I. NON-SPORTING AND UTILITY. A. Large Dogs. | | PAGE | | St. Bernard. | (109) | St. Bernard Rough and smooth varieties. Colors, red, orange, or brindle with white markings, or white with patches of these colors. Height, 30 to 39 inches. Weight, 160 to 190 pounds or more. | Mastiff. | (111) | Colors, fawn or brindle, with black on the head. Coat, short. Height, 28 inches average. Weight, 170 pounds average. | Newfoundland. | (111-112) | Colors, jet black, black and white, or brown and white. Height, 25 to 29 inches. Weight, 110 to 150 pounds. Coat, long. | Great Dane. | (115) | Colors, brindle, fawn, blue, black, and harlequin. Height, 28 inches up. Weight, 90 pounds up. Coat, short. | B. Smaller Dogs. | English Bulldog. | (57-58, 115-116) | Colors varying from pure white to dark brindle. Weight, 40 to 50 pounds average. Coat, short. | French Bulldog. | (116) | Colors, any brindle or solid color except black, black and white, black and tan, liver, and mouse color. Weight, 22 to 28 pounds. Coat, smooth. | Chow Chow. | (116) | Colors, all red, black, chocolate brown, blue, smoke, yellow, and white. Weight, 30 pounds up. Coat long. | Poodle. | (116) | Colors, all black, white, red, brown, or blue. Coat, curly. | Dalmatian. | (118) | Color, white with black or brown spots. Height, 19 to 23 inches. Weight, 35 to 50 pounds. Coat, short. | Schipperke. | (118) | Tailless. Color, all black. Weight, 12 to 20 pounds. Coat, medium, thick. | C. Sheep Dogs. | Collie. | (201-202) | Colors not restricted. Height, 20 to 24 inches. Weight, 40 to 65 pounds. Coat, long. | Old English Sheep dog. | (189-190, 205-206) | Tailless. Any color permissible except sable, brown, and black, the most popular being gray and white. Height, 20 inches up. Coat, very long. | German Shepherd Dog. | (206) | Color, dark, grizzled gray commonest. Also black, iron gray, ash gray, reddish tan, reddish brown, white, and harlequin. Height, 21 to 26 inches. Weight, 54 to 65 pounds. Coat, rather short. | Belgian Sheep dog. | (206-207) | Smooth and wire-coated, usually fawn or sable. Long-coated or Groenendaele, jet black. | | II. SPORTING BREEDS. A. The Hound Family. | Bloodhound. | (252) | Colors, black and tan, red and tan, and tawny. Coat, short. Height, 24 to 27 inches. Weight, 80 pounds up. | Otterhound. | (252-253) | Colors, gray, buff, black, red, and mixtures. Height, 22 to 24 inches. Coat, wiry. | Foxhound. | (253) | Combination of black, white, and tan preferred. Height, English foxhound, 22 to 24 inches; American foxhound, 20 to 24 inches. Coat, short. | Harrier. | (253) | Foxhound colorings. Height, 16 to 19 inches. Coat, short. | Beagle. | (253) | Foxhound colorings. Height, 15 inches maximum. Coat, short. | Dachshund. | (253-254) | Colors, all reddish, black, brown, or gray and tan, and dappled. Weight, 17 to 24 pounds. The length is three times the height. Coat, smooth. | Basset Hound. | (254) | Black, white, and tan preferred. Height, 12 inches average. Coat, smooth. | B. Greyhound Family. | Greyhound. | (259) | Any color allowable. Weight, 60 to 70 pounds. Coat, smooth. | Whippet. |
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