(illuminated capital)

Standing upon the awful brink,

Almost too faint to pray or think,

Thou who canst pain and fear control,

My God, have mercy on my soul!

A chilling gloom I feel within,

A trembling consciousness of sin;

I cannot to my mind recall

What sins—but Thou hast marked them all.

Oh, let my soul some promise hear

From Thy blest Word to calm her fear;

Oh, bid this doubt, this anguish cease—

My Saviour say, “Depart in peace!”

Thou know’st I loved Thee,—weak might be

My faith—but it was fixed on Thee;

Thou didst a gracious promise make—

Oh, save me for Thy mercy’s sake!

Methinks I hear my Lord reply:

“Fear not, for I am ever nigh;

In life—in death—beyond the grave—

My arm shall guide, support, and save.

“Thy ransom hath been paid by love,

Thy mansion is prepared above;

No power of death, or hell, or sin,

From Me one pardoned soul shall win!”


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