A - Abscess, 207
- Accidents to carriages, 273
- Accoutrements, cost of, 442
- Adiabatic transformation, 363
- Air-space, initial, defined, 363
- Allowance, projectiles for target practice, 447
- revolver ammunition, 160
- of wagons, 297
- Ammunition, 3.2-inch gun, description of, 96
- 3.6-inch gun, description of, 108
- 3.6-inch (mortar) description of, 117
- Hotchkiss revolving cannon, 322
- 1.65-inch mountain, description of, 6, 7
- 3.0-inch mountain, description of, 27-29
- fixed, for field-guns, description of, 87
- 1.65-inch, instructions for packing, 18
- how supplied to mountain-batteries, 60, 61
- allowance for target practice, 447
- allowance for revolver practice, 160
- how prepared, 31, 32, 180, 181
- proportion of each kind for mountain-battery, 34
- rounds in box for 1.65-inch, 12
- care of, 178
- how painted, 178
- chest, contents of, 135
- boxes for 1.65-inch, 12
- pack, rounds carried, in 12
- Angle of departure, 364
- of elevation, 364
- of sight, 364
- Animals, salt and vinegar for, 433
- Apothecaries' measure, 485
- Artillery commander, duties of, 376
- corps, 262
- divisional, 262
- transportation by sea, 301
- how stored on shipboard, 301, 302
- disembarkation from shipboard, 303, 314
- transportation by rail, 301
- organization of, 261
- proportion of, in army, 262
- teams, power of, 194
- -wagon, weight and description of, 149
- -harness, 150
- -wagon harness, 157
- Axes, where carried on caisson, 142
- Axle-seats for field-gun carriage, nomenclature, 127
- Armament, how stored on railroad cars, 306
- on shipboard, 302
- Army-wagon, inside measurement, 482
- Austrian light artillery, 121
- mountain-artillery, 70, 71
- gun-pits, 473
B - Barley, pounds in bushel, 481
- Barrels, weights and dimensions of, 417
- Barrack chairs, allowance of, 453
- Battalion commander, duties of, 377
- Batteries, the different kinds of, 261
- Battery books and records, 431
- light, enlisted men for, 263
- composition of, 262
- organization of, 263
- present organization, of 434
- commander, duties of, 377
- guard, 181-187
- cost of, 435
- special-duty men allowed, 434
- supply table of ordnance stores for, 445
- tableware and kitchen utensils, 451
- Battery-wagon and forge, weight and description of, 144
- nomenclature, 145
- articles carried on, 145
- storing of implements, 147
- Beans, pounds in bushel, 481
- Beef, pounds in barrel, 481
- Belt, officer's, cost of, 443
- Bivouacs, 288
- Blacking for harness, 62
- Bladder, inflammation of, 207
- irritation of, 207
- Blasting, dynamite, 420
- Blocks, etc., 394
- Blue-grass seed, pounds in bushel, 481
- Boats, buoyancy of, 416
- for bridges, 415
- Books kept in light battery, 431
- Bowbrake, nomenclature and description, 127
- Bowels, inflammation of, 208
- Boxes, capacity of, 482
- Bran-mash, how made, 206
- Bread, rule for making, 69
- Breaking camp, 296
- Breech-block, field-gun, description of, 73
- mechanism, field-gun, action of, 81
- how dismounted, 83
- how assembled, 83
- 3.6-inch mortar, 113
- Gatling gun, action of, 331
- Hotchkiss revolving cannon, how assembled, 321
- how dismounted, 320
- Bridges, boat, 415
- floating, 415
- flying, 414
- frame, 406
- lock, 406-408
- sling, 409
- stringer, 411
- trestle, 404
- roadway for, 403
- passage of military, 278
- weights borne by, 402
- Bronchitis, 208
- Bronze-handle for field-gun, 80
- Bruce feed for Gatling gun, 332
- Buoyancy of boats, 416
- of casks, 416
- Burns, 209
- and scalds (men), 478
- Bushel, cubic yards in, 482
C - Caisson, field, nomenclature and description, 139
- weights and equipments, 143
- articles carried on, 140
- implements stowed on, 141
- Hotchkiss revolving cannon, 325
- Camp, selection of, 280
- laying out of, 280, 283-287
- duties on reaching, 281
- breaking of, 296
- for mountain-batteries, 67-68
