(illuminated capital)

A helpless sinner in Thy sight,

At mercy’s threshold, Lord, I wait;

Inscribed in characters of light,

Thy promise shines upon the gate.

“Ask—ye shall receive;

Seek—and ye shall find;

Knock—and enter in, but leave

All sins and doubts behind.”

I ask Thy boundless grace to share,

I seek for pardon through Thy blood,

I knock by earnest, fervent prayer,—

Lord, hear and answer me for good!

“Ask—ye shall receive;

Seek—and ye shall find;

Knock—and enter in, but leave

All sins and doubts behind.”

Yes; each mistrustful doubt of Thee,

Each long-indulged, besetting sin,

Repented and renounced must be

By those who dare to venture in.

Then asking—we receive,

And seeking—we shall find,

Till, entering Heaven’s gate, we leave

Earth, sin, and death behind!



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