The gun (Fig. 2) consists of the body and the breech mechanism. Fig. 2. The body of the gun is made from a single forging of oil-tempered and annealed steel. The trunnion-ring is screwed on the gun-body just forward of the reinforce, and provides a support for the front sight. The bore is rifled with a uniform right-hand twist. The lands are very narrow in proportion to the grooves, and are ten in number. The Breech-block is a solid prismatic block of steel with rounded corners, having a horizontal movement in a mortise cut completely through the breech of the gun. The front face of the block is perpendicular to the axis of the bore, whilst the rear face is slightly inclined. The left end of the block is bored to form a prolongation of the chamber when the breech is open, and its front upper corner is cut away to allow free movement of the extractor. The horizontal movement of the breech-block is limited by the stop-bolt, which, passing through the breech of the gun, engages in a guide in the upper part of the block. In the right end of the breech-block is mounted a shaft on which is secured the locking-screw, and which terminates in a handle for manoeuvring. The thread of the locking-screw is cut away for about 100°, in such a manner that the breech-block may be locked or unlocked by a half-turn of the handle. The Extractor is a single piece of steel working in a longitudinal groove in the top of the breech-mortise. Its forward end is formed into a claw to grasp the head of the The Vent is a cylindrical channel passing diagonally through the breech and breech-block, and changing direction in the block so as to follow the axis of the bore. The friction-primer cannot be inserted until the two parts of the vent are in prolongation from the complete closing and locking of the breech-block. The ordinary friction-primer is used. NOMENCLATURE.The Mechanism.—(b) breech-block; loading-hole; (s) stop-bolt; spring washer; (r) stop-bolt guide; (e) extractor; (h) extractor-hook; (a k) extractor-guide; (c) locking-screw; locking-screw shaft; locking-screw pin; (l) handle; stop; stop keep-screw. Fig. 3. ACTION OF THE MECHANISM.The gun having been fired, the handle is turned to the rear, unlocking the block and starting it in the mortise. A new charge being inserted, it is pushed home until the head of the cartridge brings up against the extractor. The breech is now closed by pushing it smartly to the left, and is locked by turning the handle to the front. A primer may now be inserted in the vent, and the gun is ready for firing. DIRECTIONS FOR DISMOUNTING THE MECHANISM.Unscrew the stop-bolt about four turns, or remove completely. Withdraw breech-block. Remove extractor, which is now free. In general nothing further need be dismounted for cleaning and inspection. To dismount completely continue as follows: Remove locking-screw pin with screw-driver. Remove stop keep-screw. Drive out stop with the drift, interposing a bit of wood or leather to avoid bruising the stop. Withdraw handle and locking-screw shaft. Remove locking-screw. To mount, proceed in reverse order. CARE AND PRESERVATION.The gun requires no special care beyond that of being kept clean, free from rust and undefaced. Brick-dust or gritty substances must never be used on any part of the gun. The parts of the mechanism must never be scraped with knives or metal, or be defaced or roughened in any way. All parts of the gun must be kept lightly oiled as a protection from rust. After firing, the gun should invariably be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, dismount the mechanism completely and wash every part thoroughly with warm fresh-water soapsuds; mechanism, breech-block, mortise, and barrel should all be treated alike. After thoroughly scrubbing all parts, dry them carefully and let all stand for a short time to air and dry off the moisture. After drying, rub all parts over with a well-oiled rag. Mount the mechanism. On the march the breech and muzzle should always be protected by the covers supplied for the purpose. When parked, guns and carriages should be covered with paulins. SIGHTS.The Front Sight is a plain roughened steel point-sight, and is permanently fixed to the right rim-base. Fig. 4. The Bar Tangent Sight (Fig. 4) is a plain vertical bar-sight carrying a sliding leaf conveniently graduated. Both the bar and the leaf have clamp-screws to fix them in position. The tangent sight is only mounted on the gun The bar is graduated to 15°, each being subdivided into six parts. It may be graduated in yards or metres. It is compensated for natural drift. A vernier-mark on the head of the sight and graduations on the sliding leaf correct ordinary deviations. The Gunner's Quadrant, for mountain-guns, is a small pocket-quadrant with a spirit-level limb pivoted. On the arc are inscribed both the degrees of elevation and ranges corresponding to the gun for which it is used. It is thoroughly reliable both for direct and curved fire, and to a very great extent supplants the sight-bar. The recoil is checked by rope-brakes, hooked to the trail-handles and passed around the felloes of the wheels. No limber is used, but a pole which is readily attached to the trail is provided for hauling the carriage. AMMUNITION.The ammunition is fixed, and consists of common shell and canister.