- for battalion of artillery, 286
- -furniture, 494
- -stove, 495
- Canister, general description, 371
- 3.2-inch, description of, 96
- 3.6-inch, description of, 108
- 1.65-inch, description of, 7
- 3.0-inch, description of, 29
- how painted, 178
- when used, 372, 387
- Canvas buckets, where carried on caisson, 142
- Cannoneers, 1.65-inch gun mountain-battery, 21
- 3.0-inch gun mountain-battery, 34
- Carpenter's and wheelwright's chest, contents of, 145
- Carriages, accidents to, 273
- Carriage, field-gun, description of, 129
- nomenclature, 125
- Hotchkiss revolving cannon, 323
- Gatling gun, 337
- Gardner gun, 351
- Maxim automatic machine-gun, 358
- Carriage, metallic, for machine-gun, 361
- 1.65-inch gun, description of, 8
- how packed, 17
- 3.0-inch gun, description of, 24
- 3.6-inch mortar, description and nomenclature, 114
- field-gun, axle-seat, nomenclature, 127
- bowbrake, nomenclature, 127
- elevating device, nomenclature, 127-129
- care of, 174
- limber, articles carried on, 136
- Cartridge, 1.65-inch gun, how assembled, 32
- -bags, how filled, 180
- -case, how filled, 32
- Cargoes, how packed, 41
- how loaded, 42
- how unloaded, 47
- Carrier-ring, description of, 75
- Cars, horse, dimensions of, 303
- passenger, seating capacity, 306
- Castor beans, pounds in bushel, 481
- Casks, buoyancy of, 416
- Chafing (men), 478
- Cholera morbus (men), 478
- Clothing, allowance of, 452
- and equipment for men on march, 267
- table for calculating, accounts, 492
- weight of, 454
- Clover-seed, pounds in bushel, 481
- Cold, 53
- Collar, steel, description of and how fitted, 154-156
- Colic, spasmodic, 55, 209
- (men), 478
- Commander, artillery, duties of, 376
- battalion, duties of, 377
- battery, duties of, 377
- Cooking, camp, 293
- utensils in field, 265
- Corps, artillery, 262
- duties of chief, 377
- Constipation, 210
- (men), 478
- Cordage, 392
- Corns, 210
- Corn brooms, allowance of, 453
- Corn, how to determine quantity of, 482
- pounds in bushel, 481
- Cracked heels, 211
- Cramp, 56
- Cross-fire, 366
- Curb, 211
- Cubic measure, 483
D - De Bange obturator, description of, 77
- Definitions:
- Adiabatic transformation, 363
- Air-space, initial, 363
- Angle of departure, 364
- Angle of elevation, 364
- Angle of sight, 364
- Ballistics, exterior, 363
- interior, 362
- Cross-fire, 366
- Density, gravimetric, 362
- of loading, 362
- sectional, 363
- spherical, 363
- Detonation, 363
- Direct fire, 365
- Drift, 365
- Enfilade fire, 366
- Final velocity, 365
- Flanking fire, 366
- Gunpowder, ignition, 362
- inflammation, 362
- combustion, 362
- explosion, 362
- slow, 363
- High-angle fire, 365
- Indirect fire, 365
- Initial velocity, 365
- Jump, 365
- Line of departure, 364
- Line of fire, 364
- of sight, 364
- Oblique fire, 365
- Plane of fire, 364
- Point of mean impact, 367
- Plane of sight, 364
- Probable rectangle, 367
- Probability of fire, 366
- Reduced length, 363
- Remaining velocity, 365
- Reverse fire, 366
- Similar guns, 363
- Similarly loaded guns, 363
- Trajectory, 363
- Velocity of emission, 363
- initial, 365
- remaining, 365
- final, 365
- Deflection, rule for correcting, 95
- Dentition of horse, 196
- Demolition, 427-429
- Destruction of horses, 260
- Detonation, 363
- Diarrhoea, 478
- Direct fire, 365
- Diseases of the horse (see Veterinary Treatment), 200
- mule (see Veterinary Treatment), 53
- Disembarkation from shipboard, 301, 314
- Distances, estimation of, 374
- Distemper, 211
- Ditches, how crossed, 276
- Divisional artillery, 262
- Dressing for harness, 61
- Dried apples, pounds in bushel, 481
- Drift, 365
- Driggs-Schroeder field-gun, 84
- how dismounted, 85
- how assembled, 86
- Drowning, 479
- Drivers, mountain-batteries, instructions for, 62-64
- Dynamite, description of, 420
- how used in blasting, 420
