Eruptions, febrile, 813
Erysipelas, 813
Escaping from fire, 109
Essence bitters, 181
—— of bark, 778
—— —— camphor, 778
—— —— cedrat, 178
—— —— ginger, 778
—— —— lemons, 178
—— —— orange, 178
—— —— peppermint, 778
—— —— raspberry, 179
—— —— strawberry, 179
Essences for aerated waters, 178
Essential oil of almonds poisoning, 792
Etena zarvatte, 512
Ether poisoning, 792
Etiquette of dining, 633
—— —— drawing room, 648
—— —— luncheons, 641
—— —— teas, 642
Etna cement, 233
Eton pudding, 405
Eureka gas cooker, 235
—— oil stove, 79
Evening milk, 156
Evils of brick drains, 52
Excluding draughts, 56
Excreta, disinfecting, 817
Excuses, making, 651
Executions by axe or guillotine, 683
Exercise, aim of, 870
—— and feeding, 602
——, regulation of, 871
Exercising infants, 748
Expectorants for coughs, 802
Explosions of lamps, 84
Extinguishing fire, 109
Extract Bishop cordial, 185
—— punch cordial, 186
Eye complaints, 808
Face paints, 654
Fainting, 790
Fairy butter, 467
Falkland pudding, 405
Fancy breads, 210
—— dresses, 728
Farls, 215
Farmyard, 907
——, books, 929
Fat, keeping, 112
—— rascals, 405
Fattening, 602
Faubonne soup, 267
Faults in drains, 54
Feather beds, 701
Feathers, 98
—— cleaning, 522
February gardening, 931
—— markets, 565
Feeding, 583
——, artificial, 598
—— bottles, 751
—— children, 750
—— patients, 768
Feeding the weak, 597
Feet, cold, 798
Felt roof, 6
Fenders, cleaning, 523
Fennel sauce, 467
Fermentation of fruit syrups, preventing, 175
Fermenting wine, 190
Ferments in cheese, 161
Fevers, 813
Fig pudding, 405
Figs, 574
——, keeping, 118
——, preserved, 142
Filbert biscuits, 213
Filter, pail, 26
Filtering cisterns, 33
—— tank for rain-water, 16
—— ventilators, 57
—— water, 16, 23
Filters, animal charcoal, 21, 27
——, carbo-calcis, 29
——, care of, 24
——, charcoal, 27
——, construction of, 26
——, gravel and sand, 26
——, iron, 30
——, magnetic carbide, 29
——, manganese-charcoal, 29
——, neglect of, 24
——, objects of, 25
——, porous pottery, 32
——, silicated carbon, 28
——, spongy iron, 24, 30
——, wood charcoal, 23, 27
Filtration, objects of, 25
Fine drawing, 895
—— herbs sauce, 467
Finger glasses, 635
Finings for beer, 180
Fire accidents, 111
——, causes of, 108
——, checking, 109
——, detection, 109
——, escaping from, 109
——, extinguishing, 109
—— for ventilation, 55
—— in sick room, 755
—— insurance, 962
—— lighting, 64
——, saving life at, 110
—— scenes, 659
Firearms, cleaning, 523
Fire-bricks, 232
Fireproof cement, 232
Fireproofing garments, 111
Fish, 268
——, as food, 599
——, baking, 268
——, boiling, 268
——, broiling, 268
——, boudin, 269
——, bouillabaisse, 269
——, buying, 565, 566, 567, 569, 570 571, 573, 575, 578, 580, 582
—— cakes, 269
——, carving, 620
——, chowder, 270
—— croquettes, 270
—— curry, 270
—— cutlets, 270
——, dressing, 263
——, eating, 633
——, fried, 505
——, frying, 268
—— jelly, 270
——, keeping, 113
—— moolie, 270, 499
—— omelet, 270
—— patties, 271
——, pickled, 503

—— pilau, 500
—— pudding, 271
——, pulled, 271
—— quenelles, 271
—— roe sauce, 482
—— salad, 271, 384
—— sauce, 467
——, smoking, 124
—— stewed with egg and lemon sauce, 505
——, stewing, 269
—— stock, 246
—— toast, 271
Fisherwoman of Zuider Zee dress, 723
Fits, 790
Fixtures, law of, 957
Flag floors, 7
Flamande sauce, 484
Flannel patch, 892
—— strengthening patch, 892
Flannels, cleaning, 549
Flap-trap in drains, 54
Flat flame gas burners, 87
Flats, pipes from, 49
Flavours, 478
Fleas, destroying, 558
Flemish costume, 742
—— soup, 254
Fletcher’s gas cooker, 236
Flickering gas, 85
Flies, destroying, 558
Floating bodies, experiments with, 673
Flock-paper, 97
Floods, precautions after, 54
——, wells contaminated by, 55
Floor, bedroom, 101, 699
—— coverings, 96
——, dairy, 154
——, nursery, 375, 569, 573, 574
—— ——, keeping, 114, 118
—— cognac bitters, 181
—— Farmer’s wife dress, 745
—— lady of Henry I. dress, 742
—— pie, 406
—— plums, 582
—— rolls, 213
—— soup, 254
Fresh air, 55
—— ——, warming, 77
Freshening air of rooms, 56
Friar’s balsam, 778
Fricadel, 490
Friesland dress, 735
Frieze, 99
Frijoles, 406
Frizzled beef, 311
Frostbite, 791
Frost in pipes, 846
Frothed milk soup, 491
—— wine soup, 491
Frozen meat, cooking, 306
—— water pipes, 846
Fruit, bottling, 138
——, buying, 565, 566, 568, 569, 570, 572, 573, 576, 579, 582
—— compote, 406
—— creams, 406
——, eating, 635
—— for jam, 572
—— —— wine, 190
—— in jelly, 406
——, keeping, 114, 115
—— macÉdoine, 406
—— pilau, 501
—— pudding, 407
—— store, 115
—— syrups, preventing fermentation, 175
—— tart, 407
—— trifle, 407
Fruits, 591
Frying, 242
—— basket, 239, 243
—— batter, 407
—— fish, 268
—— pans, 239
Fuel, chalk, 82
——, cheap, 82
——, clay, 82
—— economisers, 63
——, economising, 82
—— for kitcheners, 226
—— —— smoke-curing, 125
——, hints on, 82
Function of food, 586
Fur, cleaning, 528
——, joining, 893
Furnace, hot-air, 75
Furniture, 95
——, bedroom, 98, 101
——, boudoir, 98
——, chairs, 97
——, choosing, 97
——, cleaning, 528
——, dining-room, 98
——, disinfecting, 819
——, healthy, 97
——, landings, 98
——, morning room, 98
——, nursery, 101, 746
——, ottoman, 98
——, plush velvet, 93
—— polish poisoning, 793
——, second-hand, 97
——, sickroom, 755
——, sideboards, 98
——, sofas, 98
——, tables, 97
——, Utrecht velvet, 98
Galoni, 503
Galton grate, 67
—— —— back, 65
Galvanic coil, 765

Galvanised iron cisterns, 19, 44
—— —— water pipes, 19
Game aspic, 344
—— boudin, 345
——, buying, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573, 574, 575, 578, 580, 581
——, carving, 630
—— chaudfroid, 345
——, cooking, 344
—— croquettes, 345
—— croustades, 345
——, eating, 633
——, hanging, 344
——, keeping, 113
—— kromeskies, 345
—— pie, 346
—— salad, 384
—— sauce, 345
—— soup, 254
—— vol au vent, 346
Games, indoor, 686
——, outdoor, 872
Garden, 930
——, books, 935
Gardeners’ calendar, 930
Garibaldi cream, 408
Garters, 711
Gas as a ventilator, 87, 90
—— burners, argand, 87
—— ——, bad, 85, 87
—— ——, capacity of, 86, 87
—— ——, flat flame, 87
—— ——, kinds of, 85, 87
—— ——, number needed, 85, 87
—— burning, ventilator essential, 85
——, ceilings blackened by, 85
—— chandeliers, cleaning, 533
—— cooking, 235
—— engines, 947
—— fires, burners, 78
—— fittings, 85
—— flames, Howorth’s blade for, 89
—— ——, Spencer corona for, 90
—— —— flickering, 85
——, flow of, 85
——, globe light, 90
—— globes, 86
—— governors, 88
——, heating by, 77
—— hot-air stove, 78
——, illuminating power of, 85
——, incandescent, 90, 91
——, law of, 958
—— leaks, finding, 92
—— lighting, 85
—— —— methods, 90
—— lights, clustering, 86
—— making apparatus, 93
—— oven, 208
