(illuminated capital) Father of Heaven, Thy guidance we implore Where’er Thy providence our steps may send; With drooping hearts we leave our native shore, Do Thou be with us always—to the end! Protect and guard us on the lonely sea, Though angry storms our flutt’ring canvas rend, The anchor of our hope is fixed on Thee, Do Thou be with us always—to the end! Prepare for us a home beyond the wave, Where we in honest toil our days may spend, Till gently sinking to a peaceful grave; And be Thou with us always—to the end! Oh! bless the dear ones whom we leave behind! Though severed now from parent—brother—friend— In Thee the parted yet may union find, With them and us be always—to the end! Nor time nor space can from Thy love divide; For ever near to bless and to defend, Our lives—our all—we to Thy care confide, Be with us always—even to the end! |