- Dry measure, 484
E - Elevating device for field-carriage, 127, 129
- Emetics (men), 480
- Enfilade fire, 366
- England, mountain-artillery, 70
- light artillery, 123
- gun-pit, 474
- Enlisted men, light battery, description of, 263
- equipment and clothing on march, 267
- pay table for, 455
- Equipage, allowance of, 452
- weight of, 454
- Equipment, etc., for officers on march, 265
- of personnel of battery, 264
- for enlisted men on march, 267
- of 1.65-inch mountain-battery, 20
- of 3.0-inch mountain-battery, 34
- weight of, in field-battery, 138
- Exterior ballistics, 363
- Eye, 54
F - Fainting, 480
- Farcy, 211
- Feed, Bruce, for Gatling gun, 332
- Accles, for Gatling gun, 333
- improved, for Gatling gun, 334
- Feeding animals on cars, 304
- animals, 50, 238
- Ferry, 414
- Field-artillery, foreign, 120-123
- Field-gun carriage, nomenclature, 125
- description, 129
- axle-seat, nomenclature, 127
- bowbrake, nomenclature, 127
- elevating device, nomenclature, 127-129
- limber, description and nomenclature, 131-135
- Field-guns, construction of, 72
- 3.2-inch, description of, 89
- 3.6-inch, description of, 108
- breech-mechanism, 73
- action of, 81
- Field-guns, Gerdom breech-mechanism, 86
- Driggs-Schroeder breech-mechanism, 84
- how dismounted, 85
- how assembled, 86
- breech-mechanism, how dismounted, 83
- assembled, 83
- bronze-handle, 80
- carrier-ring, 75
- latch, 76
- latch-cover, 75
- hinge-pin, 76
- locking-recess, 75
- guide-groove, 75
- guide-sectors, 75
- lever-handle, 79
- obturator, 77-78
- stop, 76
- vent-cover, 80
- pointing-arcs for, 93
- pointing-arcs, how used, 95
- sight, front, 90
- rear, 92
- fixed ammunition for, 87
- how disabled, 275
- Field-ovens, how made, 294
- Filters, how made, 295
- Final velocity, 365
- Fish, pounds in barrel, 481
- Fistula, 54, 211
- Firing, night, 391
- indirect, 390
- projectiles used, 385
- Fire, rates of, 388
- Flanking fire, 366
- Floats, cask, how made, 416
- Floating bridges, 415
- Flying bridges, 414
- Flaxseed, pounds in bushel, 481
- Flour, pounds in barrel, 481
- Foot inflammation, 212
- Foreign light artillery, 120-123
- Foreign mountain artillery, 70-71
- Forage, allowance of, 239
- how fed, 239
- weight of, 239
- Fords, how crossed, 277, 414
- Forge-chest, contents of, 146
- Founder, 212
- Frame bridges, 406
- Freight, cubic yards to ton, 482
- France, mountain-artillery, 70
- light artillery, 120
- gun-pit, 469
- Freyre obturator, description of, 78
- on 3.6-inch mortar, 113
- Friction-primer for mountain-gun, 3
- Frost-bites, 480
- Fuel, allowance of, 453
- Fuzes and friction-primers, how kept, 180
- Fuze, Frankford Arsenal base-percussion for field-shell, 102, 108
- combination, for field-shrapnel, 99, 108
- for 3.6-inch mortar-shrapnel, 117
- -shell, 117
- for mountain-gun ammunition, 11
- Hotchkiss point-percussion, 9
G - Gaits for artillery teams, 195
- Galls, 55, 214
- Gardner gun, description of, 346
- nomenclature, 350
- assembling, 352
- dismounting, 351
- carriage, 351
- limber, 351
- Gatling gun, description of, 327
- action of mechanism, 331
- precautions in firing, 336
- 1-inch, nomenclature, 344
- assembling, 345
- dismounting, 344
- long-barrel, 1883, assembling, 343
- dismounting, 342
- short-barrel, 1875, assembling, 341
- dismounting, 340
- carriage, 337
- limber, 338
- weights, etc., 339
- Germany, light artillery, 120
- gun-pit, 471
- Gerdom breech-mechanism, 86
- Glanders, 56, 197, 214
- Grease, 56, 215
- axle, when applied, 174
- Gruel, how made, 206
- Guard, commander of, 183
- orders for, 181-87
- Guns, care of, 176
- when painted, 177
- Gunners' quadrant for mountain-guns, 6
- description of, 116
- Guncotton, 424
- how fired, 425
- Gunpowder, combustion of, etc., 362
- description of, 419
- slow, 363
- Gun-pits, general observations, 477