The drawn metallic cartridge-case (Fig. 5) is of brass, and is drawn from the solid metal to shape. It is reinforced at the base by inside (c) and outside (b) cups of the same metal. The head (d) is fastened to the base by brass rivets which clamp the body, cups, and head solidly together. A vent (v) is pierced through the head of the Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. The Common Shell (Fig. 6) is of the cylindro-ogival pattern with a brass band, and is fitted with a base percussion-fuze. It contains a bursting-charge of about 1¾ oz. (950 grammes) of musket-powder. The Canister (Fig. 7) consists of a thin envelope of drawn brass, containing thirty hardened 1-oz. lead balls packed in sulphur. On the body is an annular stop to prevent inserting too far into the cartridge-case. The cartridge-case can be recharged on an average about eight times. The Carriage.
Fig. 8. Nomenclature (see Fig. 8).—(a) trail; (b) axle; (c) wheel; (d) cap-squares; (e) breast-transom; (f) elevating-screw; (g) lunette; (h) hook. DESCRIPTION.The carriage-body consists of two steel brackets forming cheeks and trail. They are reinforced by angle-steel and connected by transoms. The axle is secured in beds riveted to the brackets, and is arranged to be readily dismounted when required. The elevating-gear consists of a simple screw working in a stout steel transom, and supports the breech of the gun; the preponderance is sufficient to insure stability. The sponge and rod are secured to the right side of the trail by suitable attachments. A pole is provided for draught when easy country is encountered, and provision is made for attaching it to the lunette. The following articles are carried in the gunner's haversack: 1 tangent-sight; 1 lanyard; 1 spare-extractor; 1 spare stop-bolt; 1 dismounting-pin; 1 oil-can; 2 cleaning-brushes; 1 screw-driver; 1 pair cutting-pliers; 1 vent-cleaner; friction-primers. Leather covers are provided for the breech and muzzle of the gun. Two bricoles are provided for use in moving by hand. The band of the bricole is of stout canvas, having a short length of rope at its lower end, provided with a stout hook for hooking into the swivels on the ends of the axles. Hotchkiss Point Percussion-fuze.The Hotchkiss Point Fuze (Fig. 9) consists of four main parts: the body A, the plunger B, the head C, and the safety-plug D. The Body is cylindrical and of brass, with a screw-thread and stout shoulder at the upper end for securing in the shell. The outside of the shoulder is shaped to the ogive. A chamber is fashioned in the body, whose base has a conical hole bored for the safety-plug. The Plunger is a hollow brass cylinder with a lead lining to give it weight, and containing a chamber in which is a small charge of powder with a fulminate cap over it, the whole being covered with foil as a preservative against moisture. A small brass wire is inserted in the lower part of the plunger, bent up so that the ends project through the safety-plug hole. The Safety-plug is a lead stopper forced tightly into the hole in the bottom, and by pinching the ends of the brass wire holds the plunger steady. The Head is of gun-metal, the outside following the ogival contour and being provided with a screw-thread for securing it in the body. In the centre of the lower RANGE TABLE FOR 1.65-INCH HOTCHKISS MOUNTAIN-GUN.