—— pendants, 86
—— pipes, 85
—— ——, siphon in, 85
—— ——, testing, 92
—— ——, water in, 85
——, regenerative, 90
——, regulating, 88
—— —— burners, 89
——, sun burner, 90
——, turning out, 85
—— wall brackets, 86
——, warming by, 77
Gascony butter, 468
Gaspacho, 511
Geese, buying, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573, 575, 578, 580, 581
——, keeping, 926
——, smoked, 130
Gem cooking range, 229
GÉnoise pastry, 408
Gentlemen of Henry VI. dress, 742
German darn, 898
—— dishes, 489
—— stoves, 74
—— yeast, 208
Germs in water, 23
Geyser, 78
Gherkin sauce, 468
Gherkins, pickled, 133
Ghezon, 513
Ghost of China, 684
Ghosts, 676
Giblet soup, 254
Gill stoves, 73
Gilt mirrors, 93
—— mountings, cleaning, 538
Gin sling, 198
Ginger ale, 171
—— beer, 171, 197
—— —— knot, 170
—— brandy, 186, 198
—— cake, 213
—— champagne, 172
—— cordial, 186
—— cream, 408
—— flavour, 479
—— ice cream, 443
——, preserved, 142
—— pudding, 408
—— syrup, 176
—— wine, 198
Gingerade, 171
Gingerbread pudding, 408
——, Queen’s, 217
——, spice, 219
——, thick, 219
Gipsy’s Promise, 680
Glass articles, cleaning, 529
—— globes, cleaning, 530
—— —— for gas, 86
—— lined water pipes, 20
—— louvres for ventilating, 56
——, removing grease from, 531
——, —— paint from, 531
—— slides, cleaning, 531
Glaze, turkey, 367
Glazed stoneware sinks, 45
—— tiles in passage, 96
Glazes, 468
Glazing pressed beef, 313
Globe light, 90
Globes, electric, 95
—— for gas, 86
Gloucester cheese, 165
Gloves, 713
——, cleaning, 532
Glow-wine cordial, 185
Glycerine, 778
Gnats, 559
Gniocchi of semolina, 503
—— soup, 255
Godfrey’s cordial poisoning, 793
Godwit, 566
Gold, cleaning, 538
—— cordial, 186
Golden plover, buying, 565, 566, 568
Goose, 353
——, carving, 630
—— liver patty, 353
—— pie, 354
——, roast, 353
Gooseberries, 572, 574
——, bottled, 142
——, bottling, 138
——, keeping, 119
Gooseberry cheese, 408
—— chutney, 133
—— cordial, 189

Gurney stove, 73
Gurney’s gas ventilator, 87
Gutters for rain-water, 17, 42
Gymnastics, 867
Haag’s Motor, 940
Haddock, 280
——, boiled, 280
——, broiled, 280
——, buying, 565, 566, 567, 573, 578, 580
——, carving, 621
——, dried, 280
—— in jelly, 280
HÆmorrhage, 78
Hager’s test for water, 25
Haggis, 319
Hair, care of, 707
—— complaints, 809
—— dyes, 810
—— washes, 810
Hake, 280
——, buying, 565, 573
——, roast, 280
——, stewed, 280
Half-hogshead of ale, 179
Halibut, 280
——, buying, 565, 569
Hall curtains, 98
Ham, beef, 125
——, boiled, 334
——, boned, 334
——, buying, 575
—— cake, 334
——, carving, 627
——, mutton, 128
—— omelet, 334
——, salted, 127
—— sandwiches, 334
—— steaks, 483
—— toast, 335
——, Westphalia loaves, 335
Hamburgh beef, 127
—— bitters, 181
Hand seen writing, 680
Hand-shaking, 648
Hands, cleaning, 533
——, washing, 706
Hanging poultry and game, 344
Hansen’s rennet extract, 160
Hard sauce, 472
—— water, 519
Harding’s ventilator, 57
Hare, 356, 565, 566, 568, 578, 581
——, carving, 631
——, fillets, 356
——, jugged, 356
——, roast, 357
——, salmis, 358
——, shape, 358
—— soup, 255
Hargreave’s gas regulator, 89
Haricot bean omelets, 455
—— beans, 375
—— mutton, 320
—— soup, 256
Harvest bugs, 559
Harvey sauce, 469
Hashed beef, 311
—— calf’s head, 339
—— mutton, 320
—— turbot, 304
—— veal, 340
—— venison, 370
Hasty pudding, 410
Haunch of venison, roast, 369
Haunted hut, 682
—— man, 678
Head, applying cold to, 762
Headaches, 811
Head-gear, 713
Healthy furniture, 97
Heat, causes of, 61
——, conserving in rooms, 60
——, economising kitchen, 76
—— lost by windows, 60
Heating, see Warming
Hemlock poisoning, 792
Hen, old, 351
Henbane poisoning, 792
Heran’s gas regulator burner, 89
Herb soup, 256
Herring, 580
——, carving, 621
—— salad, 487
——, soup, 256
Herrings, 281
——, buying, 565, 566, 569, 570, 573, 576
——, fried, 281
——, rolled, 281
——, salted, 127
——, smoking, 124
Hickory nut flavour, 479
High ground for dwellings, 1
—— pressure water heating, 81
—— teas, 645
Hinks’s safety lamp, 84
Hints on fuel, 82
Hip jam, 144
—— marmalade, 144
Hips in sugar, 144
—— in vinegar, 144
——, pickled, 144
——, preserved, 144
Hiring horses, 912
Hochepot soup, 260
Hockey, 876
Holed soil pipes, 38
Hollands’ underfed grate, 71
Home washing, 848
Hominy, 410, 594
Honey, keeping, 119
HonigkÜchen, 491
Hop beer, 199
—— cordial, 186
Hopkinson’s window fastener, 108
Horehound beer, 199
Horse, 907
——, buying, 907
——, choosing, 907
——, cleaning, 910
——, driving, 911
——, hiring, 912
——, keeping, 908
——, stables, 910
Horsehair mattress, 701
Horse-power, 944
Horseradish sauce, 469
Hot-air baths, 831
—— - —— engine, 951
—— - —— furnace, 75
—— - —— pipes, 76
—— baths, 830
—— cross buns, 213
—— milk, 773
—— plate ranges, 222
—— slaugh, 374
—— water circulation, 80
—— —— cisterns, 832
—— —— heating, 80
—— —— in dyspepsia, 812
—— —— pipes, 832
—— —— ——, joining, 81
—— —— system, 832
—— weather diet, 595
—— wine caudle, 774
Hotchpotch, 256
Houghton’s trap, 51
House, determination of tenancy, 957
—— drains, 35
—— gutters, 17
——, insanitary, law of, 955
—— letting and renting, 955
——, possession, 956
——, rent, 956
—— repairs, law, 956
Housekeeping, 563
Household law, 955
Housemaid’s sink, 45
Housewife’s room, 518
Howorth’s blade for gas flames, 89
Huile de Venus cordial, 186
Hulett’s gas regulator, 89
Hullvah, 499
Hung beef, 311
Hungarian beef, 128
Hunter’s soup, 256
Hydraulic engines, 939
—— rams, 939
Hydrochloric acid poisoning, 793
Hydro-extractor, 854
—— - —— for skimming milk, 156
Hypnotics, 704
Ice, cake, 442
——, choosing, 440
—— houses, 114
——, keeping, 114, 440
—— puddings, 387, 411
—— soufflÉ, 411
Ices, 440
——, colouring, 441
——, eating, 635
——, flavouring, 441
——, freezing, 440
——, moulding, 441
——, serving, 644
——, syrup, 441
Ill-drained house, 36
Illness of infants, 753
—— —— servants, 960
Illuminating power of gas, 85
Illusions and tricks, 664
Imitation koumiss, 776
Imperceptible darn, 897
Imperial pop, 199
—— soup, 256
—— syrup, 177
Impure air, testing, 55
Incandescent asbestos stoves, 77
—— gas, 90, 91

Incubators, 922
Indian dhurries, 98
—— dishes, 495
—— matting, 97
—— outfit, 724
—— toffee, 499
Indigestion, 812
—— and cold drinks, 603
—— caused by tea, 605
Indoor games, 686
Infants, airing, 748
——, carrying, 749
—— clothing, 746
—— diet, 596
—— disorders, 753
——, exercising, 748
——, feeding, 750
—— feeding-bottles, 751
—— foods, 751
——, moral training, 753
—— rooms, 746
—— sleep, 749
—— teething, 752
——, washing, 748
——, weaning, 750
Infection, how conveyed, 814
Infectious diseases, 813
Ingle nook grate, 68
Injections, 764
Injured persons, carrying, 787
Ink stains, removing, 554
