(illuminated capital) The balmy Spring awakes the flowers That long had slept in Winter’s night, Her light green robe adorns the bowers, And all is beauty, all delight. With joy I view earth’s smiling frame, And bless, O Lord, and bless Thy name! Thou hast vouchsafed me buoyant health, A cheerful, light, and bounding heart; Contentment—better far than wealth, And Hope—that rests when joys depart. What gratitude such gifts should claim,— For these, O Lord, I bless thy name! Surrounded from my earliest days By those who loved—who love me still, My grateful heart I humbly raise To Him, by whose Almighty will To me earth’s sweetest blessings came; I praise and magnify His name! But more than all I thank Thee, Lord, For sins through Thy dear blood forgiven, The comforts of Thy precious Word, And hopes of endless bliss in Heaven; Bought by Thy suffering and Thy shame,— For these, O Lord, I bless Thy name! Lord! should it be Thy sovereign will To blast my earthly happiness, Yet give me grace to praise Thee still, With trembling lips Thy wisdom bless; Crushed or exalted—still the same, To bless, with fervour bless Thy name! Should all life’s pleasures disappear, Support me with Thy heavenly love,— And when my course is ended here, Oh, raise my soul to bliss above, With saints to magnify Thy fame, And bless, for ever bless Thy name! |