(illuminated capital)

Now in the East Hope’s trembling light

Proclaims a brighter dawning,

Though woe endureth for a night,

Joy cometh in the morning.

For many weary ages past

Hath sin’s dark night prevailing,

A gloom o’er all the nations cast,

Whence rose the sound of wailing.

The idol-gods have many a shrine

Where, bound in chains of error,

Myriads shut out from light divine

Crouch down in shame and terror.

But in the East Hope’s rosy light

Proclaims a brighter dawning;

Though woe endureth for a night,

Joy cometh in the morning.

Pleasure has thrown her torches’ glare

Upon a world benighted,

And Science in the murky air

Her glimmering tapers lighted;

Some joys, like fireflies, played and glanced

To mock our vain pursuing,

And Folly’s meteors wildly danced

Above the gulf of ruin!

But in the East Hope’s purer light

Proclaims a brighter dawning;

Though woe endureth for a night,

Joy cometh in the morning!

Like Cynthia from her silver car,

The Church could darkness brighten;

Each high example, like a star,

Shone forth to cheer and lighten.

But I shall need nor star nor moon

In that clear day before me,

The Sun of Righteousness shall soon

Burst forth in cloudless glory!

Yes, in the East Hope’s kindling light

Proclaims a brighter dawning;

Though woe endureth for a night,

Joy cometh in the morning!



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