Insanitary house, law of, 955
Insect bites, 780
—— powder, 557
Insects, destroying, 556
—— eating corks, preventing, 171
Inspection chambers in drains, 54
—— of drains by vestry, 54
Insurance, 962
Intermediate clothing, 710
Invalids’ bed-making, 758
—— pulley, 760
Invitations, answering, 650
Iodine poisoning, 793
Ipecacuanha powder, 778
—— wine, 778
Irish moss water, 776
—— stew, 307, 321
Iron cisterns, 19
——, cleaning, 538
—— filters, 113
—— cabbage, 114
—— cheese, 113
—— cherries, 117
—— currants, 117, 119
—— eggs, 113, 118
—— fat, 112
—— figs, 118
—— filberts, 118
—— fish, 113
—— flour, 114
—— foods fresh, 112
—— French beans, 114, 118
—— fruit, 114, 115
—— game, 113
—— gooseberries, 119
—— grapes, 116, 119
—— green peas, 119
—— honey, 119
—— ice, 114, 440
—— jams, 137
—— lemon juice, 120
—— lemons, 114, 120
—— macaroni, 114
—— meal, 114
—— meat, 112
—— melons, 120
—— milk, 113
—— mushrooms, 120
—— nectarines, 121
—— onions, 115
—— oranges, 114
—— peaches, 121
—— pears, 114, 115, 116
—— peas, 119
—— pineapples, 121
—— plums, 121
—— poultry, 113
—— roots, 113, 122
—— rowan berries, 122
—— sago, 114
—— semolina, 114
—— soup, 113
—— —— bones, 112
—— spinach, 113
—— suet, 112
—— syrups, 175
—— tomatoes, 122
—— truffles, 122
—— vegetable marrows, 114, 122
—— vegetables, 113
—— walnuts, 123
Keg filter, 34
Kensington grate, 70
Ketchup, 134
——, time for making, 573
Khabob Hoossainee, 500
Khabobs, 500
Kid gloves, cleaning, 532
Kidderminster carpets, 97
Kidney, beef, 311
—— soup, 257
—— toast, 322
Kidneys, 321
—— À la maÎtre d’hÔtel, 321
——, devilled, 321
——, fried, 321
——, grilled, 322
——, stewed, 322
King Henry’s shoestrings, 413
Kinnear’s gas regulator burner, 89
Kippered salmon, 129
Kippers, 128
Kirschwasser cordial, 186
Kitchen, aspect for, 3

——, basting, 241
—— boilers, 832
——, boiling, 241
——, braising, 242
——, cooking in ovens, 224
—— fire economiser, 64
—— fittings, 221
——, frying, 242
——, —— -basket, 239
——, —— -pans, 239
——, grilling, 241
—— heat, economising, 76
——, literature, 517
—— odours, 243
——, oven-roasting, 224
——, pans, 237
——, pots, 237
—— ranges, 221
—— ——, Arnott’s ventilator for, 226
—— ——, baking ovens, 222
—— ——, blowers, 222
—— ——, brick-flue, 221
—— ——, Brown and Green’s, 228
—— ——, cleaning flues, 224
—— ——, close-fire, 222
—— ——, dampers, 224
—— ——, Dow’s, 230
—— ——, Eagle, 227
—— ——, Eagle grill, 233
—— ——, Eureka, 235
—— ——, fire-bricks, 232
—— ——, fireproof cement, 232
—— ——, Fletcher’s, 236
—— ——, fuels for, 226
—— ——, gas, 235
—— ——, gem, 229
—— ——, grilling, 233
—— ——, hot-plate, 222
—— ——, iron-flue, 221
—— ——, Leamington, 222, 228
—— ——, management, 225
—— ——, Metropolitan, 236
—— ——, Mistress, 231
—— ——, Nonpareil, 236
—— ——, oil, 237
—— ——, open-fire, 222
—— ——, oven ventilators, 224
—— ——, Rippingille’s, 237
—— ——, setting, 221
—— ——, Sine qua non, 230
—— ——, steam, 233
—— ——, steam boiler, 234
—— ——, Thorncliffe, 228
—— ——, Treasure, 229
—— ——, want of draught in, 225
—— ——, water-pans, 224
—— ——, Wilson, 229
—— ——, Yorkshire, 231
——, roasting, 240
——, saucepans, 237
—— sink, 50
—— soups, 244
——, stewing, 242
—— walls, 96
—— waste, 49
——, water-bath, 242
Kitcheners, 222
Kneading bread, 209
Knee-breeches, 711
KnÖdeln, 491
Knotting corks down, 170
KÖche, 491
Koch’s gelatine-peptone test water, 25
Koumiss, imitation, 776
Kourabiedes, 512
Krapfen, 489
KrÄplen, 492
Krausen-beer, 179
KuftÉ, 512
KÜmmel cordial, 186
Laburnum poisoning, 792
Lace, cleaning, 551
—— patch, 897
Laced joining, 894
Lacrosse, 877
Ladies’ leggings, 713
Lady Doran Strathspey dance, 653
—— of Henry VI. dress, 735
—— —— James I. dress, 742
—— —— Tangiers dress, 735
Lamb, 567, 569, 570, 573
——, carving, 625
—— cutlets, 319
—— pie, 322
——, roast quarter, 326
——, saddle, 326
Lambs’ tails, 322
Lamperns, 281
——, stewed, 281
Lamprey, 282
——, baked, 282
Lamps, Carcel, 83
——, cruisie, 83
——, duplex safety, 84
——, electric, 94
——, explosions of, 84
——, mineral oil, 84
——, moderator, 83
——, oil, 83
—— ——, pressure, 83
—— ——, suction, 83
——, petroleum, 84
——, safety, for houses, 84
——, Silber, 83
—— spirit, 83
Landings, 98
Landrail, carving, 631
Larded grouse, 355
—— pike, 292
Larder, 112
——, aspect for, 3
——, shelves, 96
Lark pie, 359
Larks, 358, 565< /a>, 566, 581
——, baked, 360
——, broiled, 358
——, croustade, 358
—— in cases, 358
——, potted, 359
——, roast, 359
——, stewed, 359
——, stuffed, 360
——, vol au vent, 360
Laudanum, 779
Laundry, 848
Laurel water poisoning, 792
Laver, 376
Law, domestic, 955
—— of breakages, 961
—— —— character, 960
—— —— determination of tenancy, 957
—— —— dilapidations, 957
—— —— distress, 956
—— —— fixtures, 957
—— —— franchise, 962
—— —— gas, 958
—— —— insanitary house, 955
—— —— insurance, 962
—— —— juries, 961
—— —— nuisance, 962
—— —— parochial matters, 960
—— —— possession, 956
—— —— rates and taxes, 957
—— —— rent, 956
—— —— renting and letting house, 955
—— —— repairs, 956
—— —— servants, 959
—— —— the house, 955
—— —— wages, 959
—— —— water, 958
Lawn, 930
—— bowls, 879
—— party refreshments, 647
—— skittles, 879
—— sleeve (drink), 199
—— tennis courts, 879
—— —— dress, 722
Laying eggs, 921
—— table, 607
Lead dissolved by rain-water, 17
—— -encased block-tin pipes, 20
—— poisoning, 793
Leaded joints for iron pipes, 54
Leaden cisterns, 19, 44
—— pipes eaten by rats, 53
—— sinks, 45
—— soil pipes, 38
—— suction pipes, 21
—— water pipes, 283
—— salad, 284, 385
—— sandwiches, 284
—— sauce, 470
—— soufflÉ, 284
—— soup, 258
——, stewed, 285
Loin of mutton, 323
—— —— ——, braised, 323
—— —— ——, carving, 625
—— —— ——, stewed, 323
—— —— veal, 337
Lokma, 512
London argand burner, 91
Lord Mayor’s cake, 214
Loss of voice, 803
Lovage cordial, 186
Lovelock’s mincing machine, 599
Loving cup, 200
Low ground for dwellings, 1
Luminous paints, 83
Lunch cake, 214
Luncheons, 641
——, laying, 610
Macalpine washer, 851
Macaroni au gratin, 414
——, boiled, 414
—— cheese, 414
——, keeping, 114
—— omelet, 455
—— pie, 414
—— pudding, 414
—— soufflÉ, 414
—— soup, 258
—— timbale, 415
—— with tomato sauce, 415
Macaroons, 214
Macedonian dress, 742
Mackerel, 285, 485, 566, 568, 569, 570, 573
——, baked, 285
——, boiled, 285
——, broiled, 285
——, carving, 621
——, devilled, 286
—— fillets, 286
—— fricassÉe, 286
——, grilled, 286
—— roes, 286
——, salted, 128
——, smoking, 124
Made ground, 2
Madeira cake, 214
Magnetic carbide filter, 29
Maidservant of Henry VI. dress, 742
Maignen’s filters, 29
Main drains, 51
MaÎtre d’hÔtel butter, 470
Maize meal, 594
Making beds, 702
—— electric bell, 106
Making up, 654
