(illuminated capital)

Holy warfare, Lord, is mine

Against a foe I cannot see,—

Oh! aid me with Thy grace divine,

Thy faithful soldier let me be.

Thy armour—faith and righteousness,

Thy holy Word within my hand,

When fierce temptations round me press

Let me thy faithful soldier stand.

Should false shame lure me to deny

The truth, or waver in the right,

Let me the insidious foe defy,

And as Thy faithful soldier fight.

And oh! when death’s keen shafts descend,

And failing pulse, and glazing eye,

Warn that the conflict soon must end,

Thy faithful soldier let me die!

Washed in Thy blood, let me appear

Where crowns are to the conquerors given,—

Through Christ alone we triumph here,

Or wear the victor’s wreath in Heaven!


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