- Austrian, 4
- English, 473
- French, 469
- German, 471
- Russian, 475
H - Harness, light-artillery, description of, 150
- weights of parts, 157
- price list, 440
- for artillery-wagon, 157
- how fitted to horse, 172
- how arranged on pegs, 165
- care and preservation of, 61, 163
- mouldy, how cleaned, 162
- soaps and dressings for, 61, 164
- Harness, varnish for, 161
- for 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 12
- how packed, 17
- Harnessing, of mules, 52
- in garrison, 166
- Hay, description of, 240
- how to determine quantity of, 483
- Heat exhaustion, 480
- Hemp-seed, pounds in bushel, 481
- High-angle fire, 365
- explosives, storage of, 426
- transportation of, 425
- Hide-bound, 216
- Hitches, 396
- Horse-artillery, front caisson-chest removed, 142
- Hock lameness, 216
- Hoof-bound, 216
- Horse, nomenclature of parts, 192, 193
- description of, 188
- age of, 196
- how obtained, 188
- how selected, 189
- how branded, 191
- how trained, 224-258
- how fed, 238
- how watered, 241
- directions for shoeing, 232
- care and treatment of, 258
- nomenclature of diseases, 200
- in health and disease, 199
- sick, care of, 197
- glandered, action taken, 198
- destruction of the, 260
- equipments, cost of, 443
- weight drawn by, in field-carriage, 138
- -caisson, 143
- battery-wagon and forge, 148
- Horses for 1.65-inch mountain-battery, 22
- how loaded and fed on cars, 304
- care of, at sea, 311
- transportation of, by sea, 307
- by rail, 304
- Hotchkiss revolving cannon, description of, 316
- action of mechanism, 319
- care of, 321
- mounting and dismounting, 320
- ammunition, 322
- carriage, 323
- caisson, 325
- limber, 324
- range table, 326
- Hunting-knife, 160
- Huts, log, 296
- Hut-stables, 234
I - Ice, passage of, 297
- Implements, where stowed on caisson, 141
- Indirect fire, 365
- firing, 390
- Influenza, 216
- Initial velocity, 365
- Interior ballistics, 362
- Intoxication, 480
- Italy, mountain-artillery, 70
- light artillery, 122
J K - Knapsacks, where carried, 136
- how packed, 267
- Kitchen utensils, allowance of, 451
- Knife, hunting, price of, 442
- Knots, 397
L - Lacquers for metals, 162
- Lameness, 218
- Lampas, 218
- Lamps, allowance of, 454
- Land measure, 483
- Lanterns, cost of, 445
- where carried on caisson, 142
- Laryngitis, 218
- Lashings, 401
- Latch for field-gun, 76
- -cover for field-gun, 75
- Leather, mouldy, how cleaned, 162
- how attached to metal, 162
- Lever-handle for field-gun, 79
- Limber, field-gun, description and nomenclature, 131-135
- articles carried on, 136
- Gardner gun, 351
- Gatling gun, 338
- Hotchkiss revolving cannon, 324
- 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 25
- Line of departure, 364
- of fire, 364
- of sight, 364
- Liquid measure, 484
- Loading-tools, 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 11
- 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 31
- Lock bridges, 406-408
M - Machine-guns, 316
- care of, 177
- metallic carriage for, 361
- Mange, 56, 219
- Maxim gun, 353
- assembling, 359
- dismounting, 359
- operation of mechanism, 356
- care of, 358
- carriage for, 358
- Marches, articles required, 264
- cooking utensils, 265
- officers' equipment, 265
- how conducted, 64, 268
- distance covered daily on, 269
- damages on, when repaired, 273
- Marking-outfit, cost of, 445
- Medicines, veterinary, supply table of, 448
- Measures of length, 483
- liquid, cylinders for, 481
- of weight, 486
- Mess-chest, officer's, 494
- Metric tables, 486
- Miscellaneous tables, 485
- Mortar, 3.6-inch field, description of, 113
- carriage for, 114
- platform, 115
- pointing-scale, 116
- ammunition, 117
- Mountain-artillery, foreign, 70
- Mountain-battery, camps for, 67
- gunners' quadrant, 6
- general instructions for, 58
- instructions for drivers, 62