Malagatani soup, 500
Malay chicken, 500
Malliorca d’Espagne cordial, 186
Malt liquors as drinks, 606
——, weevil in, 180
Malvern pudding, 145
Manchester grate, 66
—— pudding, 416
Mandarin delight cordial, 186
Manganese-charcoal filter, 29
Mango chutney, 132
Mangold-wurzel beer, 200
Manholes in drains, 52
Maple syrup, 177
Maraschino jelly, 416
—— liqueur, 187
Marble, cleaning, 535
March gardening, 931
—— markets, 567
Margot pudding, 416
Marien cakes, 492
Marigold wine, 200
Marketing, 563
Marlborough pudding, 416
—— tart, 416
Marmalade, apple, 139
——, hip, 144
——, lemon, 144
——, orange, 146
—— pudding, 416
——, quince, 150
——, rhubarb and orange, 152
—— sauce, 470
Marolles cheese, 166
Marsh-Greenall gas stove, 78
Marzipan, 439, 492
Mashed potatoes, 378
—— salt cod, 276
Match poison, 793
Matches, 93
——, paint defaced by, 93
——, substitute for, 93
Matso cakes, 505
—— diet bread, 505
Matting, 97
—— seams, 894
Mawbery, 515
May drink, 200
—— gardening, 932
—— markets, 569
Mead, 196, 200
Meadow saffron poisoning, 792
Meal, keeping, 114
Measles, 813
Measures for medicines, 777
Meat, 306
——, buying, 563, 565, 567, 569, 570, 572, 575, 578, 580, 581
——, carving, 622
——, frozen, cooking, 306
——, keeping, 112
—— salad, 385
——, tinned, cooking, 307
——, turned, 112
Mecklenburg dress, 739
Medical coil, making, 765
Medicines, administering, 776
——, classes of, 777
——, domestic, 777
——, doses, 777
——, keeping safely, 776
——, measures, 777
——, nursery, 753
——, removing taste of, 777
——, times for taking, 777
Medlar jelly, 145
Medlars, 565
Mellin’s extract, 752
Melon flavour, 479
Melons, 569, 574, 576, 577, 582
——, keeping, 120
——, preserved, 146
Melted butter, 470
Mental training, 865
Mercury poisoning, 793
Meringues, 417, 446
Metal gas burners, 85, 87
—— goods, cleaning, 536
Metallic roofing, 7
Metamorphoses, 682
Metropolitan gas kitchener, 236
Mezereum poisoning, 793
Micro-organisms in water, 23
Mikado moth papers, 561
Mildew stains, removing, 554
Milk as food, 600
——, condensed, 596
—— coolers, 156
——, cooling, 113
—— for bread, 208
—— for cheese, 159
——, hot, 773
——, keeping, 113
—— lemonade, 201
—— of sulphur, 779
—— pans, 154, 155, 156
—— ——, cooling, 154, 155, 156, 581
—— ——, warming, 155
—— punch, 201
—— —— syrup, 177
——, quality, 156
——, skimming, 156
—— soup, 258
——, sour, 113
——, temperature for churning, 158
——, —— —— setting, 158
——, testing, 520
——, thickened, 483
—— toast, 483, 773
—— vessels, cleaning, 154, 156, 158
Mill, 692
Milliner Bewitched, 680
Milne’s gas regulator burner, 89
Mince pies, 417
Minced meats as food, 599
—— mutton, 324

—— veal, 340
Mineral oil lamps, 84
—— —— safety lamps, 84
Minestra, 503
Minestrone soup, 257
Mint sauce, 470
Mirrors, 98
——, cleaning, 529
Miser and Money-lender, 101
Nurse’s dress, 756
—— duties, 756
Nursing infectious cases, 814
—— mothers, 750
Nut cordial, 189
Nutmeg flavour, 479
Nutritive values of foods, 588
Oatmeal, 594
—— cakes, 214
—— drink, 202
—— pie, 419
—— pudding, 419
October gardening, 935
—— markets, 578
Odours of kitchen, 243
——, removing from hands, 53
Oilcloth, 97
—— from carpet, 524
Oil cooking, 237
—— lamps, 83
—— ——, mineral, 84
—— stoves, 79
Okra, 483
—— soup, 260
Old-fashioned dances, 652
Old hen, 351
Olive sauce, 471
Olives, 377
—— and eggs, 451
Omelet, fish, 270
—— soufflÉ, 456
Omelets, 454
——, plain, 455
——, —— sweet, 455
——, savoury, 456
——, sweet, 456
Omnibus pudding, 419
Onion gruel, 769
—— posset, 769
—— salad, 385
—— sauce, 471
—— soup, 260
Onions, 377, 579, 582
——, keeping, 115
——, pickled, 135
Open-fire ranges, 222
—— grates, 61, 65
—— stove, 62
Opium poisoning, 793
Opodeldoc, 779
Optical delusions, 674
Orange bitters, 181
—— brandy, 187
—— champagne, 173
—— chips, 146, 419
—— compote, 419
—— cordial, 187
—— cream, 419
—— elixir, 187
—— essence, 178

—— flavour, 479
—— flower cakes, 506
—— —— puffs, 506
—— —— ratafia, 187
—— fool, 419
—— fritters, 419
—— gin, 188
—— jelly, 146, 419
—— marmalade, 146
—— mould, 420
—— pudding, 420
—— puffs, 420
—— salad, 420
—— sauce, 471
—— sponge, 420
—— syrups, 177
—— tart, 420
—— tartlets, 420
—— whey, 774
—— wine, 202
Orangeade, sulphuric, 205
Oranges, 565, 566, 568, 569, 570, 574, 582
—— keeping, 114
——, preserved, 147
Orchard Street pudding, 420
Organisms which ripen cheese, 161
Organised matter in water, 23
Orgeat cordial, 188
—— syrup, 177
Orris flavour, 479
Ortolans, 360, 566, 571, 573, 581
——, fried, 360
—— in cases, 360
——, roast, 360
——, stewed, 361
Oswego pudding, 420
Otranto Picture, 680
Ottoman, 98
—— boxes, 100
Oucha, 508
Outdoor games, 872
Outfits, Australian, 722
—— for abroad, 722
——, Indian, 724
——, New Zealand, 727
——, North America, 727
——, West Indian, 727
Outlet for rain-water pipes, 18
Ouzum yaprac dolmassi, 512
Oven, gas, 208
—— pyrometer, 207
—— -roasting, 224
——, steam, 208
—— ventilators, 224
Ovens, 207
——, cooking in, 224
—— in ranges, 222
——, roasting in, 240
——, water-pans for, 224
Overflow pipes of cisterns, 44
Oxalic acid poisoning, 793
Ox brains, 312
—— cheek, 312
—— head, 312
—— tail soup, 260
—— tails, 313
Oxford Grace cup, 202
—— mull, 202
—— punch, 202
Oyster cream, 288
—— croustades, 288
—— cutlets, 288
—— fricassÉe, 289
—— fritters, 289, 769
—— kromeskies, 289
—— olives, 289
—— patties, 289
—— pie, 290
—— rissolettes, 290
—— salad, 386
—— sauce, 471
—— sausages, 290
—— soufflÉ, 290
—— soup, 260
—— toast, 291
Oysters, 288, 488
——, angels on horseback, 288
——, broiled, 288
——, buying, 565, 566, 569, 570, 576, 580
—— devilled, 289
—— fried, 289
—— raw, 288
—— roasted, 290
——, salting, 128
—— scalloped, 290
—— skewered, 290
—— steamed, 291
—— stewed, 291
PachÎsÎ, 693
Packing eggs, 924
—— room (laundry), 859
Page of Charles II. dress, 735
—— —— Henry IV. dress, 735
Pail filter, 26
Paint brushes, cleaning, 541
——, cleaning, 540
—— defaced by matches, 93
——, luminous, 83
—— poisoning, 793
——, removing from glass, 531
—— stains removing, 555
Painted walls, 99
Painting ceilings, 99
Palestine soup, 261
Pan closets, 45
Pan dowdy, 483
Panada, chicken, 352
Pancakes, 420
——, samp, 432
——, snow, 432
Pans, kitchen, 237
Pantomime, 684
Pantry, 207
——, biscuits, 210
——, bread, 207
——, cakes, 210
——, fancy breads, 210
——, ovens, 207
——, shelves, 96
Paper, cleaning, 541
—— hangings, 99, 101
—— -stuffed pillows, 760
Paradise pudding, 421
Parchment cleaning, 542
Paregoric, 779
Parfait amour cordial, 188
Parkin, 215
Parkinson’s gas regulator, 88
—— —— —— burner, 89
Parlourmaid’s duties, 607
Parmesan cheese, 166
—— —— soup, 261
Parochial matters, law of, 960
Parsley and butter, 471
—— —— lemon sauce, 488