If the axle of the carriage be not horizontal, multiply the difference of level of the wheels in inches (or the inclination of the trunnions in degrees) by the elevation in degrees for the given range; the result will be the deflection in minutes to be applied on the side of the higher wheel. Fig. 9. When the shell is fired, the plunger is forced to the rear, driving the safety-plug into the shell. The small wires being free to let the plunger drive forward, hold it steadily with the rotation of the shell, and keep it from dropping forward on the descending arc of a high trajectory. On impact the plunger drives forward, and the little magazine is exploded by contact with the point. A Frankford Arsenal point percussion-fuze, small (model 1894), weight 2¼ oz., is now made for 1.65-inch ammunition. It is similar to the fuze for the 3.2-inch field-gun. DISMOUNTING.To dismount the mechanism: See page 4. To dismount the gun: Throw back the cap-squares and lift straight up at breech and muzzle. To dismount the wheels: Take out the linch-pins, lift the carriage at the axles and slip the wheels off. To dismount the axle: Slack back the clamp-screws about one turn; back the small keep-screws about four turns. Dismount the wheels; pull out the axle. To mount the parts, proceed in inverse order. LOADING-TOOLS AND INSTRUCTIONS.Nomenclature.—Loading-press; loading-sleeve; common shell-plunger; canister-plunger; ejector; charge-measure; burster-measure; cartridge-funnel; shell-funnel; cleaning-brush; fuze-wrench. The loading-tools are supplied in sets, enclosed in an For methods to be followed see instructions given for preparing ammunition for 3-inch gun, page 31, et seq. The Packing Outfit for 1.65-inch Gun.This consists of: One pack-saddle, for carrying the gun and wheels of the carriage. One pack-saddle, for carrying the gun-carriage, the pole, the splinter-bar, the harness-sack (containing the harness and the pole-yoke), and the ammunition-pack. One pack-saddle, for carrying the four ammunition-boxes. One set of double harness. One pole and neck-yoke (the pole is hinged so that it can be folded for packing). One splinter-bar. Four ammunition-boxes holding 18 rounds each. One ammunition-pack holding 6 rounds, for use in an emergency. Blinds, for use when packing. The Pack-saddles are identical, with the exception of the yokes for carrying the different parts and a few minor changes in the pads. The Harness is for two mules and consists of bridles, breast-collars, martingales, breeching, traces and pole-straps, and harness-sack (duck). The pole, neck-yoke, and splinter-bar are made of hickory. Ammunition-boxes are made of pine and are 24" × 8" × 8". They have sliding covers, which are connected to the box by a lifting hinge. Each box holds 18 rounds of ammunition, and friction-primers. Weight of box empty 11 lbs. 8 oz.; weight of box filled 59 lbs., about. PARTS OF OUTFIT PER GUN.
METHOD OF PACKING.1. On long marches with a wagon train the whole packing outfit will be carried in the wagon train when practicable. 2. On packing the outfit to make expeditions, if it is known that there will be no occasion for hauling the gun and carriage, the hauling appliances, viz., harness, pole, yoke, and splinter-bar, can be left behind in the wagon train, at a camp or post, as the case may be; but as the hauling appliances add little to the pack, and unexpected occasions for their use are probable, they should be carried as a rule. 3. The gun and carriage are to be hauled whenever practicable country for hauling occurs, on a long march, to ease the animals, and especially if their backs get sore, and also in action if the ground will admit of it. 4. If the draught animals are led, the pack-saddles can be left on the animals loosely cinched. 5. If a driver rides one draught animal, its pack-saddle can be placed on the other animal, or both saddles can be placed on gun and carriage. 6. Pressure should fall on back, not on spine and not on sides. Mules differ in shape; the same mule is not always symmetrical, and the condition varies; therefore, when saddles fit do not change them without good reason. Fold saddle-blanket in four folds and place it carefully on the animal; then place the saddle on the blanket and in the middle of the animal's back, so as to interfere as little as possible with his free action, and cinch tightly with saddle-cincha. They should be drawn tighter than with riding-saddles, but only tight enough to keep the saddle securely in its place. With a young mule tighten gradually and gently. Ammunition-mules scarcely need such tight girthing as saddle-mules. The dock of the crupper must be kept soft, smooth, and pliable. 7. See that everything fits properly before loading. Place the hand under the blanket to make sure that pressure does not fall on the withers. On the least sign of a rub on the ribs take measures to relieve the pressure from that point, changing the load if possible. In cases of this sort, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A slightly galled mule can generally carry its saddle, and sometimes be worked, if proper measures are taken. After cleansing and drying the wound dust it with sulphur 3 parts, iodoform 1 part, and then put a piece of old-fashioned court-plaster over it if the animal is to be worked. Instructions for Packing.Saddles.