- marches, 64
- tools, etc., for, 19, 31
- supplying ammunition to, 60
- Mountain-gun, 1.65-inch, description of, 1
- nomenclature of, 3
- action of breech-mechanism, 3
- breech-mechanism, how dismounted, 4
- how dismounted, 11
- care of, 4
- loading-tools for, 11
- sights for, 5
- ammunition for, 6
- instructions for packing ammunition, 18
- carriage for, 8
- instructions for packing carriage and harness, 15-18
- harnessed for draught, 19
- organization and equipment of, 20
- animals required, 22
- packing-outfit, 12
- weights carried by mules, 19
- service of, 22
- range table, 10
- 3.0-inch, description of, 23
- ammunition for, 27
- carriage for, 24
- how packed, 35
- limber, 25
- loading-tools for, 31
- sights for, 23
- spare parts, etc., 29
- tools and supplies, 30
- weights carried by mules, 38
- organization and equipment, 34
- cannoneers per gun, 34
- range table for, 33
- Mule, description of the, 49
- care of, 51
- feeding and watering, 50
- harnessing and breaking, 52
- how saddled, 40
- how unsaddled, 48
- shoeing the, 51
- veterinary treatment, 53
- weights carried by, in 1.65-inch battery, 19
- by pack, 39
- Mules, number required in 1.65-inch battery, 22
N - Navicular disease, 219
- Night-firing, 391
- Nose-bag, pounds of oats in, 482
O - Oats, description of, 240
- how to determine quantity of, 482
- weight of nosebagful, 482
- pounds in bushel, 481
- Oblique fire, 365
- Odometer, 279
- Obturator, de Bange, 77
- Freyre, 78
- spare, where carried, 136
- Oil, allowance of, 454
- Oiler, where carried, 136
- Onions, pounds in bushel, 481
- Officer of the day, battery, 183
- Office-furniture, allowance of, 454
- Officers' equipment and clothing on march, 265
- Ophthalmia, 220
- Orders for stable guard, 181-187
- Organization of artillery, 261
- of light battery, 263
- (present), 434
- of 1.65-inch mountain-battery, 20
- of 3.0-inch mountain-battery, 34
- Outfit, packing, 1.65-inch gun, cost of, 441
- Overcoat, how rolled, 268
P - Pack, ammunition, 12
- -saddles, 39
- nomenclature of ordinary, 39
- how fitted, 40
- -trains, 39
- allowance of mules to, 39
- how packed, 39
- number of packers to, 39
- Packing of cargoes, 41
- mountain-gun, 13
- -outfit, 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 12
- carriage, 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 15
- 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 35
- weights carried by mules, 19, 39
- Paints, oils, and brushes, care of, 161
- Paint for canvas, 161
- for field-guns, 176
- old, how to remove, 176
- waterproof, how made, 161
- Paralysis, 220
- Paulins, where carried, 136
- weight and dimensions, 138
- Pay table for enlisted men, 455
- Peaches, pounds in bushel, 481
- Peas, pounds in bushel, 481
- Penetration of field-shell, 368
- of projectiles, 468-469
- Pharyngitis, 220
- Pickaxes, where carried on caisson, 141
- Picket-line, where established, 233
- Platform for 3.6-inch mortar, 115
- Plane of fire, 364
- of sight, 364
- Pleurisy, 221
- Pneumonia, 222
- Pointing-arc for field-guns, 93
- how used, 95
- -scale, 3.6-inch mortar, 116
- Pole-prop, where carried, 136
- Poll evil, 54
- Point of mean impact, 367
- Potatoes, pounds in bushel, 481
- Pork, pounds in barrel, 481
- Poultice, how made, 206
- Powder, care and transportation of, 178
- Probability of fire, 366
- Probable rectangle, 367
- Projectiles, how filled, 181
- kinds used in firing, 385
- penetration of, 468
- Prolonge, length of, and where carried, 136
- weight of, 138
- Price-list, accoutrements, 442
- horse equipments, 443
- light artillery harness, 440
- light battery, 435
- knife, 442
- lanterns, 445
- marking-outfit, 445
- officer's belt, 443
- sabre, 442
- spurs, 444
- revolver, 160
- packing-outfit, 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 441