——, fried, 471
—— sauce, 471
Parsnip pudding, 493
—— wine, 203
Parsnips, 377, 565, 563, 582
Parson’s grate, 69
Parting cup, 203
Partridge, carving, 632
—— pie, 361
—— pudding, 362
——, roast, 362
—— salad, 362
Partridges, 361, 565, 566, 575, 580, 581
—— aux choux, 361
——, boiled, 361
——, braised, 361
——, broiled, 361
Passage walls, 96
Passover pudding, 505
Paste, dripping, 421
—— for patties, 421
——, puff, 421
Pastry, 387
—— for invalids, 772
Pasty, mutton, 325
Patching, 890, 901
Patient, disinfecting, 819
——, feeding, 768
——, temperature, 764
——, visitors, 758
Patties, fish, 271
Patty paste, 421
Paysanne soup, 267
Pea salad, 385
—— soup, 261
—— ——, mock, 258
Peach brandy, 188
—— cheese, 421
—— compote, 422
—— cordial, 189
—— cream, 422
—— flavour, 479
—— jam, 148
—— toast, 422
Peaches, 569, 573, 574, 777
Pimples, 822
Pinaree, 516
Pine drink, 516
Pineapple cream, 423
—— flavour, 479
—— fritters, 423
—— ice cream, 443
—— jam, 148
—— jelly, 148, 423
—— preserve, 148
—— syrup, 177
—— toast, 423
Pineapples, 569, 574, 576, 582
——, keeping, 121
Pinnated grouse, 565
Pipe drains, 52
—— ——, faults of, 53
—— ——, joining, 53
—— ——, kinds of, 53
—— smoking, 606
Pipes, coil, for heating, 81
——, discharge, 38
—— for conveying water, 19
—— —— rain-water, 17
——, frozen, 847
——, gas, 85
—— ——, testing, 92
——, hot-water, joining, 81
——, soil, 38
——, ventilation of, 38
Piquante sauce, 473
Pishpash, 502
Pistachio nuts, 582
Pitch of roof, 5
Plaice, 291, 565, 566, 569, 570, 573, 580
Plain darn, 895
Plaster, cleaning, 535
Plate glass against burglars, 108
Plate powders, 539
Plated goods, cleaning, 539
Playground, 870
Plays, arranging, 662
——, fitting the parts, 662
——, list of, 659
——, rehearsing, 663
——, selecting, 659
Playthings, 749
Plinsen, 493
PloarÉ dress, 742
Plover, 363, 565, 566, 568, 580, 581
——, carving, 631
——, fillets, 363
—— on toast, 363
——, roast, 363
Plover’s eggs, 570, 581
Plum brandy, 188
—— cake, 215
—— flavour, 479
—— jam, 149
—— pudding, 423
—— —— sauce, 472
—— purÉe, 424
—— sauce, 462
—— soup, 261
—— tart, 424
Plums, 576, 579
——, bottled, 148
——, bottling, 138
—— in brandy, 149
—— —— syrup, 149
—— —— vinegar, 149
——, keeping, 121
——, preserved, 149
Plush velvet furniture, 98
Poached eggs, 457
Poison dogwood, 793
—— ivy, 793
Poisonous bites, 781
Poisons, 791
Poivrade sauce, 473
Poker, 694
Polish bÉzique, 686
—— dishes, 506
—— dress, 731
—— sauce, 472
—— soup, 261
Pomeranian soup, 262
Pont l’ÉvÊque cheese, 166
Poor knights, 424
—— man’s soup, 262
Poos-pass, 352
Popcorn candy, 439
Poppy poisoning, 793
Porcelain cooking vessels, 239
Pork and beans, 483
—— —— kidney pudding, 335
——, buying, 565, 567, 575, 578, 580
——, carving, 627
—— chops, 336
—— croquettes, 336
——, pickled, 128
—— pie, 336
——, roast, 336
—— sausages, 336
Porker’s head, salting, 129
Porous pottery filters, 32
Porridge, 215, 594
Port du Salut cheese, 167
Port wine jelly, 770
Porter jelly, 424, 770
Pot au feu, 262
—— —— ——, beef, 313
—— pourri, 652
Potage, 242
Potash poisoning, 793
Potassium bichromate stains on hands, 533
—— oxalate poisoning, 793
Potato balls, 378
—— cakes, 378
—— cheese, 446
—— chops, 769
—— omelets, 455
—— pie, 424
—— pudding, 425
—— rissoles, 378
—— salad, 386
—— soup, 262
Potatoes, 565, 568, 570, 572, 573, 576, 578
—— À la Russe, 378
—— au gratin, 378
——, calecannon, 378
—— for bread, 208
——, fried, 378
——, keeping boiled, 113
——, mashed, 378
——, stewed, 378
—— with cream, 377
Pots, kitchen, 237
Potted beef, 125, 313
—— bloaters, 126
—— char, 126
—— cheese, 446
—— larks, 359
—— shrimps, 130
—— sprats, 131
—— trout, 132
Pottery filters, 32
Potting butter, 159
Pouf berek, 513
Poultices, 761
Poultry, buying, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573, 575, 578, 580, 581
——, carving, 628
——, cooking, 344
——, eating, 633
——, hanging, 344
——, keeping, 113
—— lice, 561
—— soup, 250, 263
Pound cake, 216
Powders, taking, 777
Prassas, 513
Prawns, 292, 573
——, aspic, 292
Precautions after floods, 54
Prepared chalk, 779
Preserving barberries, 139
—— beetroot, 139
—— crab-apples, 141
—— cranberries, 142
—— cherries, 141
—— citrons, 141
—— cucumbers, 142
—— figs, 142
—— ginger, 142
—— hips, 144
—— jams and jellies, 137
—— limes, 145
—— melons, 146
—— oranges, 147
—— pears, 148
—— plums, 149
—— quinces, 150
—— strawberries, 152
—— walnuts, 153
President’s pudding, 425
Pressed beef, 313
Primrose pudding, 425
—— vinegar, 136
—— wine, 203

Prince’s pudding, 425
Printing of school-books, 863
Prints, cleaning, 543
Processes of cookery, 240
Prospect for dwelling, 2
ProvenÇal ratafia, 188
Prune cake, 425
—— flavour, 479
—— jelly, 149
—— mould, 425
—— preserve, 150
—— sauce, 472
Prunes, stewed, 425
Prussian cake, 216
Prussic acid poisoning, 792
Ptarmigan, 581
——, carving, 633
Pudding sauce, 473
Puddings, 387
—— for invalids, 773
Puff paste, 421, 503
Pulled fish, 271
Pumpkin, 378
—— jam, 150
—— pie, 483
—— soup, 263
Pumps, 20
——, deep-well, 22
——, dimensions for, 21
——, fixing suction pipe, 21
——, lift and force, 22
——, simple lift, 20
——, suction pipe, 20
——, working capacity, 20
——, working figures, 23
Punch, 203
—— jelly, 426
——, pepper, 173
—— without liquor, 775
Punishments, 868
Purification of water, 16, 23
Purifying air, 57
Purimacos cement, 233
Purity of drinking-water, test for, 24
Purses, 503
Putting electric bell together, 107
—— out candle, 83
—— —— gas, 85
—— —— lamp, 84
—— up butter, 158
Pyrogallol poisoning, 793
Pyrometer, bakers’, 207
Quadrille mazurka dance, 653
Quails, 363, 773
Restoring sour beer, 180
Returned Mariner, 679
Reverberations in rooms, reducing, 8
Rhenish cup, 203
Rheumatism, 821
Rhubarb, 566, 572, 779
—— and orange marmalade, 152
——, bottled, 151
——, bottling, 138
—— cream, 427
—— flummery, 427
—— fool, 427
—— fritters, 428
—— jam, 151
—— jelly, 151, 428
—— mould, 428
—— pudding, 428
——, stewed, 428
—— wine, 204
—— with figs, 428
Rib darn, 900
Rice and carrot soup, 264
—— —— pea soup, 264
—— —— sorrel soup, 264
—— —— tomato soup, 264
——, boiled, 428, 502
——, buying, 577
—— cream, 771
—— croquettes, 428
——, empress, 429
—— fritters, 429
—— gruel, 769
——, kedgeree, 429
—— mange, 429
—— meringue, 429
——, moulded, with mushrooms, 429
—— omelets, 456
—— pie, 430
—— pound cake, 217
—— pudding, 388, 430
——, savoury, 430
—— shape, 430
—— soufflÉ, 430
—— soup, 263
—— sweet dish, 430
—— waffles, 486
—— water, 775
Richelieu pudding, 430
Richmond maids of honour, 431
Ricotta, 504
Ring, removing from finger, 706
Ringworm, 824
Rinsing machine, 854
Ripening cheese, 161
—— cream, 157
Rippingille’s oil cooker, 237