—Fold saddle-blanket in four folds and place it on the animal; place saddle on blanket and cinch tightly with saddle-cincha. No. 3 saddles the carriage-mule and acts as driver. No. 4 saddles the gun-mule and acts as driver. No. 5 saddles the first ammunition-mule and acts as driver. No. 6 saddles the second ammunition-mule and acts as driver. FIRST ANIMAL.(See Fig. 10.) Gun and Wheels.—The gunner removes the tangent-sight, placing it in the haversack, and puts on the breech-cover. No. 1 throws back the right cap-square and puts on the muzzle-cover and grasps gun by manoeuvring-handle. No. 2 throws back the left cap-square and grasps end of breech-block. Fig. 10. No. 4 leads the gun-mule to the gun and places him three yards to the rear of the trail, facing to the rear. The gunner, grasping the muzzle, commands "Lift," and all lift the gun from the carriage and place it in its bearings, breech in front, sight down. The gunner, assisted by Nos. 1 and 2, puts cargo-cincha over gun, trunnions passing through slots, edge of cincha nearest to slots in front; cinches to belly-cincha; and then puts gun-pad on breech of gun. Nos. 1 and 2 on their respective sides then lift the axle while the gunner removes the wheels and replaces linch-pins and washers; Nos. 1 and 2 fasten them together with wheel-strap, dish of wheels inside, and place them astride of gun, hubs between wheel-pads on cargo-cincha, lower them to their proper position, and suspend them with the hub-strap which passes around the hubs and over top of gun. On most animals the best position for wheels is to have the distance from bottom of hub, measured over top of saddle, 36 inches. Nos. 1 and 2 then buckle around the rim of wheel, on their respective sides, the two wheel-straps, which are attached to the belly-cincha chape, two spokes apart on each side, and tighten these straps until the wheels are in the best position and bear firmly on the cargo-cincha wheel-pads, and on the gun-pad. The wheel-pack is then secure and can be easily adjusted from time to time to aid the animal on the march. If further security is required, lash the wheels with the lashing-rope; fasten one end of rope to one hub, pass it around wheels, under corners of saddle-pads and over and under the animal, and draw tight. (The most expert packer of the detachment should be required to perform the duties pertaining to that work when necessary, as it is very important that the work should be done properly.) SECOND ANIMAL.(See Fig. 11.) Carriage and Harness.—No. 3 leads the carriage-mule up and places him three yards in front of muzzle, facing to the front. No. 1 places harness (in its sack) on left side with pole-yoke under flap of harness-sack, and secures them in position with the two straps which are attached to the saddle. No. 2 places pole (butt end in front) and splinter-bar on right side and secures them in position with the two straps which are attached to the saddle, passing the straps twice around the pole and bar. The front strap passes once in front and once in rear of the pintle-pin. The gunner at the trail and Nos. 1 and 2 at the axle lift the carriage and place it in position on top of saddle, bottom down, trail to the rear, so that special shapes of saddle arch-irons will engage in the carriage. The front arch-iron enters the slot just in rear of carriage-axle. Fig. 11. The gunner passes the cargo-cincha over the carriage, the wooden block down, and in between side flanges of trail, elevating-screw passing through hole in cincha and wooden block; then receives from No. 1 the ammunition-pack and places it in position; cinches securely, fastens the primer-pouch and haversack containing accessories around gun-carriage cheek, and this pack is complete. Note.—The harness, pole-yoke, and splinter-bar are not necessary to this pack, and the carriage packs equally well without them. If on the saddle, they are to be left on it in coming into action; that is, the carriage can be unpacked and repacked without disturbing them. THIRD OR FOURTH ANIMAL.(See Fig. 12.) Ammunition.—Each animal carries four ammunition boxes, each containing 18 rounds of ammunition: total rounds 72. Nine cartridges and ten primers are packed in each end of each box. The gunner and Nos. 1, 2, and 3 put the ammunition-boxes in position, the two top ones first, simultaneously, and then the two bottom ones in the same way. No. 3 then returns to his mule, which he had turned over to No. 4; and Nos. 1 and 2 secure the boxes in position by the straps fastened to the clips, and the gunner cinches them securely with the cargo-cincha. He then passes a lashing-rope around the iron handles on the ends of the boxes and over the pack, and the whole is securely fastened in place. Fig. 12. TO HARNESS FOR DRAUGHT.Nos. 3 and 4 place harness on their mules, and lead them into position for hitching, and when the pole has been adjusted complete hitching in front of mules. Nos. 1 and 2 lift trail and the gunner attaches the pole. Nos. 1 and 2 hitch traces. WEIGHTS TO BE CARRIED BY EACH MULE.