- sabre, enlisted men's, 442
- stencil outfit, 444
- Punctures from shoeing, 223
- Punishments, 458
- Purging, 223
Q - Quadrant, gunners', 116
- Quittor, 224
R - Rack-a-rock, 423
- Rafts, 417
- Ration, the, 433
- travel, 434
- Ramps for loading animals, 305
- Range-finding, 375
- Range, method of finding, 381
- Range tables: Hotchkiss revolving cannon, 326
- 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 10
- 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 33
- 3.2-inch field-gun, shell, 106
- shrapnel, 104
- 3.6-inch field-gun, shell, 112
- shrapnel, 110
- 3.6-inch field mortar, shell, 118
- shrapnel, 119
- Record books, battery, 431
- Reduced length, 363
- Remaining velocity, 365
- Reports, rolls, and returns, battery, 432
- Reverse fire, 366
- Revolver, cal. .45 Colt's, description, 158
- nomenclature, 158
- how assembled, 159
- weights, etc., of parts, 159
- rapidity of fire, 159
- penetration, 160
- pricelist, 160
- Rheumatism, 224
- Ringworm, 224
- Rope, kinds of, 392
- preservation of, 393
- Russian gun-pit, 475
- mountain-artillery, 70
- light artillery, 121
S - Sabre, officer's, price of, 442
- enlisted men's, price of, 442
- Saddle, nomenclature, 151
- how placed on horse, 170
- Saddle-blanket, how folded, etc., 169
- Salutes, 491
- Saddler's chest, contents of, 146
- Salt for animals, 433
- pounds in bushel, 481
- in barrel, 481
- Sand-crack, 225
- Scurvy, 225
- Sectional density, 363
- Shell, definition of, 368
- when and how used, 385
- penetration of, 368
- how filled, 31
- how painted, 178
- 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 7
- 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 28
- 3.2-inch field-gun, 96
- 3.6-inch field-gun, 108
- 3.6-inch field-mortar, 117
- F. A. base-percussion fuze for field, 102, 108, 117
- Shrapnel, definition of, 369
- how filled, 32
- how painted, 178
- fire of, 370
- when and how used, 369, 386
- rule for point of burst, 371
- 3-inch mountain, 28
- 3.2-inch Frankford Arsenal field, 97
- 3.6-inch Frankford Arsenal field, 108
- 3.2-inch American Projectile Co. field, 98
- 3.6-inch American Projectile Co. field, 108
- 3.6-inch mortar, 117
- Frankford Arsenal combination fuze for, 99, 108, 117
- Shoeing, directions for, 232
- mule, 51
- Shovels, where carried on caisson, 141
- Sick men, treatment of, 477-481
- Signal code, 465
- Sighting, 376
- Sights, 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 5
- 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 23
- 3.2-inch field-gun, 90, 92
- 3.6-inch field-gun, 108
- Similar guns, 363
- Similarly loaded, 363
- Sling bridges, 409
- for horse, 310
- Sores, 225
- Sore mouth, 54
- feet, 481
- Spain, mountain-artillery of, 70
- Switzerland, mountain-artillery of, 70
- Spare parts for 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 29
- Sprains, 226
- Special-duty men in light battery, 434
- Spherical density, 363
- Spurs, officer's, cost of, 444
- Square measure, 483
- Stalls, size of, 233
- Stable duty, grooming, etc., 236
- management, rules for, 234
- Stables and stable duties, 233
- hut, 234
- Stationery, allowance of, 454
- Stencil outfit, cost of, 444
- Stop, field-gun, 76
- Storage, high explosives, 426
- Stoves, allowance of, 453
- Sibley, 293
- Strangles, 53, 227
- Straw, how to determine quantity, 483
- Stringer bridge, 411
- Summary court, 456, 465
- Sunstroke, 227, 480
- Supplies and tools, 1.65-inch mountain-battery, 19
- 3.0-inch mountain-battery, 30
- Supply table of ordnance stores for light battery, 445
- of veterinary medicines, 448
- Surcingles, sizes of, 154
- Sweeny, 228
- Swelled legs, 228
T - Tableware, allowance for light battery, 451
- Target practice, how conducted, 379
- allowance of ammunition for, 447
- Table of weight of clothing and equipage, 454
- of pounds in bushel, 481
