(illuminated capital)

To whom do I obedience owe,

Who should my willing service claim?

One master dwelling here below,

And One above the starry frame.

Oh! may the thought of Him above,

Each Christian servant’s zeal awake,

To serve with faithfulness and love—

For Christ, our heavenly Master’s sake.

The earnest follower of the Lord,

Must by the badge of truth be known,

Integrity that shrinks from fraud,

And needs no eye—save God’s alone

The cheerful heart, the ready mind

That can in labour pleasure take,

To every kindly act inclined,

For Christ, our heavenly Master’s sake.

Though our best service is, we own,

To God “unprofitable” still,

The Lord, to whom the heart is known,

Rewards the attempt to do His will.

Oh! through His mercy may we rise,

When the last trump our sleep shall break,

And find a welcome in the skies,

For Christ, our heavenly Master’s sake!



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