Artificer's Tools and Supplies.In the composition of a complete mountain-battery must be included the necessary tools and supplies for making any repairs that may be required, for shoeing the pack-animals, etc. These constitute the loads for four pack-mules, as follows: PIONEER PACK.
Suggested Organization and Equipment.The detailed exercise and tactics for mountain-batteries differ slightly in different military services, but the following general directions conform to the normal condition and will serve for the organization of temporary mountain-batteries. For packing, each piece complete requires four mules. For the service of each gun seven men are required, of which three fight the gun in action and four serve as mule-drivers and reserves. A full battery consists of six pieces in time of war and four in time of peace, and should comprise, in addition to the equipments of a single piece, one field-forge, with transport-mule and driver; two transport-boxes, containing farrier's, carpenter's, and saddler's tools, with transport-mule and driver (one spare wheel packed on this mule); one spare carriage complete, with transport-mule and The battery should be organized into platoons under lieutenants, each platoon consisting of a section under a sergeant. Each section (the personnel and material of one gun) should consist of the chief of section, gun detachment (one corporal and six privates), and extra drivers and spare men. If there be but one ammunition-mule to a section, the number of men would be reduced to six. The first sergeant should command the ordnance-mules not with the first line, viz.: ammunition, spare carriage, blacksmith's and wheelwright's tools, relief. He is assisted by the stable-sergeant. The second lieutenant commands the pack-train, and is assisted by the quartermaster-sergeant. The commissioned officers, first sergeant, quartermaster-sergeant, stable-sergeant, and trumpeters should be mounted on horses; the blacksmith, wheelwright, and cooks, on mules. Officers, sergeants, and trumpeters should be armed with pistols; all enlisted men other than sergeants and trumpeters, with carbines. In line there should be an interval of twelve yards between sections. The positions of the captain and lieutenant, and first sergeant and chiefs of section, are the same as in a field-battery, both in line and column. The mules of a section are in the following order: carriage-mule, gun-mule, and ammunition-mules with the distance of a yard between them, and in column with a distance of two yards between sections. The gunner is near the right flank of leading mule; Nos. 1 and 2 are similarly placed with respect to the second and third mules. The drivers are on the left and opposite the heads of their mules. TABLE OF ANIMALS REQUIRED FOR FOUR-GUN BATTERY.
Service of the 1.65-inch Hotchkiss Gun.Men Required.—A gunner and five privates. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 serve as cannoneers; Nos. 4 and 5 attend animals. Equipments.—Gunner and No. 1, primer-pouches; Nos. 2 and 3, cartridge-pouches. Duties.—The gunner commands, attaches and detaches the pole, sets the sight, points, and superintends the service of the ammunition. No. 1 mans right wheel, controls brake-rope, opens and closes breech, and fires piece. No. 2 mans the left wheel, controls brake-rope, introduces the ammunition into the bore, and assists in pointing. No. 3 keeps No. 2 supplied with ammunition and assists the gunner in attaching and detaching the pole. Nos. 4 and 5 attend animals. HOTCHKISS 3-INCH MOUNTAIN-GUN.Fig. 13. DESCRIPTION.
The breech-mechanism of this gun differs from the 1.65-inch in that its stop-bolt engages in a guide in the lower part of the block. The front sight is of the open type, allowing of a large field of view. The tangent-sight is provided with a sliding head by means of which it may be set before placing it on the gun, and a deflection-slide for correcting for drift, wind, etc. On the deflection-slide is an open notch for rough, and a peep-sight for fine, sighting. The sight-bar is graduated on one side in ranges, on the other in millimetres. The sights are on the left side. The Carriage.Fig. 14. Nomenclature.—(1) trail; (2) axle; (3) wheel; (4) cap-squares; (5) hooks; (6) elevating-screw; (7) elevating-lever; (8) elevating-transom; (9) lunette; (10) lunette-plate; (11) trail-handles; (12) brakes; (13) sponge and rod. DESCRIPTION.
The carriage-body consists of two steel brackets forming stock and trail. They are reinforced by angle-steel and connected by transoms. The axle is stiffened by a reinforcing-plate to which is riveted the carriage-body. The The Prairie Limber.Fig. 15. Nomenclature.—(1) axle; (2) axle-beds; (3) frame; (4) body; (5) pintle; (6) pintle-key; (7) shafts; (8) prop; (9) prolonge-hooks; (10) ammunition-chests. DESCRIPTION.
