[1]Dr. Dyson worked as a ranger-naturalist in Glacier National Park for eight summers starting in 1935. [2]Argillite is the term used by geologists for a rock, originally a shale, which has been recrystallized or made harder by greater pressure. In external appearance it looks like shale. [3]A dike is like a sill in all respects except that it cuts across adjacent layers instead of paralleling them. [4]For a complete discussion of glaciers and their effects see Special Bulletin No. 2 (Glaciers and Glaciation in Glacier National Park) of the Glacier Natural History Association. PRINTED IN U. S. A. BY GLACIER NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION IN COOPERATION WITH NATIONAL PARK SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR 1953 O’NEIL PRINTERS—KALISPELL, MONTANA Principal Aims of the GLACIER NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION, Inc. Glacier National Park West Glacier, Montana Organized for the purpose of cooperating with the National Park Service by assisting the Naturalist Department of Glacier National Park in the development of a broad public understanding of the geology, plant and animal life, history, Indians and related subjects bearing on the park region. It aids in the development of the Glacier National Park museum library, museums and wayside exhibits; offers books on natural history pertaining to this area for sale to the public; assists in the acquisition of non-federally owned lands within the park in behalf of the United States government; and cooperates with government projects in the completion and development of Glacier National Park as needed. Revenue derived from the activities of the Glacier Natural History Association is devoted entirely to the purposes outlined. Any person interested in the furtherance of these purposes may become a member upon payment of the annual fee of one dollar. Gifts and donations are accepted for land acquisition or general use. - Bulletin No. 1—Motorists Guide to the Going-to-the-Sun Highway, 1947—Price 25 Cents.
- Bulletin No. 2—Glaciers and Glaciation in Glacier National Park, 1948—Price 25 Cents.
- Bulletin No. 3—Geologic Story of Glacier National Park, 1949—Price 25 Cents.
- Bulletin No. 4—Trees and Forests of Glacier National Park, 1950—Price 50 Cents.
- Bulletin No. 5—101 Wildflowers of Glacier National Park, 1952—Price 50 Cents.