Risotto, 431, 504
Roach, 293
——, broiled, 293
——, stewed, 293
Roasting, 240
—— -ovens, 240
Robert sauce, 473
Roberts’s rain-water separator, 16
—— terra-cotta stoves, 73
Robinson’s groats, 752
Rolled herrings, 281

—— neck of mutton, 325
—— veal, 342
Rolls, French, 213
Roman pudding, 431
—— punch, 189
Roof, dachpappe, 6
——, dwelling, 5
——, felt, 6
—— gutters, 17, 42
——, metallic, 7
——, pitch of, 5
——, shingles, 6
——, slate, 6
——, thatch, 5
——, tiles, 7
—— ventilators, 59
——, Willesden paper, 6
Rook pie, 365
Rooms, conserving heat in, 60
——, cooling, 59
——, disinfecting, 820
—— for children, 746
——, scenting, 652
——, situations for, 3
——, warming northerly, 77
Roots, keeping, 113, 122
Roquefort cheese, 167
Rose cordial, 189
—— flavour, 480
—— syrup, 178
Rotary washing machine, 852
Rout biscuits, 217
—— cake, 217
Rowan berries, keeping, 122
—— jelly, 152
—— syrup, 178
Royale soup, 252
Rugs, cleaning, 528
Rules for grates, 62
Rum butter, 473
—— omelets, 456
—— shrub, 189
Rumford-Teale grate, 69
Run patch, 891
Rush cream cheese, 160
Rusks, 217
——, sweet, 219
Russian dishes, 507
—— dress, 731
—— jelly, 431
—— salad, 386
Rustless iron water-pipes, 20
Saccharine aerated drinks, 171
Saddle of lamb, 326
—— —— mutton, 326
Saddles, cleaning, 534
SÆtersdal dress, 739
Safe tray for w.c.’s, 46
Safety lamps, domestic, 84
—— light (phosphorus), 93
—— valves for electric light, 95
Saffron buns, 218
Sage cheese, 160
Sago, buying, 578
—— gruel, 410
——, keeping, 114
—— milk, 774
—— pudding, 431
—— soup, 264
—— wine soup, 493
Sail skating, 883
St. HonorÉ pudding, 431
St. John’s bread flavour, 480
Salad dressings, 379, 382
——, eating, 635
——, fish, 271
Salads, 382
Sally lunns, 218
Salmagundy, 516
Salmon, 293
—— À la Montpelier, 293
—— au bleu, 293
—— —— gratin, 293
——, boiled, 293
——, broiled, 293
—— boudin, 294
——, buying, 565, 566, 568, 569, 570, 571, 573, 576
—— cakes, 294
——, carving, 621
—— chaudfroid, 294
—— croquettes, 294
—— cutlets, 295
——, devilled, 295
——, grilled, 295
——, kippered, 129
—— kromeskies, 295
—— mayonnaise, 295
——, pickled, 129
—— pie, 295
—— salad, 296
——, salting, 129
——, scalloped, 296
—— trout, 568, 570, 573
Salsenaugen, 494
Salsify, 582
——, boiled, 379
——, fried, 379
——, scolloped, 379
Salt, 594
—— beef, 314
—— cod, mashed, 276
—— fish, 296
—— of lemon poisoning, 793
—— —— sorrel poisoning, 793
Salted sprats, 131
—— tongues, 131
Salting bacon, 125
—— bath chaps, 125
—— beef, 125
—— hams, 127
—— herrings, 127
—— oysters, 128
—— porker’s head, 129
—— salmon, 129
—— sardines, 129
Saltpetre, 779
Salts for heating, 82
Sal volatile, 779
Samp, 410
—— pancakes, 432
—— pudding, 432
Samphire, pickled, 135
Sand filters, 26
—— torte, 494
Sanitary Engineering Co.’s ventilator, 58
Sanitation, detecting faults in, 40
—— of dwellings, 35
Santonine, 779
Sardine eggs, 297
—— salad, 297, 387
—— sandwiches, 297
—— sauce, 488
—— toast, 297
Sardines, 296, 576
—— À la maÎtre d’hÔtel, 297
——, curried, 296
——, devilled, 296
——, dressed, 296
——, grilled, 297
——, salting, 129
Sarsaparilla beer, 204
—— mead, 189
—— syrup, 178
Sasatijs, 487
Sassafras flavour, 480
Saucepans, 237
——, cleaning, 238
——, enamelled, 238
——, tin, 238
Sauces, 460
—— for game, 345
—— —— pike, 292
——, truffle, 380
——, white, 379
Sauerbraten, 494
Sausage rolls, 308
Sausages as food, 599
——, making, 129
——, mutton, 326
——, pork, 336
Saving life at fires, 110
Savory and Moore’s food, 752
Savouries, eating, 634
Savoury cutlets, 319
—— eggs, 458
—— omelets, 456
—— rice, 430
—— —— omelets, 456
Savoy biscuits, 218
—— cabbage soup, 264
—— cake, 218
Savoyard soup, 264
Savoys, 565, 582
Sawyer’s filters, 27
Saxon dress, 728
Scalded cream, 403
Scalds, 785
Scale pans, cleaning, 537
Scalloped beef, 314
—— oysters, 290
—— salmon, 296
Scallops, 297
——, baked, 297
——, fried, 98
Sight, defective, 809
Silber lamp, 83
Silicated carbon filters, 28
Silk goods, cleaning, 552
Silver goods, cleaning, 539
—— lace, cleaning, 540
—— nitrate stains on hand, 533
—— torch, 83
Simnel cake, 219
Sine qua non range, 230
Singeing sheep’s head, 328
—— the hair, 809
Singing hinny, 432
Single Gloucester cheese, 165
—— web darn, 899
Sink traps, 45
—— waste pipes, 45
Sinks, 45, 50
——, bell traps in, 50
——, connecting to drains, 39
—— trapped gullies for, 50
Siphon in gas pipes, 85
—— traps, 46
—— —— useless against rats, 53
Sir Watkin Wynn’s pudding, 432
Site for dwelling, 1
Sitting fowls, 922
Sitting-rooms, aspect for, 3
—— ——, servants’, 96
Situations for rooms, 3
Skate, 298, 565, 578, 580, 582
Skating, 885
Skewered oysters, 290
Skimming milk, 156
Skin complaints, 822
Skink soup, 509
Skins, cleaning, 528
Slap-dashing walls, 9
Slate cisterns, 19
—— roof, 6
Slates bedded in cement, 7
Sleep, 703
——, controlling, 703
—— for children, 749
——, length of, 703
Sleeplessness, 703
Sleight of hand tricks, 664
Sligowitz liqueur, 188
Slip and dip, 516
Slip-stitched patch, 890
Sloe gin, 189
Sloke, 376
Slops in sickroom, 755
Slow combustion grate, 66
—— —— stoves, 72
Slugs, 561
Smallpox, 813
Smell of burning kitchen waste, to avoid, 49
—— conveyed by bell-wire pipes, 49
—— from cooking, 243
—— from rain-water pipes, 42
Smelts, 298, 565, 566, 568, 570, 578, 580, 582
——, fried, 298
Smith’s gas regulator, 89
Smoke, breathing in, 110
—— test for drains, 41
Smoked geese, 130
—— neats’ tongues, 130
Smoker’s drink, 204
Smoking and health, 666
—— apparatus, 123
—— chimney (for bacon), 124
—— fish, 124
—— foods, 123
——, fuel for, 125
—— herrings, 124
—— mackerel, 124
—— -room, aspect for, 3
—— sprats, 124
Smoky chimney, 80
Snails, 561
Snake bites, 781
Snakes, 562
——, excluding from dwellings, 8
Snipe, 365, 565, 566, 568, 580, 581
——, bisque, 365
——, carving, 631
——, fried, 366
—— on toast, 366
—— pie, 366
——, roast, 366
Snoring, 705
Snowballs, 432
Snow cake, 432
—— mould, 432
—— pancakes, 432
Snowdon pudding, 432
Soap dissolver, 851
Socks, 711
Soda acetate stove, 82
—— poisoning, 793
—— scones, 219
—— water syrups, red colouring for, 176
Sofas, 98
Soft soap to remove grease from drains, 50
—— water, 519
Soil for dwelling, 1
—— pipes, 38, 48
—— ——, joints in, 49
—— ——, ventilation of, 38, 49
Sole À la maÎtre d’hÔtel, 298
—— —— Normande, 298
——, aspic, 298
—— au gratin, 299
—— au vin blanc, 299
——, broiled, 299
——, carving, 622
——, consommÉ, 299
—— en matelote, 299
——, fillets, 299
——, fricassÉe, 299
——, fried, 300
—— in brown sauce, 300
—— in cases, 300
—— in jelly, 298
—— roulettes, 300
—— salad, 300
—— savalada, 300
——, stewed, 301
——, water souchet, 301
—— with ravigote sauce, 301