This limber is designed to relieve the pack-animals where possible. It carries four of the mountain ammunition-chests, which may at once be removed and carried on the pack when necessary, the limber-body being temporarily abandoned. Two of the pack-animals will be found sufficient for draught, leaving three as a relief or for the transport of forage. The Limber consists of a frame of angle-steel, which is provided with beds to receive the axle. The body is formed of steel plate, with compartments for the reception of four ammunition-chests. The outer chests are raised slightly above those in the middle, and may be opened without removing them from the limber. On the limber are carried a paulin, a combined prolonge and picket-rope, a felling-axe, a shovel and a pickaxe. The Ammunition-chests are made of wood, covered with waterproof canvas, and are strongly ironed. They provide for carrying eight rounds of ammunition, and have a compartment wherein may be placed a package of friction-primers and the fuze-case. The latter is a metallic box having compartments for five combination fuzes in their sealed packages. The Ammunition.
Fig. 16. The Ammunition consists of a cartridge-case containing the powder-charge, and the projectile. The drawn metal cartridge-case (Fig. 16) is of brass, and is drawn from the solid metal to shape. It is reinforced at the base by inside and outside cups of the same metal. The head is fastened to the base by brass rivets, which clamp the case, cups, and head solidly together. A vent is pierced through the head of the cartridge, and five eccentric-fire holes through the reinforcing-cups. Between the reinforcing-cups is held an iron obturator. The jet of flame from the primer, entering the vent, lifts the obturator and forces its way through the fire-holes to the charge. The charge being ignited, the pressure of the gas immediately forces back the obturator and seals the vent. The Charge consists of 14 oz. I. K. granular powder. In order to vary the charge the ammunition is made in two parts, viz., projectile and cartridge-case. The car The vent of the cartridge is sealed with a thin coating of wax. The Common Shell (Fig. 17) is of the cylindro-ogival pattern, with a copper band, and is fitted with a point percussion-fuze. It contains a bursting-charge of about 6.3 ounces (180 grammes) of fine-grain powder. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. Fig. 19. The Shrapnel (Fig. 18) is made of cast iron. It consists of a body to which the head is attached by three copper rivets. The bursting-charge of about 1¾ ounces of fine-grain powder is contained in a chamber in the base, which is brought into communication with the fuze by a central The Canister (Fig. 19) consists of a thin brass envelope, which is lined with six wrought-iron segments. The head is of wood, and is fitted with a false point to bring it to the same length as the common shell. On the body is an annular stop to prevent inserting too far into the cartridge-case. The canister contains 125 hardened lead balls. The common shell are painted black, the shrapnel red, and the canister are unpainted. Accessories and Spare Parts.The following accessories and spare parts are supplied with each gun, carriage, and limber: GUN.
Artificer's Tools and Supplies.In the composition of a complete mountain-battery must be included the necessary tools and supplies for making any repairs that may be required, for shoeing the pack-animals, etc. These constitute the loads for four mules, as follows: PIONEER-PACK.
Loading-tools and Instructions.Tools for loading the ammunition are supplied in sets, enclosed in an oak chest. They are not to be carried into the field. The set consists of:
TO FILL COMMON SHELL.Insert the funnel in fuze-hole and pour in bursting-charge, at the same time tapping side of shell with a wooden mallet. Clean the fuze-hole carefully with brush, and make sure that no powder remains in the thread. Screw the fuze tightly home. If the fuze requires more force than can be given with the key to screw it home, lay it aside. Never strike a fuze or attempt to force it. TO FILL THE CARTRIDGE-CASE.Weigh the charge (never measure it) and pour it in the case through a funnel. Shake the charge well down by tapping side of case with flat of the hand. Insert the wad. TO ASSEMBLE CARTRIDGE (1'.65).The common shell are inserted filled and fuzed, the shrapnel empty. Oil the base of the projectile lightly, and centre in the mouth of the cartridge case, the latter standing on the bench. Slip the sleeve vertically over projectile and cartridge-case. Turn the sleeve to a horizontal position, holding the head of the cartridge with the left hand, and lay the sleeve in the press. Insert the proper plunger, so that it bears on the head of the projectile. Screw the press home until the band of the projectile touches the mouth of the cartridge, or until the shoulder of the plunger bears against the front of the sleeve. Unscrew the press, remove the plunger, push out cartridge with the ejector. Never strike the ejector under any pretence. Pass the cartridge into the gauge and close slide. TO FILL SHRAPNEL.The shrapnel is assembled with the cartridge-case before filling. Pour in the bursting-charge very slowly, at the same time tapping the projectile lightly with a mallet. Clean the fuze-hole carefully, and screw the plug firmly home. Shrapnel should not be fuzed except in the field, at the moment of their employment. The above rules find general application, the methods being modified to suit the case, viz., whether fixed ammunition, or charge and projectile separate. 3-INCH MOUNTAIN-GUN RANGE TABLE.