- in barrel, 481
- Tents, allowance of, 452
- weights, dimensions, and allowance, 288
- how pitched, 289
- how struck, 292
- heating of, 293
- Thrush, 55, 228
- Timber, strength of, 403
- Timothy-seed, pounds in bushel, 481
- Tools and supplies, 1.65-inch mountain-battery, 19
- 3.0-inch mountain-battery, 30
- Tool-box, field-limber, contents of, 137
- Training of horses, 242-258
- Transportation, allowance of, 297
- of artillery by sea and land, 301
- by rail, 303
- -horses by sea, 307
- of high explosives, 425
- Trajectory, 363
- Travel-ration, 434
- Trestle bridges, 404
U - Unharnessing, 167, 282
- Urine, retention of, 229
- non-retention of, 229
V - Varnish, linseed-oil, how made, 162
- for harness, 161
- Velocity of emission, 363
- Velocity, muzzle, of 1.65-inch mountain-gun, 1
- of 3.0-inch mountain-gun, 23
- of 3.2-inch field-gun, 90
- of 3.6-inch field-gun, 108
- of 3.6-inch field-mortar, 113
- Vents for field-guns, 73
- Vent-covers for field-guns, 80
- Veterinary medicines, 201-207
- doses, and how administered, 203, 204
- treatment, 53
- abscess, 207
- bladder irritation, 207
- inflammation, 207
- bowels, inflammation, 208
- bronchitis, 208
- burns, 209
- colds, 53
- colic, 59, 209
- constipation, 210
- corns, 210
- cracked heels, 211
- cramps, 56
- curb, 211
- distemper, 211
- farcy, 211
- fistula, 54, 211
- foot inflammation, 212
- founder, 212
- galls, 55, 214
- glanders, 56, 214
- grease, 56, 215
- hide-bound, 216
- hoof-bound, 216
- hock lameness, 216
- influenza, 216
- lameness, 218
- lampas, 218
- laryngitis, 218
- mange, 56, 219
- navicular disease, 219
- ophthalmia, 220
- paralysis, 220
- pharyngitis, 220
- pleurisy, 221
- pneumonia, 222
- poll evil, 54
- purging, 223
- punctures from shoeing, 223
- quittor, 224
- ringworm, 224
- rheumatism, 224
- sand-crack, 225
- scurvy, 225
- sores, 225
- sore mouth, 54
- sprains, 226
- strangles, 53, 227
- sunstroke, 227
- sweeny, 228
- swelled legs, 228
- thrush, 55, 228
- urine, retention of, 229
- non-retention of, 229
- warbles, 230
- warts, 230
- worms, 230
- wounds, 230
- Vinegar for animals, 433
W - Warbles, 230
- Wagon, army, inside measurement, 482
- Wagons, allowance of, 297, 299, 300
- how packed, 298
- Warts, 230
- Water-filters, 295
- allowance in camp, 296
- at sea, 313
- -cart, 150
- Watering on march, 272
- of animals, 50, 241
- Wheat, pounds in bushel, 481
- Wheel, Archibald, description of, 124
- Wheel, Archibald, how repaired, 125
- Wheel-grease can, where carried, 136
- Weight, barrels, 417
- forage, 239
- nosebagful of oats, 482
- clothing and equipage, 454
- cubic foot of water, 484
- drawn by artillery teams, 194
- carried by mules, 1.65-inch mountain-battery, 19
- 3.0-inch mountain-battery, 38
- Gardner gun, 346
- Hotchkiss revolving cannon, 316
- carriage, 323
- limber, 324
- Maxim gun, 353
- per horse, 3.2-inch field-battery, 138
- 3.6-inch field-battery, 138
- field-caisson, 143
- of load, 3.2-inch field-gun, carriage, and equipment, 138
- Archibald wheel, 124
- 3.2-inch field-gun, 89
- 3.6-inch field-gun, 108
- 3.6-inch field-mortar, 113
- machine-guns, 323, 338, 339, 346, 353
- field-gun limber, 133
- tool-box, 137
- field-caisson, 139
- forge and battery-wagon implements, etc., 148
- artillery-wagon, 149
- artillery-harness, 157
- equipments in field-battery, 138
- forge-chest, 147
- saddler's chest, 146
- carpenter's chest, 146
- prolonge, 138
- steel collar, 154
- Worms, 230
- Wounds, 230
