(illuminated capital) Not alone in God’s house, or in seasons of prayer, Must the power of a Christian’s religion be shown, At his home, at his counter, and everywhere Must the strength of his faith by his actions be known; For the clear path of duty is marked in God’s Word, “Be not slothful in business, but serving the Lord.” Not slothful in business! God wills that we toil, From the claims of our calling permits no retreat, Though indolence may from the sentence recoil, “If the hand will not labour, the mouth should not eat;” Faith to industry must but new motive afford, “Be not slothful in business, but serving the Lord.” Yes, serving the Lord; ’mid our toils and our cares May we never forget the great Master we serve, Who the mansions of light for His people prepares; For though man from his Maker can nothing deserve, God hath graciously promised Himself to reward Their labours of love who are “serving the Lord.” To the hand ever prompt in the business of life, But which never would close over fraudulent gain, To the heart firm and strong in the world’s busy strife, Which can holy, and humble, and faithful remain, God in life and in death will His blessing accord, “Be not slothful in business, but serving the Lord.” |