(From Hotchkiss Pamphlet.) Suggested Organization of a 3-inch Hotchkiss Mountain-battery.The organization is made on the same principles as those of the 1.65-inch mountain-battery. The section, consisting of one piece, requires for its service and transport ten men and nine pack-animals. Of the men, gunner and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 as cannoneers; 7, 8, 9, attend animals. The pack-animals are distributed as follows: 1 gun-mule. 1 carriage-mule. 1 wheel, shafts, and accessory mule. 6 ammunition-mules. The proportion of each kind of ammunition carried will depend upon the nature of the campaign, but in general each ammunition-chest should contain five shrapnel, two common shell, and one canister, making a total allowance per gun: 60 shrapnel with combination fuzes. 24 common shell with percussion-fuzes. 12 canister. A full battery should consist of six pieces, and should comprise, in addition to the equipment of six sections: 1 pioneer outfit, with mule and driver. 1 mountain-forge, with mule and driver. 2 artificer's chests, containing farrier's, wheelwright's, and saddler's tools, with mule and driver. 2 chests with farrier's, wheelwright's, and saddler's supplies, one spare wheel, with mule and driver. 1 spare carriage complete, with two mules and one driver. 3 ammunition-chests, with small-arms ammunition and small stores, with mule. Equipments.—Gunner's pouch; No. 1, primer-pouch; Nos. 2, 3 and 4 cartridge-pouches. Duties.—Gunner commands; limbers and unlimbers; sets the sight; points, and superintends service of ammunition. No. 1 mans the right wheel; controls brake-rope; opens and closes breech; fires piece. No. 2 mans the left wheel; controls brake-rope; introduces the ammunition into the bore; assists in pointing. No. 3 keeps No. 2 supplied with ammunition (first setting time-fuze and removing safety-pin) and assists the gunner in limbering and unlimbering. No. 4 keeps No. 2 supplied with ammunition (first setting time-fuze and removing safety-pin). No. 5 receives ammunition from No. 6; removes plugs from shrapnel; fuzes same; loosens cap of time-fuze, and issues prepared ammunition to Nos. 3 and 4. No. 6 passes ammunition to No. 5; opens time-fuze cylinders, and brings up ammunition-mules as required. At the command "Cease firing," Nos. 5 and 6 equalize ammunition in boxes. Nos. 7, 8, and 9 attend animals. TO PACK.The mules are brought up at a trot, and stationed: Gun-mule three yards in rear of trail and facing to rear. Carriage-mule three yards in front of muzzle, facing to front. Wheel-mule three yards to left of gun, facing to front. To Pack the Gun (Fig. 20).—No. 4 takes the lifting-bars from wheel-pack and passes them to the gunner and No. 2; No. 3 procures breech and muzzle covers from gun-pack, hands muzzle-cover to No. 1 and straps on breech-cover; No. 1 throws open cap-squares and adjusts muzzle-cover; the gunner and No. 2 pass ends of lifting-bars to Nos. 3 and 1. All numbers facing to the rear, the gunner com Fig. 20. Fig. 21. To Pack the Carriage (Fig. 21).—The gunner and No. 3 remove the linchpins; Nos. 1 and 2 lift the axle; the gunner and No. 3 remove the wheels and replace the linchpins; Nos. 1 and 2 grasping the axle-arms, the gun Fig. 22. AMMUNITION MULE.Fig. 23. To Pack the Wheels (Fig. 22).—The gunner and No. 3 lift the wheels and place them separately on the pack, Unpacking is performed in the reverse order to packing. WEIGHT CARRIED BY EACH MULE.