Soles, 298, 565, 566, 568, 570, 573, 578, 580, 582
Soothing syrup poisoning, 793
Sore throat, 802
Sorrel, 380, 568, 569, 572, 582
—— and eggs, 451
—— drink, 516
—— sauce, 489
—— soup, 265
Soubise sauce, 474
SoufflÉ, 433
Soup-herbs flavour, 480
Soups, 244
——, apple, 247
——, apple and currant, 247
——, artichoke, 247
——, asparagus, 247
——, barley, 247
——, barszcz, 261
——, batter-cream, 247
——, bean, 256
——, beef-tea, 258
——, beer, 247
——, birds’-nests, 247
——, bonne femme, 248, 267
——, bone, 247
——, bones, keeping, 112
——, brunoise, 248, 267
——, cabbage, 264
—— calf’s head, 248
——, carrot, 248
——, cauliflower, 249
——, celery, 249
——, cheap, 249
——, cheese, 261
——, cherry, 250
——, chestnut, 250
——, chicken, 250
——, chiffonade, 267
——, clarifying stock, 246
——, clear, 251
——, clear stock, 245

——, clear, with custard, 252
——, clear, with poached eggs, 252
——, clear, with quenelles, 252
——, cock-a-leekie, 253
——, cockle, 253
——, coconut, 253
——, colbert, 267
——, common stock, 244
——, CondÉ, 256
——, conger-eel, 253
——, conti, 257
——, crayfish, 253
——, CrÉcy, 248
——, croÛte au pot, 254
——, cussy, 260
——, custard, 254
——, dried turtle, 267
——, eating, 633
——, faubonne, 267
——, fish stock, 246
——, Flemish, 254
——, French, 254
——, fried, 254
——, game, 254
——, giblet, 254
——, gniocchi, 255
——, gravy, 255
——, —— stock, 246
——, green corn, 255
——, —— pea, 255
——, grouse, 255, 354
——, hare, 255
——, haricot, 256
——, herb, 256
——, herring, 256
——, hochepot, 260
——, hotchpotch, 256
——, hunter’s, 256
——, imperial, 256
——, Italian, 257
——, Jerusalem artichoke, 261
——, julienne, 257
——, keeping, 113
——, kidney, 257
——, leek, 257
——, lentil, 257
——, lettuce, 258
——, Liebig’s beef tea, 258
——, liver, 258
——, lobster, 258
——, macaroni, 258
——, milk, 258
——, minestrone, 257
——, mock pea, 258
——, —— turtle, 259
——, mulligatawny, 259
——, mussel, 259
——, mutton broth, 259
——, nivernaise, 248
——, Nouilles, 260
——, okra, 260
——, onion, 260
——, oxtail, 260
——, oyster, 260
——, Palestine, 261
——, Parmesan cheese, 261
——, paysanne, 267
——, pea, 261
——, ——, mock, 258
——, pear, 261
——, plum, 261
——, Polish, 261
——, Pomeranian, 262
——, poor man’s, 262
——, potato, 87
Steel, cleaning, 538
Steinlach dress, 731
Stewing, 242
—— fish, 269
Stewpans, copper, 238
Stews as food, 599
Sticklerspersgrod, 494
Still lemonade, 205
Stilton cheese, 165
Stings, 780
Stock, 244
——, clarifying, 246
——, clear, 245
——, fish, 246
——, gravy, 246
——, veal, 246
——, vegetable, 246
——, white, 246
Stockings, 711
StÖlle, 495
Stomach bitters, 181
—— pump, 791
Stone cisterns, 19
——, cleaning, 535
Stoneware drains, 52
Stopped drains, 38, 50
Stoppers, removing, 562
Stopping chinks in floors, 56
—— —— in windows, 56
Storing ice, 114
Stott’s gas regulator, 88
Stouffate, 509
Stoughton bitters, 181
Stoves, American, 70
——, close-fire, 71
——, convoluted, 74
——, German, 74
——, gill, 73
——, hot-air, 75
——, oil, 79
——, open, 62
——, slow combustion, 72
——, underfed, 71
Sracchino cheese, 166
Strange Christmas-box, 679
Straw goods, cleaning, 522
—— palliasse, 701
Strawberries, 568, 569, 570, 572, 574
——, bottling, 138

——, preserved, 152
Strawberry chartreuse, 433
—— cordial, 189
—— cream, 433
—— essence, 179
—— flavour, 480
—— ice cream, 443
—— jam, 137, 152
—— jelly, 152
—— short-cake, 434
—— soup, 266
—— syrup, 178
—— tartlets, 434
Strengthening darn, 897
Stretchers, 787
Strode’s gas regulator, 89
Strudels, 495
Strychnine poisoning, 793
Stuffed artichokes, 372
—— cabbage, 374
—— John Dory, 281
—— red mullet, 287
—— specimens, cleaning, 547
Stuffing, chestnut, 367
——, truffle and chestnut, 366
Stuffings, 460
Sturgeon, 582
Styes in eyes, 809
Styles and titles, 648
Suburek, 513
Sucking pig, 337
—— ——, carving, 627
Suction lamps, 83
—— pipe of pumps, 20
Suet keeping, 112
—— pudding, 343, 434
Suffocation, 790
Sugar, buying, 577
—— of lead poisoning, 793
Sugg’s gas regulating burner, 89
Sulphate of copper, 779
—— —— potash, 779
—— —— quinine, 779
—— —— zinc, 779
Sulphuric acid poisoning, 793
—— ether, 779
—— orangeade, 205
Sultanas, 582
Summer beer, 179
—— drinks, 205
—— milk, 156
Sun burner, 90
Sunlight, 82
Sunstroke, 794
Suppers, 646
Swan, 581
Sweating, excessive, 824
Swedish dance, 653
Sweeping carpet, 525
Sweet dishes, 387
—— omelets, 456
—— potatoes, 568
—— rice omelets, 456
—— rusks, 219
—— sauce, 474
Sweetbread, 343, 569
—— soup, 266
——, stewed, 344
Sweetmeat nuts, 219
Swill-tubs condemned, 49
Swimming, 886
—— dresses, 718
Swiss cream, 156
—— darn, 898
—— eggs, 459
—— omelets, 457
—— pastry, 434
—— pudding, 434
—— roll, 435
Switches for electric light, 95
Swizzle, 516
Syllabubs, 205
Syrian curtains, 98
Syrup for ices, 441
—— of senna, 779
Syrups, candying, 175
—— for aerated drinks, 173
——, fruit, preventing fermentation of, 175
——, preparing, 174
——, preserving, 175
——, soda-water, red colouring for, 176
Tables, drawing-room, 97
Tainted dripping, 112
—— meat, 112
Tamarind fish, 302, 503
Tanks, rain-water, 15, 16
Tansy pudding, 435
Tapestry carpets, 97
Tapioca and apples, 389
——, buying, 578
—— cream, 435
—— pudding, 435
—— snow, 435
—— soufflÉ, 435
—— soup, 266
Taps for drinking-water, 45
Tar, removing from hands, 533
—— stains, removing, 555
Tarragon vinegar, 137
Tartar emetic poisoning, 793
Tartare sauce, 474
Tauf, 513
Tauk dolmas, 513
Taxes, 957
Tea as a drink, 604
——, beef, 316
—— cake, 219
——, testing, 520
——, veal, 344
Teaching, 865
Tea-kettle broth, 266
Teal, 568, 580, 581
Teapot, cleaning, 547
Tears of the widow of Malabar cordial, 189
Teas, 642
——, high, 645
Teething, 752
Telephone, 103
Tellemarken dress, 739
Temperature for setting milk, 158
—— of dairy, 154
—— of patient, 764
—— of sickroom, 755
Temptations of St. Anthony, 682
Tenancy, determination of, 957
Tench, 302, 580
——, broiled, 302
——, roast, 302
——, stewed, 382
Tent cordial, 189
Test for drinking-water, 24
Testing air, 55, 518
—— bread, 520
—— butter, 520
—— cocoa, 521
—— coffee, 521
—— drainage system, 40
—— drains, 52
—— eggs, 922
—— foods, 519
—— gas pipes, 92
—— milk, 520
—— pepper, 521
—— pickles, 521
—— tea, 520
—— water, 519
Textile goods, cleaning, 547
Thames Bank Iron Co.’s stove, 71
Thatched roof, 5
Thawing pipes, 847
Theatricals, amateur, 654
Thermometer, clinical, 764
Thick gingerbread, 219
Thieves, precautions, 108
Thirst, 603
Thomas and Taylor’s churn, 158
Thorncliffe range, 228
Thunder, artificial, 656
Tile floors, 7
—— roof, 7
Tiles, glazed, 96
Tin saucepans, 238
Tincture of arnica, 779
—— of chiretta, 779
—— of colchicum, 779
—— of henbane, 779
—— of lavender, 779
—— of quinine, 779
—— of rhubarb, 779