[1] Not including reserve. BOOKS FOR ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. For the use of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. By Captain Henry Metcalf, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery, U.S.M.A. 12mo, 500 pp., cloth, with separate atlas containing 350 cuts, $5.00 MODERN FRENCH ARTILLERY. The St. Chamond, De Bange, Canet and Hotchkiss systems, with illustrations of French War Ships. By James Dredge. 4to, half morocco, $20.00 net HANDBOOK OF PROBLEMS IN DIRECT FIRE. By James M. Ingalls, Captain First Artillery, U. S. A. 8vo, cloth, $4.00 BALLISTIC TABLES. Reprinted from the Handbook for West Point Cadets. By Capt. Jas. M. Ingalls. 8vo, cloth, $1.50 SUBMARINE MINES AND TORPEDOES. As applied to Harbour Defense. By John Townsend Bucknill, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel (late Major Royal Engineers) Reserve of Officers. With illustrations. 8vo, cloth, $4.00 PRACTICAL SEAMANSHIP. By John Todd, Master Mariner, and W. B. Whall, Extra Master Younger Brother Trinity House. Royal 8vo, full cloth, with 243 Illustrations and Diagrams, $7.50 NOTES ON MILITARY HYGIENE. For Officers of the Line. A Syllabus of Lectures at the U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School. By Alfred A. Woodhull, Major of Medical Dep't., Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. Army. 12mo, morocco, $2.50 SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. By Lucien Young, U. S. Navy. Pocket-book form. New edition, revised and enlarged, $2.50 THE SOLDIERS' FIRST AID HANDBOOK. Comprising a Series of Lectures to Members of the Hospital Corps and Company Bearers. By William D. Dietz, Late Captain and Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army. 18mo, morocco, $1.25 PERMANENT FORTIFICATIONS. By Prof. D. H. Mahan, Revised and brought up to date by Col. James Mercur, U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Numerous plates, 1887. 8vo, half morocco, $7.50 ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF WAR. By James Mercur, Professor of Civil and Military Engineering, United States Military Academy. Illustrated with full-page and folding plates. Third edition. 8vo, cloth, $4.00 PRACTICAL MARINE SURVEYING. By Harry Phelps, U. S. Navy. 8vo, cloth, $2.50 AN ABRIDGEMENT OF MILITARY LAW. By Col. W. Winthrop, Deputy Judge Advocate-General, U. S. Army, late Professor of Law, U. S. Military Academy. Second and revised edition. 12mo, red cloth, $2.50 A MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL. Prepared by Lt. Arthur Murray, 1st Artillery, late Acting Judge Advocate-General, U. S. A. Third edition. 18mo, morocco, flap, $1.50 CAVALRY OUT-POST DUTIES. By F. De Brack, translated from the French (third edition, 1863) by Major Camillo C. C. Carr, 8th Cavalry, U. S. A. 18mo, morocco, flap, $2.00 GUNNERY FOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Compiled by Lt. Adelbert Cronkhite, 4th Artillery, with Ballistic Tables, by Capt. James Chester, 3d Artillery, 18mo, morocco, flap, $2.00 ART OF SUBSISTING ARMIES IN WAR. By Capt. H. G. Sharpe, U. S. A. Morocco, $1.50 THE ARMY OFFICER'S EXAMINER. By Lt. Col. W. H. Powell, U. S. A. 12mo, cloth, $4.00 ELEMENTARY NAVAL TACTICS. By Commander Wm. Bainbridge-Hoff, U. S. N. 8vo, cloth, $1.50 ATTACK OF FORTIFIED PLACES. Including Siege-Works, Mining and Demolitions. By James Mercur, U. S. M. A., Professor of Civil and Military Engineering. 12mo, cloth, $2.00 TEXT-BOOK OF ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY. For the use of the Cadets of U. S. M. A. By Capt. Lawrence L. Bruff, U. S. A. 8vo, cloth, $6.00 HANDBOOK FOR LIGHT ARTILLERY. By A. B. Dyer, First Lieut. Fourth U. S. Artillery. 12mo, cloth, $3.00 Transcriber's Note: 1. The minutes of the angle for the RANGE TABLE FOR 3.6-INCH B. L. MORTAR. 16 ounces; Range 2900 is unclear. 2. Punctuation has been standardized. 3. Spelling has been corrected where necessary. 4. Under CHAPTER X, DEFINITIONS: INTERIOR BALLISTICS, Density of Loading, the word "cubic" has been added before the word "inches". 5. Morse code for & (in the original book) has been silently corrected. (Page 465). |