—— of squills, 780
—— of steel, 780
—— of valerian, 780
Tinned meat collops, 307
—— ——, cooking, 307
—— —— in batter, 307
—— ——, Irish stew, 307
—— ——, mince, 307
—— —— patties, 307
—— —— pie, 307
—— —— pudding, 308
—— —— sausage rolls, 308
—— —— shape, 308
—— —— stew, 308
—— ——, Vienna steak, 308
—— —— vinaigrette, 308
Tipsy puddings, 435
Titles and styles, 648
Toast and water, 206
——, fish, 271
Tobacco pipes, cleaning, 555
—— smoking, 606
Toffee, 439, 499
Toilet, 706
—— table, 98
Tolu ratafia, 190
Tomato cheese, 449
—— chutney, 133
—— omelets, 457
—— pickle, 136
—— preserve, 153
—— salad, 387
—— sauce, 475, 504
—— soup, 266
Tomatoes, 576, 579, 582
—— and eggs, 709
Underfed grate, 71
—— smoke-consuming kitchener, 228
—— subjects, diet for, 597
Underground water supply, 14
Undressing, 708
Utrecht velvet chairs, 98
Valve closets, 47
Vanilla cream, 436
—— flavour, 480
—— ice cream, 444
—— sauce, 477
—— soufflÉ, 436
—— syrup, 178
Vapour baths, 831
Varnished walls, 99
—— wood floors, 7
Varnishing floors, 96
Veal, 337
—— and ham pie, 341
——, braised loin, 337
——, buying, 563, 565, 567, 569, 571, 573
—— cake, 484
——, carving, 626
—— croquettes, 339
——, curried, 339
—— cutlets, 339
—— fritters, 340
——, hashed, 340
—— kidney, 485
——, minced, 340
—— patties, 340
—— pie, 341
—— quenelles, 341
——, roast, 342
——, rolled, 342
—— scallops, 342
—— shape, 342
——, stewed breast, 343
—— stock, 246
—— suet pudding, 343
——, sweetbread, 343
—— tea, 344
——, vol au vent, 344
Vegetable carbon as a filter, 23
—— curry, 496
—— foods, 591
—— garden, 930
—— marrow, 381, 573, 574
—— —— flowers, stuffed, 506
—— —— preserve, 153
—— —— soup, 267
—— marrows, keeping, 114, 122
—— ——, stuffed, 381, 512
—— soup, 267
—— stock, 246
Vegetables, 371
——, buying, 565, 566, 568, 569, 570, 572, 573, 574, 576, 578, 582
——, eating, 634
——, keeping, 113
Vegetarian dinners, 639
Veils, 713
Vellum, cleaning, 542
Velocipeding, 886
Velvet joining, 894
Venice cake, 220
Venison, 369
——, buying, 563, 571, 573, 575, 580, 581
——, carving, 62
—— collops, 369
——, hashed, 370
—— pasty, 370
——, roast haunch, 369
—— stew, 370
Venomous bites, 781
Ventilating by gas, 87, 90
—— by the chimney, 57
—— cellar, 168
—— cowls, 59
—— sickroom, 755
—— soil pipes, 49
—— walls, 5
Ventilation, 55
—— by fires, 55
—— by glass louvres, 56
—— by perforated panes, 56
—— by windows, 55
—— of dairy, 154
—— of drains, 38
—— of w.c.’s, 46
—— pipes, 43
—— through side walls, 57
—— without draught, 55
Ventilators, filtering, 57
—— for kitchen range, 226
—— in ovens, 224
—— necessary for gas, 85
Venus pudding, 436
Vermicelli soup, 267
Vermin, destroying, 556
—— killers, poisoning by, 793
Vermouth liqueur, 190
Vestry, inspection of drains by, 54
Victoria pudding, 436
—— soup, 267
Vienna bread, 220
—— steak, 308
Vinaigrette, 308
——, beef, 316
Vinegar, 136
——, making, 136
—— plant, 136
——, primrose, 136
——, raspberry, 137
——, tarragon, 137
Vint, 696
Violet ratafia, 190
Violin, cleaning, 555
—— bow, cleaning, 556
Visitors to patient, 758
Voice, loss of, 803
Vote, 962
Waffles, 437, 486
Wages, law of, 959
Waiting at table, 607
Wakefulness, 703
Walking dress, 722
Wallachian dress, 731
Wall-papers, 99, 101
—— - ——, cleaning, 556
Walls absorbing water, 4
——, basement, 96
——, bedroom, 101, 699
——, coloured, 99
——, dairy, 154
——, decorating, 99
——, draining, 5
——, kitchen, 96
——, night nursery, 102
——, nursery, 101, 746
——, painted, 99
——, passage, 96
——, scullery, 96
——, varnished, 99
——, ventilating, 5
——, —— through, 57
——, waterproofing, 8
Walnut ketchup, 134
—— pickle, 137
—— ratafia, 190
Walnuts, 573, 579
——, keeping, 123
——, preserved, 153
Want of draught in ranges, 225
Wardrobe, 98
Warming, 60
——, American stoves, 70
—— bedroom, 699
——, blower, 80
—— by chemicals, 82
—— by gas, 77
—— by high-pressure water, 81
—— hot air, 60
—— by hot water, 80
—— by oil stoves, 79
—— by steam, 81, 82
——, causes of heat, 61

——, close-fire stoves, 71
——, combustion, 61
——, convoluted stoves, 74
——, drum principle, 76
—— economisers, 63
——, economising kitchen heat, 76
——, effects of heat, 60
——, flues, 79
—— fresh air, 77
——, gas hot-air stove, 78
——, German stoves, 74
——, gill stoves, 73
——, hot-air furnace, 75
——, lighting fires, 64
—— milk pans, 155
——, modern open grates, 65
—— northerly rooms, 77
—— open grates, 61
—— open stove, 62
——, Pridgin Teale on, 62
——, principles, 60
——, —— of grates, 61
——, radiant heat, 60
——, rules for grates, 62
——, slow-combustion stoves, 72
——, sluggish draught, 80
——, smoky chimney, 80
——, underfed grate, 71
——, varieties of grate, 61
Warts, 825
Washing by steam, 848
—— casks, 169
—— -copper, 848
—— dairy utensils, 154, 156, 158
—— floorcloth, 97
—— hair, 810
—— hands, 706
—— infants, 748
—— -machines, 851
Washleather gloves, cleaning, 532
Wash-out closets, 48
Washstand, 98, 101
Wasps, 561
Wassail bowl, 206
Waste of water, 12
—— pipes of cisterns, 19, 44
—— —— for sink, 45
Watches, cleaning, 556
Water absorbed by walls, 4
——, amount required, 12
—— as a drink, 603
—— at high pressure, heating by, 81
——, bacteria in, 23
—— bath, 242
—— cisterns, 18
—— —— in roof, 39
—— closets, 45
—— ——, flushing, 48
—— —— in bedroom, 49
—— ——, position of, 47, 48
—— ——, qualifications, 47
—— ——, safe tray, 46
—— ——, seats, 48
—— —— supply of water, 44
—— ——, trapping waste pipe, 40
—— ——, traps, 46
—— ——, ventilation of, 46
—— ——, water contaminated by, 40
—— ——, water-waste preventers for, 50
—— contaminated in the cisterns, 39
—— —— from w.c., 40
——, drinking, 519
—— essential in diet, 601
—— gruel, 410
——, hard, 519
—— heating, 78
—— in gas pipes, 85
——, law of, 958
—— jelly, 437
—— making, 190
——, racking off, 190
—— roll, 437
—— sauce, 478
Winkles, buying, 565
Winter cream, 437
Wiring bobbins for bell, 107
Wizard’s incantation, 681
Wonderful jugglers, 680
Wood charcoal as a filter, 23
Woodcock, 565, 566, 568, 580, 581
——, carving, 630
—— on toast, 371
——, roast, 371
Wooden cisterns, 19
—— floors, 7
—— slate roof, 6
Worcester sauce, 478
Workroom, 890
Wormwood liqueur, 190
Wounds, 788
Wright’s gas cooker, 235
Writing, 864
—— letters, 649
Wrought-iron cisterns, 19
Yachting dress, 722
Yeast, brewers’, 207
——, German, 208
——, making, 208
Yeasts in cheese, 161
Yewberry poisoning, 793
York biscuits, 220
Yorkshire cake, 220
—— pudding, 437
—— range, 231
Yule cake, 220
Zinc-lined cisterns, 19
—— vessels, cleaning, 540
Zrazy, 507
Zuchillo, 504
—— sauce, 476
Zweibach, 495
Zwetschen brandy, 188

For Index to Supplement, see p. 1010.


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